The Cursed Human

Chapter 24

“You didn’t tell her, don’t you!?” Aphrodite said. Her voice was filled with worry and disappointment.

I was oblivious of what was happening around me. I could only make out one thing, wedding. They said something about wedding, WHOSE— I didn’t know. But the way they all were looking at me, making me think that whatever they are hiding is definitely not so good.

I put the spoon down, trying to collect their words. My appetite is gone, hearing the word WEDDING.

“Can we just… umm… like…. discuss it somewhere else. I don’t think it’s—” Angie wasn’t able to finish when Lucifer’s voice thundered.


My heart skipped a beat as Lucifer slammed his hand on table, making everyone flinch. Angie is his sister, right? Then why is he talking to her, rudely. Well, I don’t give a damn, she deserves it anyway, she lied to me, she betrayed me.

“Calm down, Luc. You don’t have to scare anyone. However, you won’t like, if? little girl over there get heart attack by your furiousness.”

Me?? Is she talking about me!!?

I’m not little. I’m five feet three inches tall.!!

Aphrodite’s words make everyone turns towards me. I don’t like when people gives attention to me. I don’t like to be centre of attraction. I lowered my eyes, and started playing with food.

“So, um….. Sarah, right?” Aphrodite said talking bite of her pancakes and looked at me.

I looked towards her, taking in her features, she is the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen. Her beauty is next level, she can make you fall in love with her, by just one look. Something is different about her, like… like.. her eyes, her way of looking, her hairs, everything’s different about her. But her beauty can’t make me talk to her. I don’t like them.

What makes her think, I’ll talk to her?

I kept looking at her, not answering her. Her eyes sparkled, like there were glitters in them, her eyes were dark shade of blue but when they sparkled, they turn into light blue. But, sparkling eyes, didn’t startled me. Her orbs were calm like a ocean but held so many deep secrets. Looking at her eyes suddenly feels so relaxing, so calming, but at a same time very focused. How I wish I could look into her eyes for eternity. I was heedless of my surroundings, not caring if I was sitting between inhumane creatures.

“Yes, my name is Sarah” words slipped my tongue, like it has mind of its own. But I didn’t care, answering her questions suddenly become my next mission.

“How old are you Sarah!?” Her words rang in my ears.

“Twenty one” she nodded her head in acknowledgement, she didn’t say anything for sometime but then she smirked, I wasn’t able to figure out what was going on in her head.

“Okay— so, tell me Sarah, do you love someone!?”

” Yes”

“May I know, who that lucky person is?”


“Stop playing with her head, Aphrodite!!”

I jolted awake—

Like I was sleeping.

Wh… what?

What just happened?

My eyes shot open as I blinked, one time, two time, three time. I looked up to find Aphrodite smiling at me, cynical smile. She—she was doing it. She was doing something to me, like she was controlling my mind, she was making? me answer to her questions.

It was like, she was—

Controlling me.

Hypnotizing me.

I gulped down. She was hypnotizing me, she was playing with my mind. What are they, one thing is for sure, they are not human, they are far worse. They are something else, they change their eyes colour, they can play with your heads, and they can —kill you, without any remorse. This thought alone caused my heart beat to fasten.

“No, Luc. I wasn’t. I was just looking for answers, that she was not willing to say”

“Anyways, So Falcon, when are you planning to take over ZENITH!!”

What is Zenith??

Take over!!

“Not soon, Mother.”

What the hell!!!


This lady over here is his Mother. Then that’s mean, she is Angie’s mother too. And that makes her Lucifer’s Mother also. But, why Lucifer is addressing her by name? Is she his stepmother? but if she is his stepmother then why do they resemble, same hairs, same eyes. Infact, Falcon is completely different with his brown hairs and green eyes. Everything is like a mess. I can’t understand what is going on. One moment they are talking about wedding,? in next she is hypnotizing me and then Freaking Falcon is calling her Mother, who is nothing like his mother.

I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I didn’t hear Aphrodite talking, she was talking to Lucifer, who was not paying any mind to her. How cruel!!

“I don’t know what is wrong with you talking over ZENITH now!! But what can I say you never listened to me!!” She complained, her brows were narrowed, she was completely disappointed at Falcon. What can I say, I was disappointed in him too!!

Staying here, with these monsters were making my nerves on edge. I didn’t know what other things they could do, neither do I wanted to know. I just want to go from here, to the room or whatever but away from them.

Every single one was busy eating their? breakfast. Sound of spoon scrapping the plate could be heard. As far, I only know few people present here. Aphrodite, Angie, Nancy, Falcon and Lucifer. Silver haired man and women were quite the whole time and so was blondie and Alexa.

“Come to my office, Aphrodite!” Lucifer ordered, making Aphrodite nodded her head. Lucifer glanced at me, making my heart rate fasten. I gulped down and averted my eyes.

Suddenly, I felt a tug and almost screamed as Lucifer yanked my chair towards him. My eyes widened with fear. His eyes scanned my face, taking in every feature of my face. My hands started shaking.

What does he want!!

I yelped as he pulled my chair closer to his, my hands tightened on sides of chair.

He leaned in and whispered,”Be a good girl for me!!”

He pecked my lips, caressing them with his lips and disappeared in thin air. I sat there frozen on same spot.

What DID just happened!!

I was startled, shocked.

