The love of a Mr. CEO


“I need to make an emergency meeting with Mr. Castillo” he grunted completely ignoring her not so discreet attempts at flirting.

“Um, Mr. Castillo doesn’t allow walk-in appointments” she informed us causing the minimal amount of patience I had to go out the window.

“Why don’t you call Mr. Castillo and inform him that his daughter would like to meet him and doesn’t have the patience to wait any longer” I snapped and watched as her mouth fell open at the knowledge of me being her boss’ daughter. I could see Ivan suppressing a smirk from the corner of my eye and rolled my eyes at his apparent amusement about what was going on.

She immediately dialed a phone number and began talking to what I assumed was my father about this unexpected meeting. Moments later of waiting, she turned her attention back to us with a clearly fake smile and began instructing us of where to go.

“Mr. Castillo’s office is on the top floor, second door from your right” she informed us and I politely thanked her before walking towards the elevator with Ivan hot on my trail.

“Sometimes I forget how sexy you are when you’re jealous” Ivan teased as we stepped into the elevator.

“Don’t flatter yourself, I was merely tired of waiting around for my father to summon us” I retorted but from his expression, I knew he didn’t believe what I was saying. It took a couple minutes for the elevator to reach the top floor and for every floor we ascended, my heart beat slightly faster. When we got off, we were met with a similar floor plan as the first floor except their was only two other rooms other than my dad’s office. Another employee approached us but this time, it was a male who looked to be roughly 26 with bright blue eyes and beach blonde hair.

“Ms. Castillo, your father is awaits you but your friend must stay out here” the man explains and I bite my tongue from correcting him on what my last name was.

“I will be coming in with her whether he likes it or not” Ivan snapped coldly and I reached over to grip his hand in reassurance. Thanking the man with a smile, I turned towards Ivan and locked eyes with him before speaking.

“Ivan, this is between my father and I, but if I need you to punch someone, I’ll call” I reassured him, only slightly joking at the end. He sighed deeply before nodding and giving my hand a final squeeze before letting me go. My nerves finally came to the surface as I turned the knob of the door and stepped in before closing it behind me and taking a look at who was in the room.

My heart stopped as I stared deeply into the eyes I though I’d never see again, my mind not comprehending who was in front of me.

“M-mom” I whisper completely confused as to what was going on.

Amelia’s pov.

I stumbled back until my back was pushed up against the wall. Without realizing it, I began having a panic attack as I tried to comprehend what was going on. The woman who claimed to be my mother rushed towards me and collapsed beside me as I tried to scoot as far away from her as possible. I looked up in time to see Ivan rush into the room with my father behind him.

I threw my arms around him when he was close enough and he began to sooth my shaking form as I sobbed and screamed into his chest until my sobs were mere sniffles. After I was calm enough to breathe, I turned towards my father and the woman both staring at me with evident concern in their eyes.

“How” I whispered holding back another round of tears.

“Honey, it’s a complicated story but I want you to know our intentions were never to hurt you” the woman responded and I closed my eyes at the sound of the voice I dreamt of hearing one last time before she left me.

“You left me thinking that I had lost the one person I felt I could depend on with everything. You left a seventeen year old girl thinking she lost her mother and I had to face the world on my own. You made me believe that there was something wrong with me since everyone I loved either left me or betrayed me. Do you know the pain I dealt with thinking that my own mother killed herself because of the pain my father caused her and now to find out it was all fake” I screamed out the pain I felt all those years.

“Amelia, let your mother explain why she did what she did before you go jumping to conclusion” my father butts in causing Ivan to huff behind me.

“I’m sorry Mr. Stone, was there something you needed to say” my father asks straightening up as all the attention is now turned to Ivan.

“You have absolutely no right to demand she listen to you guys after what you just threw on her. She lived over 5 years thinking her mother committed suicide and her father chose his business over her only to find out that her mother is actually alive and was living with her father the entire time” he replied with a voice conveying so much anger and hatred for the two people in front of us.

“Excuse me sir but I don’t think my decisions for my family have anything to do with the likes of you” my mother butted in making him chuckle coldly.

“It is very much my business when it is affecting the woman I love” he bit back causing her to gasp at his declaration.

“Absolutely not, no way in hell will my daughter be with a man so monstrous and evil. I will not allow it” she snapped angrily causing me to click my teeth in annoyance.

“You lost every right to dictate who I’m with the minute you decided to fake your death and get back together with the very man who drove you to that point. In my eyes, you two are the real monsters, not him” I defended Ivan looking up at him to see him smiling back at me with pride.

“Now you listen here you ungrateful little girl-” my father began before I cut him off while getting up to face them.

“No father you listen, for whatever reason you two decided to leave me, I don’t want to know. I only ask that you remain as though today never happened, scratch that pretend that I never happened and continue to live your lives. You’ve caused me enough pain as it is and you owe it to me to stay out of my life, for good this time” I concluded taking in their panicked expression at my parting wish.

“Amelia, we’re you’re parents” my mom reminded me as she struggled to keep from bursting into tears.

“Were my parents, but to the world, I’m an orphan” I replied distantly which effectively broke the dam and I watched as my mom cried into my fathers arms as he glared at me with hatred. Thinking I’ve said enough, I make my way to the door with Ivan before my father’s voice brings us to a halt.

“I don’t know what kind of nonsense this pathetic excuse of a man fed you, but I promise you Amelia you will reunite with your family one way or another and when you do, I will tear Ivan Stones to shreds” he barks, the Spanish accent very evident in his angered promise.

“I look forward to the day you attempt to break us apart and trust me when I say you will be the one torn to shreds bastardo” Ivan promises in an even deadlier voice watching the slight fear in my father’s eyes. Ivan escorted me out of the room as I tried my hardest not to sob in such a public place. When we got into the elevator, Ivan studied my expression seeming ready to embrace my body if I were to burst into tears.

“Mia cara, are you alright” he asked concerned etched onto his face as he awaited my answer.

“I haven’t punched anyone yet nor have I screamed like a crazy person so I think I’ll manage” I replied cracking a smile only to receive a serious expression causing me to run my fingers through my hair in frustrations.NôvelDrama.Org: text © owner.

“Do you expect me to be? I mean, how does one react to finding out that her mother faked her own death and has been with the man who abandoned our family when I was a child” I explained surprised at how calm I was after the initial shock had passed. We walked out of the elevator once it reached the first floor and out of the building as we began walking down the sidewalk absentmindedly.

“I want you to know,” he starts stopping us in the middle of the sidewalk before continuing “that I’m here for you no matter whether or not you want me to be. We’re gonna get through this together because of how incredible strong you are and I have faith that once the smoke clears, you’ll rise from the ashes even stronger than before” he declares, pulling me into a comforting embrace that allows me to relish in the warmth and stability Ivan brought me. Pulling away slightly, I look up at him with such admiration and relief before leaning up, only stopping inches before his lips.

“I love you” I whisper before pushing my lips onto his into a soft and slow kiss that reminded me of how much I missed his lips.

“I will always love you Amelia” Ivan whispers back before grasping my face as we continued to kiss in the middle of sidewalk, completely lost in one another.

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