The Mafia’s Wanted Desires

Chapter 73


I stepped out of the car and went to the other side, holding out the door. She sent me a sweet smile that had me grinning like a fool, slipping her small hands into mine. She couldn’t conceal her shock when we heard the clicking of cameras, the bright lights flashing in our faces. Her expression faltered, fear crossing her face and gnawing at my heart. I slowly slipped my arm around her waist, pulling her to my side.

“Arden…” Her voice trailed off, anxiously. I turned to her, bending to her level and taking her lips in a soft, assuring kiss. She stiffened but slowly eased into it, a soft sound eluding her. I pulled away shortly after, breathing softly.

“Do you trust me?” I asked her.

“With everything,” She answered and I knew she meant it with the sincerity that swirled around those pools of honey-brown orbs and something about those words warmed my heart.

“I have got you,” I assured her, my eyes steadily on her. She stared at me for a moment and nodded afterwards, leaning into me and allowing me to lead her to the red carpet. The hungry reporters approached us, flashing the cameras in our faces and nearly sticking their microphones into our mouths. She slowly eased into her surroundings, a breath evading her and then, she plastered a smile on her face as we struck a pose for the camera before sauntering into the spacious hall.

Trust David Anderson to go all out. The sixty-year-old man was a force to reckon with in the business world and whenever he wanted to go all out, he would, leaving no stone unturned. I couldn’t hide how impressed I was as my eyes scanned the hall that was filled to the brim with dignitaries, chattering so loudly as they gave in to the soft music that played in the background.

I turned to the stunning woman beside me, who looked so immersed in checking out the interior decor with a wide smile on her face. I leaned in, kissing her cheek softly and she giggled.

“Just stay by my side throughout the night, can you do that for me, my love?” I asked softly and she grinned, bobbing her head in response like a little child. She pecked my lips and clung to me even more, and then I led us further into the hall, making sure my men were in sight.

“Mr. Gray!” The baritone voice which I knew belonged to David, called out to me in the distance. He took a champagne flute from one of the waiters that strutted around with trays in their hands. He approached me, sporting a bright smile on his slightly wrinkled face, donning a black tuxedo.

“Mr. Anderson,” I threw him a curt nod when he got to my front, beaming with smiles.

“I am so honored that you could make it. I was kind of worried that you might not grace my invitation.” He relayed and I fought back a scoff, a grim look resting on my face. No businessman in his right sense would want to mess with me and David Anderson wasn’t an exception. He wanted to be on a good note with me.

“I wouldn’t miss it. I gave you my word.” I said monotonously, pulling my wife to my side and her eyes strayed to the older man’s.

“Meet my wife, Ashley Gray. Peach, meet one of my very good friends, David Anderson.” I introduced them to each other and he grinned, stretching his hand forth for a handshake.

“I am so pleased to meet you, Mrs Gray. You are very beautiful, ma’am.” He sent her a soft compliment as Peach shook his hand.

“Good evening, Mr. Anderson. It’s so nice to meet you.” She responded with a warm smile on her face.

“Come on, let me lead you to your table.” He offered, walking forward while Peach and I trailed behind him. He had a table specifically reserved for us and after thanking us for honouring his invitation, he left us to ourselves.

“Geez, I thought he wouldn’t stop smiling at me. It was starting to get so annoying.” Peach spoke up the minute he was out of earshot. I couldn’t fight the chuckle that escaped my lips. She was right. His incessant smiles were beginning to get on my nerves. I reached for her hands over the table.


“Hey, handsome.”

That familiar sultry voice came from behind me.

Peach’s bright demeanor slowly morphed into something much darker, something I couldn’t place my fingers on. Her eyes were so cold, her body still against her seat. Her hands grew cold in mine and she slowly retracted her hands from mine, looking up to face Allegra, who walked past me and stopped right in front of me, flipping her hair over her shoulder.

Her hazel eyes twinkled with seduction, her lips curved in a flirty smile as she soaked me in with her eyes, peering at me beneath her eye faux lashes.

She wasn’t alone. She was with her date. A tall, dark-haired man was clad in a black button-up shirt that was tucked in black slacks. His expression seemed a little impassive as he wrapped his arm around her waist, staking his claim on her.

“Allegra,” I said grimly, sparing Peach a glance through my peripheral vision. I saw how hard she was struggling to keep it together and I knew it was only a matter of time before she snapped.

“Jaxon,” She purred and I grimaced, irritated by her lack of respect for her date, who clung to her like a fucking leech.

“I am not going to be pulling a gun on you this time around. I won’t be subtle. I will stab your fucking eyes with my cutleries if you don’t get the fuck out of here, right now.” Peach uttered assertively, looking up from the table, her cold eyes fixed on Allegra, who couldn’t conceal her irritation.

“If it isn’t the wife,” She rolled her eyes, disdain evident in her tone and Peach scoffed.

“Don’t make me say it again,” Peach threatened her. She looked like she couldn’t bring herself to give a fuck if she was causing a scene. She was more immersed in making her point clear.

