The moment I stepped into the study after Nonno, I closed the door shut. What was I supposed to expect now? He sounded really angry. To be very honest, I couldn’t remember when last Nonno spoke affectionately to me. He was either indifferent, or plainly angry. Lately, he had been indifferent. I guess this was the first time he was so mad at me again after several years. I looked at the man, expecting screams and threats, but was shocked to hear him say what he said next.

“On your knees.” The man stated so calmly. What?! I watched in shock as he walked to the seat behind my desk, and made himself comfortable. “I wouldn’t repeat myself.” Knowing better than to go against him, I went on my knees, feeling so humiliated in my current position. No one could really humiliate me this much. Not even my parents! To others, I was ‘The Manuel Russo’. But to my Nonno and a certain stubborn lady, I was just Manuel or the ‘infuriating bastard’. I was shocked that he wasn’t saying anything else. I remained in my position and minutes turned into hours. My body was used to so much exercise, so I was able to endure for a while. But then, I couldn’t keep going at some point. My eyes remained fixed on the ticking clock in the study. I looked up to see his head leaned back on the headrest of his seat, with his eyes closed. Don’t tell me this man slept off on me.

“Nonno?” I called, hoping to jar him awake.

“How many hours now?” He simply asked, suprising me. So he wasn’t even sleeping after all?

“About 3?” I replied as sweat broke out on my forehead, regardless of how cool the air condition made the entire place feel.

“You’re not sure.” He sighed.

“It’s 3 hours sir!” I rushed out. “I’m sure.” I released an exhausted sigh. My back ached so badly from being in that position for hours.

“How humiliated do you feel?” He asked. Was I supposed to have an answer to that? He should know how humiliated I felt, being told to kneel down at my age. I was only thankful he hadn’t been angry enough as to make me kneel in front of everyone. God knew that if that was the case, I still dared not to go against his words. “I see you’re not humiliated enough then.” He chuckled humourlessly. I remained kneeling for a couple more minutes, before I eventually swallowed the last morsel of my pride.

“Nonno.” I called, my legs already shaking.

“Hmm?” He casually responded.

“I feel very humiliated.” I told him.

“As humiliated as you made the mother of your unborn child feel?” He asked, and I swallowed.

“Yes sir.”

“Good.” He nodded. “Have a seat.” He pointed towards the chair opposite him. It took almost a minute for me to stand on my feet. I literally couldn’t feel my legs for a while. They shook painfully as I tried to steady them on the floor, the ache on my knees, reminding me of the fact that I most certainly had a space in the guiness world record. The Man To Kneel For The Longest Time.

After I could finally stand steady, I walked slowly towards the empty seat and lowered myself onto it. All the while, he had an unbothered expression on his face.

“You know, I was present at your delivery, many many years ago.” He said, making me wonder if he finally wanted to disown me. “You know how much your father was worried? Worried for you and your mom?” He asked. I knew it was a rhetorical question, but I shook my head in negation. “Your mom had a lot of complications associated with your delivery but somehow, she refused to give up on you. The scene that had played out earlier in the evening, only made me feel sorry for Manuel and your Mia. I doubt Manuel ever imagined he’d raised a son so smart, yet foolish.” He chuckled humourlessly, making me feel really stupid. Nonno had a way of making even the most arrogant person so humble. “You are smart and really brilliant, but it hurts to know that you fail to reason properly atimes.” He sighed.

“I’m sorry sir.” I muttered, my head bowed down.

“Even with all the complications of your delivery, and the pain you caused your mom, Mia would have never willingly given you to another woman. So who are you to think you could take a child from its mother, and hand him or her over to whom you see fit?!!” He suddenly yelled. “Do you know what it means to carry a child? Do you know what it means to birth a child? No, you don’t. That is the only reason why you think it’s fine to raise your son with a woman who is not his mother, even after you had the chance to bring his mother into the picture.”

“I’m sorry.” I muttered once more, but it only seemed to aggravate him. “Don’t tell me you are sorry! Explain to me, why you thought it was best to take her child away from her. Did you even think of the reason why she ran away? She went into hiding because she was scared something like this would happen! You only proved her right.”

“I’m sorry. I only thought it would have been the best way to balance the situation. I have already promised marriage to Fra…”

“Enough of the Ferrari lady.” He ordered. “You claim to be so dedicated, yet you cheated on her when you got the chance. Do you know how many wrongs you committed against this family?!” He asked in annoyance. “Russo men don’t sleep around! Russo men don’t plant illegitimate seeds! It had been a rule ever since you were little children. For a moment, I had thought you were the grandchild I didn’t have to worry so much about, when it came to that particular rule. Women didn’t really freak you. How wrong I had been.” He laughed dryly. “Oh, how wrong.”

“It honestly wasn’t my intention to get her pregnant.”

