Chapter 36: Mission Tokyo (4)

The tea ceremony ended well and every guest was ushered to his and her room. Alfred saw Theresa whispering at a servant from the corner of his eyes.

Alfred knew Theresa was doing her part of the plan. He was sure Theresa was telling the servant how much she admired Shikita and would like to see her privately.

Alfred returned back to his room, certain for a fact things were going the way he wanted.

After the servants left him behind, he quickly undressed and got back into his suit. He reached for the shoji door and slide it shut.

He wasn’t going to waste anymore time.

Matilda and Caesar were already waiting for them outside the chashitsu.

Alfred waited a little while, studying his wrist watch as the time went by. Then he placed his ears on his door and listened attentively.

The guests room had a long passage that was rarely frequented by anyone. One each side of the passages was a room for a guest.

The guest needed quiet and relaxation and that was exactly what Kashmiri provided.

Alfred waited a bit longer. Then he saw a shadowy figure through the shoji doors walking gracefully passed his room.

He recognized that figure. It was Shikita. She had taken the bait and was going for Theresa’s room.

Rose was right all along. Once Shikita finds a woman extremely attractive, she could go bananas for her. She had taken a liking to Theresa.

“Good. Very good.” Alfred muttered.

His was now dry. He wished he could smoke now to reduce the tension.

“Alright, man,” Alfred let out a deep breath. “Take it easy. Stick to the plan. Theresa would knock Shikita out. Leave it to her.”

The moment Alfred heard Theresa’s shoji door sliding open, he opened his and quietly walked down the passage.

He knew Shikita had just entered Theresa’s room. Things were going according to plan.

Alfred was going for Shikita’s uncle, Kashmiri.

If he could knock out Kashmiri and get him out of the Chashitsu before anyone noticed, they would be home safe.

In the meantime, Shikita was onto Thresa’s hands to handle. Alfred didn’t know if Theresa was capable of taking down Shikita.

Remembering the confident look Theresa had on her face when she said she was gonna handle Shikita, Alfred felt rest assured.

Walking quietly over the wooden floor, Alfred cautiously looked around to be certain he wasn’t being watched.

Finally, he found Kashmiri. He was kneeling before the family’s shrine, saying a silent prayer to a statue.

There were many candles around and the smell of burning incense filled the air.

Alfred and Kashmiri were the only ones in this sacred room. Everyone else had gone to bed.

Alfred stood at the doorway, watching him. Kashmiri may be a fat, lazy looking man but there was no telling if he could be an easy fight.

Alfred didn’t wanna fight him. He just wanted to knock him down. He had seen a lot of Asian movies to know that even the fat folks should never be underestimated.

Alfred coughed. “Ahem!”

Kashmiri opened his eyes and stopped praying. He rose to his feet and faced Alfred. His eyes showed his surprise. “Why, Mr Donovan? What’s the matter?”

“I couldn’t sleep,” Alfred said, stepping inside the vast room.

That was when he saw the sword hanging on the wall above the fireplace.

Alfred swallowed hard.

‘Can this fat cow possibly wield that sword?’ He thought to himself as he stared at the sword.

Kashmiri was a bit close to it.This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

Alfred pulled his hands into his pocket and walked casually around. “It’s hot in my room. I think I’d like some fresh air.” He said.

Kashmiri showed his teeth. “Well, you can always visit the garden. It’s always cool over there. You’d love it.”

‘Yes I’d love it but it’s you I want not the garden’ Alfred thought glumly.

“Can you accompany me?” Alfred asked harmlessly.

Kashmiri shook his head. “I’m afraid I cannot do that, Mr Donovan. I must be done with my prayers first.”

Alfred was now a bit close to him. All he had to do was wait for an opening and then he would strike him down with his left hook.

Kashmiri must’ve felt the tension around them for he began adjusting a bit closer to the sword.

Alfred began to sweat.

‘If he gets hold of that sword, I an as good as dead.’ Alfred thought.

‘It’s now or never.’ He said inwardly, then without warning, he dived at Kashmiri with his arm stretched out for a knockout punch.

Kashmiri skidded to the side and grabbed hold of Alfred’s arm. Alfred felt Kashmiri’s hands lifting him up from the ground.

Kashmiri did a judo throw and had Alfred crashing against a nearby table.

The crash was a noisy one but then the room was soundproof so no one else could hear but them.

His back hurt and it felt like a bone in his spine had shifted. He groaned, cursing himself for being too desperate and reckless.

Alfred tried to catch his vision but it was blurry. Then from behind him, he heard a sword being drawn from its sheath.

Alfred glanced up and saw Kashmiri standing over him. The sword on the wall had disappeared and it was in his hand.

Alfred hastily stood up with his aching back and faced him.

The grinning faced Japanese guy had now transformed into a raging tiger. The sword gleamed threateningly at Alfred.

Kashmiri’s eyes were mean-looking and horrific like a hypnotic killer.

The way he threw Alfred swiftly in the air against that table was devastating.

Alfred knew Kashmiri would be tough but he never imagined he would be be that tough.

“Who the hell are you?” Kashmiri asked and his eyes glittered.

Alfred was just a strike away from being killed. He needed no seer to tell him that. Then his mind wandered off to Theresa.

‘If Shikita’s uncle is this deadly, how much more Shikita herself.’ Alfred thought to himself.

In that instant, Alfred regretted setting Theresa up with Shikita.

Shikita would kill her without thinking twice.

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