The Lycan King's Secret Baby (Freya and Jaxon)

Chapter 64

Chapter 64

Chapter 64 I fell asleep shortly after that but when I woke up, I immediately knew something was wrong. For starters, it was light outside and Jason was still asleep beside me. He never slept in past six am. and from what I could see, it was at least eight or nine. I was surprised that I slept in this late as well but I wasn’t the king. I wasn’t Jaxon. I carefully pulled myself out of bed and debated whether or not I should wake him up. At the end. I decided against it and got dressed for the day. When I got out of the bathroom, I checked on him again but he was still fast asleep. I assumed the stress must have caught up with him so I decided to let him be after checking to be sure that he was breathing properly. Kiara was awake so I had breakfast with her and spent some time playing with her. I knew there was a lot of work to do but I didn’t want to handle it. For the time being, I wanted to simply be a mother and a mate without the burdens that came with. being Queen. I just wanted a break and I was determined to milk that break for as long as I could. The real crack in my façade came was when Kiara and I were playing dolls. She picked up a doll and stared at it for what felt like hours before finally turning to me. “Where do babies come from. I choked on air and ended up spluttering as I wracked my brain for the kind of answer to give her. Finally I settled for a fraction of the truth. “A baby grows inside the mummy’s belly.” “How does it get there?” “The moon goddess puts it there when she sees that two people love each other very much. It is like a perfect gift, just like you She smiled widely and then she stuffed some pieces of paper under the dress of the doll she was holding. That singular action took me back to the conversation I had with Kieran’s mother. My hand absent mindedly drifted down to my stomach and I realized I needed an answer and I needed one as soon as possible. I forced myself to my feet and Kiara looked up at me with scrunched brows. “I need to go outside really quickly to get something, I will be back as soon as possible, I kissed the

top of her head and I rushed out of the room. Jared and Jael were standing guard as usual waiting for me. “I need to go into town.” They cast a wary glance between each other but it was Jared who spoke. “Are you sure you have to go? You could always send a maid to go instead. Hell, you could send me instead, I would be more than happy to go.” “This is something I need to do by myself.” He looked like he would have rather stuck his finger into a shredfler but at the end of the day, he nodded. I made my way over to the room to retrieve my card because I didn’t want Jaxon seeing my purchase in his history. The entire way to the car, Jared and Jael were determined to talk me out of going into town. I couldn’t help but wonder why they were so determined that I didn’t go but whenever I asked, they found a way to change the subject. They realized I wasn’t going to change my mind as soon as we got into the car and they cast each other another wary look. “Wherever you’re going, you need to be out in five minutes, tops Jared said and I was shocked he was giving me an instruction but I nodded nonetheless. “Where are you going?” “A pharmacy or a drug store; whichever is closer.” He nodded then turned his head up to the sky and I could have sworn that I heard him say. “Goddess help us.” The closest drug store was at least fifteen minutes away from the palace and throughout the entire drive, Jared and Jael were inuttering to themselves. Their disapproval on leaving the pack house had my anxiety skyrocketing but no matter how 1.3 ® KIPS VIRTUAL ADMISSIONS OPEN Prepare for Medical, Engineering. CS & Business Entrance Tests 17+LMSI FEATURES O ENROLL NOW!

< 41 11:16 Sat, May 18 M. Chapter 64 many times I asked, they refused to tell me what it was. By the time we finally got to the store, I was already second guessing my decision to go in the first place. I made to open the door but Jared stopped me. “We can’t tell you what is going on but we can tell you how to be safe. Just keep your head down, stay close to us and get whatever you need.” “Can’t I go in alone?” I had barely finished my statement before he shook his head. I sighed and relented. “Whatever, let’s do this Both men stood on either side of me like walls of stone as I made my way into the store. If they didn’t want to draw attention to me then they were doing a poor job because anyone was bound to notice two palace guards escorting a lone female. All eyes were on us the moment we got into the store just like I expected. I ignored the eyes and made my way towards the aisle that I suspected would have what I was looking for. I grabbed two pregnancy test strips off the rack and handed it over to Jared. “I need you to help me pay for this. Of course people will be able to point it back to me but I don’t need Jaxon finding out before I tell him.” He nodded in understanding and left me with Jael. Jael was quiet but his eyes were extra vigilant. He was scouring the store for visible threats and he had a dark look on his face that warned everyone to stay away. It made them stay but their eyes followed me like hawks. Jared returned after a few minutes with the test in a bag. “We should leave now.” “I need to use the bathroom first,” I hissed and he clenched his jaw but nodded. “I would like it to be on record that I was vehemently against this idea,” he whispered as they walked me towards the front of the women’s bathroom. “We will be outside and if we sniff any hints of a threat, we are coming in. Deal?” “Of course,” I gave him a sickly sweet smile and made my way in

