The Fated Match


“Dad, i don’t see why you can’t come. Your nurse said you weren’t busy today” i groaned as i waited by his sofa.

Last night i spoke to everyone and they all shared the same view. Tina thought it would be a great chance to raise some money at this event so we were deciding on what charity and low and behold they all wanted it to be Mind for men.

I think i just stared at them for 5 minutes. Theo was forced to kiss me just to get my attention back.

It worked.

” I embarrassed myself before them so many times, they don’t want me there” he said his eyes moving back to the Tv where he was watching peaky blinders.

Theo has banned me from watching since I just spend most of my time drooling over the fine specimen that is Thomas shelly.

” you dont have a lot of things in common with your daughter but being stubborn is definietely one of them”

Theo said walking into the lounge a plate of his signature coconut tarts. My dads favourite treat.

Let me catch you up, Theo recently has been making a real effort to hang around my father, both him and jay are.

At first it was actually excruitiating but their interest in sports soon cleared that up.

” I’m not being stubborn i just know that everyone will view me as her crazy father. Some pity party for my condition”

I rolled my eyes at his childish behaviour. I realised that dad had built up these walls playing to the bad character that i grew up knowing. He just needed to be understood, a part of me wants to hate my mother for forcing him into this but i know i cant blame her completely.

I still needed answers, i promised myself if she doesn’t respond to me in the next day i would book a flight straight to australia.

I won’t be arriving with any cake that’s for sure, I dint really have the time to be flying across the world.

” people will know you as the coward if you dont come, come on dont you wanna watch me swim again”

Theo glanced at me, he knew that i was trying to guilt him.

” you don’t even have to stand up, just come and watch” i turned around looking for any emotion so that i could figure out what he was thinking.

” you sure you will swim? At his words i grinned. Got you.

And that’s exactly how I got dad there. His day nurse right next to him just in case he gets triggered. She dressed in normal clothes though to not bring attention to my dad.

” Aren’t they your old teammates Theo?” both me and Theo turned as a car pulled up and a group of guys jumped out.

I looked at Theo but he was smirking. ” thought we could use some more help” he shrugged.

I reached out for him but he ran off before I got close. ” since when were you a fan of his team?” I asked dad as I pulled him along with me. I wanted to introduce him properly to my team.

“I was a fan before he was your boyfriend,” he said as he walked with me towards my team. Sometimes I completely forget that Theo was a professional footballer that was adored by fans.

Makes me feel a little embarrassed.

“Guys come over. Introduce yourselves” I called out to them. I already knew that they knew who my dad was so to make it easier I thought we could do it this way.

As usual Scott stepped up taking a lead.

I smiled as he shot out his hand being formal.

“I’m sorry that last time was a little toxic. I promise I’ll be better” dad said to them as they all introduced themselves. I couldn’t help but be proud of them.

“no worries, we expect you to be a little crazy since Elle is our coach” Scott said stepping back.

Bryony shoved his arm as she whispered.

” tell us, what was she like as wee baby” Ben jumped in swinging an arm around his shoulder.

I wanted to complain but I think it was the perfect way to distract my dad.

” Alright, you all stay here I’m going to get changed” I held up my gym bag.

Tina made sure that we all were taking part so organised the coaches and assistants to get involved.

I left them alone. On my way to the changing rooms I stopped when I noticed Theo speaking with his friends. I knew that I would need to go say hello I don’t know why but I was a little nervous.

I walked towards them silently. Josh who I had already met was the first to spot me walking over. He nudged theo who saw me just in time. He grabbed my arm pulling me into his side.

” just in time, guys meet elle my girlfriend” My heart warmed to his announcing me as his girlfriend.

The guys all smiled over at me and told me their names.

” didn’t believe it when he said you was his girl. You’re a swimming legend aren’t you” one of them said.

I looked over at theo who just shrugged.

” I wouldn’t say a legend but I’ve got a few medals” I shrugged, playing it off like it was nothing. I was glad that they didn’t see me as some cocky swimmer and that I was joking.

