The Lover's Children

Chapter 5 - Winter Wedding #4

Chapter 5 - Winter Wedding #4


Shrugging off my jacket, Ryan following, I enter the lounge. “Ryan’s picked out your tree, Kirstie. It’s a


I trail off. Charlotte and Mitch sit together with Kirstie, their heads close…

Suspiciously close…

What’s cooking?

Beth enters, carrying Adam. “Charlotte, I… Oh! Hello. Didn’t realise you two were back. I thought you

were out hunting Christmas trees. And I forgot my phone.”

“It’s in the kitchen,” says Charlotte. “On the table.” But she says no more. All four women gaze at me

with the kind of innocent expressions guaranteed to make a man’s blood run cold.


I know plotting when I see it

Should I ask?

Is there any point?

Doubtless, I’ll not learn anything until they’re ready to tell me.


“How’s it going, Sally? Everything under control?. I’ll be out and about later this morning, so if you need

anything, I can call by the cash and carry.”

My head chef Hmmms, scanning the kitchen. “Another turkey? Or two or three?” She laughs. “I saw

from the bookings that you’d squeezed in a couple of extra tables.”

“Why not? I’ll buy them frozen and if they don’t get used over the holidays, we can serve them up in

February after people have recovered from a surfeit of turkey.”

“Fine… Um… More parsnips if they have them in. They always go down well roasted…” She stares

into space, crossing off some invisible checklist. “There’re plenty of potatoes. Oh, but I’m short on

onions. You could bring in a couple of sacks…”

Her gaze drops to my chest. “I see you have a helper. Sally bends at the knee, bringing her face level

with Cara’s tickling her under the chin. How's Daddy's girl then? Are we helping him at work now?”

Cara burbles and giggles. “Da… da… da.. da...”

Sally straightens up, brow wrinkling. “Is that comfortable? Carrying her around in a papoose?”

“She’s a bit small to let her run around on her own. And it's good for kiddies to get out and about.”

“And when she’s bored?”

“She goes out like a light and doesn’t even know it when I put her back in her cot.”

“Ga… ga… ga… ga…”

Sally casts around the kitchen. “Are we allowed a treat? A bit of apple, maybe? Content rights belong to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Just a bit. So long as there’s not too much sugar in it.”

“No sugar at all. It’s slices. I just softened them a few minutes ago to start the sauce. They’re nice and

squidgy. If they’ve cooled down…”

She reaches into a steamer, then tugs back her fingers. “Just a minute…” She stabs out a couple of

slices with a fork and runs them under the cold tap for a few seconds, then touches them to her wrist…

“That’s better. Cara… Want a sweetie? They’re nice…” She pops one slice into her mouth and offers

the other to Cara.

Cara grabs the slice and paws it up to her face, chomping at it with tiny pearly-whites. “Ba… ba… ba…



In reception, Morwenna has everything under control. “Booked up solid, Michael, even with the extra

tables. Afternoon and evening sittings.” She blows a sigh. “The phone keeps ringing with requests for

room bookings and I have to tell them no.”

“Maybe next Christmas, but not this year. Everyone’s entitled to a holiday and we’ll have our hands full

with the wedding we’re helping out with. The restaurant will bring in the cash we need.”

“It's going to be a busy few days for you.”

“So it is, but that's the right problem to have, isn't it.”

On the desk is a jar full of candy, there for any guest to help themselves. The brightly-coloured contents

draw Cara’s eyes like a magnet. Little hands fling out, trying to grab. “Da da da ma mamamama.”

Morwenna watches the performance. “Would Cara like a lollipop?”

“She'd like one, yes, but she can't have one. She'll be having her lunch when I get back.”


Back in the house, I deliver Cara to Mitch. As predicted, she’s sound asleep and doesn’t even notice as

Mitch pulls the covers over her.

What now?

My muscles are tight. Until I thought about it, I’d not realised I’m tensed up.

I could do with some exercise. But the gym is packed out with women in lycra. The swimming pool has

a kid’s Christmas party going on and…



I just feel like some in-my-own-head time…

Go for a run?

But the mist and the chill and, most of all, the underfoot mud, hardly entice me outdoors.

Ah, yes…

I make my way to the wood-shed.



They’ve not heard me coming, too busy talking among themselves, three redheads close together,

speaking quietly. And apparently, Kirstie’s in on it too.

Something’s cooking…

I stand in the doorway, telling myself I’m not eavesdropping. I’m in full view if anyone looks up, but no-

one does. Nonetheless, try as I might, I can’t pick out the words.


I give it another few seconds, then deliberately clear my throat.

Three heads of red hair, and one black, pop up like slices from a toaster.

“Good morning. You all seemed very intent on something there. What were you talking about?”

All four answer together…


“The wedding...”


“The flowers…”

… then look at each other.

Mitch reaches into the newspaper rack, producing some glossy Sunday periodical…

… How to spend it…

… “As you can see, James. We were looking through a catalogue, helping Kirstie put together her

wedding list. We don’t want her to end up with five toasters and no cutlery.”


I offer Charlotte a long look, but she refuses to meet my eye.

From upstairs, comes a wail; Cara. Charlotte immediately stands from her seat.

“I’ll put some coffee on, shall I.” I retreat around the door, waiting in the hall. As Charlotte steps

through, I snag her by the wrist, holding tight. “What was all that about?”

“Nothing.” She glances up the stairs, Cara’s demands growing louder. “Master, I…”

“Cara’s fine for a moment. I don’t like being lied to, especially not by all four of you. What were you

talking about?”

Colour rises up her neck. Her head hangs. “Master, I was going to talk to you. But later, when it was

just you and me.” She looks up, meets my eye once more.” I promised Michael that when I felt ready, I

would have a second baby, for him.”


“Do I take it you feel ready now?”

“Um, yes.” Her fingers knot together. “Is that alright?”

“Of course it is…” A smile pulls at the corners of her mouth. “… We all know what was agreed. You and

I have discussed this many times. You only had to say so.”

“Yes, but it means, um… When we… Er… You and I…” She dries up, cheeks blazing.

“You're off your contraception?”

“Yes, I am.”

“That’s fine, then. So long as I know.” I kiss her forehead. Now, go see to Cara. It sounds as though

she’s hungry.”


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