The Lycan King

Chapter 32. Pregnant

Chapter 32. Pregnant


"Let me introduce you both to your new family." I smiled at both of them and then looked at Sofiya,

Vladimir, Dimitri and Andrei who had welcoming smiles on their faces. When Nikolai had informed them

that Adrian and Vanessa would be living here now, they were all shocked. If I were in their place than I

would have been too, it's was not everyday you saw the big bad wolf taking in children.

"That's uncle Vladimir and aunt Sofiya, then this his uncle Dimitri and uncle Andrei." I introduced them.

And as expected, both of them were too shy to say anything except flashing smiles towards the person

I introduced.

"And what's the name of her child?" Adrian frowned as he pointed at Sofiya.

Sofiya frowned back and looked down to her stomach, her hand coming over her belly. "I told you I look

fat in this dress." She grumbled to Vladimir and elbowed him in his stomach to which his winced.

"Dammit woman."

"She isn't pregnant Adrian." I bit back my smile at the couple's banter.

"But she is." He frowned and took small steps towards Sofiya as narrowed his eyes at her stomach. "I

can feel the heat of the foetus, hear the heart beat and smell her too."

"Nessa?" He turned towards Vanessa.

"Yeah, she is a vampiwe." She whispered. Her eyes rounded??as if she was just said something

wrong. Then after a few seconds, Adrian came besides Vanessa and clutched her hand in his. It

seemed like they were talking through the mind-link.

Sofiya was in shock and if I looked closely, I could spot a tear in Vladimir's eye. "Is it true?" He


"I don't know, we have to go to the doctor." She mumbled. "I'll see you all later." She caught Vladimir's

hand and rushed out with him.

"Do you both want to go see the beach?" Dimitri grinned at the kids. They smiled back and nodded

eagerly. I am sure he was going to do his best to gain the position of their favourite uncle.

"They are special." Andrei settled on the couch.

"It seems so." Nikolai seemed deep in thought.

"Alpha, these is something that needs to be discussed." Andrei said, clearly indicating there was work

needed to be done.

"You carry on with your work, I'm making dinner tonight." I popped a kiss on his cheek and waved a

goodbye to Andrei before going to the kitchen.

I decided to cook?Solyanka Soup?with Georgian bread, Shashlik, Knish?and?Ptichye Moloko cake-

Nikolai's favourite.

Sasha and Irina were cutting vegetables when I entered. They both smiled at me. "Good evening


It hand been a while since I had seen them. They were in their usual uniform of a black dress with a

wide neckline. They had their hair tied up too. Which I guess was easy access for when Vladimir

needed to feed. The only difference was the black leather collar around their necks. Nikolai had

informed me that he had ordered them to put it on again to remind them their true place. He didn't want

the cake incident to repeat.

"Good evening to you too." I rounded the counter and opened the fridge. I wasn't going to behave

differently to them only because I knew they were slaves now. All the ingredients I needed were there

except pork and gelatine.

"Irina, can you get someone to buy pork, gelatine and Georgian bread right now?" I asked her as I

removed all the ingredients I needed to cook. After the incident had happened, I had only cooked

breakfast. I cooked dinner a couple of times but this setting still felt familiar.

"Yes, of course Luna." She said and made a call.

"I have decided to cook?Solyanka Soup?with Georgian bread, Shashlik, Knish?and?Ptichye Moloko?

cake. Irina, you can cut continue cutting the vegetables and Sasha, make the dough for?knish."

"Yes Luna." They both replied and got to work. I started on making the?Ptichye Moloko?cake,

determined on making it the best dish. I had promised Nikolai that I would make it again and I was

going to make good on that promise.

The three of us worked quickly and efficiently on everything and once the pork, gelatine and Georgian

bread arrived, we completed the rest of the things too. I was icing the cake when I heard Sofiya and

Vladimir arrive.

"Let this be as it is, I'll finish it. Just place the food in the serving bowls and then you are good to go." I

instructed them before I rushed to the main foyer.

Sofiya and Vladimir had small smiles on their faces as they kissed.

"Ahem." I fake coughed to gain their attention.