” real humble” Theo whispered.

” Thank you all for helping us out, I know you must be extremely busy” a lot of these guys are still playing professional football.

” anything for our captain, plus it’s a charity close to us that you’re raising money for”

I smiled. ” well I’m happy. I’m going to get changed though so I will catch up with you guys later” I said announcing my leave.

They nodded letting me leave. I saw one of them punch Theo in the shoulder as I turned.

By the time I was changed I headed to the gym where Tina was starting to announce the first game which would be the triathlon.

” you’re up coach” Jenny said walking up to me.

I looked around and spotted Theo come out with two bikes. He placed them near the exit of the gym.

” you ready for some healthy competition” he called as he saw me staring.

I shook my head. ” this will be anything but healthy” Scott mumbled to my side.

You bet, Scott.

I looked around and thankfully dad was sitting down in one of the seats. Bryony was at his side speaking with him.

I mouthed, “are you okay” he simply nodded.

Alright, let’s get this show on the road.

I noticed that it was purely a staff race with Theo, Ryan, tina, Michelle, Lance and two other members of staff.

” I know you guys have been waiting for this one. The rules are simple 2 laps in the pool, out the doors and on the bikes where you will ride 2 laps around the track, then 4 laps running. Ending with the winner jumping into the pool.” Tina explained the rules as we all lined up.

I was surprised she was joining in but Tina is a woman of power.

I watched Theo remove his shirt and watch nearly every woman’s eyes on him as he flexed his muscles.

” god damn it theo” I mumbled.

I grabbed the ends of my shirt doing the same. I wore a bright red tommy hilgifer swimsuit making sure to stand out.

I grinned as Theo’s friends whsistled and cheered.

Now Theo was the one sulking. I had to just send him a wink just to make it more fun.

” Alright on your marks ” Scott took over the microphone.

“get set”


At the sound of the bang, we all dived into the pool. It was pretty obvious who was going to take the lead in this part of the race.

By the time I jumped out of the pool, Tina and Theo were seconds behind me, but I was already racing out to get to the bikes.

I stumbled as I got on the bike but managed to get away before the others did.

” Fuck yeah, look at coach go” Scott screamed. I tried not to care about the people cheering me on but it was very difficult.

I managed to keep my lead but as I finished my last lap and was getting ready to run I noticed that the cheers only got louder but this time they were not for me. But for Ryan and Theo who were seconds away from overtaking me.

Jesus, how much power was in their legs.

“Looks like our coach has some tough competition. Let’s see who has some last-minute energy left in the tank”

I groaned. Of course, the boys couldn’t risk having a woman win this race so they just had to show off. Couldn’t they at least let me have this one?

On the last lap, I felt Theo right behind me. I realised that maybe it would better to have a man win anyway to fit in with the charity we were raising money for.

I slowed down and let the boys take over, I was pretty much exhausted as we reached the last lap.

Tina ran up next to me “You sure you want to let this one go, your dad is screaming inside cheering you on” she said as she struggled to breath.

I thought about it, was I willing to let them win when I still had some space to push further and beat the boys. I grew up not having dad there to cheer me on. Not that I knew of anyway but this time I really have the chance.

I made a split decision and pushed into a sprint. I caught up to them pretty quickly after running through the pain in my legs.

“Fucking hell Elle” I heard Theo shout as I overtook him as he arrived on the last straight. I smirked, I forgot how exhilarating it was to race.

As we reached the end it was a rush to get into the pool. I sprinted inside, the cheers getting much louder. I glanced over at where my dad was and instead of him calmly watching us from his seat he was standing up at the front screaming along with the others.

I could feel Theo a second behind me, I took this chance to push at my heels and dive straight into the pool without even reaching the pool side. It was a dangerous move and wouldn’t recommend it at nationals but it was the only way.

I swam back up to the surface, shaking my hair. All I could hear was the others all jumping into the pool.

