The Lycan King's Secret Baby (Freya and Jaxon)

Chapter 84

Chapter 84

Chapter 84 87%1 He reached out for me immediately and I knew we were on the same track. I didn’t know how Violet came to know about Kieran considering we hadn’t told anyone. Most of the guards already knew because they had to guard him but excluding that, no one else knew. The mole must have told her and since Kieran was a new addition to the family, he was the weakest link. Jaxon turned to Aiden first. “Were you able to track the number?” Aiden shook his head. “It was a payphone in town. All I could get was the surrounding area. She was smart enough not to use a disposable or her own cell phone that could be tracked back to her, I’m sorry but there’s nothing else I can do.” I ran my hands through my hair in frustration. Violet was proving to be a formidable foe and she wasn’t making the usual mistakes that most people did. She must have spent a long time analyzing the pros and cons and making plans to ensure that she wasn’t caught before she was ready. I didn’t know what else to say but Jaxon did. “Have the guards check the surrounding areas for abandoned buildings. She can’t have gone too far out of her comfort zone to make a call. I can bet that she stays close to that payphone. If they can find where she stays then maybe they can wait for her there.” Once he was done barking off orders, he grabbed my arm and led me in the direction of the front doors where the cars were waiting. He pulled me into the closest one and without another word, he started in the direction towards the school. Jaxon’s foot was permanently glued to the gas as he sped off without a care in the world. I could feel panic in my chest but I knew it wasn’t my own. It was raw and there was a twinge of anger to it that I knew did not belong to me. I knew without the shadow of a doubt that it was Jaxon’s. He was so good at keeping his wall erect and hiding his emotions from me but the worry he felt for Kieran was so great that even his perfect wall couldn’t completely hold it back. We got to the school in record time and the car had barely stopped when Jaxon was out of it and rushing towards the front doors. I had never seen him that panicked before except maybe whenContent is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

Kiara went missing. I never thought it would be possible for Jaxon to worry about someone else the way he did Kiara but clearly I was wrong. Somewhere in his heart, he had begun to see Kieran as his own and it was obvious. The security guards looked confused to see us because we had never come to pick up Kieran before. I could feel the confusion coming from the parents and students because as far as most of them knew, Kiara wasn’t old enough to attend school yet. School was officially over for the day so there was so many students out and it was difficult to see amid the throng of students but I searched with my eyes hoping that I would see Kieran’s mop of dark hair. The other palace cars arrived almost immediately and Jaxon was quick to bark out orders. “Find my son and get him back to me at whatever cost. His safety is paramount, ask questions later There was a chorus of ‘yes sir’ as they went to do as he asked. Jaxon and I searched through the parking lot and the longer it took for us to find him, the more panicked I grew. I was terrified that Violet had gotten to him first. I didn’t trust her not to do something crazy and I didn’t trust her not to hurt him. If she was anything like her mother then she would not hesitate to make him suffer. “Maybe we should check inside, I offered and Jaxon nodded because I knew we were not making any progress outside. past the We made our way into the grand halls and on a different day, I would have stopped to admire it but I couldn’t think possibility of Kieran being in danger. A staff member led us to his class but it was empty. Tears began to prick the back of my eyes as I was forced to come face to face with the possibility that Kieran was taken by Violet. I could only imagine how scared he was and what she was doing to him. The first tear fell just as hurried footsteps made their way into the room. “We found him.” It took me a second to process the words and once I did, I was off like a bullet in the direction that the guard led us. He led us down the halls and towards the bathroom where Kieran stood looking confused. There were three guards standing next to him and I wasted no time in rushing over to him and pulling ham into my arms. He stiffened on impact but he allowed 1/3

