The Mafia’s Third Wife: Between The Devil’s Triangle

Planning A Way Out

Chapter 82: Planning A Way OutThis belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“No, Raven. You need to be careful. Ramos has asked one of the best to track you down and I must say he has never failed in his quest of getting his target.” Alfonso said.

“So what are we going to do? We can’t expose, Raven to him. We have to protect her and hide her far away from his reach or he will kidnap Raven and take her to Don Rizzo.” Alfredo said.

“I think I might have an idea,” Alfonso said. “But it’s risky and it’s going to require everyone’s cooperation. Are you all willing to do whatever it takes to protect Raven and bring down Don Rizzo?”

There was a moment of silence as everyone considered what Alfonso was suggesting. Then, one by one, they all nodded their heads.

“Okay,” Alfonso said. “Here’s my plan.”

“We can do something like, Raven would expose her face to the media so and reveal more secrets about Don Rizzo’s crimes and Ramos. So when the whole country sees her, Ramos and Don Rizzo can’t do anything to her because they know that if she disappears without trace, the media would take it up that they must have hurt her in order to keep her quiet.” Alfonso said.

“Don’t you think it would be too risky?” Alfredo asked.

“It’s definitely risky,” Alfonso said. “But I think it’s our best chance. The media will be our protection. They’ll be watching to see what happens to Raven, and if anything happens to her, they’ll be all over it.

That will make it harder for Ramos and Don Rizzo to act without consequence. We just have to make sure that we can protect Raven until the story gets out.”

“I think it’s our only option,” Raven said.

“Don’t you think that Don Rizzo can buy the reporters to cover up the story?” Alfredo asked.

“That’s definitely a risk,” Alfonso said. “But I think we can find a way to work around it. We’ll have to be smart about how we approach the media and make sure that we’re only talking to reporters who we know we can trust. It won’t be easy, but I think it’s our best chance.”

“I agree,” Raven said. “We have to try everything we can to bring Don Rizzo down.”

“I’m glad you’re on board,” Alfonso said. “We’re all in this together.”

“I have a question,” Raven said.

“What are we gonna do about, Ramos daughter? I mean even though her father is the worst father on earth, I don’t think we should let Don Rizzo to have his way with her.”

“Hmmm… Raven is right.” Alfredo said.

“We all know that Don Rizzo would try to violate the young girl.”

“I know….” Alfonso said.

“We’ll need to find a way to protect her as well,” Alfonso said. “Maybe we can convince her to come forward and testify against her father.

Or maybe we can find a way to place her in protective custody. I don’t know the answer yet, but I promise we’ll do everything we can to keep her safe.”

“I appreciate that,” Raven said. “I just feel so bad for her. She’s innocent in all of this.”

Alfonso nodded. “I know. It’s a difficult situation.

“We all know that Don Rizzo and Ramos have so much in common and do not care about anyone except themselves.” Alfredo said.

“That’s true,” Alfonso said. “They’re both selfish and power-hungry. But we can’t let them win. We need to find a way to stop them.”

“But how?” Raven asked. “They’re so powerful and well-connected. How can we possibly hope to stop them?”

Alfonso was silent for a moment, then he said, “We have one thing that they don’t have.”

“What’s that?” Raven asked.

“We have each other,” Alfonso said.

“What do you mean?” Raven asked.

“Ramos and Don Rizzo do not trust each other. Ramos needs Don Rizzo for power and Don Rizzo needs Ramos to help him cover up his crimes.” Alfredo said.

“But we trust and rely on each other.”

“Exactly,” Alfonso said. “We’re a team, and we’re stronger together than we are apart. Ramos and Don Rizzo are both lone wolves, but we’re a pack. And a pack is always stronger than a lone wolf.”

“You’re right,” Raven said. “We need to use that to our advantage. We need to stay united and work together to bring them down.”

Alfonso nodded. “We need to be smart about it, though. We need to be strategic and careful.

