The Legendary Man

Chapter 1305

Chapter 1305

The Legendary Man Chapter 1305-With that, Seboxia raised his hand and swung it toward Jonathan.

Jonathan had entered Seboxia’s divine space using his consciousness. Thus, if he were to be killed here by Seboxia, his physical body in the real world would become nothing more than a walking corpse.

However, Jonathan knew the dangers of this journey before he entered.

He and Seboxia have always been plotting against each other. NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

Even though he finally figured out Seboxia’s scheme, it was too late.

Here, Seboxia was the rule maker, the god who had the power to control everything.

Jonathan closed his eyes, waiting for Seboxia’s final move.

Several seconds passed, but nothing happened.

Jonathan slowly opened his eyes, only to see a huge, monkey-like creature gripping Seboxia’s wrist from behind.


Jonathan looked at the ugly creature in surprise. Even though it was their first meeting, Jonathan found its appearance all too familiar.

It appeared identical to the massive body of Seboxia lying in the coffin, the only difference being that the latter was a mummy, appearing even more withered and desiccated.

What Jonathan couldn’t understand was why Seboxia’s true form had manifested within his divine space. Besides that, why would the true form try to stop his divine space self from taking action?

Jonathan stared at the two figures, dumbfounded.

Could it be that I’ve been sent into another realm once again?

The bald Seboxia, whose wrist was being held by the monkey-like figure that was his original body, flickered for a moment and then appeared in the distance.


In that instant, the bald Seboxia’s white robe fluttered despite there being no wind.

With his movement, the imaginary Edenic Heights began to shake incessantly.

That realm was a manifestation of Seboxia’s will. Hence, if Seboxia’s emotions fluctuated significantly, that place would also be affected.

Watching black cracks begin to spread across the ground beneath his feet, Jonathan paled.

He was aware this meant Seboxia’s emotional turmoil had reached a terrifying extent.

In fact, the surrounding houses and even the entire space were starting to crack, not just the ground. It was almost like everything was about to shatter at any moment.

The method Jonathan was currently using to reverse enter into Seboxia’s consciousness had documented that if the other person’s divine space collapsed, the consciousness of the invader would also dissipate.

When he previously reod obout thot, Jonothon hod been wondering who would be so foolish os to obliterote their own consciousness.

Who would hove thought thot I would find myself in such o situotion?


Just os the entire divine spoce wos obout to shotter completely, o shout echoed.

The exponding crocks in the sky obove the monsion instontly come to o holt. In the next moment, the surrounding light surged dromoticolly, ond Jonothon found himself once ogoin in o pure white spoce.

Across from Jonothon, the Seboxio who resembled o monkey wos currently toking steps toword his other form.

“You reolly did prove my prediction right. Keeping you oround hos indeed coused trouble.”


The bold monk monifestotion of Seboxio continuously retreoted.

“You should be deod by now. This is my world, ond you hove no right to be here!”

As thot Seboxio spoke, the spirituol beod in his right hond—formed from life force—shone brilliontly.

“Die! You should hove been erosed in the river of time long ogo!”

Following those words, streoks of vibront green life force ropidly surged toword Seboxio’s moin body up oheod.

Yet, the seemingly invincible life force didn’t pose even the slightest threot ot thot moment.

The monkey-like Seboxio, his true form, extended o hond ond clenched his fingers slightly.

Immediotely, the streoks of life force oppeored to hove been tomed os they once ogoin tronsformed into the purest energy before coiling oround the wrist of Seboxio’s true form.

“Using my own methods ogoinst me; don’t you think thot’s rother omusing?”

Seboxio’s true form sneered ot the monifestotion of himself, then stretched out his hond ond gove o forceful top in mid-oir.


A pottern like woter rippling spreod out os the true Seboxio unleoshed his ouro.

The bold Seboxio ottempted to escope, but just os his body wos holfwoy demoteriolized, he wos obruptly pulled bock from the void before being seoled in mid-oir.

The moment thot hoppened, the entire divine spoce underwent o drostic chonge once ogoin.

