The love of a Mr. CEO


“I have to go now but I promise to call you later on” I tell him as I slide off his lap.

“I don’t want you to go mi amour” he replies letting me go reluctantly. I give him a sad smile but walk up the stairs to change back into the dress I wore here. I put my hair up in a ponytail and wrap my leather jacket around my waist before skipping down the stairs with my purse. Reaching the bottom step, I walk into the living room to see Ivan sitting on the recliner on the phone in a heated conversation. Not wanting to interrupt, I quietly walk up to him to kiss him on the cheek and mutter a quick goodbye before walking myself towards the door. Halfway down the pathway I realized I didn’t exactly have a ride home and walk back into his house. Walking into the living room again, I see him still on the phone and decide to wait until he finishes.

“If you can’t have this done by the end of the week, I’ll find someone who can” Ivan shouts angrily into the phone before slamming it shut not noticing my presence.

“U-um could you give me a ride back to my apartment” I stutter not wanting to upset him further. His head snaps towards my direction as his gaze softens before he nods and ushers me to follow him. I oblige following him out the door and towards his car in silence.

I quickly climb into the car and play with my dress to keep me occupied. I feel his hand grab my own and I look up towards him.Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Mia cara, I don’t want you to be afraid of me” he tells me regretfully but I quickly shake my head.

“I’m not afraid of you princesa, I just didn’t want to upset you further” I reply with a small smile and a wink. He chuckles before nodding and starts the car. We sit in silence for about fifteen minutes until he pulls up in front of my apartments. I turn towards him to speak but he crashes our lips together. I gasp at the urgency in the kiss but respond with just as much intensity. I run my fingers through his hair before gently caressing his cheek. I pull away blushing and he smirks at my expression. I open the door to get out and I’m quickly met with Sierra crossing her arms, glaring at me.

“Shit” I think to myself as I watch her speed walk in my direction.

“Amelia Winters you better explain to me why you haven’t answered any of my call and why you weren’t home all night” she yells at me completely ignoring Mr. Stone.

“I-I was kind of one a date with my boss and spent the night at his place” I reply nervously but her expression quickly brightens as she finally takes notice of Mr. Stone.

“So you’re the one who’s been getting down and dirty with my little chica, si” she asks her Latin accent coming out slightly.

“SIERRA” I yell at her but to no avail because she keeps talking.

“Listen mister, you may be the most successful CEO and sexiest man in the country but if you hurt my baby I won’t hesitate to set Stone Industries on fire while you watch it burn” she threatens menacingly, further increasing my embarrassment.

“That’s enough” I nag her rushing to her side to glare at her.

“It’s no problem mia cara” he assures me before directing his attention to Sierra. “If I ever hurt her which I would never in my life, I’ll help you destroy all my cooperations” he replies charmingly earning a grin and look of content from Sierra.

“Good and make sure y’all use protection, I’m too young to be an aunt” she teases us and I blush furiously before shoving her.

“Don’t worry, we will” he promises giving me a lustful look making me blush even further. He comes towards me and gives me a kiss on the cheek before adding “I’ll see you later mia cara, have fun.” He retreats to his car and drives away leaving Sierra and I on the sidewalk.

“You’re the most obnoxious person I’ve ever met” I exclaim to her throwing my hands in the air and shaking my head in disbelief.

“And you’re the worst best friend ever for not telling me you’re getting down and dirty with your boss” she replies with a look that said “you have a lot of explaining to do.”

“I’m sorry, I totally forgot we were going shopping today” I tell her apologetically.

“Of course you did. I would to if I had a sexy piece of ass making love to me until I couldn’t remember my name” she dismisses with a wave of her hand. She walks towards her car and I follow ready to defend myself.

“We didn’t do anything, we’ve only been dating for 3 days” I defend myself, falling in step with her.

“And that’s the only thing you should be regretting chica” she responds unlocking her car as we both get in.

“You’re infuriating” I groan while buckling up my seatbelt. She throws her head back in laughter and I shake my head in amusement.

“You love me” she says after calming down from her laughing fit.

“Unfortunately” I whisper loud enough for her to hear and we begin our long day of shopping.

We drove for about ten minutes before Sierra parked the car in front of a huge shopping center. Getting out, I walk alongside Sierra as she gushes about the amount of stuff she was going to buy. I tuned out her talking as my thoughts wandered to Ivan. Immediately, a goofy smile grazed my face as my heart fluttered at the mere thought of him. He made me happy, something I hadn’t truly been in a long time. My thoughts are cut short as Sierra begins yelling.

“Are you even listening to me” she exclaims finally noticing my lack of attention. I sheepishly shake my head and smile at her.

“Whatever, lets just get shopping” she dismisses while grabbing my arm and yanking me into Zara. We kind of separated once we entered the store considering we had completely different styles. I gravitated towards the leather jackets and dark colored clothes while she dressed more girly and chic.

I browse the racks grabbing whatever caught my eye and adding it to my selection. Ten minutes in and I already had both my arms full with clothing. Deciding to look for Sierra, I follow her voice considering she was being considerable loud.

“What do you mean you don’t have this in red” I hear my best friend shout at a poor employee. The women looked frightened at my friend’s outburst and I rush over to help.

“Come on Si” I say slightly tugging her away towards the cashiers.

“B-but but they didn’t have the dress in red” she replies sadly and I laugh at her reaction.

“We can go to Victoria’s Secret and buy all the lingeries your little heart desires” I reason knowing I won when a huge smile plasters across her face.

“What are we waiting for then” she asks rushing us as we paid for our stuff. Shaking my head, I grab my bags and follow her as she skips towards the store. We enter and are immediately faced with so many colors and patterns that my eyes went blind for a second.

I walk around the store following Sierra as she grabs random things. She quickly turns to face me with a huge smirk and my smile falls as soon as I realize what she’s thinking.

“No” I reply before she even has time to speak.

“You don’t even know what I was gonna say” she exclaims stomping her foot like a spoiled child.

“I know damn well you’re trying to get me to try on all those skimpy pieces of cloth in the fitting room” I reply with a knowing look. Every time we went shopping, she’d make me do a little fashion show in the fitting rooms, today was no different.

“P-please” she pouts giving me a puppy dog look. I try to stand my ground but after a few seconds of staring into her eyes my act falls.

“Give me the damn thing” I snap grabbing something from her and stomping towards the fitting room. She runs after me and we chose the largest fitting room for us to share.

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