The Fated Match


Theo has successfully delivered on giving me the silent treatment.

I get that he is angry at me for ending things when it wasn’t mutual but surely he can be reasonable with me.

I’m just thankful he didn’t do the childish thing and use some girl to make me feel jealous.

He is a grown man after all.

” why are you torturing yourself” Tina said as we sat sting lunch on the field.

Today was the joint training of the different sports teams. They were all doing circuits on the field which meant I had spend most of my time watching the football guys run around shirtless.

It was rather warm today so I didn’t blame them but cmon can’t he just keep his shirt on.

” I don’t exactly have a choice” I mumbled biting into my sandwich.

I watched Theo dribble the ball between the cones as he showed what to do. The football coach made Theo his model for everything today.

Does he have it out for me too.

” is Jenny mad at me? I’m starting to think she is” I said to her.

” I don’t think so she might just feel weird”

I sighed. I hate that this has caused weirdness between me and my captain.

” Elle!”

Oh fuck. The coach called me over.

” pray for me” I whispered to Tina before jumping up and dusting off the fallen crumbs.

” right, you two I need you two good these boxing packs” Theo handed me one not saying a word barely even looking at me.


” is this safe” Mel said realising that they literally had to run into a hard wall.

I wasn’t sure about this exercise either.

” just do it with me” I told her.

Theo wasn’t going to let anyone get hurt but running into him might meet you with a firm wall that could have you pushed back till you’re ass is half way down the field.

I know it’s an exaggeration but you know what I mean.

” did you say something” lance said staring over at us.

” the girls are scared they’re gonna go flying” Scott said proudly.

The boys started to chat and laugh.

” sometimes girls you gonna live dangerously ” Theo spoke up for once.

This time he looked directly at me.

Well that wasn’t needed was it.

I pushed the straps on to my arm facing everyone ” let’s get this over with I’ve got a team to get to trials” I said with annoyance mainly at Theo.

” football is a lot more competitive… ow coach”

One of the guys from the football team was stopped before he could even finish that sentence.

” easy easy, you ever tried swimming competitively” coach aimed his question at the guy.

I think he knew that I was about to unload some wrath onto this little Boy.

” I see a competition coming up” Scott grinned as he clapped his hands together.

I watched with amusement as the coach knocked his head back groaning.

” it’s not like these girls can even dribble a ball”

Okay this guy is really getting on my nerves.

” what’s going on?” That’s when Tina decided to join us.

What made me smile was the way the guys changed their posture and stared at Tina with an expression that could describe as lust.

Oh well this just got interesting.

” apparently we’re trying to settle whether swimming for football is more competitive” Theo said.

Tina looked around before laughing.

” aren’t they both” she turned to glance at me.

I just nodded.

” alright so who thinks one of the sports is more competitive” I asked the question to everyone.

Pretty much the whole football squad proudly shot their hands up in the air.

A lot of my team also put their hands up.

This left the staff and a few quiet students to leave their hands rooted towards the ground.

” and who here has a winning title like a medal or a championship”

Both me and the coach lifted our hands up followed by Theo and Tina.

” exactly so shut up and line up” Theo’s voice boomed.

I ignored the groans as some of the guys got me.

I’m stronger than they think.

The next 30 minutes consisted of running into me and Theo.

This was coaches idea of agility and strength which kind of made sense.

I didn’t think the guys had the nerve too but I could tell that some of them were trying to beat me.

One of the guys rammed into me causing me to step back.

They started to laugh as they went back to group.

I had to bite my tongue.

” boys!” Coach yelled as he came over. He touched my arm.

” it’s fine” I mumbled getting back into position.

Scott was next. I Could see him staring daggers at the footballers.

He ran into me just enough so that I could handle it.

I wasn’t really ready but the next guy rammed right into me and had me thrown back.

I felt my back hit the floor

” KYLE!”

I didnt really know who shouted that but I was glad someone came to my defence.

” sorry ” I heard the pathetic apology.

I felt my arm being lifted and someone supporting my back.

” are you okay” this time I could clearly recognise the voice.


” yeah thanks” I said letting him support me as I stood up.

” I really didn’t expect you guys to be sor fucking immature. I never said football was easier you know. Why don’t you grow up for once and concentrate on your football”

Yeah I was angry.

I felt Theo pulling around my arm.

I removed his arm from me.

” come back to me when you’re signed with a team” I said before storming off.

I heard a few of my swimmers saying stuff before running up to me.

I didn’t wait for them I just walked to my office and slammed the door behind me.

Fucking boys.

” you’ve done enough today, take the rest of the day to relax I’ll see you tomorrow” I said as I met the team outside lingering.

They nodded not even saying anything.

I grabbed my keys and my bag and left the office and headed to my car. I needed to vent or do something that would calm me down.

I ended up Texting my old trainer.

Lia – Well this is a surprise?

She replied after 10 minutes. I get it I haven’t really spoken to her in a year.

