The Dracones

Chapter Fifteen

Several days later, I find myself outside Rylarth’s bandit camp. Their security is noticeably tighter. Not one guard is by themselves, and their canal holds bars under the bridges. A frustrated groan silently ripples through me. It looks like Mytheena gave them the full story. I’m currently hiding outside of a checkpoint, ready to execute my plan. There is a wagon that is being searched by guards; who are looking for any lethal items. The wagon’s contents are people, chained together in rows, who are wearing hoods to cover their heads.

When the wagon is cleared, I crouch lower in the bushes that conceal me. My legs are killing me from being bent for so long, but my mind is in mission mode. The crisp air is keeping off sweat from my brow, the only exposed skin of my body. When the horses pass the checkpoint, I roll under the wagon, grabbing hold of the axles underneath. I lift my legs before they can make drag marks.

The driver takes the wagon into the barn; to rest the horses and strip the prisoners. I get my knives ready when the wagon comes to a full stop. I let go and drop to the ground. After rolling out from underneath the wagon, I switch into a tight upright ball and wedge myself between two barrels of water. It is only when I’m upright that I look at the prisoners. My eyes widen in surprise as I recognize Prince Derrick and a few of his men. I swear and wonder how Derrick even stays alive at this rate.

I pull out a small mirror from my boot and use it to look around. I spy three guards, two handlers, and one driver. The guards are posted with careful placement; two at the entrance we entered through and one by the loft entrance near the roof. The solo one is an archer and is used to warn anyone when something bad is happening here. I swear when I spot another archer at another post in easy view across the street; watching our man here in case trouble arises. I need to kill him without him falling. This should be interesting.

While the handlers and driver are busy with the prisoners, I decide to take out the other two guards. I slink out from the barrels and slowly work my way through an arrangement of barrels and hay. When I get close to the wall, I get down low; using the shadows the candlelight makes to my advantage. The guards are more focused on the prisoners, so they do not pay attention to what is next to them. I’m close enough to the guard on the right that I can pick his pocket. I slowly stand, my knife in hand. When fully standing I slit his throat, then throw the bloody blade into the head of the other guard.

The two guards drop with a small thump. I go and retrieve my knife as I work my way around the three others on the ground. One walks off to get a knife to cut off the mens clothes. I go after the one that had separated himself from the group. When he’s coming back, I place a hand over his mouth and put him in a sleeper hold. When unconscious I slice his skin with one of my blue knives; ensuring about two hours of slumber from him. His other buddy goes to find out what is taking his friend so long after a minute passes. I drug him as well, dragging both their bodies under the stairs.

I slowly creep up the stairs, knowing I have just set the clock into motion. The archer looks bored. He’s looking out the window toward a woman in the city below. The woman is running naked, getting chased by a drunken guard. I slowly stand, using the archer’s back as a shield. When I’m close enough, I stick my knife into his brainstem and hold him up on my own. I pull the knife out and stick it through his thick armor and pin him against the frame. I move a barrel full of tools behind him. I stick a pitchfork in his back at an angle and stick the handle in a hole in the floor, so he’ll stay upright.

Quickly, I go back down the stairs as the driver loses patience. I make little noise and leap onto him when he finds his companions unconscious. I lock my arm around his neck while I cover his mouth and nose with my other hand. A half minute later he falls. I give him two cuts with my blue-tipped knife and drag him with the others.

Putting away my knives, I investigate the rest of the barn. No one is in here, except for the horses. I find Miny in the back. They tied her to two wooden posts and covered her eyes so she could not see.

“Shh,” I whisper when I touch her muzzle. “It’s alright Miny.” Immediately she picks her head up and lets out a loud neigh. “Shh,” I whisper as I stroke her muzzle. “You need to calm down or you’ll give me away.” She goes quiet, letting my voice calm her. I take off the cloth they have tied around her face to blind her. Immediately her wild eyes look around, trying to find me.

I pull down my face mask when she reels. “Miny it’s me.” She calms down and tries to bump her head against me. I smile and give her a hug after I hide my face again. I have missed her so. I untie her and lead her reins to the wagon with the ever-so-tense prisoners.

I switch out a horse for her. Now I just need a male. One of the bolder prisoners begins talking at this point. “Hello? Is anyone there? I can hear you breathing.”

Lies. My breathing is silent. I walk over to the one covered in furs and yank off his hood. Derrick’s eyes widen. “Sweet Dawn do not kill me.”

I laugh. “Relax Derrick.” I briefly show him my face. “It’s me, Kit.”

He looks me over. “I thought you were taken to the Southern District.”

I nod. “I was, but now I’m back.”

“But you are thought of as dead.”

“Probably a good thing.” Why is he in a state of shock at this point? He was in much better condition before I revealed my identity.

“What are you doing here?” He demands.