"I am pregnant." Sofiya grinned and engulfed me in a bear hug. "Congratulations Sof." I kissed her

cheek and hugged her harder. I was so happy for her, she deserved it.

After she released me, I hugged Vladimir. "Congratulations."

"Thank you Avalyn." He patted my back. I could hear the smile on his face.

"What did we miss?" Dimitri asked with a grin. He was dripping wet and as were the kids.

"I'm pregnant." Sofiya exclaimed and hugged her wet brother. He lifted her off the ground and spun in

circles, causing her to giggle. The kids looked happy.

"You both should go take a bath. Come on, I'll show you both your rooms." I told them and we climbed

up the stairs. "What did you do at the beach?" I asked.

"We dunked uncle Dimitri in the water." Adrian said with a mischievous smile. "And we stood on his

shouldew and jumped in the watew." Vanessa added with a wide smile. Dimitri had done a good job to

bring both of them out of their shell.

"That sounds fun, maybe we all will go to the beach together soon." I smiled and two excited 'yes' met

my ears. "But remember, you need to be safe. And no going in the water on your own, alright?"

"Yes, Avalyn." They both replied in unison.

"Do you both want to share rooms like you did in the pack house or want separate rooms?" I asked as I

pushed open the door. The bedroom was on the second floor besides Dimitri's bedroom. I decided to

keep them away from mine our Sofiya's bedroom so their sensitive years wouldn't hear our...nightly

activities. The rooms were sound proof but as Andrei said, they were special and I didn't want to take

any risks.

"Share." Adrian replied and Vanessa nodded.

"Alright then. This will be your bedroom, all your stuff is already brought here." I pointed towards the

two bags in the corner, "more stuff will be arriving for you in two days. Through that door is the

bathroom and through that one is the wardrobe." I said and pointed towards the door. "Also, school

starts on Monday." I told them and their smiles widened. They were actually excited to go to school.

"Okay kids, freshen up and then come down for dinner." I grinned.

"Thank you, Avalyn." Adrian came and hugged me. "Thank you so much." Vanessa hugged me too. I Copyright Nôv/el/Dra/ma.Org.

hugged both of them back. "You don't ever have to thank me kids, or anyone. This is home now okay?

It means we are a family." I told them softly.

"Family." Adrian whispered, almost as if in awe. I wondered what their life was back in Mystic Lupus

Pack. But now was not the right time to ask, maybe when they were more comfortable with us.

"Come down after you both are done, we will have dinner together." I smiled and then left them alone.

I went back to the kitchen and quickly finished the cake and placed it in the refrigerator to cool it. Sofiya

entered the kitchen and I could see her practically glowing.

"I have made Russian cuisine." I informed her and saw her further brighten up.

"My baby is going to have food from her home country for the first time." She grinned and palmed her


"The doctor confirmed the gender too?" I asked. From what I knew, only after a few weeks the gender

could be recognised because the baby isn't properly developed during the start.

"Not really. It will take a few weeks but for some reason, I believe the kids. I was so shocked when they

said that I was pregnant because even?I?didn't realise it, my smell hadn't even changed. They have

really heightened senses. Just imagine how it will be after they shift." She smiled.

"They are going to be strong wolves." I said proudly. My wolf and I both were so proud of the pups.

Vladimir suddenly appeared besides Sofiya and he kissed her cheeks. "You can't disappear without

telling me Sof." He frowned.

"You can see me, that means I haven't disappeared." She replied cheekily. I chuckled at her reply. I

could see how happy the couple is after they got to know that Sofiya is pregnant.

"Pregnancy has made you extra sassy." He mumbled and turned around the counter to get some


"Sofiya, can I talk to Vladimir for a moment alone?" I asked.

She looked confused for a second but she nodded and left anyways. When I was positive that she was

out of hearing range, I sat on the bar stool and looked at Vladimir.

"Have you decided about what to do?" I asked.

He sighed. "I'm not sure Avalyn. Vasilik was more of a king than he was a father to me. He didn't see

me as his son but as an heir. When he banished me, I was devastated not because I was leaving my

family behind but because I was leaving my people behind." I could see the torment in his eyes.

"And Sofiya helped you come out of it."

He nodded at my statement.