“Run along, bitch.” She smiled sweetly at Allegra, who looked like she was about to pop a vein. She threw a nasty glare in Peach’s direction and latched onto her date’s arm, storming off. It didn’t matter that she had stormed off, the brunette opposite me had her eyes fixated on her retreating, glaring murderously at her. My eyes wandered around the bustling hall and on cue, soft music cued in and I knew it was time for a dance, so I did the one thing I knew, to salvage the situation.

“Do you want to dance with me, Peach?” I broke the tense silence and she swung her head in my direction, disbelief flashing across her face. She snatched a champagne flute from a waiter’s tray, downing it at once, and then she slammed the flute on the table with a frown on her face.

“Please,” I added, stretching out my hand, then she exhaled, slipping her hand into mine and she got up. I led us to the dance floor which was filled with couples who were so immersed in the dance. My eyes drifted to her waiting ones, settling on the deep frown on her face.

“Just think about me, not her. Not anything else. Think about being here with me and just…dance.” I said softly and her eyes softened, a soft exhale leaving her lips. We circled each other, our eyes locked in a sizzling stare that made my heartbeat pick up at a faster pace. Not in the sense of being scared, but a sense of accomplishment that came with dancing with the most beautiful women in the room.

She slowly entwined our hands, dropping the other one on my shoulder and my arm instinctively came around her waist.

She slowly drew me in with those eyes that beamed all shades of golden brown under the lights, warmth shimmering in them. An ardent smile played on her lips, her eyes fixated on mine as we started with slow movements to the music, syncing with the soft rhythm. The bright, yellowish lights that filtered from the chandeliers settled on her face, exuding a fine contrast of goldish pink with her pale-rosy skin.

She looked too ethereal to be standing in front of me, staring at me unabashedly like she wanted me to see every effect I had on her. Every other seemed useless at the moment, the world around us slowly fading into nothingness, leaving just us and we seemed content with it.

I twirled her around, switching hands with her and she giggled, eliciting a smile from me. The stiffness in her body slowly relaxed and she eased into my touch, trusting me enough to let me take the lead on everything. We moved sideways and she fell backwards, softly but of course, I was there to catch her as I always would, for the rest of my life. We lost ourselves to the rhythm of the music, discarding the world around us and drowning in the soft, warm, and fuzzy feeling that came with dancing with each other.

And there was nothing that felt better than this.

I didn’t understand how I could be so consumed by the entirety of this woman. Everything I felt for her was so amplified, nullifying the feeling that one day, I might wake up and everything I felt for her was just going to be gone but it wasn’t that way. It felt way too real. Falling for her wasn’t just falling for someone. It was like walking into a place and knowing you were home.

Then, she leaned forward, debunking all the odds of the dance, and locked lips with me, punching every ounce of breath I had left in me. My hands tightened around her small waist and she looped her arms around my neck, kissing me as though her life depended on me, kissing me as though she was trying to mark her territory, rendering my senses blank.

She pulled away, slowly, connecting our foreheads, leaving us to drown ourselves in our breaths.

“You are mine just as much as I am yours.” I knew she wasn’t saying this for fun because of the fiery look in her brown eyes that screamed assertiveness at a glance. She was telling me so she could make herself clear and I understood her, a soft breath eluding me.

“Fuck, Peach.” I cussed in a whisper.

“I…” My voice trailed off, my hands moving up to her face to tuck her hair behind her ear and then, my eyes caught a very familiar face. I couldn’t misplace that face, not in this lifetime, at least.

That golden hair.

Those mischievous golden orbs.

The egoistic look that was always engraved in those eyes, convinced him that he was the better version of me. That sick, twisted smile playing on his lips. Those features were enough to jolt my memory, reminding me of a face I hadn’t seen in close to five years.

Michah fucking Ramos of the Reem Mafia.

It all happened so fast, everything else grew so blurry at that moment. He whipped out a pistol from his waistband, pulling the trigger so swiftly. My whole world flashed right before my eyes, my heart lurching to my throat as I yanked Peach to my back, the bullet piercing my shoulder blade in the process.

The loud gunshot that went off alerted the people in the room, eliciting blood-curdling screams from them. A dramatic jolt in their senses spiked their fear, causing them to bolt out of the hall, tumbling over one another as they struggled to grasp onto their dear lives that were flashing right in front of their eyes.

Ear-piercing glass shatterings resonated across the room, followed by an incessant shooting.

“DUNCAN!!” I bellowed, my eyes scanning the room

“Arden!” Peach screamed behind me, the horror in her voice couldn’t go unnoticed.From NôvelDrama.Org.

“Peach, you have to run when I tell you to! Alright? This isn’t up for arguments, baby! You have to run! Now!” I yelled, cocking my gun, my laser-like eyes surveying the room that was in total disarray, dented with screams of the innocent. I tried to scan the room for his presence that suddenly seemed to have vanished into thin air, a loud cuss word leaving my lips.

“I am not leaving you here!” She shouted at me, leaving me so aggravated.

“Get out! Now!” I belted and she screeched when someone grabbed her from behind me. I spun around to see Duncan hauling her over his shoulders and dashing out of the room while trying to rid his path of Micah’s men that were littered across the room.

