The Mafia’s Third Wife: Between The Devil’s Triangle

Some Information

Chapter 84: Some Information

“And I’m proud of it, sweet heart.” Ramos said. “Now tell me where is my daughter before I put a bullet through your brain.”

“If you do that then you will never find your daughter.” Alfredo said.

“You think you’re in a position to make threats?” laughs Ramos, his eyes dark and cold. “You’re in no position to be demanding anything from me. You’re a prisoner, and you’ll do what I say, or else. I’m in control here, not you.”

“You can’t control us,” says Raven, her voice shaking with emotion. “You can’t control our minds or our hearts. You can only control our bodies, and even that is temporary.”

“Don’t be so sure of that,” says Ramos, his tone menacing. “I can do more than you think. I have power, and I know how to use it. You’ll regret crossing me, I promise you that.”

Raven looks at the brothers, her eyes wide with fear. She knows that what Ramos is saying is true. He has the power to hurt them, and he’s not afraid to use it. She feels sick to her stomach, and she knows that her brothers are feeling the same way.

Alfredo steps forward, his face set in a determined expression.

“We’re not going to give in to you,” says Alfredo, his voice calm but firm. “We won’t be intimidated by your threats. We’re not afraid of you.”

Ramos sneers. “You should be,” he says, his tone dripping with malice. “You don’t know what I’m capable of.”

“We know exactly what you’re capable of,” says Andrew, his tone just as strong as his brother’s. “And we’re not afraid.

“You’re all so brave,” says Ramos, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “But you’re wrong if you think you can stand up to me. You have no idea what you’re up against.”

“We’re not backing down,” says Raven, finding her courage. “We’re not going to let you hurt anyone else. We’re not going to let you get away with this.”

“You think you can stop me?” laughs Ramos. “You’re too naïve. You don’t understand the power I have.”

“You’re wrong,” says Alfredo.

“I’m not wrong,” says Ramos, his eyes flashing. “I’m going to win, no matter what you do. You can’t stop me.”

“But we’re not just going to stand by and let you hurt people,” says Raven. “We’re going to do everything we can to stop you.”

“You’re only making it worse for yourselves,” says Ramos, his tone turning dark. “I’m warning you – don’t get in my way. You’ll only make things worse.”

“We’re not backing down,” says Raven, her voice determined. “You can threaten us all you want, but it won’t change our minds. We won’t let you hurt anyone else. We won’t let you get away with it.”

“You’re making a mistake,” says Ramos, his face growing red with anger. “You’re only making things worse for yourselves.”

“We’re not going to give up,” says Alfredo, his voice unwavering.

“I’ll make you regret this,” says Ramos, his voice low and menacing. “I’ll make you regret crossing me. You’ll wish you had never taken this stand.”

“You can threaten us all you want,” says Raven, her voice steady. “But we’re not backing down. We won’t let you hurt anyone else.”

The room is silent, the tension palpable. For a moment, no one moves. Then, slowly, Ramos backs away, his expression unreadable.

He looks at Raven, and then at the Sanchez brothers, and spoke

“I’ll give you 24hours to deliver my daughter to me or I’ll find you and end you.” Ramos said before turning and walking out of the room.

“We can’t do that,” says Raven, her voice firm. “We won’t give you your daughter. We won’t let you hurt her.”Content protected by Nôv/el(D)rama.Org.

“Then I’ll make you regret that,” says Ramos, his voice full of menace. “You have 24 hours to change your mind, or else.”

And with that, Ramos slams the door behind him, leaving the Sanchez brothers and Raven in stunned silence.

After a moment, Alfredo breaks the silence. “We have to stop him,” he says. “We can’t let him get away with this.”

Raven nods in agreement. “We can’t let him hurt anyone else,” she says. “But we also can’t give him his daughter. She doesn’t deserve to be used as a bargaining chip. She deserves better than that.”

“We have to figure out a way to protect her,” says Alfonso. “We can’t let him get to her.”

“But how?” asks Raven. “He’s so powerful. He seems to be able to find anyone, anywhere. How can we keep her safe?”

