The Fated Match


” Thomas, why don’t’ i have the promo video yet?” I asked Bryony’s boyfriend as I stuck my head out of my office.

He quickly jumped back from Bryony. ” I’m editing it now” he replied.

” well, no you’re not, you’re touching your girlfriend right now Thomas” I watched him fidget. Good, I made him anxious.

Bryony rolled her lips into her mouth. I winked at her. ” send it to me by lunchtime” I said before shutting my door and sitting down in my chair.

I smiled as I shook my head. Thomas has been good to the team, making videos and short films for the team. I even had the football coach trying to steal him away.

My phone alarm went off with t was 8 o’clock which meant it was time for the end of the training. I had left tina to train them today since I needed to deal with some other things.

I opened my office door and headed to the pool. I never expected to see what is aw in the pool. Not only were the team not training but Theo and Dillon were in the pool.

“I, uh what’s going on” I whispered to Scott. He stood next to me chewing on a protein bar watching on with the smile on its face.

He groaned ” what does it look like coach, little champ is learning to swim”

I watched as Theo stood in the pool shirtless as he continued to support Dillon’s body through the water. They all seemed to be cheering him on but he wasn’t swimming.

” guys be quiet,” I said loud enough for everyone to hear. They stopped clapping and cheering. An eery silence echoed around the room.

Theo turned to face me.

” How is he supposed to concentrate on learning how to swim when your screaming at him. ” I watched many of their faces drop.

I walked over to Theo and Dillon. ” Keep going, try to not let him see you” I nodded as Theo moved to Dillon’s side keeping his hand underneath Dillon’s stomach.

” Hey Dillon, you’re doing amazing do you wanna try kicking for me,” I asked him. He turned his eyes to me. It looked like it took him a while to recognise me but soon enough he smiled that cheesy grin.

Slowly he began to kick his little legs. “That’s it, isn’t that fun” I cooed watching his face go from anxious to excitement. Poor thing was so nervous.

Theo didn’t have to be told he moved around the in front of his son and held his arms before swimming.

” Kick kick kick” I chanted to him.

“Here” Scott crouched down next to me handing me a square float.

Oh brilliant. I handed it over to Theo who positioned it under Dillon.

Theo took over telling Dillon to use his arms and legs at the same time. It was a cute moment to see them together but I knew that this was Theo’s job, I’m just glad I could have helped.

For the rest of the hour that Theo was here, I hid out in my office. I couldn’t even face Dillon even if I tried.

” Elle” well fuck.

Theo popped his head inside with Dillow in his arms.

The little boy stared at me a silly smile on his face, it matched his fathers.

” Ellieeee” Dillon screamed pushing out of Theo’s arms and running over to me. He hugged my legs, wrapping his tiny fingers around me.

“Dillon, what did I say” Theo came inside going to grab Dillon but it put my hand up. Mouthing “it’s okay”

I looked down at Dillon ruffling his hair. ” Well done with swimming today Dillon, are you joining my team anytime soon hmm,” I said joking with him.

He turned to his dad, almost as if he was asking. ” Not yet son maybe in a few years,” Theo said laughing.

Just imagine having little Dillon and professional athlete. Probably in Theo’s dreams every night.

” We’re going to get some food. Dillon wanted you to join us” I looked down at him. He nodded with a giant smile on his face.

I faced Theo. ” just him?” I asked. I enjoyed seeing his shocked face. What’s the harm in messing with him for a little while.

I grabbed my coat and took Dillon’s hand. ” Well if you will excuse me me and Dillon have a reservation don’t we” I grinned down at Dillon. He jumped on the balls of his feet.

I heard Theo groan from behind us as we walked out.

If I’m being honest I have missed Dillon. He’s grown a lot since we first met, I’ve enjoyed watching him grow.

Theo put Dillon into his car seat as we got into his car. I sat in the passenger seat waiting patiently. My phone vibrated against my hip. Pulling it out I noticed that it was an email notification.

I clicked on the email, instantly it took me to a pdf document, before i could even scan it Theo joined me in the car. I sighed, I would have to read this later.

No idea what he would be sending me.

“Everything okay,” he asked me as he started up the engine. I locked my phone ” yeah” I smiled.

