The Gift chronicles

Book 1 Chapter 38

Book 1 Chapter 38

Book 1 Chapter 38

Song: Ultraviolence by Lana Del Rey

"He hit me and it felt like a kiss"

A grin overtook my face as I saw the dashing Alpha of Blue Moon. Thane's green eyes twinkled

mischievously as always, and his hair was perfectly messy. He wore a dark blue button up with the

sleeves rolled up to his forearms, and dark jeans.

Even though he snitched on me to Cain and he's the reason I was recaptured, I liked him decently

enough as a person when we talked. He was charming, funny, and most of all, uncontrolling for an


I struggled out of Cain's arms until he let me down, and Thane wittily said, "What, you're not going to

throw more knives at me this time? I thought that was our thing." He mock—pouted.

I shrugged, summoning a knife and aiming it right for his eye. Unfortunately, he swiped his hand in front

of his face, and his magic created a small forcefield that made the knife ricochet off.

Thane laughed. "I missed having weapons thrown at me. It's good to see you, young one." He reaches

out to hug me, but retracted when Cain growled at him in warning.

Thane rolled his eyes. "Relax, cousin. I have no interest in stealing your mate, regardless of how

entertaining I find her antics to be. She's far too much trouble for me," He winked at me, letting me

know that there were no hard feelings. I laughed. There was no Alpha that could handle the amount of

chaos I bring to the table.

"Alpha Cain, it's so good to see you," A feminine voice called out from behind Thane. She stepped

forward, and I was stunned by how attractive she was. She was tall, tanned, and had brown hair with

blonde highlights. She wore cargo pants and a black tank top, making even the most simple of outfits

look elegant on her long limbs.

The female ignored me and went to Cain, placing a kiss on his cheek and hugging him. Cain froze

before stepping away from her, a look of fear clouding his eyes. I could feel his anxiety through our


I laughed as I realized what got Cain so riled up. You've slept with her, I stated to Cain. Cain's eyes

nearly popped out of his head as he turned to look at me.

"Ares— " He began, and I cut him off. I don't care, I told him, and I didn't. It's not like I haven't had sex

with someone other than my mate, I smirked at him, knowing that knowledge would infuriate him.

"Hey what's going on in he—" Gwen began to ask as she walked through the pack house door, but

stopping herself as she sensed the tension that heavily clouded the room.

"YOU'VE HAD SEX BEFORE?!" Cain bellowed, his eyes blackening instantly, and I knew his wolf took

over as soon as I spoke those words.

I held my smirk, enjoying how angry he was. Is that a problem, dear mate? You certainly had no issues

putting out before meeting me. That's rather hypocritical of you to be angry don't you think?

"Go upstairs, Ares. We need to have a talk," Alpha Cain snarled, as if I would obey his commands.

No thanks, Alpha. It would be rude to leave our guests unattended. Wouldn't want your little friend to be

unsatisfied now would we? I taunted him, knowing I was on thin ice.

"Ares get your ass upstairs right now before I make you," Cain threatened and I grinned even wider. It

had been far too long since I properly kicked his ass.

Don't threaten me with a good time, Alpha, and my words sent him over the edge. His eyes darkened

and he stalked towards me, challenging me to put up a fight.

Thane, the girl Cain smashed, and a couple of Thane's guards watched the scene unfold. Thane

looked amused as always, the girl looked angry, and the guards looked terrified... for me? I almost

laughed at the shocked expressions of the guards, who expected the notoriously violent Blood Alpha to

beat the hell out of me for my insolence.

Cain's eyes were completely black as he closed in on me. I went into a fighting stance, unable to

control my glee at finally being able to work out some of my aggression on him. I felt slightly

disadvantaged due to already having fought Axel today, who inflicted rather a lot of damage on me.

Still, I was more than ready to get a couple hits in.

Cain and I sparred for a couple minutes, neither one of us able to make the other submit or be in a

compromising enough position to give up. We both landed a decent amounts of punches and kicks,

and it felt like he was just trying to wear me out instead of actively inflict damage.

"Do they do this a lot?" Thane asked Gwen bemusedly.

Gwen waved her hand dismissively. "All the time. Usually I just sit back and let them duke it out."

"She's violent," Thane stated.

"Yes," Gwen simply stated.

Cain growled, "I'm done playing, Ares. Get upstairs or I swear I'll knock you out right here and now."

I laughed, Go ahead and try, Alpha.

Cain was seething with rage, which only delighted me further. I wondered if I would ever get sick or

pissing him off. I doubt it. It was way too much fun, and he was the first wolf to actually pose a

challenge for me.

Cain swung hard at my face, breaking my jaw in the process. Oof. That's like the 3rd time we've broken

each other's jaws.

I kicked his knee in, hearing a satisfying crunch. Cain roared and swung again at me, which I dodged,

and then sent a punch in his direction.

He caught my fist and pulled me roughly into him. I tried kicking and thrashing my way out, but his

embrace was too strong and unrelenting.

He carried me upstairs as I kept struggling in his grip, and I could tell I was really in for it.

"If you don't stop trying to escape, I'll bite your mark and make you pass out," Cain threatened lowly. I

snarled at him but nonetheless stopped struggling.

"Do they love each other?" I heard Thane softly ask.

"Yes," Gwen responded, and I strained to hear the rest of what she said as Cain neared our room.

"They are far too stubborn to admit it though."

My eyes narrowed, and if Cain has heard their conversation, he didn't give any indication of it. His wolf

was far too focused on me to pay attention to their low voices below.

Cain threw me on the bed when we got back to our bedroom. He was clenching his fists so hard I could

see each vein popping out of his arms distinctively.

"How could you not wait for your mate?" Cain snared at me, making me laugh dryly.