"Keep in mind that not all the people betrayed you, only the ones who feared Vasilik. Don't punish them

for Vasilik's sins. You will be a great king, Vladimir, better than Nikolai and I. Despite all the peace, I

don't think the people will like being ruled by two werewolves." I told him.

"You don't have to be there, Avalyn. As you informed, a representative will do. I am needed more over

here." He replied evenly.

"Yes, you are needed here. But Sofiya is pregnant now, Vladimir. You know the conditions aren't going

to be the best to bring up a baby." I said softly. "Your child needs you."

He shut his eyes tightly. "I can't leave my brother."

"I'm not telling you to leave him. I will be the first one to call you if the need arises, you have my word.

You can come back then, this is your home too." I tried to make him understand. "Think about it." I

patted his hand and left the kitchen.

I went in search of Nikolai, worried that something serious had happened. I saw him coming down the

stairs, Dimitri and Andrei following him. All of their faces looked grim. When he reached down, I took

his hand in mine, "What happened Nik?" I asked. Dimitri and Andrei walked past us, giving some


He looked down at me and his eyes softened a bit. But there was an anger laying beneath them that I

hadn't seen since a very long time. "Nothing."

"Please, tell me." I begged. I wanted to know, maybe I could help him somehow.

"I said nothing Avalyn, leave it alone." He said curtly. Hurt filled my chest at his use of my full name. He

really wanted me to leave it alone so I did as he asked.

"Okay." I whispered. "Dinner is about to be served, please go to the dining room, I'll go get the kids." I

told him. With a sharp nod, he left.

I climbed up the stairs to the kid's room and knocked once before I entered. I was pleased to see both

of them were freshly dressed and Adrian was combing Vanessa's hair. They were so cute.

"Just give us a minute, we are done." Adrian told me as he concentrated on the task at hand.

"Of course. Do you need any help?" I asked.

"No, thank you for asking Avalyn." He flashed me a smile.

"Thanks Ad." Vanessa smiled at her brother after he was done. She were the cutest siblings I had ever

seen and Adrian the best elder brother. He just took her hand in his and both walked to me. "We are


"Lets go to the dining room. I have cooked Russian food for you both, I hope you like it." I said as we

descended the stairs, realising only now that only because they were Russian didn't mean that they like

the food.

"We love it." Both of the, said with wide smiles. I relaxed at that. I led them to the dining room and

made both of them sit between me and Andrei. Everyone was already here and the food was served

too. Sasha and Irina served me and the the kids our food.

"Before eating, Sofiya and I would like to make an announcement." Vladimir said with a smile and he

looked at Sofiya. Everyone looked at them curiously.

"We both have decided to take up on your offer, Avalyn." He looked at me with a smile. "We are moving

to Mozog."

I smiled widely at both of them and Dimitri hugged Vladimir and congratulated them, everyone

congratulated them. I looked at Nikolai and saw that he looked happy with the news as well. After the

excitement settled down, we began eating and everyone thanked me for the delicious dinner to which I

responded by blushing and saying a shy thank you. The kids looked right at home and they loved the

food which made me all the more happy.

"I have made dessert too." I announced once everyone finished their dinner. "Please get the cake." I

told Sasha.

"Yes, Luna." She bowed and rushed in the kitchen and later came back with it.

Nikolai's eyes twinkled at the sight of his favourite cake. He looked at me and leaned in to place a

chaste kiss on my lips. "Thank you,?Moya Lyubov."

"Welcome." I smiled at him. Sasha cut the cake and placed one piece each in everyone's plate.

Everyone dug in and I smiled at the sight of everyone relishing it. There was something satisfying about

seeing people love your food and then savouring each bite they took.

After everyone stuffed their stomachs, two pieces were still left so I told Irina to keep it in the fridge, I

knew Nikolai would love to eat it later.

Nikolai, Dimitri, Vladimir and Andrei silently got up after dinner and left. I glanced at Sofiya to see her

looking worried as well.

"Do you know what is going on?"?I mind-linked Sofiya, not wanting to involve the kids.

"No, Vladimir didn't mention anything. Don't worry Avalyn, they will tell us when they think the time is

right."?She replied.?

She was right, we had to trust them.

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