The worst is yet to come with my father, I can just feel it.

Theo drove us to a restaurant nearby, a small burger place since Dillon wanted a burger but Theo was reluctant on taking us there.

Throughout our meal, I started to realise that Dillon kept staring at me and sharing his food. He slid over his special side of seasoned fries over to me.

I peaked at Theo subtly. He looked at me but didn’t give much away.

” You okay there Dillon,” I said moving towards him. He popped two fries in his mouth and looked at me. Swallowing hard.

” I’m sowwy Elleee”

Uh, excuse me.

Theo audibly sighed. ” He realised that after you watched him, he stopped seeing you with me.” I stared at Dillon, amused.

” It’s not your fault buddy, it’s my fault really” I confessed.

This was about to get deep I was sure of it. Sometimes I forget how young Dillon is. He is way mature for his age.

” Daddy isn’t happy, my fault” he sulks, looking down at his food.

My eyes found Theo. He found his food interesting aswell. For a split second, i would think that he put Dillon up to this. But then again I can’t imagine Dillon actually acting this well.This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

This was honest I could tell.

” Daddy is only happy when you are Dillon, cheer up now,” I said pinching his little cheek. He nodded at me and carried on eating.

I finally turned to Theo. He was staring back at me, I didn’t understand the look he was giving me so I just smiled.

” Can you drive me home now?” I said as we walked back to his car. He nodded ” get in,” he said after strapping Dillon into his car seat.

I wanted to get home so I could open up this email, I won’t lie, it has made me slightly curious.

” I uh never really thanked you for the other day”

Theo turned to me, confused.

” yes you did,” he said bluntly. I shook my head ” but I don’t think it was enough because I am really thankful that you came with me” I confessed to him.

Even though he didn’t agree with my decision he still stuck by my side and that meant a lot to me.

I watched his lips curve up ” Well in that case why don’t you make it up by coming out with me tonight” Theo said as he turned down the volume of the music that was playing in the car.

” Really, that’s how you want to play it” I rolled my eyes.

” Just so we both are on the same page, that wasn’t a no” He smirked. I stared at his smirk only just realising how much I’ve missed it.

How much I’ve missed him.

” Fine, but it will have to be after 8 ive got a conference call with my old coach” i said as we pulled upto my house. Lord knows why i agreed to this but maybe it has something to do with Dillon.

Tried to not think about his smile too much. Maybe it was time to give him a chance to redeem himself.

I think he deserves it.

” you hear that Dillon, daddy’s got a date” Theo said grinning in the back where Dillon sat. I grabbed my bag and started to get out. ” its not a date” i mumbled, stepping ut of the car.

I shook my head as Dillon screamed along with Theo’s excitment.

I made my way inside. My old coach wanted to check up on me so i headed to the sofa and got ready. It fills my heart with pride knowing that i can still talk with my oold team. There was no bad blood which i’ll be honest i was worried about.

I realised that i still hadn’t checked that email my father sent me.

I opened up the document zooming in on the text.

I realised that it was a letter.

I skimmed through it and stopped at one little section

Mr William’s I regret to inform you that we have to terminate your contact with us, effective immediately due to your condition.

Your service to Mr Antonio has been above all our expectations and we thank you for your service and the sacrifices we know you have taken.

We have transferred your last pay check and your pension to your account. Our company and Mr Antonio would like to personally thank you and wish you the best in your health.

“What the fuck” I said out loud. I re read it multiple times wondering of I was imagining it.

So this is his excuse for leaving us. Going to work with some secret company.

Does he expect me to believe this?

I know you wont believe me Elle but please give me a chance to explain properly, without anyone else. I want to make this right.

He left a little note at the very end.

If this was even a little bit true, what condition were they talking about.

He seems fine to me.

I decided to search up this guy who wrote the letter.

Huntera baptise.

Google gave me a bunch of different profiles and results.

I found the one I was looking for.

Second most influential characters in the police force.

Now retired with no words on what he doing now.

That’s what one report said.

So this guy was literally a ghost. Nothing on him since he retired. How strange.

Now I’m super confused and lost importantly intrigued.

I was definitely going to find out what exactly dad has been doing all these years.

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