The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize

Chapter 5

5 – Bite My Arse – Part 3 Aurora POV

“We meet again sweetheart.” There it is again. The term of endearment that both annoys me and makes my insides flutter.

“I’m not your sweetheart!” I snap while trying to look anywhere else – ooh, the floor looks nice. I hope they don’t see the red rushing to my cheeks. Get yourself together Aurora.

The one I ran into raised his perfectly sculpted eyebrow in response. His luscious l*ps continue to smirk, and goodness he is handsome.

I clear my throat. “So, may I help you? I need to get back to work.” I sass. I am not in the mood. I am still looking at the floor because I can’t seem to look them in the eyes. Those beautiful eyes. I’m tired and I really am not interested in k*ssing rich people’s a s s e s.

“Aurora.” A deep velvet voice boomed. Hearing my name made me involuntarily shiver and my panties just got a little wet.

“Aurora, look at me.” The voice commanded. I close my eyes and shift my weight between my feet, my breathing becomes heavier. What is happening to me? Suddenly, a calloused finger touches under my chin. It is gentle yet firm and lifts my head. “Look at me.” The voice is soft and yet still powerful. I feel so compelled to look and I do.

Standing right before me is a beautiful piece of art. My breath stops as I take in all his features. I first noticed his eyes. Deep brown, almost black. His eyes are dilated. I could get lost for days in his eyes. He has a sculpted face, with a small, trimmed beard just on the edge and around his m o u t h, framing it like a warm hug. His hair matches his eyes, cut short with a little on top. It looks soft and I would love to run my fingers through it for hours. The smell of his musky cologne engulfs my senses. It’s like a

fresh breeze and scotch. He is tall just like Hazel eyes, easily 6’3 or 6’4. He has a designer suit that snuggly fits on his bulging muscles. A few tattoos peeking out through the collar of his blue button- down shirt. He wears a Diamond Rolex on his left hand, and I can feel the metal of his rings that adorn his hand resting on my skin.

“I am Jason O’Donnell little one. I am told you made this meal for us. Do you know who we are? What on earth inspired you to serve us burgers?” the walking artwork said.

“Mr. O’Donnell, my name is Aurora, not ‘little one’ and no, I do not know who you are, and I do not care. We appreciate your patronage, but I am not going to k*ss your feet. I was just doing what I was told to do. Since you did not specify what you wanted, I just made whatever I wanted, sir?” I said sir with a little bite because this pompous douche knuckle is making feel all weird and I am not good in social settings, so I tend to brat out to cover my insecurities.

I noticed that every time I said ‘sir’ Jason’s jaw slightly clinched and his eyes filled with a look I can’t quite pinpoint. Desire? Thinking too much Aurora!

“Watch your tone angel” Jason snapped back, emphasizing angel like it was a challenge to defy him. He then stepped to the side of me, placed his hand on the small of my back and ushered me to the table in front of us. “This is Ben Vikram” he said pointing to a man sitting at the right built in the same god-like manner. He had honey blonde hair, sporting a man bun that made him look refined and dazzling green eyes. Not like green green, more of a dark forest green. Soothing and warm. He had a black suit ensemble, no tie, and the top two buttons undone. He had a mega-watt smile on his face and beautiful w h i t e teeth. He was clean shaven and dressed to the nines. I noticed some intricate colorful tattoos that covered his hands as he lifted his highball glass full of amber liquid in a salute towards me.

Do all these men spend their days in the gym? Damn, if my panties weren’t wet before, they are soaked now.

“This is Kaiser Anderson. We call him Kai” Jason introduced the other man to the right. He also had honey blonde hair, but it was more of a mohawk – shaved sides with a pompadour on top, even a slight curl on top – Elvis would be proud. He too had a clean beard that shaped his baby like face and a red blazer suit coat with a black shirt and pants. A gold Rolex shines against his tan skin. “Hello princess” he coos.

I can’t help but roll my eyes and when I look at Kai his jaw is tight, l*ps are pierced, and eyebrows raised making me want to cower in the corner.

“And this my dear is Charlie DuPont. You have met before.” Jason finally introduces Hazel eyes. The yummy man I have been secretly having wet dreams about for two weeks has a name. Wait. Did he just say DuPont?

“DuPont? Like DuPont Enterprises, DuPont?” I asked, a little pitchy like a fangirl.

“One in the same sweetheart” Charlie nods, a giant smirk on his face. “You were at our tower sweet cheeks. One of our many businesses. This is our restaurant.” He states. ‘

Well shit, that’s simply great. Now I am definitely going to be fired.

