The Marvelous Elijah’s Return

Chapter 107

Chapter 107

Judgment day

The silence in the lobby was ruined by Daniel, Mr. Boone, Elrod, Madden, Laurier, Viotto, Fox, Caddel, Francis, and Mr. Amana‘s steps as they walked through the front door of Investistic Co.

The ten men looked confused, seeing that Elijah was not there to greet them, and Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

only Dice with a bunch of security guards were standing in the building, and some

guarding outside.

Since they recognized Dice from the other day, they approached him, and knowing Elijah‘s instructions, Dice smiled softly at the men, giving them a welcoming atmosphere.

‘Where are Elijah and Peach?” Mr. Boone asked him.

“My boss will be here soon, but in the meantime, you guys can wait on him in the

board room.” Dice said, keeping his face calm while looking into their eyes.

“This is crazy. Why host a meeting if you can not show up on time,” Mr. Elrod said, frowning hard.

“Please follow me to the conference room.”

“Ignoring me, I see.”

A faint smile was the only thing he got from Dice before he walked off, heading for the elevator.

The board of directors was hesitant to follow him, feeling uneasy to be in an empty building with men they knew nothing off.

“I don‘t think this is a good idea,” Mr. Caddel said, looking at the nine men.

“If we start to act suspicious, it will only give rise to that boy to dig into the files, so we have to stay calm and not act restless.” Mr. Fox said, hardening his face to look


“What if he already did?” Mr. Francis asked in concern.

“It‘s just been a day since he got hold of the briefcases, I don’t think he had thought about them, Fox. Also, look at the state of the company… I think he has his hand filled with that.” Mr. Madden said, trying to convince himself as much as the others.

“You thinking is not a Guarantee… I am with Caddel on this matter, and I want out of

this shit!” Mr. Amana said in a low, but aggressive tone.

When the elevator door opened, Dice turned to look at the ten men still standing in their same position, and he called out, “Are you guys coming?”

Desperate, Mr. Amana looked back at the entrance of the building and saw that security has blocked the doors, causing chills to run down his spine.

With one last glance in Dice‘s direction, he decided to go with the others, who started moving towards the elevator, knowing that there was no other way out.

The room was quiet as Mr. Bamford, Ben, Matt, Ryan, Jerome, and Larry with Elijah

and a few others sat

the table, and Elijah silently watched Ben and his team review Peach‘s works from the two briefcases since that was what he gave them first.

His legs slightly bounced up and down as the tip of his index fingers slowly brushed

against his lips, studying their faces as if they would tell him something.

He was getting restless, waiting for someone else to speak up, and then Elijah met

Ben‘s eyes when he raised his head, finally saying, “Who did these transactions?”

“My wife,” Elijah said with pride and confidence, a small smile forming on his lips.

“She did?

“Why? Is there a problem?”

Silence settled in the atmosphere for a second as Ben looked back at the paper, and then mumbled.” Wow.”

Then he turned to look at everyone else, and then continued, “Because of the time limit you had given us. we were only able to review a few of her works, but, no…

there‘s no problem… At least not with her reports … There‘s a serious problem for Elmer Hayes… She successfully unraveled the issues with these transactions, and well, there is serious criminal

misconduct within them.”

That‘s all Elijah needed to hear, and his smile grew even bigger as he watched the concern on everyone‘s else‘s faces.

“Mr. Bamford?” Elijah said, turning to the Chief, who looked amused and troubled at the thought of going head to head with the Hayes

“This is a costly and dangerous road you are about to take… Are you sure you want to push this further?” Mr. Bamford said, looking straight into Elijah‘s eye.

“I have the money and resources to do this, and I am not stopping until Elmer Hayes is locked behind bars,” Elijah stated calmly, his smile gone and replaced with a cold stare.