13:01 Fri, May 24 GM. Chapter 84 himself to relax in my hold. “Is everything okay?” he asked, and I nodded. “I can’t breathe, you’re holding to tight.” 87% I chuckled softly and pulled away from him. His brows were scrunched and he glanced between Jaxon, the guards and me. I could tell that he had a lot of questions but before he could ask any of them, Jaxon spoke. “Where have you been?” Jaxon asked. “We have been looking for you everywhere. You weren’t at the spot where the guards. pick you up. Kieran flushed pink. “I needed to use the bathroom. I was going to be there in a few minutes. I’m sorry I made you worry” I wanted to assure him that everything was fine but I couldn’t. I wanted to assure him thatwe didn’t panic but that would have been a lie. I couldn’t tell him any of those things because my heart was still pounding in my chest, my bones still felt like jelly and a part of me still thought he was going to disappear into thin air. I may not have birthed Kieran but he was mine and a threat to him was a threat to me. A guard walked up to me and I saw a piece of paper in his hands. He handed it over to me because I was closer. “This was found at the spot where Kieran is picked up from.” I opened it gingerly and there were just a few words on it courtesy of Violet’s minimalistic nature: This was a close one, you wont be so lucky next time. 1 crumpled the paper into a ball and turned to the guards. “She couldn’t have gone far. Find her. I don’t care if you have to turn the entire pack upside down to do it. Find her and make sure she is in the dungeons by sunset.” The guards nodded and they went to do as instructed. Jaxon was watching me with raised brows and eyes filled with pride and amusement. I flushed pink when I realized that I had ordered the guards around for the first time like a Queen. It felt different but it also felt good. There was a feeling that came with the knowledge of power and I loved it but I didn’t have time to focus on it, I had a

family to handle. “Come, I’m sure you’ve had a long day,” I murmured to Kieran as I took his hand. “I’ll explain everything to you on the way home.” He obeyed without complaint and followed Jaxon and I into the car. I couldn’t tell him everything but I just explained briefly that there was someone who was trying to hurt us and the person targeted him. I wasn’t sure he understood the complexities of everything but he knew it was urgent enough not to complain when Jaxon told him that he was going to be moving around with guards of his own. By the time we got home, I was exhausted and I just wanted to relax. I dragged myself into the kitchen and before I found myself measuring flour. I didn’t know what I was doing, just knew that I needed to do something to keep busy or I was going to drive myself insane. It was halfway through my mixture that I realized I was making a cake- a variation of it Everyone knew better than to bother me so I was left alone for the most part, at least until Jaxon made his way inside didn’t say a word as he crossed the length of the room and made his way over to the counter. I had already been along while because the cake was in the oven and I could see that the sun was beginning to set. My thoughts were beginning up my mind again and I tried to keep them at bay by cleaning but Jaxon closed his hand around my own and pried the out of my lingers. “I think you’ve done enough, don’t you?” he asked but I stayed silent. “Kieran is upstairs in his room doing homework, Kia is in her bedroom playing with her dolls. You are here covered in flour but safe. Violet did not win.” “Violet Is roaming free, she won.” Jaxon opened his mouth to protest but I cut him off “She may not have physically hurt him but I will spend every waking hour that she is out there thinking about what could have happened. I will spend every waking hour worried about this family. That is what she wanted, she won” it. “The guards will find her. There is only so far she can go. Unless she leaves this pack, she will be found and she will be made to answer for everything she has dour.” l’s 8/3

13:01 Fri, May 24 GMO. Chapter 84 87% “How many more people will she hurt before then? Last time it was a farm, what if it is a person this time? I am the one she has the beef with, she wants to torture me and she knows that hurting me directly will not do anything. Violet knows me better than anyone.” Jaxon closed the distance between us and cupped my cheek in an affectionate manner. He leaned down and pressed his lips softly against mine once. I allowed myself melt against his hold as he did it again and again until all thought had gone out from my brain. He did it until all I could focus on was him and his presence in front of me. Violet will be dealt with,” he assured me and, in that moment, I couldn’t help but believe him. It felt so farfetched but I chose to believe him and I nodded. “She will be found.” I spoke the words with as much conviction as I could muster and Jaxon smiled at me in encouragement. He took a step back and I opened my mouth to thank him when I felt a pressure at the back of my skull. It was very rare for anyone to try mind. linking me so I knew it had to be important. I let down my walls slightly. “What happened?” An unknown soldier’s voice filled my head. “Your majesty, we found her.” SEND GIFT 0 COMMENT,

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