The love of a Mr. CEO


“Gladly” I replied, spinning around and rushing out of the office. I don’t know what I was thinking when I thought coming here was a good idea. The elevator ride down to the lobby remained silent as I tried to keep myself composed and not seconds away from ripping someone’s head off.

Getting off, I walked with my head down and shoulders slumped not watching where my feet were guiding me when all of a sudden, I rammed into something. I waited for the pain to hit me as I fell on the floor but thankfully the thing I ran into had arms that steadied me.

“Mia cara, you should really watch where you’re walking” a deep voice teased with a slight hint of anger.

“I have a perfectly logical explanation as to why I’m here right now” I quickly spit out trying to save myself.

“And what night this explanation be” he asked, his eyes not giving away what was going on in his head. I began walking knowing fully well that my explanation would be best given privately in case things got too out of hand.

“Wonderful weather we’re having” I pathetically spit out trying to ease his anger and change the subject.

“Amelia if you think the weather is going to save you, you are mistaken” he replied as he ushered me into his already waiting limo. Once inside, I took a moment to gather the key points I wanted to get across in this imaginary explanation that would hopefully work. Taking a breath, I turned my body towards Ivan and watched as his body language conveyed his impatience.

“Before you yell at me for coming down here after the events that unfolded yesterday, I’d like to remind you that he is my father and no matter how much of me hates him for leaving me, I small part of me wanted to hear her father out. Obviously I should have told you but I felt like I already burdened you enough with my family drama and I wanted to do this on my own” I explained, hoping my answer was enough of an explanation.

“Amelia, I don’t know how many times I have to tell you that I love you and I want to share you problems with you. Never for a second believe that you’re a burden or some charity case” he responded, his voice getting slightly louder towards the end.

“Noted” I simply replied.

“I was hoping for a little more than a one worded response” he responded.

“Aww is the widdle chunky monkey not pleased with my widdle answer” I mocked in a baby voice trying to lighten the mood.

“Don’t mock me” he growled causing me to laugh at his child-like behavior. A question popped into my head moments after.Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“How did you know I’d be at my dad’s building when all the note said was that I’d be out”

“You don’t think I saw the weird exchange you had with that stranger yesterday? I’m slightly disappointed that you chose to come here without my knowing.”he heatedly remarked.

“It wasn’t personal, I just needed to do this on my own” I whispered

“It wasn’t personal?! Do you even hear yourself right now? It was only yesterday we left this place with you a sobbing mess and not even 24 hours later you came back to speak to the very man who walked out on you when you were a kid. How can you even bring yourself to do this alone when you know how much pain they’ve caused you”

“Look, I’m a grown woman and I can’t expect to constantly have to trouble you with my issues. I didn’t tell you because I knew how you’d react and I honestly didn’t feel like dragging you with me yet again to listen to some half assed excuse as to why my so called father walked out of my life but rest assured, I don’t intend to come back here now can we please talk about something else” I muttered the last of it in frustration.

“Mia cara, I’m sorry you didn’t get the outcome you were hoping for with you parents.” He apologized sliding closer to pull me into his chest. Sighing heavily, I took a long whiff of his intoxicating scent allowing it to hang over me like a warm blanket, grateful that he dropped the subject.

“I’m in love with your scent”

He let out a chuckle. “Such an original compliment.”Jerking away, I shot him an annoyed glare at his apparent amusement.

“You’re suppose to say you love my scent as well”

“I love the smell of you so much that I often find myself daydreaming about the next time I get to have a whiff”

“Asshole” I muttered as I watched him attempt to hold in his laughter before he let it out. I continued to be annoyed as he kept laughing but eventually I couldn’t help but crack a smile.

“Do you know that you’re the only person who can make me laugh this much? I should thank you for making me feel youthful” he said, wiping tears from his eyes.

“I’ve fulfilled my one true goal in life then”

We pulled into the parking lot of Ivan’s building just in time for a meeting he had with an interior designer for a new project Ivan was working on. Because he had a lot of other tasks to get done, he wanted me to go in his place. We stepped into his office to prep before the meeting and smooth out any final details.

“After the meeting, I’ll need you to book us a flight to Madrid for Friday” he instructed and I nodded before realizing what he said.

“Why do we need to go to Spain?”

“There’s an important charity event being held by a family friend and I promised him I’d go because my parents won’t be able to attend in my place. I was hoping you’d be my date”

“I’ve always wanted to go to Spain, it’s been on my bucket list since I was like sixteen along with a handful of other places.” I rambled my excitement getting the better of me.

“I’ll happily accompany you on this trip around the world once my schedule clears up” he promised. My heart almost burst from the amount of love I felt at his proposal of traveling the world. He literally was too good to be that sometimes I question how I got so lucky.

“You should get going, the meeting will start in a half hour and I know you’ll want some time to prepare yourself.” He reminded me making my nerves rush back to me in an instant.

“I’m not sure that me going to a meeting in your place for a project you’ve invested in is a good idea” I mumbled nervously.

“Why not? It’s a good opportunity for you to catch a glimpse of what it’s like being apart of a meeting where you have to voice your own thoughts and there’s no doubt in my mind that you’ll impress her.”

“What if she doesn’t like how I present the information or what if I do something stupid or what if-” My rambling is cut off by his mouth attacking mine as I melted into his embrace. Kissing him made me forget about what I was worrying about as I kissed him back with just as much intensity.

“You talk to much” he said against my lips as his hand wandered down to the end of my dress but before he could get any further I pushed him away.

“I don’t think me being late to my first meeting alone is a good plan.”

“Can’t you at least fix this for me before you go” he whined pointing down at his private area which was pushing its way through his pants.

“That should help” I replied throwing him the lotion bottle that was lying on his coffee table.

“Amelia have mercy” he groaned as he caught the lotion bottle. Giggling I grabbed my things before rushing out of his office before I changed my mind on helping him with his issue. Making my way to the conference room, I was slightly surprised when I saw a woman already seated. Scurrying in, I scolded myself at not making a good impression and having her wait for me.

“Good afternoon. My name is Amelia Winters and I’m Ivan Stone’s assistant.” I introduced myself stretching my hand out to shake hers. I took a moment to take in her appearance, she was a rather tall woman, mid-thirties with gorgeous red hair and stunning green eyes. I felt slightly intimidated by her physique but my insecurities were washed away once she threw me a warm smile.

“Oh it’s wonderful to meet you Amelia, I’m Katherine Witherspoon but you can call me Katie” she beamed, her smiling making my nerves instantly diminish.

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