The Marvelous Elijah’s Return

Chapter 100

Chapter 100

Just get the job done

The elevator slowly opened, and Daniel Ferguson along with a couple of old dudes walked out, looking confused like children separated from their parents at the grocery store.

When Daniel‘s eyes locked with Elijah, he scowled slightly, and then walked over to them, saying, “It‘s you.”

“Who are these guys?” Elijah questioned, raising an eyebrow at the other.

Looking back, Daniel stared at his colleagues‘ faces, and then faced Elijah saying, “Mr. Boone, Elrod, Madden, Laurier, Viotto, Fox, Caddel, Francis, and Mr. Amana… The members of the board.”

“You are…” Mr. Elrod stated bluntly, gazing at Elijah. “Madam Jewel‘s new grandson–in–law… Where is your wife.”

“Home,” Elijah said with a casual expression.

An awkward silence settled in the atmosphere as the board of directors ignored him and then stared around.

And almost in unison, they focused back on Elijah and asked, “Where is everyone?”

“Gone,” Elijah said in the same indifferent manner.

“Gone?” Mr. Fox repeated with a disbelieving look. “Gone where?!”

Getting a bit frustrated with the questioning, Elijah rubbed his forehead and said, “I

fired them.”

“What?! Are you crazy!?” Mr. Caddel blurted out. “Where is your wife? Why did she

let you here unsupervised, after all, she now owns this place?!”

The way Elijah‘s expression shifted from calm to annoyed made them instantly

change their tone from demanding to worried ones.

“You ten should go home too and come back on Saturday for the board meeting,”

Elijah said flatly.

“But…” Mr. Laurier stuttered, pausing when Elijah looked away from them.

Focusing on Dice, Elijah‘s face hardened as he said, “Can you get a couple of men to come here? This company is going under lockdown for now, and no one not allowed in this building should be here. If they are, throw them out.”

“I am on it, boss.” Dice let out before walking off to make the call.

A look of annoyance clouded the faces of the directors, but they didn‘t argue, and instead, walked back to . the elevator to get their things from their offices.

Suddenly, Elijah‘s phone buzzed, and he shut his eyes to calm his stress. After the second rang, he drew a deep breath and answered the phone, resting it against his ear.

“J, I had thoughts to call you but have been occupied.” Elijah let out calmly.

“Is something wrong, boss?” Jerome‘s voice came through the line.

“You heard what happened to Meeks, right?” “That lawyer we interrogated that night?… Yeah, I

did… Something about him driving off the highway bridge to his death in the ocean.”

“Well, I am certain that there‘s more to it, involving the Hayes, ‘so can you have your ears on the ground, and any piece of information about that day about him, before the accident happened or even after it did,

get it to me, okay, J?”

“Yes, boss.”

The was a brief pause in the conversation and then Jerome‘s voice came through the line again, “About the Hayes… My cousin attended your wedding, and unfortunately, she couldn‘t bring her boyfriend because he was in jail and just got out a while back, but I guess she told him about you and her words must have been good praises because I just got a call from him.”

“What was the call about?” Elijah asked, sounding very curious.

“Scorpio is a retire henchman, and he just informed me that Madam Jewel is there

with your photos, offering him twenty thousand to kill you, and since he knows who you are through my cousin, he wanted to ask me to give his number to you, so you two can talk right now.” Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“I see… Text me it.”

Standing outside of the building, Scorpio took out his pack of cigarettes, not caring that he left Madam Jewel and her men back in his office.

After lighting it, he was about to take a smoke when his phone started ringing and he slowly took it from his pocket, answering the call.

Hesitating, Elijah didn‘t speak for a while until finally hearing Scorpio say, “Elijah


“Yeah, J just sent me your number,” Elijah replied with a calm voice.

“J?… Ahh! I see, you and Jerome are that close for such informalities, huh?”

“Well, I don‘t see the reason to not be.”

“True. I admire that… A man who knows how to appreciate and respect people, even if there‘s a huge gap between wealth and


Slightly confused by where Scorpio was taking this conversation, Elijah held back his tongue and waited.

“Your grandmother in law is in my office, waiting for my final decision on if I am taking the job to kill you or not,” Scorpio said with a small chuckle before taking a puff from his cigarette.

“So I have heard,” Elijah responded dryly,

“Now, this is the situation, my babe‘s cousin and uncle work for you, and from what I heard from Jerome, you are an okay guy, and they love their current job with you, so, I am not the type to betray family… and since you are somewhat in our circle, I wouldn‘t take the job.”

“That‘s sweet and all, but take the job.”

Those words made Scorpio choke on his cigarette and cough a little bit before letting out, “What? You . want me to kill you?”

