The love of a Mr. CEO


“Oh snap, I gotta run but maybe I’ll catch you down here for lunch?” I ask Connor while getting up.

“You sure will, you know if you make it down here in one piece that is.” He says with a laugh looking back at Mr. Stone.

With a small laugh and a nod, I walk back to the main lobby to greet Mr. Stone who is still glaring at Connor.

“Good morning Mr. Stone, I was just on my way up to the office. Do you need me to do anything right now?” I ask. My voice snapping him out of his glare off but his cold expression remained, this time it was fixed on me.

“Good morning Ms. Winters, grab me a coffee with 2 packets of sugar and no milk. I also need you to set up the meeting room for today, you’ll be present taking notes while the meeting is going on.” He gives me instruction, his cold demeanor not slipping. Nodding I make my way back to the cafe before I hear him call me again.

“Ms. Winters, I would refrain from flirting with co-workers during work, it’s highly unprofessional.” He nags me like I was a child.

“There’s a difference between flirting and being friendly Mr. Stone, not like you would know.” I snap back and on que a couple female employees walk past and giggle at Mr. Stone when he glances in their direction. Rolling my eyes, I don’t wait for a response and make my way back into the cafe to grab his coffee.

“Men” I mutter to myself shaking my head.

Waiting in line for coffee I’m approached by a blond women who I hate to admit was gorgeous.

“So you’re the new assistant for Mr. Stone, I expected a little more from him after he fired me.” She says with a look of disgust. Annoyed I look her up and down sizing her up which wasn’t that hard considering I was about 3 inches taller than her.

“I can see why he fired you, you don’t come across as intelligent or useful really.” I snap back slightly glaring at blonde. Shocked at my response, she stutters to find a comeback.

“Well I’d love to stay and chat but I have business to attend to with Mr. Stone, you understand right?” I fake an innocent look and walk up to the counter ordering for Mr. Stone. If she thought she could walk all over me and I’d get scared, she had another thing coming.

Paying for the coffee, I walk back to the elevators and enter, pressing the top floor. Waiting for the beep, I exit and walk into Mr. Stone’s office without knocking. He looked to be in a very intense phone call so I set his coffee down and sit.

“I don’t have time for your pointless excuses Mr. Smith, get the job done or I’ll find someone who can.” He yells into the phone before hanging up. Shaking his head, he glances up at me and ushers me over before speaking.

“The meeting starts in an hour so take these copies and go organize the meeting room. Make sure there are refreshments and you need a notepad to take notes in.” He instructs handing me a set of keys.

“I’ll get right on it Mr. Stone.” I respond with a nod before making my way out of his office with keys and copies in hand.

Walking down the hall, I realize I don’t know where the meeting room is but I don’t want to go back and ask Mr. Stone so I continue searching.Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Come on Amelia, it can’t be that hard to find a meeting room.” I whisper to myself as I keep walking down the long hall.

After 10 minutes of searching I finally stumble across an open room which thankfully was the meeting room.

“So much for these keys.” I mutter setting them down and getting to work on setting up the room.

Twenty minutes later the room is ready for the meeting with refreshments and the copies neatly stacked by where I assume Mr. Stone will be sitting. Taking the seat closest to Mr. Stone, I set my head down on the table and close my eyes. After a few minutes I hear a knock on the door which startles me and see Mr. Stone come in.

“Ms. Winters I don’t have time for you to be sleeping on the job. Do you have your notepad and pen ready?” He questions as he sits down.

“Yes I do and I wasn’t sleeping, just merely resting my eyes for a moment.” I snap back feeling like I had to defend myself. With a slight smirk and a nod, we continue to sit in a comfortable silence until people start shuffling in. Standing up Mr. Stone greets them with a nod and asks them to have a seat. Once everyone is seated, I get up to go close the door since no one bothered to do so themselves. Walking back to my seat I mutter

“Let the meeting begin”

Once the meeting was in session all I had to do was take notes on important points Mr. Stone and the other companies brought up. I was so focused on writing, I didn’t hear Mr. Stone call my name.

“Ms. Winters will you pass out these copies to each person?” He demands and I quickly get up, picking up the copies as well. Handing them out, I couldn’t help but notice some of the men glancing down at my chest whenever I bent down to hand it to them. Slightly annoyed, I bite my tongue to refrain from making a snarky comment. Walking back to my seat, I take a quick glance at Mr. Stone to see he had an unreadable expression on his face.

The meeting was going well, with almost everyone signing the petition Mr. Stone had to expand his company into Canada so that he could branch out into newer territories. In return the companies signing got 5% of whatever success Mr. Stone attained. The whole idea was genius but I’d never admit that to Mr. Stone. Once the meeting was over, Mr. Stone called me over.

“Did you take good notes Ms. Winters?” He asks me but I can’t help but check him out. His gorgeous brown locks were slicked back and his suit fit him perfectly, clinging to his arms in a delicious way. Snapping out of it to see him smirking, I hand him the notes to see for himself. He glances at them, flipping through the pages and finally looks up to give me a smile.

“Good work today Ms. Winters, you’re dismissed to go to lunch. Don’t wanna keep your little boyfriend waiting.” He says with a slight glare at the end of it.

“He’s not my boyfriend and even if he was its none of your business Mr. Stone.” I snap back slightly annoyed that he’s jumping to conclusion.

“Very well.” He says with yet another smirk and dismisses me with a wave of his hand. Rolling my eyes I exit the room and make my way down the stairs not wanting to wait for the elevator. Walking into the cafeteria, I spot Connor waving me over and walk towards him with a smile.

“You made it down unharmed!” He says with excitement that I can’t help but laugh at.

“Yes I did, but not before he told me off for flirting during work.” I say annoyance clear on my face.

“Don’t let that bipolar man bring your mood down, now let’s see that smile.” He replies pinching my cheeks. Swatting his hands away, I shake my head with a smile and walk up to the cafe with Connor hot on my foot. When I got to the counter I ordered a turkey sandwich and a water pulling out my purse to pay.

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