Elle – Any chance you can fit me in for an hour tonight

Lia – I’ve always got time for you come over at 8

Your an angel

After texting her I decided I’d chill by doing some retail therapy.

I drive 10 minutes to a shopping centre and started my therapy.

I visited some stores that were having sales. Ended up buying two new trainers and a set of black strapped heels.

You never know when you’re gonna need them.

By the time I got home i had about 30 minutes to make some food before i needed to get ready to head back out. At this point though i welcomed any distraction.

When I walked into the gym I saw Lia chating with someone as they finished up their session. I dropped my bag on the gym floor and headed over.

She turned to face me. Lia was a popular trainer in London, my coach introduced us years ago when I needed to improve my stamina he said that boxing would improve my form so I let her train me.

” well if it isn’t my favourite Olympian” she grinned over at me, her arms opened up as she pulled me in for a rather aggressive hug.

” try saying that again”

Will burst through the doors.

” Did I say favourite I meant one of” lia tried to defend herself but will held his hand up.

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They hugged seconds after.

” what are you doing here” I asked him as we put on our gloves to get ready.

He shrugged ” ask Lia she was the one that forced me to get on the first one lane here”


” I was planning on gradually talking to you about it but I see we’re getting straight into it” Lia said joining us.

” I’m starting a video series for the gym and I want you guys to be my first special guests”

Will glanced at me equally as shocked.

Not even seconds later a guy emerged from the next holding a big camera which had a microphone attached to it.

” you want us to start now” I asked surprised.

She smiled ” pretty please”

I came her for some stress relief but now I’m somehow being part of a video.

Myself and will did our part. Threw some punches and answered some of Lia’s questions.

Will sat across from me as we removed our gloves sweat dripping down our bodies.

” how did you know I was stressed?”

Will glanced up at me ” seriously, I know you better than anyone” this was true will had a thing for reading my mind.

” I ended it with Theo”

” you what!” He burst out.

I sighed ” his own son basically told me to fuck off I can’t get in the way of family billy” I said defending my actions.

He shook his head ” could you not see how fucking whipped he was with you Jesus Elle sometimes you’re just stupid”

My mouth hung open as he said this.

” don’t give me that look, I’m just trying to help him out”

Will never really got pissed at me so this was something new.

” no you’re not you’re being stupid and slightly selfish. You have put your own feelings before his because you’re worried what others are gonna think of you”

He was wrong.

Will grabbed my arms pulling me up.

” you’ve shown him that you’re not willing to fight for him. Guys like when a girl fights for them when things get tough”

Oh shit.

Why was he just starting to make some actual sense.

” what have I done ” I bowed my head.

People wonder why I like having a boy best friend.

Will offered to put in a word for me but I knew I had to do this myself.

I ran into my car and headed to his restaurant. That’s where he would be right.

When I got there it was a little busy. I remembered the guy who I met last time he was serving some people as I walked inside.

he jerked his head to the left. I looked over and my words died in my throat.

God, why was I not surprised.

Theo looked handsome as he was suited up sitting next to another beautiful woman. They looked dressed up for some kind of event.

I felt my hands clench as I watch him wrap his arm around her shoulder as they laughed together.

This hurt.

Before I could even look away the woman locked eyes with me.

She jumped away looking down to her lap. His didn’t gonhnotixed by Theo which is when he finally found me with his eyes.

The worst thing about this whole moment was that he just continued to stare.

I regretted looking so weak as I wiped a tear. Is this what it feels like to have your heart broken. But I also knew that it was all my fault.

“Elle” he stood up starting to make his way towards me.

I rushed out before he could reach me but that didn’t stop him from running out.

” Elle please wait ” he wasn’t stupid I wouldn’t have come to the restaurant if I didn’t want to speak to him.

I stopped walking. I let him grab my arm mainly because I had no energy today.

” we’re not together why are you so hurt” he asked.

I couldn’t understand why he said that.

” why am I hurt? I’m hurt because you’re smiling at her, flirting with her” I admitted.

He tightened his hold.

” I can’t smile at other girls when you end it with me that’s hardly fair Elle”

” I didn’t end it with you because I don’t wanna be with you I did because I thought I was helping Dillon out, don’t ask me why I’m hurt because that’s why” I sniffed.

God you’re so weak Elle.

” I came here because I realised I was wrong but I can see that you have no problem moving on” I could still see the smile on his lips as he sat with that girl.

Did he smile like that with me or did I always just give him displeasure.

Elle ”

“No” I stepped back.

” have fun, with whatever you’re doing ” I pulled the door to my car open and slipped inside.

I didn’t even bother wiping away the tears as I put the car into drive and left the car park.

I felt stupid for even thinking that what we had was some kind of fate. Maybe it was honestly just a coincidence that our tattoos were the same.

I found myself driving to one place I knew would help me destress.

If this doesn’t work I didn’t know what will.

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