The Fated Match



Our first night was a success. Luckily everyone was tired from the flight so I didn’t have to really worry about them as they all disappeared . I actually spent most of the night catching up with billy and Abi before they left to make sure they could be awake for early morning practice.

That’s one thing I don’t miss. Those 4 am starts.

6 am I woke up to the smell of food heaven. I pulled on a jumper and walked towards the kitchen to find my own personal chef cooking up a storm. He wore a simple black t-shirt and joggers as he worked around the stove. Flipping over pancakes, the healthy kind that is.

He cooked a variety of different foods, a traditional English breakfast that would give all of us enough energy today.

Theo doesn’t know it but I had planned for us to sneak away wants getting everyone settled. Abi personally planned the day so that I could spend some time with him. She also hit me last night for worrying about her and her obvious infatuation for him.

She’s one hell of a flirt but her commitment to winning gold medals kind of outweighs it.

I quickly sneaked up behind him and placed a kiss on the neck of his neck. He turned to face me a genuine smile on his face. Before I had any time to walk away his fingers grabbed chin pulling me in before planting a kiss right on my lips.

“good morning,” he said pulling away, turning down the stove.

I smiled up at him “morning chef” I said.

I quickly walked over to the coffee machine when I heard people coming inside. Scott and Thomas were laughing at each other as they walked in.

They both were showered and dressed in sports gear clearly very excited at seeing the pros today.

Billy worked a deal with the coach to have the pool for a few hours. I tried to avoid coach just because I know he will embarrass the fuck out of me. but the deal only could be made if I went to see him.

Let’s just say, he wasn’t too fond of me leaving the team but ultimately he did support me in what I chose to do. I was his jenny.

Not the best swimmer but he relied on me to keep the team together, keep us focused and I had the best knowledge.

” Theo, this is amazing,” Tina said as she walked in with the others trailing behind her. Some looking more tired than others.

We all looked around the table practically salivating on all the foods. It wasn’t long before everyone was filling up their plates with plenty of food. Theo watched amused and honestly proud as any chef would.

I found myself sat next to Theo who would occasionally play with my thigh underneath the table.

” Todays going to tough if I know the team they will more than likely give you a taster of being a professional swimmer. When you’re there I want you to listen and watch carefully. You have one of the best teams in the world at your fingertips so make the most of it” I told them.

Breakfast was soon over and I was getting ready for the day making sure that I had everything I needed.

“are you nervous,” Bryony said leaning on the door to my room. I was in the middle of putting my hair up in a ponytail.

Nervous 100%

” Just a little, I’m going to meeting my coach again and as much as he supported my move to become a coach he was disappointed in me. I hate to doubt myself but what if he thinks I’m a shit coach” god when did I get so fucking pathetic.

I tied my hair way tighter than I usually do, my scalp will not like me by the end of the day.

Bryony laughed ” do you know how shit we were before you came. We barely spoke to each other, we were losing every competition under the sun and weren’t even close to the qualifying times. Since you have started were a team, we actually have chances so there is no way in hell that you are a shit coach” I stared at her through the mirror.

Scott joined her ” are you seriously doubting yourself, coach, what happened to you” I waited. He’s right when did I start thinking like this.

I drill self-confidence into these students heads and yet I’m not even taking my own advice.

” Thanks, guys” they both smiled at me before leaving me alone again.

I heard them all outside getting into the two cars we had. Seeing at through I knew where the venue was it only made sense that I drove.

” driving there was like a weird trip in memory lane. I used to always get the train with Abi since we were both roommates at the time when we turned 18 we both used our money from doing sponsorships to buy ourselves cars.

Abi decided on a small Audi and went with a Mercedes.

On arrival, we all headed inside the building going straight to the front desk. Billy stood waiting for us chatting up one of the girls at the desk.

” 7 o’clock sharp, I’ll admit I’m impressed,” he says giving me a side hug and waving at everyone.

Most of them were too busy admiring the lobby. Wait until they see the pool.

” I’ve always been consistent,” I said to him. I would be in charge of making sure the team were always on time and be a constant alarm for billy especially.

He nods because he knows I am right.

“well let me take them for a tour. Meanwhile, you need to find coach he’s been bugging me all morning about you” I froze. Right now, this leaves me no time to prepare.

Theo placed a hand on my shoulder ” relax Elle, we will see you after alright” he kissed my cheek before following after everyone leaving me in the lobby by myself.

Breathe Elle.

” where is coach ” I barely had time to finish “the same place, you know the way” I would have thought that along with the new layout of the lobby and building in general that he would have changed the location of his office.

“thanks” I started my journey towards his office. It used to be my second home I would spend hours in there working with the coach and giving him the intel on the team.

On my way there I noticed a few familiar faces but I doubt that they would remember me.

I arrived at his office sooner than I would have liked but I needed to shove my nerves away and actually grow some.

The door was slightly opened already giving me a view into his office already. I was about to knock on the door anyway when I saw his large figure standing before the coffee machine.

He hit it with force ” this fucking thing” I slapped my hand over my mouth.

” hit it any harder and you’ll need a new one coach” at the mere sound of my voice he spun around.

” Nothing wrong with a kettle is there,” he said back a glint in his eye.

