The Maid: Mafia Romance (Series)

#2—Chapter 5

Love Balloon for You

This is fun. This is really fun, I thought as I handed another balloon to a beautiful little girl holding her mummy’s hand.

“Don’t forget to get some candy at ‘Love Candy Store,'” I waved at her before running to the water fountain to hand out more flyers and balloons to little children and their parents. “Only a dollar fifty. And if you buy another, it’s half price.”

I felt immense joy seeing little children smile. I used to smile like that once. Right now I was also smiling, but it seemed to be forced somehow.

What is wrong with me? Why do I feel like my heartstrings have been plucked? And by whom?

I sighed, wanting to take my bunny mask off, but as part of my job contract, I was not to do that until I was on break. Luckily, that was only another fifteen minutes away.

But it was really hot underneath this costume. My forehead was masked with a sheen of sweat. Some even rolled down my face and neck. Of course, with the scorching sun above my head, too, even my bunny ears wilted.

If I’d known I’d be a roasted bunny by midday, I would have asked for more pay, instead of settling for a measly thirty dollars.

Well, at least that was money. I didn’t want to become a cash cow, sucking benefits off Crispin. These thirty dollars would go in my piggy bank and toward paying off Pa’s debt. If I did see Giovanni one day, I’d give him this whole pig stuffed with coins and ten dollar notes. I’d even give him the honor of smashing the pink ceramic animal to smithereens. At least that would cut Pa’s debt by, what…0. 01 percent?

I knew three million was no easy money to find, but I had to start somewhere. Plus, there were living expenses to account for. Living with Giovanni and the guys, I didn’t think much about it, since all expenses were paid for. All I had to do was work my guts off in return, though there wasn’t actually much, just housework and brewing coffee. Heck, back at home with Pa and Amelia, I did more than that. But now the circumstances had changed. If only Giovanni hadn’t kicked me out, I would happily jump back to his side.

Crap! What was I thinking? Did I just confess to liking Giovanni?

Oh, yeah. I think I just did.

But who wouldn’t be captivated by that handsome face. He was a walking talking Adonis, super-hot and filthy rich. Any girl would want him in bed, myself included.

But I supposed it would only happen in my dreams. Well, at least my dream from this morning was delicious. Now, if only I could see him again. I’d attack him with my seductive smile.

Yeah, right. Look what happened when you dressed as a sweet seductress. He punished you by kissing you senseless and accusing you of kissing like a dog.

Ahhh, seriously, I definitely thought I was going crazy under this scorching sun. These ridiculous thoughts running through my head. I really should get this work done instead of wandering off to La-La Land.

There were a bunch of kids getting off the bus. Maybe the best way to hand out flyers would be to intercept them.

And that was what I did. I ran to the front gate of the amusement park, eagerly smiling and waving at them like a good bunny would, waiting for them to get off the bus.

They squealed with delight as soon as they saw me. Of course, with a cute pink bunny like me, all bushy tailed and green sparkling eyes, who wouldn’t find me adorable? Add in the free balloons and flyers, too, I was a little kid’s playmate. And so, when they started descending the steps, filing into the entrance of the park, I jumped right into the boisterous scene.

A second later, I found my plan worked way too well for my own good. I rode the wave of kids as they jostled and shoved me from left to right, with me laughing like a crazy girl on drugs, and they, snatching balloons and flyers from me. I felt a bit like a salmon swimming upstream, but finally I got the job done, wasting no time at all, right before my lunch break.

Only one balloon was left in my hand. The heart shaped balloon. Guess it was never popular with little kiddies. Plus, it wasn’t Valentine’s Day. Oh well, I’d keep it for myself. I always had a thing for balloons. It made me happy, even when my life was spiraling out of control.

It was reaching midday. The sun was scorching, my head was itching, and I had an urgent need to pee. The sooner I headed back to Love Candy Store to dispose of this heavy costume, the better. So, I walked back with haste.

In my flustered state to relieve my full bladder, I swirled on my heel way too fast, and I bumped into a solid hard wall. My head was spinning, my body was shaking and oh, my lord, my bladder almost burst.

Blame the costume. I couldn’t see crap in this thing.

But just as I was about to topple over and land on my butt, a hand caught me, right at the small of my back.

The sensation sent a thousand and one different emotions right through me. Warmth, comfort, love, desire, and… home.

What the crap! Who feels like that with a mere stranger?

Maybe because this stranger reminded me of someone I’d run away from…


Just thinking about him had my body going into spasmodic mode. I clamped my eyes shut, trying to remind myself of why I took off from that mafia boss in the first place, and finally I calmed down.

My world was still spinning, but as soon as my peripheral vision and bearings came back, I stood up, bending my head slightly to thank the person who helped me.

“I’m so sorry,” I started, lifting my face up to meet my rescuer. “Thank you for helping-”

I didn’t get to finish my sentence but just stared at the male specimen standing before me.

Oh crap! Oh crap! Of all the people in the world, why must I have to encounter him now. The man of my wet dream. Giovanni.

“Oi. Are you all right? Say something?” Came that deep baritone that haunted my dreams.

I still didn’t say anything but just continued to stare at his amazing form.

His hair was impeccably styled with possibly half a bottle of hair gel. His immaculate grey suit showed off his tall lean body. The air around him seemed to shine with a charming aura.

Gosh, only three days of not seeing him and my bunny eyes couldn’t get enough of his presence. He was totally alluring.

Giovanni. Giovanni. Why must you always look so damned hot!

Oh crap! If he knows it’s me underneath this bunny costume, I’ll be dead meat. My rational mind kicked back into gear.

I swept my eyes from left to right, combing through the crowds, making sure the other guys weren’t around in the vicinity. After all, Giovanni came with two sets of big, badass bodyguards. I must take caution along every step of the way with this man.

