The Fated Match


” Where’s Jenny she needs to be out there” I asked Bryony who was grabbing her stuff from the lockers. We were 2 hours away for a competition. After 2 weeks of hard work in training today was the day jenny would finally get back to competing.

” I thought she walked out already” bryony said confused.

“coach, she’s outside with Theo” Thomas said poking his head in but with his eyes closed.

Good idea.

I walked out and found both Theo and Jenny standing together. I could see the nervous look in her eyes, I didn’t want her to be nervous but its normal I’m sure a few words of support from her brother will be good for her.

I slipped my hand into Theo’s. ” everything okay jenny” I asked her. She breathed in deeply and nodded.

“we’ll be right there, just swim like any day in training nobody is expecting miracles just try your best” I said to her.

“I’m going to sit with your boyfriend” I smiled and left them again.

I walked through to our seats. ” she’s nervous isn’t she” Jackson said when he noticed me sitting next to him.

” ofcourse she is, its normal though” I shrugged it off hoping to calm Jackson down, I sensed his leg shaking.

Thankfully Jenny walked out. She was easily recognisable in her bright blue swimming costume and cap. Jackson shot up and cheered for her. I managed to successfully pull him down.

“youre making her more nervous, just smile” I said between my teeth. He leant back grinning. ” youre right sorry”

I noticed Theo lingering near the exit where the swimmers would exit after their swim.

After small introductions they all got ready for the start of the race. When the gun went off every swimmer jumped and dived through the water. I held my breathe as her body shot through the water.

She had a good start but I knew that the swimmers she was against would be fast.

I cocked my head to look at Jackson. ” you can cheer now” I whispered. As soon as I said this he shot up picking up a massive sign. He somehow hid that from me all day. I couldn’t contain the laughter that came out it was hilarious but cute at the same time.

My eyes went back to Jenny, she was just behind 4th place. She needed to get in the top 4 to be able to get through to the next stage.

2 more laps to go.

She seemed to be pushing harder. It seems that some of the lead swimmers were losing their flow and were not gaining speed whereas Jenny was swimming really well.


” oh shes going fast, holy shit she’s over taking”

“That’s my girlfriend everyone look at her go!” By this point the guy was on his feet jumping In excitement.

I smiled as I watched Jenny come past 4th and then 3rd, she was pushing hard to get to second but I knew they were too far ahead for her.

The race ended with a very dramatic ending. Jenny had successfully secured 3rd place sending her straight through to the next stage in Sheffield.

Jackson was jumping up and down waving his sign. Desperate to get it seen by Jenny.

I think Jenny was in too much shock to even think about looking at him.

Towards the exit I saw bryony jumping up and down next to Theo who had the biggest grin on his face.

” what are you still doing here, go” I pushed at Jackson when he went to sit back down. I couldn’t leave yet I had to watch the others from the team.

“oh right, bye Elle see you later” I smiled watching him run down the steps. He didn’t care that Jenny was still wet from the pool as he collided with her wrapping his arms around her and planting a giant kiss on her lips.

A chorus of ” AWW’ we’re heard in my section of the crowd.

I endured the rest of the events. Bryony was a powerhouse as she came first in hers, with the twins coming second in the diving. Scott had come down with the Flu so he wasn’t swimming today. I advised scott to skip it even though he desperately wanted to race.

When I arrived in the changing room I ran over to Jenny” well done Jenny, you kicked some serious ass out there” I wrapped my arm around her.

She grinned at me ” you think so”

” I know so, all of you really did good today”

” meet you all outside, the bus should be here to take us back soon” I said already heading outside.

Jenny ran up to me stopping me. ” I won’t be on the bus I think Jackson is driving me home”

The girls inside giggled. ” oh he’s definitely doing more than taking you home” Bryony commented.

” that’s fine with me” I said before leaving the room to find Theo.

I didn’t need to know anymore about what those two do in their spare time.

I still had a grin as I walked around, I found Theo sitting in a chair on the phone. He hung up abruptly ” whats wrong” I asked him seeing the anxious look on his face.

” Dillons mom has been in an ancident” I widened my eyes.

” oh shit, really well is she okay”

He typed on his phone ” I don’t know”

I remember him telling me that he was picking up Dillon after this.

“I I don’t want Dillon to be there, just in case its not good”

” do you want to go, I can pick Dillon up and have him stay at mine till youre back” I wouldn’t mind babysitting for a few hours.

I stared at me ” would you”

I smiled ” no problem”

Theo jumped up and kissed me on the cheek before running out of here.

I definitely could be jealous right now but at the same time I knew that it’s the right thing to do. I didn’t know what kind of past they had but he needs to be there for her as a support system.

When I arrived back I stood by the door at Dillons day care and waited patiently for the little guy to walk out.

” ELLEEEE” Dillon exclaimed when his big brown eyes met mine.

There was a woman standing behind him.

” hey little man, don’t mind if I take you home do you?” He only smiled as he wrapped his arms around my legs.

” Is Theo not picking him up today”

I looked over at this woman” there was a family emergency he asked me to pick Dillon up” I handed her a note that Theo quickly scribbled down earlier.

Maybe she thought I’d come to steal this kid.

” oh that’s okay then, see you tomorrow Dillon” I took that as my cue to get out of here.

I decided that we would take the bus. I didn’t have a babyseat for me to drive us so this would have been the better option.

After an eventful ride on the bus with Dillon sparking up many conversations with strangers we arrived at my home.

” so how about some pizza for dinner, I know your dad is a very good cook but I can make us some cheesy pizza”

Dillon stood at the entrance of my kitchen. ” okay” he said placing his little hands on one of the chairs trying to get up.