I raised my eyebrow, Quite hypocritical, Alpha. Your whore is downstairs as we speak, and you have

the audacity to berate me for the same action?

"IT'S DIFFERENT," Cain roared, and pinned me down on the bed. I stayed calm.

Oh? How? I challenged him, staring him dead in the eyes. If I wasn't his mate, I could see why others

would fear him. Everything about him radiated danger, although I suppose the same could be said for


"I am an ALPHA. I have been waiting for my mate for a decade. Alpha's already have a higher sex

drive, and I had been waiting too long," Cain growled.

Oh shut up, Cain. You are so hypocritical, annoying, arrogant, overbearing, an assho—

My thoughts were cut off when he suddenly slammed his lips into mine. I froze for a moment, not

expecting the kiss. I would have been more ready if he had thrown a punch.

I considered pushing him off, but my wolf was more in control than I would have preferred. The mate

bond pulled back and snapped so hard at the contact, I nearly gasped out loud.

Cain assertively shoved his tongue into mine, and it felt so good I decided to go along with it and deal

with the repercussions later. It's not like the kiss had to mean something.

I kissed him back with renewed fervor, and I could sense his surprise through the bond. Nevertheless,

he didn't forfeit his domination of my mouth.

We continued kissing, and his hands roamed my body, before he ripped my jacket off, leaving me

feeling exposed in only a sports bra.

I took a page out of his handbook and ripped off his own shirt, making him growl at me. I could feel his

canines poking my mouth, drawing blood. I let mine extend and bit his lips right back.

Suddenly, he pulled away. "If we don't stop right now I will complete the mating process, regardless of

our guests downstairs."

You don't want that? I challenged, and wondered why I would encourage him when I knew he would

follow through with his threat.

Cain's eyes darkened. "You have no idea how much I want to take you right now, pup. But you would

never forgive me."

I narrowed my eyes. He wasn't wrong, but I wouldn't ever admit it.

"I'm sorry for not waiting for you, little mate. My urges were too much, I couldn't control it. She didn't

mean anything to me," Cain said, regaining control of his wolf.

I shrugged, I'm not mad. You're an adult, you can have sex with whoever you want. Even though that

was what I told him, I could feel pain reverberating through the mate bond, which I ignored.

"You say that, pup, but your emotions say otherwise. It would do you well to remember that I can tell

what you're feeling even better than you can," Cain gently said.

I ignored him, forcing him to drop it. "Let's go back down. I don't want to keep Thane waiting."

Why did he come? Why did she come? I asked.

"Thane came to discuss matters relating to Red Crescent. Jen is one of his warriors, and I suspect she

came because she wanted to see me," Cain honestly spoke.

If she disrespects me, I will kill her, I warned Cain as we prepared to trek downstairs.

Cain smiled. "I would expect nothing less, little mate."


Cain, Thane, and their respective pack leaders and I were in meetings all day discussing Red

Crescent. Thane announced that he planned on formally declaring war on Alpha Wilson. I wasn't sure

how the conflict started, but I could see that Thane had a special hatred for Red Crescent. I was

surprised by his viciousness towards my former pack, since he typically seemed easygoing. But as

soon as we were discussing war, he took on an entirely new, serious persona. He radiated power much

in the same way that Cain did, commanding people to listen to what he has to say.

Since Jen was only a pack warrior, she wasn't allowed to listen in on us discussing pack matters. She

looked irritated by this, but submitted nonetheless when Cain commanded her to leave.

We were now sitting at dinner, all of us. Jen was sitting across from Cain and I, next to Thane and his

Beta. Gwen say next to me, with Jax at her side. A few other pack leaders were in attendance as well,

although it was by no means formal. I could see that Cain and Thane's trust ran deep based on the

lack of formality between them.

Where is Carter? I asked Cain, noticing that the Gamma was absent.

Cain responded via mindlink as the other wolves continued conversing. Even the Blue Moon and Blood

Lake members conversed amongst each other comfortably. I had never seen an alliance such as this.

His mate is highly likely to go into labor any minute. I told him to take off work until the pup was born,

so he wouldn't miss it.

I smiled. I hadn't realized Carter's mate was so close to her due date, even though he told me she was

pregnant awhile ago. Good for Carter, I'm happy for him, I told Cain. Carter would be the best dad.

Soon it will be us, Cain mindlinked back, winking at me and putting his hand on my thigh underneath

the table.

He must have drugged my food or something, because for a minute, I considered what it would be like

to have pups with Cain. I did love children, but I knew I didn't have a maternal bone in my body.

I didn't have much time to ruminate on the idea, because Axel walked into the dining room moments


"Hey, Axe, heard Ares beat your ass today," Gwen immediately roasted him.

Axel groaned as he took a seat next to Jax. "I don't want to talk about it. My head still hurts," He

scowled as he rubbed his head, which had a fat bump and bruise.

Thane chuckled. "I'm surprised you're letting her fight, cousin."

Cain shrugged. "I like knowing that she can protect herself. I'm proud of how strong she is." He simply


I swelled with pride at his words, even though I knew he was only defending me publicly. Privately, I

knew he didn't like the idea of me fighting.

"You shouldn't be letting her fight," A small voice murmured.


"What the fuck did you just say to me?" Cain snarled at her, smacking his hands on the table and

making everyone's dishes clatter.

"I don't want to disrespect you, Alpha. But Ares is not an appropriate mate for you. You deserve

someone who will obey you, respect you, and love you. Ares is an abomination." Jen's voice got bolder

towards the end. Even as she talked, her head was bent slightly down towards the Alpha in Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.


I chuckled darkly and Cain was seething with rage. I mindlinked Gwen: tell this bitch I'm going to kill


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