Right before Giovanni could even think I was his plain maid underneath this costume, I shoved the love balloon right into his hands.

Quick action brought an even quicker reaction.

“What’s this?” he shot back, eyes suspicious as he took in the balloon and me.

Hot, wet, delicious. That voice definitely did something to me.

I didn’t speak further, though, scared he might figure it was me. So, I tilted my head back and pointed to him, using the universal sign language. “Love balloon for you.”

Giovanni just stood there, balloon dangling from his hand. Maybe he thought I was a mutant bunny, and he didn’t know how to communicate.

Of course, I did a little jiggle dance and waddled my tail, just to lighten our interaction. I didn’t want him to think I was some stalker bunny giving him my love balloon as a confession of my love for him.

But nature always had a way of cutting short my conversation. Just as Giovanni was about to reply I quickly waddled off, afraid any minute now I would embarrass myself by peeing in my costume. I could only blame myself for drinking a gallon of water before work to slake my hunger.

What could I do? I was hungry. And I didn’t have the money to buy snacks, save for the two strands of licorice I’d kept hidden in the front pouch of my bunny costume for an emergency. Plus, water was free, so why not take advantage of it.

I stole a quick glance over my shoulder to see if Giovanni was still there. And guess what? He was, observing me like he found me questionable.

This was bad. Really bad. I’d triggered his curiosity.

I waddled a bit faster, taking another quick glimpse over my shoulder. And crap! He was still following me. I knew then I must escape him at all cost.

I dashed around the corner, head too busy looking behind my back that I literally crashed into another wall of steel chest. I looked up, heart in my mouth.

It was Crispin.

I sighed in relief.This belongs © NôvelDra/ma.Org.

Thank you, dear Ma up in heaven! Your daughter is now safe from the mafia boss.

Or so I thought.

Crispin smiled at me, eyes lit bright. “Jenny, time for your break. Let’s have lunch together.”

Holy shit! Could Crispin say it any louder? For a boy who hardly spoke in class, he said my name as if he were on a megaphone.

I twisted my head in Giovanni’s direction, to make sure he hadn’t caught that last sentence, but hell, he had. And he was stalking toward me, face brewing in undeniable anger.

Dark, dangerous and oh so alluring. I was in deep shit now.

I screamed, like a banshee, arms flagging about like a mad woman, taking off at such a dangerous speed even cars weren’t allowed to pass. Giovanni gave chase, just as fast, his steps echoing behind mine. I only ran faster, mind split between wanting to run to the toilet to relieve myself and finding a safe hiding place.

Wait. If I did run to the female toilet, he still couldn’t enter. The ladies’ toilet could also be my hiding place.

Oh, you’re so smart, Jenny. Killing two birds with one stone. Ma up in heaven, you would have been proud of me if you were still alive.

I supposed I was too busy congratulating myself on my sound plan, I forgot to add in the extra four bodyguards of this mafia boss; Bobby, Jonny, Finnie, and Heath. Those four were blocking my entrance to the toilet. Behind me, Giovanni was still hot on my heels.

I was trapped, totally and utterly trapped, in all direction.

But I had an advantage. These four underlings did not know it was me underneath this bunny costume. So I pretended to be a normal bunny mascot, walking casually to the south, where the toilet was.

I passed Bobby, standing like a drill soldier beside the children’s pool, watching the children playing around him with mild interest.

I almost shed a few tears when I saw that toilet sign. Victory was so close I could taste it in my mouth. My poor bladder wouldn’t have to uphold this unbearable pain any longer.

That was until…

“Bobby, grab that bunny!”

Well, that plan went down like a lead balloon.

Bobby just looked from left and right, wondering which bunny to hold on to, since there were quite a few us in the play area.

“The pink bunny, you ass!” Giovanni’s shout could be heard a mile away, alerting the kids and adults in the vicinity. They looked wildly at the four hunky dudes in black suits and the one hot Italian man in the grey suit, giving chase after me.

I, for once, did not give in to curiosity. I ran like lightning had struck me, dashing off for another detour around the block.

And the chase was on again. Left, right, up, down, and around the block.

“Fuck! Move out of my way.” I heard Giovanni yelled at the guys a few times, but I didn’t pay him any heed. I kept going, dashing to the left again, going up the manmade hill, ducking under the low sling bridge and sprinting blindly into the children’s tunnel.

I had to find a toilet, and fast. This was my ultimate sanctuary and salvation point. And then I saw it. Big bold print, in red, font in times new roman, artistically designed, just ten meters away from me.

But the wind was my worst enemy. Even though the sun was a burning furnace, the wind cut through me, making the bunny costume heavy.

But I was almost there. Three meters… two meters… one meter…

I smiled. And…

A push. A jerk. And then a slam later, I was caught.


Giovanni pinned me to the wall, showing off his man power by squashing me against the brick wall and his hard taut body. His nostrils flared, jaw ticked, and eyes radiated with a thousand emotions. And anger played the strongest here, most of it centered on me.

He tore off my bunny mask, and tilted my chin to meet his eyes. I winced, squeezing my lips into a tight smile, saying the very first thing I could think of. “Hey, boss. Fancy seeing you here. Like the love balloon I gave you?”

Giovanni looked at the balloon still attached to his finger. He was wondering how that balloon survived through that wild goose chase.

“Jay, you devious maid.” He panted, eyes turning back to me, lips curling in a sardonic grin. “You’ve put me through hell and back. Now, how should I kill you?”

My smile dropped. I knew then I was to die at his hands, as he closed his thick fingers around my neck.

I closed my eyes; the last image on my mind was his devilishly captivating face. But what greeted me was not a shiny metallic gun to my forehead, nor a sharp knife to my stomach. It was his lips, hot, sensual, and passionate on mine.

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