“Alright… If that‘s how you feel, then let‘s put your plan into action. I will open a police investigation as Ben and the others continue gathering more evidence… That way, Elmer Hayes can not escape out of the country…”


Confused about the fact that Elijah was going hard on members of his wife‘s family, Ben held back his tongue from questioning, saying, “This a serious issue from the evidence your wife had already given us, and it might go to court… That can be costly… Do you have a reputable lawyer–”

“He does.” Mr. Bamford cut in, staring at Ryan directly in the face, meeting his calm


The conference hall had been quiet for a while until the board members slowly grew restless as the sound of the ticking from the wall clock became louder with each passing second, making the men feel uneasy.

As the minutes slowly completed an hour, they stared at each other‘s faces, and then, Fox stood up finally, lashing out, “This is bullshit! I am leaving this–”

The rest of his words faded in his head when the door burst open, and Elijah walked in with Matt, Ryan, Jerome, Larry, Rick, three policemen, and Mr. Bamford,

As fear squeezed tightly on his heart, Mr. Fox raised his hands in the air, freezing in his steps with trembling legs.

“Put your damn hands down, Fox!!” Daniel blurted out, pissed that he was acting

guilty before they could even find out what was going on.

Then Daniel looked over at Elijah after Fox snapped out of his trance and slowly lowered his hands.

Frowning slightly, he watched Elijah‘s unreadable expression and asked, “What‘s with all the officers… I thought this was a board meeting.”

“It was… until my darling wife gave me a beautiful surprise,” Elijah said with a look that sent shivers down the board members‘ spine, not because he looked like an evil genius, but because the man standing in front of them looked bold and confident, and that intimidated the shit out of them.

Heart throbbing in their chest and with sweaty palms, the board of directors tried to remain calm and collected, but they couldn‘t hide the nervousness in their eyes.

“Daniel, Mr. Boone, Elrod, Madden, Laurier, Viotto, Fox, Caddel, Francis, and Mr.

Amana, you ten along with Elmer Hayes are under investigation for fraud, conspiracy, and filing false documents… You are not allowed to leave the country until further notice.” Mr. Bamford announced with a firm voice.

‘Fuck!! We were all wrong… We are all damn idiots!!! This is not good! It‘s not

good! Shit! This is bad!! Really bad!!‘ Mr. Amana kept screaming in his head, his heart racing as the words echoed in his mind and he felt his blood freeze within seconds.

‘I was wrong… This bastard actually made the file his top priority… But why? Why is this boy doing this?! Coming for the Hayes with such strong motivation. Why is he not afraid?…‘Mr. Madden thought as he kept his head low in shock and confusion,

unable to comprehend the situation

‘Is someone behind you, boy?! Who‘s your puppet master, playing you by the strings… is that why you are this unshakable in the face of a storm you have made?‘ Mr. Viotto thought in his panic, holding himself back, knowing better than to say anything

as he could only watch Elijah‘s face without daring to move.‘ Or… Are you the master of your own strings?‘

A cocky laugh from Daniel broke the silence, bringing everyone out of their thoughts as his gaze went to Bamford, saying, “You are wrong… We.”

“We have briefcases of incriminating evidence against you all that are being investigated as we speak, so let‘s not act like we left our brain at home… Okay?” Mr. Bamford interrupted, sounding bored with their pretentious attitudes.

‘We sell out ourselves to this boy out of ignorance… Delivering our crimes right in his hands… How foolish we acted!! Damnit!!‘ Mr. Francis thought furiously.

‘No! This is not our fault… Exactly… This boy fooled us all… He played with us like toys! Mr. Viotto thought as his hands started shaking, feeling powerless once again.

“With that said, this board meeting is adjourned, and you all are fired from your position as a board of directors from this company… You are free to go home and wait for judgment day…” Elijah said, the corner of his lips tilting upwards in slight amusement as he looked at each member in their shaky gaze.

‘Who the fuck is his devil?! Like seriously, whose child is this?!‘ Mr. Amana thought with anger.

Trying to stay confident, Daniel ignored the pounding sound of his heart in his ear and said, Judgment day… Let‘s wait and see if Madam Jewel has anything to say about that… No one, not even you, boy,

is locking Elmer‘s ass in prison when his mother is a Hayes!‘

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