The Lycan's Queen

Chapter 13

Chapter 13

The Lycan’s Queen Book 1 – Chapter 13

My brain was still processing what just occurred moments ago when the door opened. My eyes

widened as I saw Adonis stalking toward me. What was he going to do now?

“On second thought, I‘m not going to give you a chance to leave me,” he stated.

Before I could reply, Adonis kissed me! His warm lips pressed against my own and sent sparks down

my body.

Holy fuck, why does he have some amazing lips? My thoughts were consumed by this kiss and

Adonis‘s amazing lips.

Please, don‘t let this moment end. I want to keeping kissing his lips till my last breath

A knock at the door made us both break apart. I wanted to scream! Curse whoever decided to play with


A flustered maid entered and placed the tray of food down before quickly retreating. Poor thing, it didn‘t

take a genius to know something was going on before she entered. Daily Latest update

How embarrassing! She probably thinks we can‘t keep our hands off each other. Unlike me, Adonis

had a smirk on his face.

I wanted to punch that smirk off his face, or did I want to kiss it? One kiss and I am acting like this. This

is just great.

“Enjoy that?? he asked.

“Yes... I mean no.” I shook my head.

“You know it‘s unfair for you to distract me with your sinfully good lips,” I complained

“Really? I think I should be telling you that. Seeing your lips swollen from my attack on them makes you

look even more sexy,” Adonis said, putting a piece of my hair behind my ear.

I shivered from his touch.

“It‘s been a long day today, you need to eat and get some rest. Tomorrow

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? Adonin told me

we start training,” Adonis told me.

“Training? Me?” I was confused.

“I want my queen to be able to defend herself, and I know that you are more than capable,” Adonis


My mouth dropped open in shock. I couldn‘t believe what I was hearing. Adonis had a slight smile on

his face as he closed my mouth.

“Your lack of faith wounds me, little one. Keep an open mind and you might not be so shocked next

time.” Adonis chuckled.

Adonis told me he‘ll be back later, and I was left alone to my own thoughts, which was another

dangerous thing.

Well, now I felt like an idiot. I should have known Adonis was different when he had no issue with me

continuing my training to be a pack doctor. Daily Latest update

In my head, I made him out to be a tyrant who doesn‘t let his mate do anything, but he was proving me

wrong in every aspect.

Those stupid romance books, this is why I should read them.

A part of me was looking forward to training. It would be much different from my pack training as

everyone was a lycan.

I jumped off the dresser and made my way to the tray of food. Everything smelled divine! I need to be

best friends with the chef because this food was so good.

After my delicious dinner, I got ready for bed, and that‘s when I saw the mark from Adonis‘s attack on

my neck.

I actually didn‘t mind it at all, it was like his little mark to show people I was taken. The bed was calling

my name after today.

Obviously I didn‘t sleep straight away because that would be weird. I spent an hour on my phone,

catching up on social media and letting my family know I was alive.

No one was worried though. Mom assumed I would be spending time with Adonis and was shocked to

see my text. Typical. They probably thought I would be having sex or something.

I would have said no sex for a while, but after getting a taste of Adonis‘s lips, I wasn‘t sure how long I

would last. I‘d cross that bridge when I come to it. Right now I needed to sleep.

Putting my phone on charge, I let my eyes close and sleep take over....

Normally my wake–up calls are my mom yelling my name up the stairs, or my stupid alarm, which is

always so loud. However, this morning none of that happened

My wakeup call was because I felt someone playing with my hair.

Dejectedly, I opened my eyes and saw Adonis lying there and casually playing with my hair. He looked

so relaxed as he twirled my hair around his fingers. Definitely the best wakeup call ever!

“Finally awake?” Adonis smiled. Daily Latest update

“I probably would have slept longer if you didn‘t start playing with my hair,” I admitted

“If I could, then I would stay like this forever, but we need to get up for training.” Adonis sighed.

While I stretched and grabbed my phone to check my messages, Adonis got out of bed and went to get


Thankfully for me and my sanity, Adonis was wearing clothes. He didn‘t sleep shirtless, although his

top looked like it would rip when he stretched.

I messaged Carter, who told me he wouldn‘t be replying for the next few days with a winky face.

Gross, I didn‘t want to know that. By the time I had checked through my phone, Adonis was ready.

Gosh, he looked hot, but I shouldn‘t stare. That top stuck to his muscles, and those shorts showed his

impressive bulge.

No, Aarya! Stop looking! Daily Latest update

I jumped out of bed and rushed to get ready, my mind was going crazy.

I got ready in record time in some shorts and a tank top. I had a sports bra underneath, but I didn‘t

think I should go out in that, for my sake and Adonis‘s sake.

Adonis was sitting on the bed, but his eyes locked onto mine as I walked out. He didn‘t say anything

but instead took my hand, and we left.

For some reason I felt different. I looked at Adonis and noticed he had freckles on his cheeks, but I

never noticed that before. Granted they were subtle but still. I felt taller too.

Was I going crazy?

Adonis led us both past the kitchen and straight outside to the training grounds. Surprisingly, there

were lots of people already here. Clearly they must love training

“Why do I feel different? My eyesight is sharper, and I feel taller.” I whispered to Adonis.

“You‘ll figure it out,” he replied and walked off with a smug look on his face.

What was that? Why couldn‘t he just give me a straight answer?

My gaze found Luke and Sophia. Sophia will know! Luke went over to Adonis, and I beckoned Sophia


“Hey, first training session with the lycans!” She smiled.

“Yeah, but I called you over because I woke up today and there‘s been some weird changes. For some

reason I feel taller and my eyesight has definitely gotten sharper. Do you think I‘m going crazy?”

What I expected from Sophia was her to look at me like I was going insane. However, I didn‘t expect a

massive hug and her to have a big grin on her face.

It made me wonder what the hell I didn‘t know but Sophia and Adonis did? This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“You‘re so funny, Aarya! You‘re changing to a lycan! It‘s amazing to see your body change, enjoy it.”

Sophia laughed.

Oh shit. Somehow, I forgot about that part or didn‘t realize how soon it actually happened.

A small part of me was looking forward to changing. Being a lycan seemed so cool and having

heightened senses would definitely come in handy

My gaze found Adonis, who was talking to Luke. Now I realize why he had a smug look on his face.

Obviously he wouldn‘t tell me because for him it‘s more fun for me to find out myself.

My gaze lowered to Adonis‘s lips. Urgh, I wanted to kiss them so badly.

One taste of them, and I was hooked.

My thoughts were interrupted by Adonis‘s announcement that training would commence. I had no idea

where to go or what to do, but this time Adonis called me over.

I listened to him and Luke explaining how today‘s training would progress. First, there was a technique

that Adonis and Luke would demonstrate and then we‘d have to practice that move.

Then we‘d separate into groups, so the ones who hadn‘t trained before = (me) could actually learn from

the beginning.

It didn‘t sound too bad until I heard it would be a four–hour training day with breaks in between.

Suddenly I wanted to be back in my bed so badly, but I was stuck here.

Sophia stood next to me as Adonis and Luke went to teach this technique. I found myself in a trance,

my eyes focused on Adonis and only him.

He made this look so sexy that I just couldn‘t tear my gaze away. I only realized how long I must have

been staring when Adonis closed my mouth and told me, “You were drooling.”

His lips curved into a sexy smirk as he moved away from me. He did that on purpose! Training right in

front of me to get my reaction. – –

Well then, two can play at that game, Adonis. You better watch out.

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