As Jonothon wotched, o strong murderous intent emonoted from the tropped Seboxio.

Even Jonothon, o mon who horbored profound ond intense murderous intent, felt o tremor run through his body ofter sensing the lethol intent.

When he previously read about that, Jonathan had been wondering who would be so foolish as to obliterate their own consciousness.

Who would have thought that I would find myself in such a situation?


Just as the entire divine space was about to shatter completely, a shout echoed.

The expanding cracks in the sky above the mansion instantly came to a halt. In the next moment, the surrounding light surged dramatically, and Jonathan found himself once again in a pure white space.

Across from Jonathan, the Seboxia who resembled a monkey was currently taking steps toward his other form.

“You really did prove my prediction right. Keeping you around has indeed caused trouble.”


The bald monk manifestation of Seboxia continuously retreated.

“You should be dead by now. This is my world, and you have no right to be here!”

As that Seboxia spoke, the spiritual bead in his right hand—formed from life force—shone brilliantly.

“Die! You should have been erased in the river of time long ago!”

Following those words, streaks of vibrant green life force rapidly surged toward Seboxia’s main body up ahead.

Yet, the seemingly invincible life force didn’t pose even the slightest threat at that moment.

The monkey-like Seboxia, his true form, extended a hand and clenched his fingers slightly.

Immediately, the streaks of life force appeared to have been tamed as they once again transformed into the purest energy before coiling around the wrist of Seboxia’s true form.

“Using my own methods against me; don’t you think that’s rather amusing?”

Seboxia’s true form sneered at the manifestation of himself, then stretched out his hand and gave a forceful tap in mid-air.


A pattern like water rippling spread out as the true Seboxia unleashed his aura.

The bald Seboxia attempted to escape, but just as his body was halfway dematerialized, he was abruptly pulled back from the void before being sealed in mid-air.

The moment that happened, the entire divine space underwent a drastic change once again.

As Jonathan watched, a strong murderous intent emanated from the trapped Seboxia.

Even Jonathan, a man who harbored profound and intense murderous intent, felt a tremor run through his body after sensing the lethal intent.

Hatred, jealousy, greed…

Countless negative emotions were intermingled with the murderous intent, making one feel as if they were in hell at the slightest touch.

Meanwhile, the original Seboxia radiated with entirely positive forces such as hope, sanctity, and rebirth.

These two individuals were polar opposites, and they presented themselves to Jonathan in a way that highlighted their stark contrast.

One resembled a demon yet possessed a pure heart.

The other appeared to be as virtuous as a celestial deity yet harbored evil within.

The stark contrast between these two extremes had such a profound impact on Jonathan that he, being caught in the middle, was already showing signs of mental instability. His spiritual sense was on the verge of shattering.

“Suppress!” the true Seboxia let out a loud roar.

And with this roar came a series of ethereal, indescribable chants that words could not capture.


With a dreadful scream, the bald manifestation of Seboxia plummeted from mid-air, crashing onto the ground.

The true Seboxia took a step forward, forcefully smacking the downed figure.


Akin to a smashed watermelon, the Seboxia manifestation exploded into ashes and dissipated.

Just then, Jonathan finally managed to break free from the two opposing forces. He collapsed to the ground, drenched in sweat and gasping for breath heavily.

Even though he was fully aware that nothing truly existed in the divine space and there was no oxygen to breathe, Jonathan couldn’t help but want to calm himself in this way.

A pair of large feet with sharp claws walked up to Jonathan.

Jonathan slowly raised his head to look at the person who had stopped before him. It was none other than the original Seboxia, who looked neither like a monkey nor a man and was incredibly ugly.

“Who are you, really…”

Struggling to his feet, Jonathan addressed the figure of Seboxia before him.

As he was currently in a divine space, he could no longer discern between reality and illusion.

Everything that happened just now could very well have been another illusion.

Meanwhile, Seboxia pressed his palms together in front of his chest, revealing his clawed fingers, which were half a meter in length.

“My name is Seboxia, and I’m one of the ancient beasts of heaven and earth. I hope I didn’t startle you, my friend…”

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