“I am sorry sirs. I did not realize you were the owners. Please do not fire me. I was told ‘chef special’ so I just made the first thing that came to me.” I quickly spewed out in one breath while keeping my head bowed, again. What is it with these men and the power auras! I take a gulp of much needed air and try to slow my racing heart that is trying to claw its way out of my chest.

“Aurora,” said that beautiful velvet voice of Jason. “We asked you here to tell you it was by far one of the best meals we have ever had. I have never experienced something like that, in a burger no less” he finishes. Pure admiration in his eyes when I finally looked at him.

“Thank you, sir” I breathlessly say. My cheeks feel hot. No doubt they can see the redness against my pale skin.

“Indeed it was delicious. I would like to ask, what were you doing at our tower little girl?” Charlie joins in, taking me out of the inward monologue I was about to embark on.

“Um… I went for a job interview at your company. The internship. But the fake Malibu Barbie manager said I wasn’t pretty enough nor qualified enough for the position.” I said sourly. I noticed a flash of anger on all the men’s faces.

“I see” he said, trailing off like he is in his own thoughts.

Ben POV NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

I can’t believe she is here. I can’t help but stare at her. I can see what Charlie was saying. She is breathtaking. She has cherub cheeks and mesmerizing features. Her innocence is commendable.

She has no idea who we are and what we are. So shy, so innocent. I see the fire in her eyes. That attitude though will need to be tamed. We don’t mind a little fire; we just control it.

She’s perfect. I can’t wait to ruin her; to put my marks all over her. Oh my sweet Aurora. You. Are. Ours!


Ooh yummy. I want her! My princess. Charlie is right. She is the one. I can’t wait to spoil you, my princess. The tent in my pants is straining against the zipper increasingly each second, I watch you. I want to l i c k every inch of that b*dy. I want to take my knife and carve our names in your perfect ivory skin so no other man will ever be able to claim you. The way you bite your little l*p – I can’t wait to k*ss

those pink flowers. I am already in love with how the blush on your cheeks comes so easily. Your voice calls to me like a Siren calls the ships. I cannot let you go little flower.

My heart is racing.

Aurora POV

“Is there anything else I can do for you, sirs? I would like to finish closing the kitchen for the evening so I can go home” I politely add, trying to break the awkward silence that settled in the room.

“Yes darling, you are right. It is time we get going home. Grab your coat, love. You can ride with Charlie and myself. We have a lot to discuss” Jason responds.

First, the nicknames are killing me! Secondly, excuse me? Did I just hear him correctly?

“Excuse me? I am not following” I sass.

Jason takes a heated breath through his nose as he steps closer to my side and grabs my elbow, not roughly but firm. “Go get your coat. You are coming home with us. You are not working here anymore. You won’t ever need to work again.”

There is silence in the room until I just laugh. I can’t help it. I started laughing. A big belly laugh. I can’t stop. I can’t breathe! These men are comedians!

“Hoo… I needed that laugh. Thank you. That was funny. I’m going to go now.” I chuckle as I turn to walk out only to be stopped by Jason’s grip on my arm tightening.

“This isn’t a joke love” he retorts.

“Yes, it is,” I say and yank my arm out of his grip. “I am not going anywhere with any of you.”

“Yes, you are” booms a voice. I see it is Ben. His voice is dark and yet melodious. He is standing now, his 6’2 frame casting a shadow over me.

“Sweetheart,” Charlie calmly starts as he quickly gulps down the remaining amber liquid from his highball glass. “From the moment I saw you, I knew you were special. We own this restaurant. We own most of the buildings in the town. We own most of the land in this hemisphere. And now, my sweet, we will own you. We have decided to claim you as ours and we always get what we want. We are dangerous men Mi Amore. Do what we say. Now, GO. GET. YOUR. COAT” he finishes clearly getting a little fire in his belly. He is flushed from the liquor he just consumed.

“I am my own person. You do not own me, and you never will!” I lash out. “I am not some skank to take home to bed for the night. So just leave me alone. Better yet just BITE MY ARSE” I add as I am walking towards the door. I hear an angry grunt come from someone behind me. But I don’t care, I am done with this shit.

Just as I reach the door handle, I feel a strong arm wrapped tightly around my waist and a pinch in my n e c k. Instantly, I feel the world beginning to spin and black dots in my vision. My b*dy feels weak, and I feel my b o d y sinking to the floor. I hear a faint whisper “we will do more than just bite your a s s my love” and I feel a soft k*ss to my temple as darkness consumes me.

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