The Marvelous Elijah’s Return

Chapter 103

Chapter 103

We have a date

The soft texture of the sheet as Elijah brushed his hands against it made him immediately open his eyes. and whisper, “Peach!”

The storm of panic he felt softly faded when he sat up and saw her at the table, focusing on a pile of documents with scrabble up sheets scattered around.

Her attention was solely on the papers that she didnt even notice him staring at her for a long while before he got off the bed, stretched out his shorts legs, and walked over to her with a smile

“Morning, beautiful,” Elijah said in a low voice, resting his palms on the table to lean over and kiss the top of Peach‘s head

Slowly, she looked up at him, tilting her head up a bit so that they could lock eyes as she said softly,” Morning,”

And then she studied his face with a warm smile before focusing back on the paper, her messy morning hair falling over her forehead like a curtain and his white t–shirt neck slacking off her shoulder

“I left you in this exact spot and went to bed. Did you get enough sleep?” Elijah asked, pulling away from the table, and then he walked off

Eyeing her husband hesitantly, Peach sighed and then said, “You slept like a baby I guess you didn‘t feel me getting into the bed last night. But even if it doesn‘t look like it, I just woke up from sleep.”

Silence settled for a while as Peach focused back on the document, and for a while, she was deep into it until she felt Elijah gently brush her hair back, and she froze as he tied it into a loose ponytail.

“What are we having for breakfast?” Elijah mumbled as she spaced out, staring at him with a soft expression

“Toast and cheese with coffee…” Peach replied, trying to fight back the urge to forget the paperwork and cuddle into him.

His sudden ringtone interrupted the silence, and both of them turned their heads toward it, and Elijah sighed as he walked over to the night stand and picked it up.

Seeing that it was an unknown number, he hesitated for a second but finally answered the call, saying,”


“Is Peach awake or sleeping in your arms,” Melina‘s voice came from the other line, and Elijah immediately ended the call, looking over at his wife, and instantly, they locked eyes, and Peach gave a soft smile before focusing on the paper.

His ringtone went off again right after, and he took another breath before answering this time with a serious tone of voice, “Bryan, morning.”

“Let me guess. You forgot what day it is?” Bryan teased, and Elijah groaned loudly as Peach looked over at him curiously, watching as he pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration.

“Crap!” Elijah cursed before glancing back over to Peach.

“We have a date today.”

“Right! Right… Where? At what time?”

“Check your inbox.”

“Okay… I will be there.”

After hanging off the phone, Elijah went to his call log first and blocked the number that Melina called him on, and then he hit his inbox icon to see Bryan‘s message, whispering, “Twelve,”

“These numbers don‘t seem right,” Peach whispered, her brows furrowing slightly, and Elijah glanced over at her, laying down his phone on the nightstand.

Then he walked over to her, taking a look at the sheet with concern, and asked, “What‘s

not right?”

“I am not sure yet, but so far the figures seem suspiciously huge for the company earnings… with

these numbers, Investistic Co. should be one of the top businesses in the country.”

Peach muttered.

Silently, Elijah watched her for a moment, and then he asked, “Are you sure you can handle this.”

“After cracking something this wild, I want to continue. Investistic Co. is for us, and I want to play my part too.” Peach replied, giving him a reassuring smile.

A look of hesitation crossed Elijah‘s face, and he said, “I got a meeting today, but I can cancel”

“Don‘t, please. You can go… I promise I will be fine.” Peach said without lifting her sight off the paper,

Seeing how drawn she was to work, he knew leaving her alone meant she would remain at this exact spot, working, and he let out a breath.

“I‘m calling Ryan… He‘s an excellent lawyer so whatever you need to know, legal–wise, he will give you clarity, okay?” Elijah said, looking down at her.

When Peach nodded in response, he rested his index finger under her chin and raised her head to meet his eyes, making her gulp and stare back into his own.

“Are you okay with Ryan coming over?” Elijah asked, his voice hushed and gentle as he raised a brow.

“Yes,” Peach nodded slowly, feeling her heart skip a beat and her cheeks burn hot, and then she added, “I trust him, and I am okay with it.”

“Good. If you need anything, call me.”