I noticed how he looked older I mean he’s only 48 but he seemed to have welcomed the grey hair coming through and the dad body he has.

” you haven’t changed one bit,” I said walking further into his office and closing the door behind me.

He smiled “you have, hardly recognise the shy reserved girl I used to know” that’s how he always saw me.

I went into his open arms welcoming a hug that I had missed for a long time.

” surprised it took you this long to finally come to see your coach and to make it even better you’re only here to use me” some people might think he was serious but I knew he was joking. Not about me not coming to see him but he didn’t mind that I come and use the team for my own personal benefit.NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

” you’re just so busy coaching the best team in the world” he smirked at me. ” don’t you forget it”

Some say cocky I just say honest. He’s been coaching teams for 20 straight years and it really worked for him.

“it’s more than just training them in the sport Mick. Their foundation was a mess and it showed in there performance” I explained to him as we sat together drinking coffee. This time using the kettle since he successfully managed to break the machine.

He raised his eyes ” I’ve somewhat sorted that out. Now it’s just about training them and still learning to love the sport”

He coughed sarcastically ” I appreciate you adopting my lessons Elle,” he said patting me on the back.

He drilled these lessons into me for a straight year, there is no way that I would forget.

” you coming coach” he calls from the door. I tear away my eyes from the picture frame. I hadn’t noticed this walking in but he had a wall of fame on his wall and what surprised me the most was the picture of me standing with my medal.

I laughed at him calling me coach. Now that does feel weird.

I followed him and we walked to the pool. On arrival, we found pretty much everyone in the pool. Billy was standing poolside watching over Scott as he did a lap.

Billy stuck by his word and was giving Scott critiques. I personally put a word in for scots behalf. Scott has probably the greatest potential and with him the eldest he is in dire need.

Scott reached the end lifting his head up. Mike instantly left my side going up to him.

” your coach has taught you well, a very strong form on you son, but now its time to focus on your head position. Do it again but this time you need to look straight down headstrong alright” I smiled

Scott was knackered but this would ultimately help him a great deal.

” you know what everyone, get in and join him” I laughed at the poor horror on the girl’s faces but it soon made an appearance on my own face when he stared directly at me.

I shook my head ” not a chance ” I warned him.

“sorry princess” I heard Theo whisper into my hair before lifting me up and throwing me into the water.

I screamed before violently hitting into the water. Luckily for him, I was a professional

” I lined up with everyone shaking my head at the pure ridiculousness this was.

Theo blew a whistle starting the challenge. I tried my best but billy as per beat me. Scott came close third after me tying with Bryony and Mel.

I made my way over to the steps hoping I was finished but that quickly changed when mick stared daggers. ” Elle, back in the water ” he barked at me.

I have some serious déjà vu right now.

“you’re about to teach your girls a lesson in freestyle etiquette” for the love of God.

I moaned as I swam back to the middle lane as they all cleared.

“everyone out the pool I want you to see how Elle swims from above alright” he didn’t have to tell me I knew what he was doing.

Everyone pushed themselves out the pool welcoming the towels Theo and Tina were giving out.

“Will you do the honours” Mick said turning to Theo

” it would be my pleasure” Theo smiled sending a wink my way which only made me roll my eyes.

You can consider yourself in my bad book from now Mr.

Once I heard it I kicked off the board diving into the water, once I had emerged I went straight into action I could just about hear the muffled sound of mick. When I reached the end of the lane I flipped and kicked off the wall before doing the exact same thing back.

When I reached the end I held onto the side and stared at everyone. I can’t remember the last time I swam that hard.

” that’s what you should be doing. Your arms should be slicing the water quick and snappy, never overreach and keep that head position fixed. Forget about anyone’s opinions, you have the best coach in your lane and from the look of it, you all have amazing potential” my heartfelt good.

This is exactly what they needed to hear.

All my nerves were gone completely out of the picture and I had huge respect for the whole team more than I did before.

” why would you help us if you don’t mind me asking” Scott practically shouted out. I did say that they could ask questions.

I pushed myself out the water and grabbed the towel from Theo

“you’re amazing” he mouthed to me, which actually made me all hot and red.

Still pissed at him though.

” you mean why I just gave you free advice when I’m trying to dominate the swimming scene,” Mick said crossing his arms over his chest.

Scott stuttered ” well yeah”

” your coach was my best swimmer. Not because she won all her races but because she cared about the sport fucking loved it actually. She was your jenny keeping the team strong and had an insane passion and knowledge for the sport. I also see no problem in sharing advice. you all have a chance to stand on that podium when your time comes”

At the end of his little speech, Abi nudged me ” are you crying?” I nudge her back ” no” even though there are tears rolling down my face.

” give it here” billy shouts going round to everyone. I was shocked when people started slapping notes into his hand.

I stared at everyone. ” you bet on me?” I shouted beyond pissed. My eyes widened further when Theo did the same. ” your team seems to believe this tough façade Elle, but they don’t know you like us” Billy said pocketing his money.

No Shame at all, as if he didn’t just rip off my team.

” come here you softy” mick said bringing me into his chest.

I went limp in his hold enjoying this moment of pure ecstasy being with my team old and new.

This was exactly what we all needed.

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