The Girl He Craves novel (Sophie and Aiden)

Chapter 153

Chapter 153

Chapter 153

Sophie’s pov

I run my fingers through my hair, trying to fix the frays that were reluctant to go back in place.

Aiden snorts beside me as he reaches for the buzzer. “Your hair looks perfect baby, no need to fix it ten


I shot him a glare. If it wasn’t for him, my hair would still be perfectly curled.

But no, his horny self had to appear right before we had to head out to Sergio’s.

“This is your fault by the way.” I retorted, huffing as I con- tinue to fix my hair.

Aiden raised a thick brow, his twinkling eyes shooting me with amusement. “It’s actually yours. You

know better than to look so hot in my presence,” His eyes rolled eyes over my body and he cleared his

throat, lifting his hand to fix his tie.

Though you turn me on no matter what you wear. But you know I prefer when you wear nothing at all.”

He winks, making me flustered within seconds.

I scowled. “Aiden. Would you act appropriately now? We’re at Sergio’s.”

Aiden rolled his eyes, and threw an arm over my shoul- der. “Don’t remind me.”

He then dips his head quickly, catching me off guard when his lips landed on mine. He kisses me softly,



on my lips how beautiful I am.

The huge door parts, making us both pull away from each other reluctantly.

My eyes sweep to the door, the knots that were in my bel- ly before, now slammed right back in,

making me nauseous

and nervous.

His grin is wide, but his eyes told different. They were cold, freezing and hateful.

“You two are late.” Sergio said, opening his huge door

wider to let us in.

Aiden stiffened and guided us in. “Traffic.” He answered Sergio curtly.

We both knew that it wasn’t the traffic that made us late

but what we had done before leaving the penthouse.

Sergio turns around, his face tightening as if knowing Aiden had slipped in a lie.

But instead of voicing out his displeasure he swept his eyes over us and noted. “Ashton is not with


I looked at Aiden when he answered Sergio roughly. “I do not want my son entering an unwelcoming


Sergio’s gaze darkened.” Now Aiden, this is no way to talk to your host.”

I shrugged Aiden’s arm off my shoulder as I took a step forward. “Mr. Harrington, I brought you

something.” I said, trying to ease the tension before the two got into an argu-


I pushed out my hand that held the bottle of wine, hoping that this little gift would distract him from

being so vile.

Sergio’s cold eyes left Aiden’s and they drop to the bottle in my hand. He looks reluctant to take it, but

still does.

He read the label and sneered lowly. “Cheap wine. I don’t drink cheap wine. Margo!”

I flinched, not from his loud tone but from his words. What a cruel man.

Anyone would appreciate anything someone gave to them, but I should not be surprised by Sergio’s


A woman scurried from somewhere and barrels towards Sergio, her eyes wide with fear. “Yes, Mr.


“Take this and share with the maids.” He passes the bottle of wine I had just given him to Margo who

quickly took the bottle and practically ran away.

Aiden takes a step forward to say something to Sergio, but I swiftly stop him by gripping his hand and

giving it a squeeze that silently told him not to provoke Sergio.

Aiden is stiff beside me, undoubtedly angry that I stopped him from arguing with Sergio.

I looked at him, noting the storm in his gaze. It’s furious and annoyed.

Sergio smacked his hands together and looked between Aiden and I. It was clear that the man was

trying to get on Aiden’s nerves.

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Which makes me wonder why Aiden accepted his invita-

tion, knowing he and Sergio never got along.

“I am sure you two are famished. Margo set up a nice ta- ble for us under the gazebo, shall we?” He

makes a motion with his hand to tell Aiden to go on forward.

I looked over at Aiden when he had yet to shift and walk away. His jaw was tight and he was glaring at

Sergio hotly.

Sergio smirked and started walking ahead. Not before pointing at Aiden’s lips. “This red stain is rather

ugly on your lips grandson, wipe it off.”

Aiden tries to take a step forward, his face red with fury. But I quickly pull him back, shaking my head

no. He gives me a scowl but doesn’t say anything.

I lift my hand to wipe off the red stain on his lips, murmur- ing reassuringly. “It’s only for a few hours

right? You can hold off your anger until then?”

Aiden’s eyes flickered to where Sergio disappeared to and his jaw clenched. “I can’t promise anything

Sophie. I want to wrap my hands around his neck until his face turns red. It’s a good thing we didn’t

bring Ash.” He huffed. Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

I patted his chest. “Come on my macho man, let’s get this over with so we can head on home,” I leaned

forward to whis- per. “And I can finish where we left off.”

I winked and peel myself away from him and started heading in the direction Sergio disappeared.

Aiden catches up quickly, his fingers tangling through mine. He leans beside my ear and I fight off a

shiver when he began to speak.

“You can’t just say something like that Sophie, especially when we’re not home. And especially when

you know I’m al- ways ready for you.”

“Behave,” I warned him, sucking my bottom lip between my teeth as I lightly jab him in his stomach.

Aiden coughs and chuckles while guiding me through Sergio’s huge house to the outside patio.

Sergio is already seated down around a long wooden ta- ble, filled with different dishes. It looks like he

was about to have a feast and not only a simple lunch.

The gazebo shades him from the sun and with the huge pool just a few feet away from the wooden

structure, it almost seems surreal for a man like him to have such a beautiful backyard. I would have

pictured something nasty to match his personality.

But I am surprised by how lovely everything looks.

Aiden and I took a sit while Sergio watches us like a hawk. A grin crawls on his lips, his eyes taunting

me from across the table. “I forgot to thank you for the cheap wine, Sophie. I am sure my maids will

love it.”

“Sergio,” Aiden growled under his breath in warning. His knuckles whiten on the table as he clenched

his hands into


Sergio smirked and picked up a glass and a bottle of wine. He pours the wine and flicks his eyes to

mine. “Do you want some Sophie? I assure you this one taste better.”

Aiden is so stiff beside me, brewing with fury.

I rest my hand on his fisted hand and give it a reassuring squeeze while flickering my eyes to his. I

smiled reassuringly

at him.

Moving my gaze off his when he is visibly relaxed, I sweep them to Sergio.

He’s looking between Aiden and I coldly, glaring at me.

Margo suddenly comes rushing over, her hands nervously wringing together. “Mr. Harrigton, your guest

has arrived.”

Sergio sets the glass on the table, letting out an ah sound as a smirk forms on his mouth. “Let them in


I looked at Aiden confused, only to see that he was spot- ting the same expression as me.

“Can’t wait for you two to see our special guest,” Sergio chuckled, a hidden intent behind his words.

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