The Lover's Children

Chapter 76 – Solstice – Part 9

Chapter 76 – Solstice – Part 9


My Master’s tone is strong, controlling, more the Dom than the lover, and I think he's about to take me,

hand-fuck me. Instead, he cups my mound with his palm, fingertips resting oh-so-gently over my clit.

His breath is warm at my shoulders and the base of my neck, turning to heat as he opens his mouth

over me. He nibbles...


... A string of pin-prick bites, each minute nip a tiny tingle of pain that zings through my chest, catches

in my lungs, then zips to my core. My hips jolt, and he nips again. "That's it," The words are a breathy

rush by my ear. "Wet and flowing. That's how we want you. Both of us."

Both of them?

And I know what's coming...

Michael is trembling, his groin twitching, his breathing harsh. “I’m not coming like this. I’m gonna be

inside you.”

“Thought you might…” But he makes no attempt to move from his prone position.

Usually, in these moments, I'm... busy... so I don't take time to admire the view. But with Michael, not

exactly inert, but certainly cooperative, I can enjoy what I'm looking at.

A strange thing, a man's penis. I've never quite understood how one lives with body parts that have a

mind of their own and the inclination to take charge of the situation.

His shaft is deep red, verging on crimson, the veins mapped across it purple-blue, bloated with

pressure. Twitching like a metronome, it shares its rhythm with the pulse throbbing at his neck.

My angle's awkward and it's not easy to move. My Master has me pinned, and I know why. But still, I

twist my lower arm up and around to grip Michael’s trembling cock at the base, scissoring index and

middle fingers to either side, pressing hard down on blond fuzz to increase the pressure.

He draws in breath, a whistling intake of air that inflates his chest, then blows it out again as the single

syllable escapes. “Jeez…” Lips peeling open, his teeth grit. His hands are fisting.

Behind me, movement. My Master’s hands and cock leave me, and he twists away, but still, his leg

wedges my own open…

The Click then the Clunk of a drawer opening and closing…

More movement…

Then, once more, my Master close behind me, this time his hand caressing my shoulders, my waist,

my hips, then slipping down and in, parting me…

Another pause… He touches me again, this time a single finger, wet with chill, icy to my heated flesh.

At the contact, involuntarily, I suck in air, clenching behind.

He hesitates. “Alright, Charlotte?”

“Yes, Master.”

His body contoured to mine, he kisses my cheek. “Good girl. Now relax. You know how this goes.”

“Yes, Master.”

He flings back the duvet, chill air washing over me, goosing my skin. “I want to see you now.”

“Yes, Master.”

The cold increases and to my rear, a finger probes, then presses, then penetrates. Revolving, twisting,

rotating, it stretches me, opens me, readies me to take my Master’s long, thick, hard, cock.

I’m losing control, losing coordination. I’m trying to pleasure Michael but, quivering and shaking, loose-

muscled, my hands won’t work. My entrance, exposed by my open thighs, feels puffy, exquisitely

sensitive, and volcanically hot against the kiss of the cool air. My own juices scald down my thighs.

Michael’s eyes unsqueeze and he rolls to face me. He smooths over the line of my upper arm with a

hand, slips over the shoulder, then cups my face in both palms, brushing his lips over mine. Close now,

his erection presses against my stomach. My Master’s presses into the meeting of my thighs.

My heart pounds, something rushing inside my head. My pulse is speeding. I’m hot, and not just from

being sandwiched between the bodies of my husbands.

Michael, abruptly forceful, slides a hand around the back of my head, pressuring my mouth wide with

his own. His chin and cheeks rasp over mine. The other hand quests down, inserting between my

opened thighs, touching, testing.

He breaks away again, a pleased smile lighting his face. “A sopping wet hand. Just what I was hoping

for. As James says, just how we both want you.”

Seeing him face to face now, for the first time I see the disorder of his hair. Somehow, no matter how

often he has a cut, Michael always looks overdue for the next. His blond thatch rambles in odd

directions, highlighting the regularity of his beautiful face, his azure eyes. Those eyes fix on mine.

“Ready, Charlotte?”

My words won’t come. I simply nod.

His brow furrows and he tilts my chin with a finger. “Really ready? You’re not just saying that?”

This time I get a word out. “Yes, really ready.”

The eyes shift, passing over my shoulder, a nod behind.

My Master’s grip on me abruptly tightens. My raised leg is raised further, levering my knees further

apart. Michael moves, slanting towards where he fingers open my already welling pussy.

He angles his hips, his engorged cockhead, almost purple now, streaming pre-cum, traces my outer

folds, touches inner folds, teases at pussy lips, then… slowly and with a kind of brinking inevitability…

… squeezes inward…

I draw air…

… Keep drawing it…

Michael, his face fixed on mine as he penetrates me, smiles. “Well, you started it. This is about as big

as it gets…”

All I can do is gasp and shudder breath as the colossal erection stretches me, fills me...

