The Lycan King’s Breeder


Chapter 62: Talon’s PoV

After the long shower, I pulled Avalyn closer for another kiss. She was so sweet, I could spend the entire day in her room, just enjoying her body and forgetting about everything else.

But I was the Lycan King. I had duties to attend to.

“I hate to leave but I need to attend meetings… I trust Emily and Dawn will take care of you, right?” I whispered against her soft lips.

She nodded, hiding her face under her eyelashes.

Warmth filled me at the gesture. I could see her perfectly, yet she thought she was hiding the blush with her lashes. They were long and beautiful but they weren’t enough.

“Ahh, Avalyn,” I sighed as I kissed her swollen lips again. “You are driving me crazy…” I whispered as my lips found her cheeks. I was slowly moving to her mouth again but she placed a soft hand on my chest, stopping me.

“Umm… I think you should go,” she whispered.

My wolf groaned. We wanted to stay here but she was right. I should go.

“Stay out of trouble,” I whispered and kissed the side of her head, before putting some space between us.

I put on my clothes and was almost tempted to go back and kiss her again but I restrained myself.

If held her warm body again, I was surely going to spend the entire day in her room.

I flashed her a smile and walked out.

The moment I stepped out of the room, I heard Snickers from a corner and when I checked, I saw Emily and Dawn.

Dawn bowed her head but Emily -that naughty sister of mine -stared me straight in the eye and smiled.

“You both are old enough to find mates of your own,” I heard Greg say and I realized he had also been waiting.

I ignored all of them and started walking toward the throne room. Of course, Greg came after me and I knew for certain Emily and Dawn would go taunt Avalyn.

Avalyn… Just thinking about her brought another smile to my face.

“If you keep smiling like this, the council will think you have lost your mind. None of them have seen you smile like this, not even at your mating ceremony,” Greg said beside me and I rolled my eyes at him.

“They should be grateful, they can see my smile,” I said and Greg broke into a soft chuckle.

But what he said about my mating ceremony reminded me of Willow.

I hadn’t thought about her since I stepped into Avalyn’s room last night but now that he mentioned that, a frown covered my face.

I was a bad mate.

Willow had been trying to get me to make love to her for weeks now but my body rejected her. Yet in just one night, I was lost in Avalyn’s hands.

I should find a way to make it up to her.

“Your smile is gone. I am sure the council members won’t mind but I will. What has crowded your thoughts?” Greg asked.Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

I released a sigh and stopped walking.

“It’s Willow.” I breathed.

Greg frowned.

“What about Willow? Is everything alright with her?”

I nodded at his question but my frown only deepened. Everything was alright with her and it shouldn’t have been.

It was like she didn’t lose anything at all.

But I closed my eyes and shook my head. I shouldn’t be thinking about that. It was all in the past.

“These last couple of weeks, we have just… We have grown apart…” I confessed to Greg.

Greg held my right shoulder and gave me a weak smile. “You have everything you want right in front of you Talon…” he said and I furrowed my brows at his comment.

“Of course I know I have everything I want, except a child!” I scoffed, shrugging his hand off my shoulder.

Greg flashed me a small smile again but this time he raised his hands. “I don’t mean you any harm. All I am trying to say is that Willow is your mate. If something is pulling you guys apart, you need to find that thing and cut it off.”

“What if I am that thing?” I asked him.

“Even better. At least now, you know where the problem is…” He said, dropping his hands by his side.

I resumed walking again as his words rang out in my head.

I was the problem in my relationship with Willow. It couldn’t have been her. I was the one who didn’t know what I wanted.

I was the one who couldn’t make her happy. I couldn’t give her a child and now I am having conflicted feelings for my breeder -one that she suggested.

It was total chaos.

“Look, man, just talk to her. Take her somewhere that has a lot of value to you and open up to her. I am sure she will understand. After all, she is your mate and she is a werewolf. Things should be easier for her to understand because you are connected.”

Once again, I stopped walking. Greg was right.

I had to talk to Willow. That was the missing ingredient to solving my dilemma.

“Thank you, Gregory,” I said and he rolled his eyes.