When I walked into the bathroom, there were two other women there. They exchanged glances and immediately started whispering under their breaths to each other. I tried to ignore them and made my way into the bathroom. I didn’t need to drink water because of how nervous I was. It was difficult to maneuver due to the fact that I was in a public bathroom but I was able to pee on the strips. I timed it on my phone and placed it on top of the toilet seat while I went to wash my hands in order to make the time run faster. While I was washing my hands, I realized that the women in the bathroom were staring at me. It wasn’t stares of amazement or shock, but rather disdain and anger which confused me because I hadn’t done anything to warrant those stares. “Hello,” I said in an attempt to diffuse the situation. “Can I help you?” “You could get the f*ck out of our pack. Your absence would help us a lot.” I was taken aback by the venom in her voice and the daggers that people were throwing at me with their eyes. I stumbled back and grabbed the test strips determined to check them when I was at home because I knew that I was no longer welcome here. I made to leave but I noticed the women were blocking the door. “Move,” I said ditching the nice queen act because I knew it was getting me nowhere. “If you don’t move, you will be forcibly removed.” “What does he even see in you? one of them asked. “How did you get him so p*sy whipped that he was willing to put us all in danger over you?” “What are you even talking about?” I was confused but I was also scared that they had somehow found out that I was the reason they were being attacked by Noxian KIPS VIRTUAL ADMISSIONS OPEN Prepare for Medical, Engineering. CS & Business Entrance Tests 17+LMSI OX FEATURES O ENROLL NOW!

40% 11:16 Sat, May 18 7 M. Chapter 64 “Don’t play stupid,” the first woman spat. “You wanted power and when the first Alpha wouldn’t give it to you, you came here. He wouldn’t give it to you either but you managed to sink your claws into him by getting pregnant for him. Who the hell does that?” “I think you need to move, now,” I warned and she made to take a step close to me but the door flew open and Jared and Jael stood there. The women dissipated immediately when the threat had arrived Both men led me out of the store and into the car without another word. I was still shaking from the experience so I didn’t know what to say and even if I did, my lips would not move to form words. They didn’t start the car immediately we got in, instead, they seemed to be giving me time to gather my bearings and get myself in order. “What the hell was that?” I asked at soon as I was calm. “What were they talking about?” The brothers glanced between themselves as if unsure of whether they should speak or not. “I asked you a question and I expect an answer. What the hell happened there This morning, someone let ship your history with Alpha Noxian It went out to the families of the deceased who in turn spread it to the entire pack. Everyone hates you now because they think you brought Noxian into the pack. People are just angry, it will mellow down within a few days.” Jared started the car after that but I couldn’t get those words out of my head. How did they find out? How many people kne about it? What were the people saying?” “How could they have found out? I thought it was kept within the palace circles.” “A lot of people knew about it,” Jael explained. “Even before today, I was aware as your guard. Kiara’s guards were also aware and so were the top soldiers in the palace. Honestly, anyone could have given the leak and you would never know. There is so much politics in the palace that it would be practically impossible to find out who was responsible.” 1 placed my head in my hands in frustration and resignation: I was officially enemy number I in myAll rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

own pack. The people I was supposed to love and protect hated me and the truth was that I didn’t blame them, I couldn’t, not when they were right. “It will be fine.” Jared assured me but I could tell he didn’t believe me so he changed t POSITIVE the subject. “What does the test s Say?” 1 forgot about the test in my panic but I reached into the plastic bag and took out the two strips. Both had two pink lines- SEND GIFT KIPS VIRTUAL 111 COMMENT ADMISSIONS OPEN Prepare for Medical, Engineering. Cs & Business Entrance Tests 17+LMSI FEATURES ENROLL NOW! 11:16 Sat, May 18 7. 40%

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