The Lycan’s Contract Mate

Chapter 1


I look out through the window as the car I was in sped along towards the place of my birth, the place I had left eight years ago right after my eighteenth birthday, the place where I was never welcomed, but still, here I am, eight years ago, I left this country because of the most heartbreaking thing that could have happened to an eighteen years old woman who had prayed every day for that day, nothing prepared me for the heartache I felt the day I turned eighteen, of course, Ae, my wolf took the bigger hit because she had been more invested than I was but still, I suffered.

“Not now, Ariel,”

I scolded myself as I tried to forget the pain of the past, my wolf who was usually very chatty was noticeably quiet, I understood without asking because I knew she was remembering why we had to leave, and the kind of pain we had been in while they drove us to the airport, I can still remember the look of disappointment in my father’s face when he had learned that I couldn’t do just one thing right, not like it was my fault, I didn’t ask to be rejected, heck I never knew I could be rejected by my mate, the one the moon goddess had destined for me, my dad hadn’t even waited for the day to be over before he shipped me off, far away from home alone.

After I left Owhen, I spent the first year in self-pity, wondering what I did wrong to deserve so much misfortune. My mom dying during my birth was one but getting rejected in front of thousands of people?? That was a huge blow, it took a while to get back on my feet, and when I finally did, I decided to do something instead, I poured all my heart into my studies and was able to graduate medical school at twenty-four, looking out of the window again, I could tell that not much has changed in the last eight years, Owhen was still just as beautiful with tall buildings and companies everywhere, the place where almost everyone was rich.

My only friend in Owhen, Winrose was supposed to come to pick me up at the airport but that bitch ditched me for a date with her fiancé, I couldn’t blame her though, I am happy she is happy, at least one of us gets our mate.

My whole life has been one hell of a heartbreak, I don’t think I have many happy memories, not when I was born as the cursed child, growing up in Owhen, I was isolated from the other kids, even my brothers didn’t have much contact with me, once I passed the preschool stage, I was homeschooled, I couldn’t play with the other kids, wasn’t allowed to go out, worst of all? My dad hated my presence because I reminded him of all he lost, I reminded him of the reason his mate was no longer with him, he went out of his way to make sure I wasn’t in his presence, I never ate with them, never sat in front of the TV with them, heck I wasn’t even allowed to attend any function, not even my brothers birthday parties, and yes, I never had a birthday party either, the only ones I could remember were the ones the nannies threw for me which I told them to stop doing once I turned ten.

My thoughts were caught short when the driver suddenly came to a stop, I looked ahead to see a crowd gathering in the front, the driver was out of the car before I knew it. I was much too tired to even think of getting out of the car with him so I just waited.

“What’s going on?”

I asked the driver when he came back, I didn’t want to step out of the car but with the commotion, there was no stopping it.

“There has been an accident and someone is lying on the ground almost lifeless,”

The driver responded, that got me out of the car, why would people just stand and watch when someone is dying? What’s the logic? Those were the thoughts that were running through my head as I took the few steps to where the crowd had gathered and sure enough, there lay a child of around thirteen to fifteen years, he looked lifeless and was drained of any color.

“What happened to him?”

I asked, already, going into doctor’s mode, I checked his purse and though it was there, it was too slow to be normal.

“What happened to him?”

I yelled again and finally got the attention of someone.

“I don’t know but he was running and suddenly stopped, he collapsed before anyone got to him,”

A lady who looked scared explained,

That wasn’t much but I put my hands over his nose and he was breathing but really slowly, I removed the button on his shirt and make sure his body was below the level of the heart to encourage blood flow to his brain, while checking to find a reason for his predicament, I didn’t need to look long because someone suddenly came and pushed me out of the way, I landed on the ground and turned around in shock.

“Who the fuck are you and what are you doing to him?”

He yelled as he lifted the almost lifeless lad and turned to leave, I couldn’t just let him leave like that.

“Stop, what do you think you are doing mister? Don’t you see he needs help?”NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

I yelled at him which made him stop for a moment, his deep brown eyes burning intensely into my soul.

“If you wanna help, then get in the car,”

He said in a commanding voice, I panicked but I didn’t want to leave the young lad with a stranger, I turned back at my driver who wasn’t even looking at me, I was torn between calling for him and just getting into the car, well, in the end, I got in, and before long the car zoned off.

“Where are you taking him? He needs help,”

I said, checking his pulse again, it was getting weaker, but he was still breathing.

“Can you please remove his shirt completely and make sure he can get blood to his brain, that was what I was trying to do before you rushed in,”

I added when he refused to answer my first question, I didn’t know where we were going but I guessed the hospital even though I was beginning to question my reasons for getting into a car with a complete stranger, but I took an oath and there was a patient in need.