“You son of a bitch!” I screamed, wincing at the pain that had taken residence in my shoulder blade, intensifying with each passing second.

“I am going to have so much fun ripping your head off your body!” I bellowed, audaciously, staying on guard in case he decides to spring up from nowhere and the dumbass couldn’t have been more predictable, firing a shot in my direction but I evaded it, only to find myself attacked by one of his men, whom I twisted his arm to the side, giving him a smackdown and shooting him in the head before he had the chance to defend himself.

“MICAH!” My deep, dark voice resonated in the room, threatening to bring the now-gory room to its feet.

“Fuck you!” He swore and my eyes darted to the table that had been turned upside down and I knew he was hiding behind it. My lips curled in a dark smirk and I fired a shot in that direction, eliciting an agonizing scream from him.

“Not so smart now, are we?” I sneered, firing shots at his men. He chose that opportunity to come out of his hiding, shooting in my direction but I blocked the bullet from piercing my body again with one of his men that came on to him. I pushed his dead body off sight, his body dropping to the floor with a loud thud.

“I am going to stand over your fucking body and watch you burn, Micah!” I promised him and I mean to stand by every word.

“So full of your fucking self!” He spat out his words venomously.

“Come on! Come on! Is that all you have got?” I chuckled, darkly and the bastard crawled out of his hiding place, sporting a smirk on his face and raising his hands in the hair in mock surrender, throwing his head backwards in mocking laughter.

“Look at you, so fucking pathetic!” I growled.

A sharp pain shot through my shoulders and I groaned, struggling to maintain my balance. I sure as hell didn’t see it coming from behind me. It was only until it met me in the back that I felt it, causing me to gnash my teeth. My steps wavered, my vision growing faint and through my peripheral vision, I saw Micah retreating but I didn’t allow him to get away unscathed. I fired two shots in his direction, numbing his knees and he collapsed to the floor, a groan leaving his lips.

My steps grew weaker as I tried to approach him, black dots slowly appearing in my vision at the loss of blood. My legs gave me away and I fell to the floor, wheezing lightly. I groaned, squeezing my eyes shut, my teeth clamping down on my lips as though they would suppress the pain I was feeling. I watched the bastard crawl out of the room but then again, through gritted teeth and the rage that coursed through my veins that he was slipping through my clutches, I shot him. Again.

He let out a sharp cry, muttering strings of cuss words. I struggled to get off the floor, not wanting him to escape from me. My legs wobbled, blood gushing out of my back and shoulders. My eyelids felt so heavy as I approached him, my steps growing weaker with every step I took. I was doubled over by one of his men, who tackled me to the ground, and through my peripheral vision, I saw Micah slipping away.

I channeled that anger into getting this bastard off him, knocking my head with his and he groaned, throwing his head backwards. My eyes darted to the gun that had flung a few steps away from me. My hands came around his neck and I tightened my grip around it, flipping us over, so I was sitting atop him. I delivered weak punches to his face, eliciting mocking scoffs from him.

“Weak!” He spat and I gritted my teeth. He reached for the gun but I was faster, twisting his hand in the process and hijacking the gun from him. I shot him in the head without hesitation, rolling off him and wheezing softly.

I groaned, a banging headache hitting my temples. I garnered all the strength I had left in me, pushing myself up and staggering out of the room. My knees wobbled as I tumbled out of the deserted hall, nearly toppling over my feet. I couldn’t do it anymore, my legs gave me away and I gave in to its numbness, hissing through my teeth.

“Arden!” I heard her scream and my ears perked up, panic surging through me. My eyes suddenly grew blurry with tears but I heaved a sigh of relief when I saw her running to where I lay.

“Oh, my God!”

“Fuck! You are bleeding!” She sobbed, kneeling by my side and lifting me. Her perfectly made-up face was already smeared, her tears washing her mascara and eyeliner down her face but she still looked gorgeous as hell. I chuckled when she cradled my head to her chest, sobbing.



She yelled out to him.

“You are not supposed to be here,” I whispered.

“You need to leave…” My voice trailed off.

“Shut it! You don’t get to tell me what to do! What the fuck were you thinking taking a bullet for me? Are you fucking crazy? I didn’t ask you to, you fool!” She sobbed, seething silently.

“I would do it all over again,” I told her, smiling through my tears and soaking in the view of utter perfection that was atop me. My eyes were slowly starting to close and I was struggling to hold on to the image of her face that seemed to numb the pain I was feeling. I wanted to stare at her for as long as I could but the more I tried to fight the darkness, the harder it drew me in, ruining me.

“Don’t you dare close your eyes! Look at me, Arden! Look! Duncan’s here! We are going to get you to a hospital, I promise you!” She assured me, her beautiful eyes soaked with tears.

“Baby, please, don’t close your fucking eyes!”

“Just try to focus on me!”


“Get your fucking ass here, Duncan!” She bellowed, her voice quivering as she ordered him. That was the last thing I heard before I slipped into the cold arms of the darkness.

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