As her head lowered slightly, she felt Elijah‘s hand move from her chin up to cup her cheek, looking into her eyes, and wondering if he should tell her about Melina‘s call.

“What is it?” Peach asked, smiling sweetly up at him.

Eyes wide, Elijah quickly blurted out, “Nothing! Just… Don‘t stress yourself out,


“Okay,” Peach responded with a nod, and then smiled brightly up at him before going back to the papers on the table.

But Elijah suddenly grabbed her wrist, making her look back at him as he said, “I think the only way my mind can be at rest to walk out of here is by leaving you in good condition.”

“Good conditions?” Peach repeated, raising an eyebrow at him.

“Yes. Now, stand up. We are going to take an shower, and then we will have



As Elijah gently pulled her out of the chair, Peach pouted at the papers, not wanting to part with them, but she followed him, looking back every second before Elijah finally dragged her into the bathroom.

Once inside, Elijah closed the door behind him and turned to her, making Peach raise an eyebrow at him in question.

Taking a deep breath, he stepped closer to her, pinning her back against the door as he cages her between his hands, leaning forward so their faces were inches apart.

“You trust me, right?” Elijah asked in a calm voice, making Peach‘s heartbeat quicken.

When Peach didn‘t answer right away, he grabbed her by the waist, raising her off the tiles, causing her legs to immediately wrap themselves around his hips as she

giggled loudly. “I trust you.”

Resting her back against the wall as his firm grips kept her steady on his waist, she laughed as she looked into his eyes and said, “I trust you with my whole heart, mind,

and body!”

The deepness of her words left him speechless, and for the first time, he was not Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

worried about her breaking his heart, but him hurting hers.

At eleven–fifteen, Elijah was in the backseat of his car as Dice drove him in silence, and it was quiet for a while as Peach‘s words played on Elijah‘s mind.

“How‘s Rick and the others doing watching over the building?” Elijah asked, keeping his eyes on the window as he stared at nothing.

Glancing briefly in the rearview mirror to stare at Elijah, Dice answered humbly, “They wore the company security uniforms as you instructed yesterday, and this morning, no one is questioning them about being around the building.”

“That‘s good. Hopefully by next week, I can have that company kick off and be in business again.” Elijah said, letting out a sigh as he ran his fingers through his short hair.

At exactly twelve, Elijah walked into Golf N‘ Greens lobby, surprised that the place was busy on a Friday afternoon, considering it was still just morning a moment ago.

The receptionist gave a polite smile and then asked, “Do you have a reservation?”

‘Yes. I am meeting with Bryan Checks and a few others.” Elijah replied with a neutral tone.


“Elijah Darius,”

“Hold on one minute, sir, please,”

After searching his name in the system, her doubt was cleared, and her expression became friendlier as she said, “Delen, please escort Mr. Darius to the Crimson & Gold room.”

A while later, Elijah along with Dice followed Delen to a black painted door, and Delen knocked twice before opening the door and stepping aside to allow Elijah inside the room.

“Our final member is here.” Bryan Checks said with a grin as he stood up from his chair, smiling at Elijah.

A look of confusion crossed the face of a guy, who was dressed in a velvet blazer and dress pants, and he glanced between Elijah and Bryan as they hugged.

“Are you shitty us!” He blurted out in surprise and shock, standing up from his seat. “Did you pull us away from our busy schedule to prank us or what?!”

Looking away from Elijah, Bryan scowled as he sighed to calm himself and asked, “What are you talking about, Joey?”

“You made us wait on this punk! Isn‘t he the once old… and now new son–in–law of the Hayes family… Look even if he has a connection with the so–called Hayes, you are way beyond their status and power level!” Joey yelled, his hands balled into fists. “He‘s beneath all of us here! So why the fuck–”

“Enough, Joey!“” Hosah, another one of them, stated sternly as he stepped forward, resting his right hand

on Joey‘s shoulder and holding him back. “Don‘t say something you might regret later.” Grabbing Hosah‘s wrist, Joey aggressively pushed his hand off him and turned around to glare at Elijah before asking, “So why the fuck would you convince us that this… this… has the means to buy huge shares in our companies… you know that I am in desperate need of that money… so why will you pull this shit, man?!”

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