“No. I need you to mess with her for a while and earn some Hayes‘ cash in the process.” Elijah said, looking at Ryan, eyeing him with a glance of worry and curiosity in his eyes.

“I am listening.”

“Take the offer, but increase the payment from twenty to forty thousand”

“Will she pay that kind of money for your death…”

“She‘s desperate, so, ‘yes‘ Ask her for a twenty thousand down payment, and then tell her you will request for your balance after my death… So even without killing me,

you still get the full price for not doing the job.”

A cocky smile surfaced on Scorpio‘s face at those words, and an amused laugh

escaped his lips as he watched the smoke float away and then said, “I now know why Dice and Jerome are devoted to you… The Hayes are stupid for coming after a man like


Immediately. Elijah turned around when Dice approached him and said, “Boss, our

men are on their way here.”

“Thanks,” Elijah said before focusing back on the call.

With a soft smile, Scorpio watched the sky as he listened to Elijah‘s voice say, “And every time she calls you to find out why I am not dead yet, tell her that you will soon get the job done, and let her spent her nights and every waking moment waiting and stressing for news that will never happen.”

“Damn!! I don‘t know if I admire or fear you… But one thing I would say is that I am glad I settled for your side and not hers… She seems like those kind of rich douches with nasty attitudes toward us lowlife, who society has cast aside to be

eaten by the darkness.” Scorpio laughed with pain in his eyes.

For a moment Elijah allowed the silence to settle and drag on, and then he said, “If that‘s the case, then | would like to give you a job… not to kill anyone, but protect.”

“I am listening,” Scorpio answered again with the same cocky tone.

“I have a list of people that I hold dear to my heart, my mother–in–law, my wife, a couple of guys‘ names, Ryan, Rookie, Matt, and James, and then there‘s me… I am going in full swing for the Hayes, and I know this will not be their last attempt to get rid of


“Honestly, I thought the same. She‘s going to get tired of asking me to finish the job at some point.”

“Exactly. Jerome said that you are a henchman for hire, so you must know others like yourself… Keep watch in your circle for the names of those people that I called… I will send you pictures later… Alert me if there‘s a target on their back, and get paid every month.”

A look of disbelief crossed Scorpio‘s face as he dropped the cigar, marched it, and mumbled, “You want me to be your watchman. That‘s it?!”

“Yes,” Elijah answered with confidence in his tone.

“Well, this is the cleanliness money I am ever going to earn… I think I am finally going to settle down with Dana.”

“So, is that a, ‘Yes?”


A sense of impatience had Madam Jewel boiling with rage as she paced the floor of Scorpio‘s office, struggling to keep herself composed.

Finally, the door cracked open and Scorpio calmly made his way into the room with a dead–serious expression on his face.

Then he walked back to his seat, sat at the table, and rested his boots on its wooden surface.

“I will kill this Elijah guy for you, but my price is not twenty thousand, but forty,” Scorpio said confidently, not taking his cold eyes off of Madam Jewel‘s face.

“WHAT!” Madam Jewel yelled in disbelief. “Forty?! He‘s just a lowlife scoundrel with no valuable worth whatsoever! So why should I pay such a price for a useless soul!“.

“If he is so worthless then why do you want him dead, so, so… badly?… your lips are saying one thing, but your eyes, ugh, they are a wide–open window to your dark soul, and if you want me to do this job, that‘s my


“Twenty–five thousand–”

“Forty! Fifty percent upfront before the job gets done, and then once his body is laying cold in a six feet hole, I expect you to have my balance.”

“You can‘t be serious!”

A sense of confusion clouded her mind at the quick shift in Scorpio‘s attitude just from the short cigar break he told her that he was going to take.

“Time is money, grandma, and you are wasting mine.” Scorpio snapped back while leaning forward on his chair, glaring at Madam Jewel with a cold stare.

“Fine!” Madam Jewel said harshly, clenching her fists tightly as she glared back at Scorpio. “But you better kill that bastard, or else–”

“No need for the threats, grandma. You will get to wear black as long as you cooperate… and I too will.”

“Okay, I will write a check-”

“Wire it…”

Placing his boots on the floor, Scorpio reached for a pen and then paper and wrote an account down, continuing, “to this number.”

A frown etched itself over Madam Jewel‘s face at the sight of the paper as she picked it up, and then she took out her phone, eyeing Scorpio before doing the transaction.

A couple of minutes later, his phone buzzed, and he couldn‘t believe that Elijah was right, but he didn‘t show it on his face, extended his hand, and said in a cocky tone, “It‘s pleasure doing business with you, grandma.” 1.

“Just get the job done!” Madam Jewel said in annoyance before storming out of the room with her bodyguards.

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