“It never is anyone’s intention, stop talking like a child! Do you think your uncles and cousins are all righteous? No, they aren’t. They definitely go around breaking the rule, but not doing it so foolishly. How could you have had intercourse without using protection? What were you thinking? And now, you suddenly thinking the best way to fix this mess you created, is by creating an even bigger one? You think after all the humiliations and pains Bianca has gone through because of this unexpected pregnancy, that she’d willingly give you her child?”

“But she has a boyfriend. I don’t want someone else fathering my son.” I sighed.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Hmmm…” He seemed to be in thoughts. “Her boyfriend would not have a problem fathering your child, trust me.” He knows her boyfriend? Were they that close? “But if that is truly your worry, then you shouldn’t hesitate to do as I say, and marry her. Moreover, it would be silly for you to think that I’d let any Russo offspring be born out of wedlock.”

“Marrying her is not really the problem.” I admitted. “The problem are the Ferraris. How would they take the turn of events? They would only feel like Russo tried to make caricature of them.”

“It shouldn’t be too hard for Francisco. Atleast, his daughter wouldn’t be announced as your wife to be officially. That should help them save face. And as for the expected enemity that is to come, it shouldn’t bother you or anyone else for the matter. Moreover, the man had always deluded himself into thinking that Russo was the reason for his wife’s death. He would get over his daughter’s heartbreak the same way he got over the loss of his poor wife. After all, it should come as a relief to him. I heard the girl had literally forced him into accepting the marriage between you both. I had been quite apathetic towards your marriage plans with her. Now I know why. It was just never meant to work out.” He shrugged. It sounded so easy for him to say, but he didn’t know I was going to be the one dealing with a wailing and angry Francesca.

“You shouldn’t worry about the girl.” He said.

“What girl?” I asked, at loss.

“Your previously intended. What’s her name?”

“Francesca?” Oh my God! My Nonno didn’t know her name?!

“Yes, Francesca. Leave her to me. I would handle her myself.”

“But it’s my responsibility to…” I was still talking when he cut me short.

“And I insist that I speak with her first!”

“Alright.” I surrendered.

“Yes. All you should do is go upstairs and prepare for the event tomorrow. I wouldn’t ask you to apologize to Bianca. You should do so when you truly feel sorry for your mistakes. She definitely doesn’t deserve an apology based on coercion.” He was right about that though.

“I’ve heard you sir.” I nodded.

“Have a good night then.” He said and stood up to his feet. I also stood as he walked out of the study, leaving me to my thoughts.

Wouldn’t I be a coward by letting my Nonno speak to Francesca on my behalf? I was a whole lot, but definitely not a coward. In as much as I really wanted to just call her and let her know what was actually happening, I had to refrain from doing so. Just then, a message notification popped on my phone, and I only felt bad when I saw it was a message from Francesca. She said was anticpating tomorrow’s event. Knowing I couldn’t give as much as a reply, I turned off my phone and reclined deeper in my seat. Congratulations to me! The entire course of my life has changed in one day.




“Don’t be tensed, you’d be fine.” Mom whispered into my ear, and I rolled my eyes. I already knew how happy she was about the fateful turn of events. Suddenly, I wasn’t getting married to the girl she didn’t want anymore.

“I’m never tensed.” I bit back.

“Oh dear,” She chuckled, looking so amused. “Don’t let your Nonno hear that. Or better still, don’t let your wife to be, hear it.” She gave a satisfied smirk.

“Are you by any chance insinuating that I’m scared of Bianca?” I had a really disgusted look on my face. My mom could really go over board with a lot of funny things she said.

“Maybe it was just me, but did you see your face when she asked you to shut up?” Tommaso butted into the conversation, making mom laugh.

“Could we get down already?” I asked, losing so much patience. “Our family are already waiting for us.”

“Alright. You go ahead, while I quickly check if Bianca is ready.”

“You all should do well to prepare her own space for her. I hate that she’s encroaching in mine.” I bit out.

“I feel so sorry for you Manuel, because that isn’t happening. Married couples are supposed to share a room. And that is just how it is going to be for you both. You better start getting use to these changes soon.”

“I cannot get used to it.” Why did my mind scream at me, telling me that was a huge lie?

“Well, suite yourself.” She shrugged. “I wasn’t the one who asked you to stick you manhood into her.”

“Christ! Do you realize that you’re my mom?”

“Do I look like I don’t?” She shot back, walking away. I stood looking ar her retreating figure, until Tommaso tapped my arm.

“Let’s go down brother.” He gave a small smile, which I just wasn’t able to return. We got walking, and he struck a conversation. “Remember when we were still very young, and you’d ask Nonno to pick the best bride for you?”

I actually did remember. Why was he suddenly bringing that up?

“Yes, why?”

“You never really hoped to marry for love. And arranged marriages are no news to we, Russos. You don’t realize he has just done as you requested.”

“Well, I clearly do not need his services anymore.”

“She’s pretty.” She spoke out of context, making me shake my head in disbelief.


“Your soon to be wife.” He grinned. “Too beautiful for comfort.” He added, making me glare at him.