“Yeah dude. Ramos has Don Rizzo backing him up. So what are we gonna do?” Alfonso asked.

“Let’s do what we initially planned.” Alfrdo said.

“And what’s that?” Alfonso asked.

“Exposing Don Rizzo’s crimes to the world. I actually happened to record everything he said just now.” Alfredo said.

“You did?” Raven asked.

“You recorded him?” asks Raven, her eyes wide with surprise. “You have proof of what he said? You recorded him admitting to his crimes?”

“I did,” says Alfredo, his voice proud. “I was holding my phone in my pocket the whole time. I knew we might need something like this, so I was prepared.”

“But what are we going to do with the recording?” asks Alfonso. “How are we going to get it out to the world?”

“I have a plan for that too,” says Alfredo.

“I think your friend Alejandro betrayed us, Alfonso. So I don’t think we should rely on him.”

“I’m sure there must have been a reason why he did that.” Alfonso said.

“Let me call him and talk to him.”

“What if he betrays us again?” Alfredo asked.

“We have to take that risk,” says Alfonso. “I know Alejandro. He’s a good guy, I’m sure there’s a reason for what he did. We need his help, and I think we should give him a chance to explain himself.”

Alfredo looks skeptical, but eventually nods. “Okay,” he says. “But if he betrays us again, we’re on our own.”

“Okay, Let me call him then.” Alfonso said.

“Yeah, give him a call and let’s know what really happened and how Ramos got to know about our whereabout.” Alfredo said.

“I’ll do that,” says Alfonso. “But first, I have to ask you something. Are you sure you want to hear what Alejandro has to say? Are you ready for the truth, no matter what it is?”

Alfredo takes a deep breath and nods. “I’m ready,” he says. “I have to know.”

“All right then,” says Alfonso, and he makes the call.

After a few rings, the line is picked up. “Hello?” says Alejandro.

“Hi, Alejandro,” says Alfonso. “It’s me. I need to talk to you about something.”

“Alfonso I’m so sorry about everything. Almino just came to me and threatened to hurt my family if I didn’t reveal your location so I had no choice.” Alejandro said.

“I know you were in a tough spot,” says Alfonso, his voice gentle. “But you could have come to me. I would have helped you. We could have figured something out together.”

“I was scared,” says Alejandro. “I didn’t know what to do. I thought I was doing the right thing.”

“I understand,” says Alfonso. “But it put all of us in danger. I need to know that you won’t do something like that again.”

“I won’t,” says Alejandro. “I promise. I learned my lesson.

Are you guys alright?” he asked.

“We’re okay,” says Alfonso. “We’re shaken up, but we’re okay. The important thing is that we’re all still here. What’s more important now is that we figure out what to do next.”

“I agree,” says Alejandro. “We need to find a way to get Ramos to face justice for what he’s done. He’s a dangerous man, and he needs to be stopped.”

“We have a valuable information that we can use against him. So meet us at the address I sent to you now.” Alfonso said.

“What kind of information?” asks Alejandro, his voice full of curiosity. “What do you have that could help us?”

“I can’t tell you over the phone,” says Alfonso. “I need to show you in person. Please, meet me at the address I sent you. It’s important.”

Alejandro hesitates for a moment, then sighs. “All right,” he says. “I’ll be there.”

“Thank you,” says Alfonso. “We’ll see you soon.”

A few hours later, Alejandro arrives at the address that Alfonso had given him. He’s nervous and uncertain, but he knows he has to see this through. When he gets to the door, he takes a deep breath and knocks.

The door opens, and Alfonso is standing there, a solemn look on his face. “Hello, Alejandro,” he says. “Come inside.”

Alejandro steps inside, and the door closes behind him. He looks around the room, and he sees Raven and Alfredo sitting on a couch, staring at him expectantly. “So, what’s this all about?” he asks.

Alfonso takes a deep breath. “We have some information that we think could be useful in bringing Ramos to justice,” he says. “It’s not easy to explain, but I think you’ll understand once I show you.”

“Okay,” says Alejandro, curious but still wary. “Show me what you’ve got.”

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