The Fire and The Storm - The Nexus of Kellaran #2

Chapter 134

Chapter 134

Part 20

As the track was open to the public that day, and some of those using it might be novice flyers,

everyone was started at staggered intervals. The competition was for quickest time, rather than

crossing the finish line first. It was explained that this reduced accidents. There was nothing to stop

someone from going off the course; it was insubstantial from the inside. But once outside the track

there was no re-entering except to go back to the start, and no time was registered for that lap.

Incredibly; the record for the five kilometer course was just less than a minute, held by a professional

race flyer who did little else. The Hilians flew for over two hours, and while all of them were skilled

flyers, none of them could best a minute and a half on any of the three track configurations they flew

that evening.

Alilia posted the best time among them, and Val the slowest, but there were only six seconds between


It was nine very happy but fatigued flyers who accepted Alilia’s invitation to dine at her home, and they

all ate heartily of the feast of forest-elvish dishes on a great flat veranda outside her residence’s dining

room, where there was room for dragons. As Povon pointed out with a chuckle; “There’s not much use

in eating as a Simulacrum. Besides, there’s room for fifty of us here.”

“This tastes like our wedding.” Mark grinned to Talia around a mouthful of roast venison.

“Many of the dishes are the same.” Alilia pointed out with a smile. “They may even have been prepared

by the same chefs. And… Excuse me.”

“She’s getting a Speaking from Smogin, her Regent.” Talia explained to the rest as Alilia fell silent for a


“I have some things I need to deal with.” Alilia announced when she returned her attention to the table.

“I’m still the ruling monarch here, and Smogin is my Regent, but he’s not Prince Regent, as Povon is

Dragon Lord Regent of Serminak. There are many things that he’s not allowed to do on my behalf; I

must do them myself for as long as I reign. And my citizens have the right to appeal to me directly in

many matters. If I’m unavailable, all these issues must wait until I’m available again, so they

accumulate while I’m on vacation or otherwise indisposed.

“It would be a mercy to Smogin if I deal with the most pressing of these issues while I’m here tonight.

“As you’ve let me help you in governing Hilia and Serminak, so I welcome your input on anything you

might choose to contribute to, all of you. On the other hand, I’ve been doing this for a long time and I

tend to hurry through it, so if you want to speak up you’ll have to be sharp about it. You’ll probably have

to be Linked with me in order to follow what I’m doing or to intervene effectively.

“Smogin will be here with the petitioners shortly.”

“Very fine.” Kragorram said between huge bites of buffalo. “Mark, Talia, Povon and myself are all novice

rulers, and we haven’t had much opportunity to observe any experienced monarchs while they were

actually performing acts of rulership. So this should be both interesting and instructive.”

“Hey, for us too!” Fire laughed. “Don’t forget we’re still the Governors of Hiliani, and I’m Princess of The

Sylvan Nation now. Zwak still does the actual administration of the Sylvan Nation and Hiliani is

administered somewhat co-operatively by the elders of Homestead and the Sylvan, but we really

should learn to do it ourselves.”

“Well said, Love.” Talia smiled as she reached over and gave the girl a quick caress on her head.

A few moments later Smogin appeared, along with a crowd of perhaps twelve hundred elves. As usual,

the Regent of The People of Life was ornately dressed, but rather harried looking. The state of his

white hair and short beard, along with a few wrinkles on his apparel, gave the mild impression that he’d

last slept in his clothes.

“My Lady, Princess Alilia, your people are overjoyed at your unscheduled return.” he sincerely stated as

he bowed to her with one foot before the other and presented to her an ornate gold ring with a single

two-carat diamond flanked by two slightly-smaller sapphires. Content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“The ring of administration, in this language, approximately.” Alilia informed her table-mates as she took

the ring and placed it on her right middle finger. Vast stores of information were held within it, and Alilia

began reviewing her nation’s tax and spending figures even as she greeted Smogin with a warm smile.

“It’s always wonderful to be home, old friend.”

“Indeed.” he nodded with a slight smile of his own, and waited while she worked in silence.

Through the Link, the others could barely follow what she was doing as she reviewed and decided with

amazing speed. She had the ability to skim through vast amounts of information, discern where a

decision needed to be made, make it, record the decision in the ring, and move on without hesitation. It

was breathtaking to observe. In less than ten minutes she had dealt with over two hundred issues that

Smogin wished her to rule on, and had made almost as many other decisions on matters that had

caught her attention as she reviewed her government’s accounting and status reports.

She raised or lowered the tax rates on several categories of goods and services to reflect the vast

changes in the world trade situation over the past few weeks. She approved or disallowed numerous

plans for training, production, construction, and fortification, and initiated a much closer integration

between the militaries of The People of Life and those of Hilia and Serminak. She hired, appointed, or

promoted dozens of personnel in every field of government, reprimanded thirteen, demoted six, and

fired two. As a temporary war preparations measure, she relaxed several construction rules meant to

preserve historical sites, noteworthy views, and the finest balance of species in the forest, in order to

allow the installation of military emplacements and physical shielding.

Finally she gave Smogin a slight smile and a nod, which he returned before turning to call forth the first

of the petitioners. Two family groups approached and bowed low to Alilia, then straightened while she

quickly Read them all.

As her companions were surprised to discover, this petition and most of the others involved the

settlement of a dispute. Even though the elves were the most just race in the world, and all of those

present were sworn to justice with a binding vow, disputes and disagreements still developed wherein

both parties honestly believed they were in the right.

In this first case, both families involved owned homes built in the same branch of a great birch tree. The

branch had grown faster than usual since the tree was last assessed, and the dispute arose over how

much of the new real estate each family owned.

Alilia made her decision almost as soon as she’d finished Reading them for the particulars of the case.

“Your property division shall be thus:” she announced as she cast a semi-transparent model Illusion of

the branch in question, showing the three-dimensional division she had decided on.

“Thank you, Your Majesty.” The spokespersons for the two families responded simultaneously as they

all bowed, then they moved aside for the next petitioners.

Soon all of the petitions were dealt with.

“Before you all go, I’d like your opinions on a matter.” Alilia announced to Smogin and the petitioners.

“As you know, I am bonded with Mark and Talia and our children now. For the foreseeable future, my

life will have far more to do with them and with Hilia than with the lands and citizenry of The People of

Life. I feel this presents me with a conflict of interests between my new family and my role as Princess

of The People of Life, and I also fear that I may neglect my duties as monarch. Therefore it is in my

mind that I shall train Bezedil and Dalia in all the duties of your monarch for the remaining years in the

duration of the Hiliani time-bubble. When we again emerge from the time-bubble on its originally

planned termination, I would abdicate, and recommend that Dalia and Bezedil co-rule as reigning

Prince and Princess of The People of Life.

“What are your thoughts on these matters?”

Smogin grinned and bowed, then glanced around at the gathered happy petitioners before he

responded. “My Grace, your new family circumstances and your feelings about your rule and your

succession are all great and happy news, but I’m sure that all of us agree that your plan requires a

slight modification.

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