“I guess you realize why I knocked her up in the first place.” I mumbled dryly.

“Is it true you were her first?” At his question, I stopped in my tracks. How did my little brother have such an intimate information? It wasn’t funny.

“Who told you that?”

“No one did. I actually eavesdropped while Greta and mom discussed last night.”

“Hmmmm.” Was all I could manage to say. So Greta was selling me out, huh?

“If it’s true, then you should be nicer to her.” He muttered.

“I’m nice to her.” I spat in annoyance, and he literally glared at me. “Stop that!”

“Sorry.” He mumbled. We stepped down the last step of the stairs, before continuing on our way to the garden. That was where dinner was supposed to hold. We got to the garden and it was filled with family members. I went around to greet them all, receiving all the congratulatory comments they threw my way.

“Manuel!” I turned to see Bella and Alex walking into the garden. They had obviously just arrived. Nonno followed quite a distant behind them and I frowned sightly. He had walked in with a couple, whom I assumed where guests for the after party.

“Hello Bella.” I leaned down and gave her a kiss.

“What’s up?” Alexander whispered to me. “Greta briefed me on the turn of events yesterday. I can’t believe you’re getting married to Bianca.” He chuckled in disbelief.

“Neither can I. Nonno always has his ways, you know.”

“To be very honest, I believe it’s the right thing to do.” He gave a sympathetic smile.

“Is it the right thing? Or you all just do not like Francesca?” At my question, he smiled mischievously and I shook my head in disbelief. “I can’t believe you right now.”

“There’s something I think you should know though.” He suddenly looked serious.

“What about?”

“About Bianca’s boyfriend…” He paused when Nonno walked up to us and looked at me.

“You should escort Bianca’s parents in.” He turned to the entrance of the garden and my eyes widened in shock. The couple he had stepped in with, were Bianca’s parents? He already had them involved?

“Did you think for a moment, that you’d marry the girl without her parent’s consent?” He asked.

“No sir.”

“I thought as much.” He muttered and walked away to go sit amongst the rest of our family.

“You should go to them.” Alex nudged me, and I halfmindedly nodded, forgetting to ask him what he had been saying before Nonno showed up. I took slow steps towards them, suddenly feeling…. No! I wasn’t tensed! I was only concerned…. Arrgghh!! I just hated Bianca so much. Ever since she stepped into my life, there was always a reason to be tensed. They remained at the entrance, clearly waiting for me to come. Once I got to them, the man threw me an icy glare. Wow. He definitely disliked me a lot.

“Hello ma’am, Sir.” I greeted.

“Hello.” His wife managed a small smile. It was small, but genuine. Atleast, that helped my nerves. “Your grandfather asked us to wait for you here. We insisted we wouldn’t go into the crowd if we were yet to see our daughter.” She explained. Did she really call my family a crowd? What was she going to say when she sees the number of elites that would be in attendance at the after party?

“Of course, I can take you to see her. Please come with me.”

“Thank you.” Her mom muttered, pulling along her husband who seemed to hate me. Weirdly, it gave me shivers. Why did I even care about what the man thought of me?

I lead then into the main house and just as we were about going upstairs, I heard my mom and Greta talking as they came down. Behind them, was Bianca. Lord! She looked stunning in that black strapless dress, I hated to admit. She looked quite stunning, but sad.

“Mio cara!” Her mom called out and Bianca’s eyes got fixed on her parents. Her eyes widened in what looked like fear. She paused on her tracks, making mom and Greta do the same. They looked at her in worry.

“Mama….. Papa.” She called out, tears running down the beautiful face beat she had on, slightly ruining it.

“Oh, baby don’t cry.” Her mom rushed up the stairs and pulled Bianca into her arms.

“I’m sorry!! I’m so sorry.” She wailed. In that moment, I glanced at her father and his eyes had gone so soft. Why did I suddenly begin to feel sad? Not just sad, but guilty?

“No no no! Your papa and I are happy you’re safe. We’ve been so worried.” Her mother muttered, close to tears. Mom and Greta thought it best to come down the remaining flight of stairs, leaving Bianca and her mother alone. After sobbing in each other’s arms for a while, her mom pulled her down the stairs. “Come. You should say hi to your papa.” They started coming downstairs to meet her father who seemed eager to hold his daughter. I was so engrossed watching the man that I didn’t realize when Bianca’s eyes widened in shock. It was when she let out a whimper, that I noticed she was looking at something, or rather, someone. I followed the direction of her eyes and it landed on…. Anthonio? I had no idea he was back. The look of shock on his face only meant they were familiar with each other. I was still trying to put my thoughts together, when he said the next words that got me equally shocked.


For a moment, I wasn’t sure whom he referred to, until I saw the reaction on Bianca’s face. It was a mix of fear, remorse, and…. affection? “Babe.” He called out again and fresh tears fell from her eyes.

Hold up! Bianca was his ‘baby’?!!

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