The Luna Choosing Game

Chapter 518

Chapter 0518 "Nicholas’s growl returned tenfold. I didn’t know how much longer I could hold him back.

I Yetbefore I could become even more I seriously worried, a different merfolk swam up from the space down below us into the quickly narrowing space between Nicholas and Ronan. At once, both men kicked backwards to give her more room.

She was absolutely stunning, her tail the color of coral, all pinks and oranges and yellows. Her scales sparkled in the light of the nearby dancing orbs. Her bodysuit was elaborate, decorated in many dozens of small shells and gemstones. The decoration continued up through her long hair, merging into the tall crown she wore, Her crown was the tallest of any other in the room. Yet even if she hadn’t have been wearing it, from her regality and her

NY a poise, I would have known this merfolk woman was the Queen.

"Nicholas immediately bows his headin respect, and I do the same. Julian, likewise.

I Ronan does as well, though he seems to do so begrudgingly. His face is twisted with annoyance the remaining shreds of restrained anger.

“Your Majesty,” Nicholas said.

“You need not be so formal with me, Prince Nicholas,” the Queen said. “We are all friends here.” Her eyes were kind looking at Nicholas. They somehow softened further, as she shifted her attentions to me. “Piper, was it?” “Yes, your Majesty.” “My eighth son offended you,” she said.

It wasn’t a question but I felt compelled to answer it as such.

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Enough for your princes to come to your rescue?” the Queen asked.

" “I'tried to remove his hands on my-own, ma’am,” I explained. “But he was persistent.” I I'worried she might not believe me, but "from the disappointment clearly turning down her lips, I quickly gathered that wasn’t the case.

She swung her attention around then, to Ronan, her son.

“My eighth son,” Queen Sonal said. “Do you dispute this charge laid before you? Keep in mind that the loudness of your voice carried your crass messages far beyond this small dance area. I believe, even our visiting cameras picked up some of your words.” She waved her hand to where a cameraman was swimming upward, his camera pointed at the scene.

I hdd “Enough for your princes to come to your rescue?” the Queen asked.

“I tried to remove his hands on my-own, ma’am,” I explained. “But he was persistent.” I worried she might not believe me, but from the disappointment clearly turning down her lips, I quickly gathered that wasn’t the case.

She swung her attention around then, to Ronan, her son.

“My eighth son,” Queen Sonal said. “Do you dispute this charge laid before you? Keep in mind that the loudness of your voice carried your crass messages far beyond this small dance area. I believe, even our visiting cameras picked up some of your words.” She waved her hand to where a cameraman was swimming upward, his camera pointed at the scene.

I wondered how much of the Queen's annoyance with the prince was because of his embarrassing them in front of the [ werewolf people, or if she truly was also upset on my behalf. From the soft look she’d given me, I'd imagined both things bothered her.

Perhaps one was more important that the other for the sake of national security and international relations.

Ronan stiffened, his eyes darting between his mother and the approaching camera crew.

Finally he cleared his throat. “I took liberties with Miss Piper that I should not have done.” The Queen looked at him expectantly.

“And?” “And... I should not have done it.” I Queen Sonal sighed. “Ronan. An apology is what is required now, both to the

I CA Abe woman you have affronted as well as the two men who were quick to step in on their behalf.” “Oh, yes. Of course.” Queen Sonal swam back slightly, enough for Ronan to move forward and deeply { bow at the waist. “Miss Piper. Prince Nicholas.” He shifted slightly. “Prince Julian.” He moved back towards me. “1 deeply apologize for my unfortunate behavior. I am quite shamed.” Since merfolk valued loyalty, I thought that I should believe him, but there was something about this apology — how quickly it came, or how easily — that struck me as false.

“I'hope with all of my heart that you will grant me your forgiveness,” Ronan continued.

Everyone turned to look at me, Julian too.

Only Nicholas kept looking forward, his body mostly still between me and Ronan,

iy Inga with me peeking out from behind his shoulder.

"If this had been some guy on the street or a customer at the restaurant who had assaulted me, I would have called the police and asked them to throw away the key. Forget forgiveness.

But this wasn’t just some guy. This was a prince of a foreign land, an ally to the kingdom I held dear. My kingdom which seemed like it was on the edge of a war with the north, as well as a civil war from within.

Even though my breast still ached, 1 wasn’t sure I had any choice but to forgive him. For the sake of the nation.

Yet. On the other hand. The merfolk were a people who valued honesty.

Surely they would know if I only pretended? As I struggled over what to do, Nicholas

'] ta brushed his hand back and squeezed my arm. I knew then, that I had his support no matter what I decided to do.

Truth or lie. Forgiveness or dismissal.

And I adored him for it.

I I But I would not betray him, or let down I my kingdom in my hour of need.

I lifted my head and came to swim at Nicholas’s side. I wouldn't hide behind him. I was a proud werewolf woman, and I would act as such.

“Prince Ronan, I hope that you can amend your behavior,” I said. “Your actions today were not representative of the kindness and hospitality I know your people possess.” Ronan straightened slightly. He paled around the gills. He obviously hadn't been expecting further reprimand, least of all from me.

“However, I am willing to put this

y incident behind us, for the sake of prosperity and peace between both our kingdoms,” I said.

It wasn’t an apology. I was tired of giving those when I didn’t truly mean them. But this was as close as I could make it.

Ronan lowered his brow, looking outraged. The Queen, however, seemed pleased.

“We thank you for your honesty, Piper,” she said, smiling. “Such a thing is rare among your kind. I see now why Ambassador Zale spoke so highly of you when you visited the palace.” I bowed my head in reverence.

Queen Sonal swam closer. Quietly, as if only for Nicholas’s ears, she said, “You would do well to keep this one close, young Nicholas.” “I'm not so young any longer, Queen Sonal,” Nicholas replied, though he was

(J - smiling now as well. When he glanced at me, it was with pride in his eyes.

“Not young, then, but foolish still;-if you have yet to pick this woman for your bride,” the Queen said.

I startled, but the Queen just smiled at me. Then she turned and grabbed her errant son by the arm.

“He will be punished for his actions, Piper. You have my word,” she told me.

“Such actions are not welcomed among my kind just as they are unwelcomed among yours.” “But, mother,” Ronan began to whine.

He was silenced with one sharp look from Queen Sonal. They did not speak again as they both swam away, back down to the bottom of the banquet hall where the other royals congregated.

Once they were gone, and the cameras followed them, I worried my hands

I -— together. “Did I mess everything up?” 1 asked Nicholas. Copyright by Nôv/elDrama.Org.

"He gently shook his head. “No. Iii the end, what transpired here will only help relations between us.” “Oh?” I gave some thought to that. “Is it possible Prince Ronan acted like a brute on purpose then to create this scenario?” “No,” Julian said, cutting in. “Prince Ronan is an asshole, Piper, and you should stay as far away from him as you can.”

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