“When I was taken, Mytheena revealed my identity. Rylarth is now after my head. Once he learned Miny is my horse, he took her in a stakes for bargaining. I need her back, and since the price for her is my head, I don’t think I could get her back just by asking Rylarth nicely.” I reach for one of my side pockets stitched into my suit. “Now I need your assistance if you, and your men, want out of here.”

I take the lockpick I had just grabbed from my pocket and pick his chain. “I need you to drive us out of here and give me your clothes,” I explain that I need his clothes to disguise me since Rylarth does not employ women. I switch his clothes for the driver I had just knocked unconscious and put on his. They’re huge on me, and it looks like I’m swimming in them.

I sit in the back with his men and put on the cuffs that are way too big for my wrists. “Now just drive us out of here and we’ll be fine.”

“What about the others?” Derrick demands.

“What others?” I ask, truly knowing I don’t have to go looking for someone else. “If you think there are other prisoners, you are mistaken. Rylarth takes his captives and strips them, robbing them of their dignity and everything else, before he kills them. There is a body farm not far from here where he leaves his victims. If you hold no value or use, he kills you.”

Derrick looks me over. “How do you know this?”Text © by N0ve/lDrama.Org.

“Rylarth was the raider that killed my parents. When I first joined the Wolves, I wanted to go after him, but Moira showed me her plans for him. Ask her about her plan called Wildflower. She’ll let you in on it.” I flash him a grin. “Now let’s get moving.” Derrick nods and puts the hood on over my head.

The wagon jerks to a start. I keep my body straight as we bend and turn around. Derrick keeps his pace normal. I can feel the tension between the other members, especially because they are still in the dark on who is sitting next to them. All I can hear is wagon wheels against the dirt and horse hooves. People are talking and chattering, embellishing themselves in their drinks. I can hear a woman screaming, but it seems to be in pleasure rather than pain. Maybe the drunken guard finally caught the drunk woman.

At the checkpoint, the guards look us over. “What are they doing back here driver?”

“King Rylarth demands that they be taken to his personal house. They are of Prince Derrick’s men. He believes Derrick’s father will pay handsomely to get him back.”

The guards let out a low hmm before speaking. “What about the other men then?”

“The profit lies in these men too. His head of guard is here and his best fighters. The others were slain in battle. He wants them to come personally to the negotiation, and slay his warriors in front of Derrick’s father, in order to raise the price on Derrick.” Derrick is good at this.

I hear the guard take a step back. “Alright, I believe ya. That is what Rylarth would do. I’ll send word that you are coming.”

“Fine.” Derrick kicks the horses into gear, bringing a sudden jolt of relief through my body.

Ten minutes later Derrick pulls the wagon to a stop. I sigh in relief and let the cuffs slide off my wrists. I remove my hood, turning my head to see Derrick looking at me. I grin at him as I stand, sliding my arms from his sleeves, and letting his clothes drop from me. He laughs at the pile below my feet and turns his head to check for any approaching guards.

I jump off the wagon, getting ready to start moving. “Thanks for the help boys.”

Derrick jumps off and grabs my arm. “I can’t thank you enough Kit. You saved me and my men.” His green eyes are brimming with gratitude as he smiles at me.

I smile back, a little paranoid now. They should have discovered the bodies by now. “You already have.”

He looks away. “I just wish there were more we could do for those villagers.”

I put my hand on his cheek, making him look at me. “That is a raider city, Derrick. It houses nothing but raiders. There is nothing human there. When you are grown you will be a fine king. Just think before you act.”

He sighs. “I’m sixteen. I should know what I’m doing.”

“You are young. You are to inherit a kingdom with Princess Mytheena at your side. You two have a lot to learn. Ruling a kingdom is a lot harder than most things.”

He laughs. “You sound like Fuller. He’s the captain of our guard.” His eyes sparkle in an offer. “He still wants to hire you.”

I laugh. “I’m good at where I am at.”

“Where is Ivan?” He asks, remembering the first time we met.

“Ivan has retreated into retirement. Both of our contracts with the Wolves are up.”

“So, you’re free to go where you wish?” A masked soldier asks, completely enticed by my words.

I grin. “I was wondering when you would speak up Fuller.” I walk over there and take off the soldier’s hood.

Fuller is grinning at me. “How bout it, Kit?”

I shake my head, though I’m tempted by his offer. “I have other obligations. But I might take you up on it.” I wink at him while the other four soldiers try to make out my covered face. I look at Derrick. “How did you get captured anyway?”

Derrick blushes. “I was on my way to Mytheena’s kingdom when we were jumped by raiders. We woke up in chains and the wagon.”

I sigh and shake my head. “Rylarth has a plan. I’m sure of it. I want you to go straight to Gunthra. When you see a man with a scarred eye, I want you to say this to him; A kitten plays with a ball of string while a raven watches nearby. He’ll take you to Moira. Ask her about Wildflower. She’ll need your help.”

“Where are you going?” Derrick demands as I go remove Miny from the wagon.

I guide her to Derrick and smile at him. “I’m going to meet the raven.”

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