“But first let’s make sure that he doesn’t get Raven. Raven you will have to reveal some of Ramos and Don Rizzo’s crimes on media and reveal your face to the world so that they can’t do anything to you.” Alfredo said.

“But what if they come after me?” Raven asked, her voice trembling slightly. “I’m not sure I can handle that.”

“We won’t let them,” Alfredo said, his voice firm and reassuring. “We’ll make sure you’re protected. We’ll have people watching over you and making sure you’re safe. You won’t be alone.”

“Thank you,” Raven said, feeling a little bit better. “I appreciate that. But I’m still scared.”

“That’s understandable,” Alfonso said. “But you’re brave and strong, and you can do this.

“Alright. Let’s do this then.” Raven said.

“Do you know anyone who we could call to come over and record any thing I say so that they could expose Ramos crimes to the world?” she asked.

“I know someone.” Alfonso said.

“His name is Alejandro, and he’s a journalist who’s been investigating Ramos for a while now. He’s a good guy, and I think he’ll be willing to help us. I’ll give him a call and see if he’s interested.”

Alfonso pulled out his phone and dialed Alejandro’s number. He introduced himself and told Alejandro about Raven’s situation.

“I’m definitely interested,” Alejandro said. “This could be the big break I’ve been waiting for.

“But you must make sure no one see you.” Alfonso said.

“You can trust me. I’ll be very careful.” Alejandro said.

“I appreciate that,” Alfredo said. “I just want to make sure that you’re safe.”

“I understand,” Alejandro said. “But I’m willing to take the risk. This story is too important to pass up.”

“Alright then,” Alfredo said. “I’ll let Raven know that you’re on board.”

After hanging up, he turned to Raven and said, “He’s in. He’s ready to help us.”

Raven felt a surge of hope. “That’s great news,” she said. “Now we just need to come up with a plan.”

“Should we make it a live broadcast or like an interview and then Alejandro would broadcast it?” Alfonso asked.

“I think a live broadcast would be best,” Raven said. “That way, we can make sure that the information gets out there as quickly as possible.

If we do an interview and then have it edited, there’s a chance that it could get lost in the process. A live broadcast would be more effective.”

“I agree,” Alfredo said. “We want to make sure that as many people as possible see the story.”

“There’s one other thing we need to consider,” he said. “And that’s how we’re going to make sure that we stay safe while we’re doing this. We need to take precautions so that we don’t end up in the same situation as Nicolas.”

“You’re right,” Raven said. “We need to be careful. Do you have any ideas?”

Alfonso thought for a moment, then said, “I think we need to find a secure location where we can broadcast from. Somewhere that’s not easily accessible to the public.

“Maybe we could use a remote location, like a cabin in the woods or something like that,” Alfonso suggested. “Somewhere where we can control who has access to the property. And we could set up security measures to make sure that no one who’s not supposed to be there can get in.”

Raven considered his suggestion. “That’s a good idea,” she said. “It would give us a bit of breathing room, and we could control the environment more easily.

“The only problem with that plan is that we would need to get there without anyone noticing,” she said. “We don’t want to draw attention to ourselves. What if we were followed?”

Alfonso nodded. “That’s a valid concern,” he said. “We would need to find a way to get there without being followed. Do you have any ideas?”

“We could rent a car and drive out of town,” Raven said. “We could park the car somewhere and then take a hike to the cabin.

“Yes. We could hide the car so that no one would notice where we kept the car so that they won’t know it’s us.” Raven said.

“We could also pack the car somewhere else to create a confusion. Like they would think we went through a route while we take a different route. What do you think?” Alfredo asked.

“That’s a great idea,” Raven said. “We could also use burner phones, so that our real numbers aren’t tracked.

And we could pay for everything in cash, so that our credit card activity can’t be traced. I think we should make a list of all the ways we could stay safe and then go through each one to make sure we haven’t missed anything.”

“That’s a great idea,” Alfonso said. “We need to be as careful as possible. We don’t want to put anyone else in danger, and we also don’t want to put ourselves in any more danger than necessary……

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