I walked over and lifted him up onto the seat.

Dillon found joy in watching the cartoon on the tablet as I started preparing our pizza.

Ive made homemade pizza a few times so I wasn’t worried about this turning out.

“Is that your mom and dad” I asked staring at the somewhat recognisable picture he was drawing.

I managed to find a packet of colouring pens in my office.

Theo wasn’t hard to recognise since he had random black dots over his body which I guess symbolised his tattoos.

” yeah ” he replied his eyes going back down to continue with his masterpiece.

My eyes widened significantly when I saw the bright red heart above them.

” do you love them” I asked.

He nodded his head eagerly before grabbing another pencil.

” I love mommy and daddy” he sang cheerfully. Every day now this little guy improved on his words.

I didn’t expect such conversations so early on in his life.

I turned back around to cut up some cheese to put on the pizza.

” mommy and daddy love dilly” he continued. I had to stifle a laugh.

” I’m sure they love you very much Dillon” I said grinning back at him.

” Mommy loves daddy too”

My hand paused from sprinkling the cheese.

“Not as much as I love daddy tho ”

Who wouldn’t love that man.

I finally managed to complete the pizza. Slid it into the oven setting a timer for about 18 minutes.

I walked over to the table and peeked over Dillon’s shoulder.

” I love your drawing Dillon” I said rubbing his back. It was a very creative drawing filled with colours and strange shapes.

I’m not one to judge though.

I sat with him and answered some emails as he started another drawing.

I wondered if his mom was okay, I don’t wish upon any child to lose their mom so young. What Dillon said may bother me a little bit but at the same time I can’t be stressing over something so little when she could definitely be in a serious situation.

” give to mama ” he waved around the drawing trying to give it to me.

I took it from his hands ” You can give it to your mama very soon buddy” I rubbed his head.

Hopefully sooner than later.

After watching cartoons together I stood up and went to remove the pizza from the oven. I grabbed the oven mitts and went to pull it open.

The latter of Dillon’s feet made me alarmed. Somehow he managed to climb out of his chair and run towards me.

“No Dillon!” I panicked seeing him so close to the oven. I managed to shove my body into him and block his arm from touching the oven.

“Aaaah” I was so relieved that Dillon didn’t touch the oven that I hadn’t realised I grazed the side of the oven with my arm.

I quickly shut the oven and slid the pizza on top before rushing to the sink.

I blasted cold water on the burn.

It was turning red and it burned like hell.

I finally looked over at Dillon only to see him standing back looking scared. His eyes started to water and I knew he would burst any minute.

” come here buddy I’m sorry for shouting ” I opened my arms out. But he didn’t move he only could stare at the obvious bruise on my arm.

” soooorrrry ” he mumbled before running away.

I heard him run out of the kitchen. The pizza was long forgotten as I ran after him.

I found him hiding under my office desk. He was circled up in a ball his whimpers were clear.

Well done Elle. You made the poor boy cry.

” are you mad at me Cmon Dillon come out ” I reached my hand out.

He shook his head violently.

“I hurt you”

I sat back crossing my legs. ” no you didn’t the oven hurt me. Cmon it’s not your fault let’s have the pizza” I said still becoming him to Come to me.

After a torturous minute he finally crawled out and fell into my chest. I wrapped my arms around him and whispered sweet nothings into his ear.

” cheese cheese cheese” Dillon chanted as he waited for his last piece of pizza.

I thought I would have to eat most of it but Dillon surprised me by eating a lot of his food.

I was exhausted by the time it came to 7pm.

The knock on my door forced me to carry Dillon to open the door since he fell asleep on my lap.

I could already see his silhouette through the glass window.

” oh you angel” Theo commented walking up and taking Dillon from my arms.

I can’t lie but it was a huge relief when he took Dillon back.

I’m clearly not fit for this kid business.

” how is she ” I asked as Theo sat down and laid Dillon down on the sofa next to him.

” she’s okay, she has cuts and needs to stay over just to be monitored but she was lucky” oh that’s a relief.

” oh that’s great news” I said trying to bite back a Yawn.

I raised my arms up stretching only to pull them straight down.


I dared to look at rheo hoping he wasn’t paying attention but I was unlucky.

Theo stood up coming to my side. He knelt down.

” what happened ?” He asked concerned. He stroking his finger over the burn.

” a little accident with the oven that’s all” I said shrugging it off.

I’m not one to grass and that’s not going to start today.

” you should really leave the cooking to me” he said grinning.

I laughed it off.

” I know I know but I usually can survive the oven” I replied.

Theo brought his hands up and grabbed my waist before yanking me down towards him.

” thank you for today, I’m glad I went to see if she was okay even if I did have plans for us this evening”

Plans. We had plans ?

” she’s important to you it only made sense for you to go” I was so tempted to say something about what Dillon mentioned earlier but I held it back.

Now is not the time.

” I know, I don’t know what I would do if Dillon didn’t have his mom” he seemed to be thinking deeply.NôvelDrama.Org © content.

“She’s a very special woman. She needs you both”

” daddy”

We both turned and spotted Dillon sitting up, rubbing his eyes.

” hey son you had fun tonight”

Dillon quickly looked at my arm. I shook my head. Don’t drop yourself in it.

” yes I draw you” he grabbed the drawing from earlier and showed Theo.

Theo glances at the drawing before quickly looking at me.

” I’m sorry” he mouthed.

I shrugged. ” it’s okay”

Theo went on to praising Dillon who loved the attention he was getting from his daddy.

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