The Fire and The Storm - The Nexus of Kellaran #2

Chapter 129

Chapter 129

Part 19

“But you have never fought in the void. Your efforts to do so have only begun. Your gods are powerful,

but few, and beyond them you will be able to bring relatively little capability to bear in the void when the

battle with these demons begins.

“I suggest that those of you who are prepared to fight in the void at that time be maintained as close

defense about your world, while fighting the demons beyond your world’s moons be left to my people.”

“Ah.” Six nodded. He set his utensils aside and paused for a moment to gather his thoughts, then met

the eyes of Second Brighter Orange. “First, I must say I’m humbled by what we’ve learned. The

breadth of your history, the nobility and incredible dedication of your quest, the amazing knowledge

you’ve given us, all are humbling, and somewhat disturbing. Learning the true scale of the conflict

makes me feel very small, and knowing that all the immense volume you’ve explored is just a tiny, tiny

part of this galaxy… It’s truly humbling.

“For me, the most disturbing knowledge you’ve given us is knowing that most stars are not a source of

any kind of magic, and that most worlds have no magic at all; no energy that can be shaped or directed

by a mortal body’s energy field or by a conscious mind. To know that in most places we would be

almost powerless, and that our star may even be unique in supplying the kinds of power we use.

Perhaps, only here are we formidable; we being the mortal magic users of Kellaran.

“But this fact, combined with the fact that your people only developed magic quite late in your

development, explains why you do things the way you do. To us, it seems strange that your gods seem

to be the only ones among you to use magic directly; and your mortals only seem to use magic to

provide power to machines and devices. But it makes sense, since you would have almost no magic

available to you at all in the deep void between stars, so you need machines you can power with other,

non-magical energies, when necessary.

“And compared to us, it seems your methods are obsessed with energy efficiency. You fly around using

these ‘orbital mechanics’, balanced between gravity and thrust and momentum, instead of just Moving

or Translocating to where you want to go. You reach incredibly fast speeds, but it takes you a very long

time to speed up or slow down or turn, because you aren’t pushing your vessels through the void with

very much energy compared to the weight of what you’re moving. And you have to move a lot of

weight, because your big vessels are full of a liquid that’s mostly water. You protect yourselves in the

void with suits and machines and armor, because they use so much less energy than maintaining Text © by N0ve/lDrama.Org.

magical Shields.

“Now, when we Kellarani finally travel through the deepest void between stars, we’ll probably have to

use your methods.

“But not here, not within the vicinity of our star. Here we have power to spare, and we’ve recently

learned to use it far more effectively. Here we can Translocate one of our small vessels from Kellaran

to our star’s farthest planet in fourteen jumps at most, and be there in less than a minute. In that time

we can send a chain of vessels from here to wherever the demons are around our star, all strung out in

the void like beads on a string from here to there, and then we can send most of the power of this world

along the chain to whoever we have stationed in the end vessel as our Strike Wizard, as my father

used most of the power of The Just Alliance against Zarkog in their battle.

“I have no need to circle around a world like my vessel was a moon in order to stay close to it. I can

spare the power to hold my vessel still with Movement against the pull of any world that circles our star,

and simply hover wherever I like for as long as I wish. Likewise I can hold position in the void between

worlds without circling our star or falling into it. From there I can fly in a straight line from wherever I am

to where ever I want to go, only needing to maneuver to match the movement of whatever I’m meeting.

That’s if it doesn’t seem worth it to just Translocate there.

“I propose that when we attack the demons, that you allow us to supply your small vessels and suit

fighters with Translocation and Movement, for if you don’t, you’ll lack the speed to be anywhere near

the battle until long after it’s over. Without our assistance, only your gods will be able to participate. Or

perhaps your people should remain in a defensive position around Kellaran while we attack the

demons, since most of your offensive power is contained in your great water-filled vessels. As

formidable as they are, they weigh too much to be worth Translocating them around for interplanetary

distances. They have little place in the almost-instantaneous void warfare that we foresee fighting. Our

tactics will be much more akin to those used by your gods, who are your true fast long-distance strike-


“As we speak, thousands of our vessels are being built, and their crews trained. When the time comes

to attack the demons, we’ll have millions of them.

“We are eternally grateful for your assistance, and we have great respect for your knowledge and

experience. But this is our world and our star, and everything that circles our star is ours, unless we

give some of it to you in a formal agreement. The void from our star out to the farthest object that

circles it is ours. We will be in the forefront of any combat with the demons in our void. We will defend

what is ours.”

“I… Understand.” Second Brighter Orange acknowledged. “We did not realize the full extent of your

capabilities. The void warfare techniques you just described were not included in your presentation.”

“I’m sorry.” Six nodded. “The presentation only shows what the mortals of Kellaran as a whole have

done and are doing to prepare for warfare with the demons, through The Just Alliance. It doesn’t show

what the gods are planning to do. Also, the building of void warfare vessels and the training of their

crews that I spoke of are not being done by The Just Alliance; they’re being done by the nations of

Serminak and Hilia. It’s basically stuff that the nine of us here are doing as family projects, through the

nations and wealth we control. I’m sure many other nations have their own plans for void warfare that

we haven’t learned of yet, simply because those plans aren’t complete or finalized enough for public

presentation. We haven’t had very long to work on this, but I’m sure the other nations are producing

results, just as we are. But like them, our plans are still in the early stages. Only four Hilian void vessels

have been completed, and there is still a great deal of testing and final development to be done.

“If our presentation gave you a deeper understanding of us and the way we conduct warfare, then it

served its purpose. And after all, what we’ll be doing in void warfare is the same as what we did in the

last war, really. The primary weapons were Translocation, massive Linking of all our fighters, and

concentration of power from the many to the most capable. That’s what we’ll be doing in the void, the

only difference being that we’ll be doing it in vessels. We have spells that allow us to survive and work

and fight in the void without suits or machines or vessels, but it’s not worth it to do that constantly, even

for us.

“Now we’re working on the beginnings of coordinating our efforts. As I said, we can assist your people

with Translocation and Movement of your attack vessels and suit fighters. We’d also like to work with

you on increasing your people’s ability at concentrating your power. We’d like to see if we can teach

you our newer methods of spell-casting, including spells to draw power from others, automated spells,

and self-powered spells. As I said, I understand why you use magic through machines as you do, but

we assume that our star provides you with ample raw magic power of the kind your people use. So as

long as you’re here, you might as well take full advantage of it, though that may imply some fairly

drastic changes to your methods.

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