… then fills me more…

Almost with relief, I realise he’s fully inside me. He makes a couple of mild slow thrusts, settling in. His

gaze slants over my shoulder again. “That’s me snugly in place. I think that makes it your turn, James.”


In thrall to my Golden Lover’s ramrod of a boner, I’d forgotten that to the rear, my Master has so far

only fingered me open, mere foreplay to the main event. “Thank you, Michael…” His voice is calm, but

his chest quivers with suppressed laughter.

His arm and shoulder pump, once, twice, thrice. The finger circles inside again, easing me further

open. He murmurs, “As Michael said, you started this. I’m looking forward to finding how you

accommodate us, fucking you together as we’re going to.”

The finger withdraws. The air grates and scrapes in my chest, gurgles up my throat. A hand presses to

my butt cheeks, splaying them… Another splash of cold, dousing my rear entrance, and the ring of

muscle clenches. Nonetheless, my Master eases close, his cheek pressed to mine, his groin to my hip,

presses close, and on, and in.

He tests me, pressing close, semi-penetrating, then withdrawing. Again, a chill touch, then the heat of

his hard flesh piercing me, entering me. Ever more. Ever deeper. Burying himself inside me.

I groan…

“Look at me.” Michael’s voice.

I’d not realised my eyes were closed, my teeth clamped tight.

“Look at me,” he repeats, this time gripping my chin, steering my face. “I want to see your expression

while James is getting inside you.”

I try. It’s not easy. As my Master slowly spears me, my heart batters against my ribs, the breath rips

from my throat. Filled fore and rear, it’s intensely internal and my eyes want to close, to squeeze shut

and stay so…

“No.” Michael’s voice is sharp. “Look at me. Your eyes on mine. And keep them that way. James, you

home yet?” This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“I am.” His groin contoured to my profile, he’s hilted. He can’t get any closer.

“Good. We’re going to fuck you now, Charlotte. Both of us together. It’s as well it’s the weekend

because you’ll not be walking anywhere today by the time we’re both done.”

I’m filled. Packed solid. Three bodies in one space. There shouldn’t be room for anyone to move.

Nonetheless, Michael withdraws, slowly, my pussy sucking back at him, spilling hot. My Master

matches his movement, equally slow, equally steady. In the same moment, they both pause, re-

penetrate, refill me.

I couldn’t move if I wanted to. For this, I am simply a receptacle. I press my forehead to Michael’s

chest, but fingers knot into my hair, pulling me back. “Michael told you he wants to see your face,”

growls my Master. He pumps harder, still careful, but faster, deeper.

To the fore, Michael too, moves more quickly, the power of his strokes gradually escalating. My head

pinned to face him, he fastens his mouth over mine, tongue delving and exploring, his kiss also a kind

of penetration.

I’m liquid, melting, flowing hot. My flesh slides and slithers against the bodies of the two men taking me.

Owning me, they make me theirs. The pungence of sweat and sex melds with the musky scent of my

Master, the spicy fragrance of my Lover.

It’s dizzying, exhilarating, completely intoxicating with the sheer intensity of the experience. Blind to

everything but my twinned lovers, deaf to everything except the pound and throb of a triad of

heartbeats hammering through my ribs, I rock and sway in our mutual embrace. My body is not my

own, possessed in all the ways it is possible to possess another’s body.

The throbbing within me begins. Is it my own? I’m not sure. But something sparks inside, a bare flicker

of pleasure, a fluttering promise.

The throbbing grows, resonating with the coupled strokes, fore and rear, as my Master and my Lover

fuck me, ream me, love me. At my core, I ripple and pulse, then in a great wave, the dam bursts and

orgasm takes me.

Pitching and twisting, writhing against the paired restraint, I cry out, a hoarse scream against my

shattering climax.

Behind me, my Master convulses, his grip on me tightening, the pressure and stretch of his cock inside

me magnifying to the point of pain as he coughs a short, hoarse bark of pleasure against my shoulders.

Michael holds out a few seconds longer, thrusting once, twice, thrice more before, with a groan, he

slams home, his pelvis grinding and revolving against mine.


Who said it?

I don’t know…

In a soaked, trembling, tangle of bodies and limbs, we lie together. My racing pulse decelerates. My

heartbeat settles. My breathing slows.

“Guys… Um…”

A chuckle from behind. Matched by another in front. Michael presses his lips to my forehead, my

Master to my neck. Each peels slick, heated, skin from mine. They roll, one way and the other, to lie

beside me, faces skyward, chests still heaving.

My Master takes my hand in his. Squeezes. “You’ll be pregnant again in no time, you know.”

“I know.”

Michael takes my other hand. “Yes, you will, Babe, if I have anything to do with it.” He breaks into a

smile. “And I promise, I will have plenty to do with it.”


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