I felt Theo grab my waist pulling me down underneath.

I couldn’t even open my eyes as I felt Theo kiss me underneath the water. He pulled me up after forcing my legs around his waist.

” does my athletic talent turn you on” I whispered breathlessly.

Theo’s eyes narrowed.” You bet your fine ass it does” he smacked my ass. This Theo reminded me of the first week I met him when he was so cheeky and fucking annoying.This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

We both went to the side of the pool and jumped out. i noticed my dad making his way over to me, he didn’t even think twice before wrapping his arms around me.

“Times like these I don’t feel guilty about throwing you into the pool” he grinned as he pushing my hair from my face.

I smiled “Me too dad, me too”

My team crowded around me shouting random comments of how cool I looked. It was a moment I decided to cherish for a little while.

” I’m going to help out for the baseball, did you want to join me?” I said to dad as I returned from the changing rooms in fresh new clothes.

” I’d love to” he said smiling at me. Dad had played cricket when he was younger and he loved any game that involved a bat. I believe that his mental health struggled when he stopped playing sports.

He was still quite fit so I’m sure that he still has a lot to give and possibly could give his advice to some of the students here.

Baseball was split into two teams and they were for the students. I volunteered as referee.

” Are you sure about this?” Theo said handing me the ball. Theo was originally going to bowl but my dad was going to take over.

I nodded ” he’s actually really good and you’ll see that” I reassured him.

Tina nudged me as Jackson stepped onto the pitch. Jenny was already getting ready to to bat with her team and Jackson would be on the opposite team as we were playing against the footballers who were being led by Theo.

“Ready Daniel” Teo shouted giving my father a reassuring nod.

” lets try a test ball” I shouted pushing Scott to the batting line.

Scott got ready for the ball, I noticed that he was relaxed and completely not prepared for the ball my dad was about to send his way. This will teach him.

” what the fuck”Scott shouted, the ball went flying past him. Jackson grabbed the ball sending it back to my dad.

” you ever played before Scotty” Kyle said high fiving my dad.

Now Scott got serious. “could’ve warned me coach” he mumbled. What can I say, I like to see him in pain.

This time dad took it a little easy and gave Scott a chance to get a good hit. He dropped the bat and sprinted to second base as the ball reached a fielder.

I think most of us were nervous when Jenny came up to bat. I was glad I gave dad the heads up about her so he took it easy. Jenny connected her bat to the ball, and it went flying up in the air. Jackson sprinted down the field but one of his teammates reached the ball first and sent it back.

We all watched as the ball came barrelling towards the pitch where another fielder caught it and threw it straight towards the third base where jenny was racing to.

“jenny” Theo shouted as I saw the fast ball connect straight into her shoulder.

Instantly she fell to the floor.

I grabbed Theo’s arm stopping him from going to his sister. I know that this wasn’t the right thing to do but from the corner of my eye I saw Jackson sprinting over.

“Let him “I whispered to Theo.

Jackson knelt next to Jenny. She wasn’t badly hurt but I was only talking physically.

“Did you have to fucking hit her” he screamed as he looked over her shoulder.

“what do you care, don’t touch me” Jenny snapped pushing Jackson away from her.

The look on Jacksons face brought sadness over me.

“It’s a game, let them hit me” she carried on.

Jackson seemed to snap as he pulled her arm, bringing her close to him. “Just because I’m mad at you doesn’t mean I don’t care. You think its easy?” Jackson said as he held her close.

” well how am I supposed to know that, you act like I don’t exist”

Jesus Christ, this is like some teenage drama. Live.

If only she knew.

“3.. 2.. 1″ Theo whispered in my ear. I turned to him confused only for him to move my face back to them. Jackson tightened his hold on her arm and pulled her up.

He then dragged her off the pitch.

” God damn, that was hot as fuck” Scott was the first one to speak as we all watched them leave. You could still see Jenny argue with him but I think we all knew that they would probably talk it out today.

Tina, you genius.

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