“Call me that one more time, and I will be giving out the worst advice!” He threatened and I smiled.

We resumed walking. This time my heart was at ease. I wasn’t troubled anymore. I now had a solution to my problems.

After the council meeting, I would go talk to Willow and all of these problems would be solved once and for all.

“That reminds me, Councilwoman Elizabeth’s children are still waiting for your verdict… Poor boys,” Greg said as he pushed the door to the throne room open.

I squeezed my eyes shut for a few seconds as I had totally forgotten about the boys after what happened.

I proceeded into the throne room and the procession began. Everyone presented their case and I made an effort not to yawn.

The only thing I was interested in hearing was the border patrol and surrounding forest conditions. It was a relief when Walter got up.

“My King, we have managed to push the rogues further away from our territory. It is safe to say that we are past the peak hour. Our families can sleep peacefully now,” he said and my eyes twinkled in satisfaction.

“Wonderful news Walter. You and your men have done well…” I praised him.

Desmond must have realized that he couldn’t beat them, so he returned to hiding.

“But we must not drop out defenses. Desmond is still watching among the shadows. He will return,” I warned and Walter nodded.

“With your guidance. We shall always be prepared, my king,” he said and I nodded in satisfaction.

I dismissed the meeting right after that and watched as they all trooped out of the throne room, leaving me and Greg.

It was customary for the Lycan King to watch his people leave while he and his right-hand man left last.

As soon as the last person exited the room, Greg and I got up at the same time as if we had planned it.

I gave him a glare wondering where he was in such a hurry. At least he knew I had to be with Willow to solve my problems.

“Where are you going?” I asked, furrowing my brows.

A blush crept up his cheeks but before I could comment on it, it disappeared.

“You cheeky bastard!” I laughed, shoving him to the side. “You act like your cock doesn’t work yet you have plans to go sneak back into Cassie’s bed!” I exclaimed amidst laughter.

He threw me a glare but failed to maintain the stern look, he soon joined me in my laughter and the throne room boomed with our happy sound as we stepped out of it.

“Good luck, soldier!” I said as we got to the crossroad, where I would head to my wing and he would move to the estate where the workers’ quarter was.

I had asked him several times to move to his quarters in the castle but he kept refusing.

He even wanted to stay in the village. The workers’ quarter was the best bargain we could settle on.

“Good luck to you too!” He replied and waved a two-finger salute in my direction before we parted ways.

My mood changed once Greg disappeared into the distance. My heart became filled with darkness and a thousand clouds of confusion.

I got to the room and didn’t know if I should knock on it or just push through.

It was my room but I suddenly developed cold feet.

Just when I was about to push the door, a brilliant idea came to mind. I had to gift her something. That would make things much easier to handle.

I turned around and headed out. I couldn’t go to Greg right now, he needed some break.

Luckily, I ran into one of Elizabeth’s boys.

“You!” I called. When he turned and saw me, he quickly ran in my direction like a loyal dog.

When he reached two steps in front of me, he stopped and bowed. “My King,” he whispered.

“I have signed your mother’s release. She will no longer be a council member but she can live,” I said.

The boy’s eyes snapped up and his eyes glassed over as tears danced within them.

I grabbed his shoulders and shook him, “You are a soldier! You are not supposed to cry! Haven’t Walter taught you this?” I hissed.

“I am sorry my king… I was- I am overwhelmed…” he stuttered, falling to his knees.

I smiled at the boy. And then remembered why I had come out here in the first place.

“What’s your name?” I asked him.

“Peter, my king,” he replied.

I held his shoulders and pulled him onto his feet.

“Peter, I need your help-”

“At your service sir!” The boy yelled even before I finished.

Teenagers! I thought with a scoff.

“I want you to go to the market and get me something beautiful. I want to gift it to my queen… And don’t worry about payment. Tell the trader you buy from it for the king, the Beta will pay them up later.”

“Yes, my king. I will go right away!” The boy said and slipped out of my hands.

I wanted to tell him where I would be but the boy didn’t even wait. He ran off before I could breathe.

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