“How to do that? We are going to the hospital,”

He responded in a low voice while taking off the lad’s clothes, I explained what he needed to do, and before long, the lad was in a relaxed position, he wasn’t awake yet but since he said we were headed to the hospital, I tried to calm down, it didn’t take long before we landed at the hospital.

As soon as we got there, the lad was taken from us and the commanding man left me on my own, I just stood there wondering what I was supposed to do, what was the point of coming down here anyway? I looked around the unfamiliar hospital, even though I was born here and spent eighteen years of my life in this country, I didn’t know anywhere here and I could easily get lost because I wasn’t allowed to leave the mansion, the only place I ever went to was the mall with Winrose, now here I am in a hospital, my phone wasn’t even with me, my wolf was so quiet and I felt lost, I looked around wondering what I should do.

“Oh my gosh, he is hot,”

My wolf said, so expected of her, the first thing she says since we landed has to be about a man, and I rolled my eyes, I may not be a simp but Ae is definitely a simp for hot men, I couldn’t blame her this time because he was really hot, and he was looking at me, I felt my face heat up as he walked towards me, I was drawn between staying still and running away, which was a shocker because I don’t run away from men, except that one time, eight years ago when I left my home because of a damn man.

Well this man interrupted my job, okay technically it isn’t a job but still, what he did would have led to a major disaster. I frowned at the thought of what would have happened if the young lad had been left there without any medical aid.

“Hello, I am sorry for how I reacted earlier,”

He said as he got close to me, his deep euphonic voice resonating into my soul, I could hear my wolf whisper in admiration, and I shook my head to clear my thoughts.

“You could have at least allowed me to do my job and give basic care,”

I fired at him.

“Your job?”

He asked in a voice that suggested he didn’t believe me.

“Yes, my job, I am a doctor, treating people is my job,”

I informed.

“I am sorry, I just really wanted Raul to get help quickly and I didn’t know you had the qualifications, you didn’t seem like a doctor,”

He said and every word that came out of his mouth made me wanna scream at his face, what? I didn’t look like a doctor? What is a doctor supposed to look like?

“Don’t be mad at him, he is hot,”

My wolf implored. I took a deep breath.

“No, it’s fine, you did what you thought was best, although we had different opinions and methods, at the end of the day, what matters is the patient is fine,”

I said even though I had more to say, it was in times like this that I am glad that I actually listen to my wolf, if it was just me. Heck, I won’t have kept shut because I am the professional and he is just a buff guy who thinks he can do anything, plus he is hot too.

“Yeah, so hot,”

Ae whispered, oh she was a goner and I would have been too if I wasn’t mad at him.

“Good, Raul is under my care,”

He informed and I wanted to know why he let the boy out of his sight but kept quiet.


I answered, I didn’t know what else to say.

“Thank you for what you did but I will take it from here,”

He said and I opened my mouth to respond to his rude words but stopped when someone called out my name.


Winrose called out, yup I knew that voice by heart, only one person sounded like a nightingale in the whole of Owhen and that’s my best friend and only true love Winrose, the reason I even thought of returning to Owhen.

“Winrose, what are you doing here? How did you know I was here? I thought you were out on a date with Jayden?”

I asked as I hugged my best friend, the last time we saw each other was two years ago when she had visited me in Dilgem, I hugged her tight.

“I came to get a test done and saw you, I am sorry I ditched you, oh hello,”

She greeted the arrogant hot man who was staring at the two of us, I forgot he was there for a moment.

“Hi, like I said lady, thank you for trying to help, I am sorry for how I reacted but you can leave now,”

He said as if he was telling me to fuck off, well I was going anyway, now that I know he knew the lad, there was no point in staying here.


I said as I pulled my best friend with me, I resisted the urge to turn back and give him a piece of my mind.

“So annoying,”

I whispered under my breath, Winrose turned to me.

“What happened with you two? How did you end up here?”

She asked and I explained what happened.

“Oh, you goody goody doc,”

Winrose said and I rolled my eyes, not like I was able to do anything.

“Who is he anyway?”

I asked Winrose, she turned to look at me as if I had lost my mind, well maybe I have because if I was supposed to know him then why couldn’t I remember him?

“Really? You don’t know Kendrix?”

“Well, at least I know his name now, who the heck is he anyway?”

I asked looking back to see that he was still standing there watching Winrose and me leave. I turned back immediately as our eyes met, I felt my face heat up with embarrassment, why was he still standing there anyway?

“Kendrix is Jordan’s older brother, not much older though, I think about six months? But yeah,”

Winrose rambled on but I was stuck at the name she mentioned, I didn’t want it to be true but which other Jordan do I know anyway? There is only one Jordan I have known and he is no other than the reason I left, the man who broke my heart even before he had it, my mate, who rejected me…

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