“So, you’re that lucky girl, I see!!” Silver haired man said from other side of room, making my heart beat flutter. I looked at him with wide eyes. He was excited about something, by the looks he was giving.

I was still astonished by what just happened, and him giving me this curious smile, was making my insides burn.

After releasing that I was in same position, I quickly get up.

I was embarrassed.

He kissed me infront of everyone.

I could feel my face burning.

As I took a step to leave the dining room, I was stopped by small hands clutching my wrists. Alexa was looking at me with a small pout, maybe she want me to stay here, with her.

I crouched down and held her face between my palms.

“Hello there, how are you Alexa!!!?” I saod excitedly, whatever was happening with me is not her fault. She is naive and doesn’t k ow what is right and wrong.

“I am fine, Sarah!!! You wanna play with me!!” She said. I was going to say no. But didn’t wanted her smile to dropped down.

“Yeah sureee!!!!” I said as I picked her up and pecked her head.

“Come Fally!!!!!” She yelled.

My brows narrowed as Falcon stood up from his chair.

“Oh… umm.. No, Lexi. I think—”

“Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!” She started shouting before Falcon could finish. Falcon sighed deeply as he come towards us.

If I say honestly, I don’t want to spend a single second with him. No one ever disgusted me as much as he do.

“Alexa, I’m not feel—” I was going to say decline but she beat me to it.

“But you said you will!” She pouted as tears started gathering at brim of her eyes.

“Oh No, No, No. I’m sorry, Alexa. O didn’t mean to— oh god!! I’m so sorry!! Please don’t cry!! Please!!” My heart tighten as tears started flowing through her eyes. I never wanted to make her cry but being with Falcon is also not an option.

For once.

I sighed as she wiped her tears and smiled up at me. I smiled at her and started walking. To where?? I don’t know.

“Sarah, let’s go to garden!! I love it there!!” She clapped her hands repeatedly.

Garden. That’s where the flowers are. That’s where I could feel comfort.

I nodded as she guided me where to go. Falcon was right behind us, following. He was quite, I didn’t hear him saying anything. Alexa was showing me the way. We crossed few hallways and stepped outside. That’s when warm rays of sunshine hit my face. I feel wave of calmness hit me. I closed my eyes, feeling the warmness soothing me.

I gasped in awe as my eyes opened. The garden was beautiful, very very beautiful. Only small section was visible through the windows of room I am staying in. There were flowers of every colours, pink, red, yellow, violet, blue, and you name it and it’ll be there.

“Can we play now!!!!” Alexa’s voive bring me out of daze.

I put her down and nodded my head. Looking at her brings back the memories of my childhood. And with that a truth also made its way, everything was a lie.

I put those thoughts on back of my head and concentrated on girl jumping with joy. Falcon was right behind me, maybe observing me, because I could literally feel his eyes on me but I don’t pay no mind to him.

He can go and sink and drown and die for all I care.

Alexa grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the lawn, where two wooden benches decorated with green sprinklers, were located. Falcon followed us, and sit next to us. Alexa started telling me the names of flowers. I nodded my head in acknowledgement whenever she tells me new name.

She was rolling on bed of grass, making me laugh out loud. I don’t remember when was the last time I smiled, maybe centuries ago.

Don’t be dramatic.

I sighed as Alexa kept playing with her small bicycle, which Falcon bring from small cottage located at end of lawn.

Falcon was sitting next to me. I was getting irritated with him with growing second. I ignored him completely and looked at Alexa. I heard him breathe deeply as he readied himself. For what— I DON’T KNOW.

“I’m sorry”, he mumbled. It was a small whisper, but I clearly heard it.

Sorry, for what?? For betraying me??, For lying to me??, Or for this vulnerability?? I wanted to ask all these questions, but I didn’t wanted to hear him explaining his lies.

“Please, say something!” Vulnerability was evident in his voice. Lump of saliva formed in my throat upon hearing his broken voice.

‘I loved you, Falcon! I loved you more than I should! I trusted you with my life! You were my best friend! I made you part of my secrets! But why!!! Why did you do this?!!’

“I have nothing to say” my voice was low, I was afraid if he heard Shivering in my words.

“I know, whatever I did was not right. I shouldn’t have abducted you! I shouldn’t have kept these things from you! I shouldn’t have kept you in dark!” His voice broken at end. I never wanted to see him like this, this vulnerable, this insecurity.

“And now I’ve lost your trust!” He continued.

‘And you have lost me too’

“It doesn’t matter now!”my eyes filled with unshed tears. Somewhere deep down my heart I still loved him, I still see him as my best friend. But he doesn’t have to know that.

“Can you forgive me, please!!?”

No, never.

“I forgive you!”

His eyes widened in shock, maybe he was not expected me to forgive him this early.

“But you need to understand that forgiveness is for past reconciliation, not for future consideration.”


I didn’t give him time to say anything. I stormed off from there. I knew if I would stay there any longer, I would definitely would be a crying mess. And this the last thing I wanted to do, to cry in front of him.

I dust off the tears as I dabbed my eyes with my palms, to wipe away tears.

I didn’t realise where I was going. I lost my way. Whatever this place was, it was huge, very very huge. Now, I was in hallway with golden lights blinking on top of ceiling and white walls covered with paintings.

But one painting snatched my attention from others. It was a portrait of a lady. It was a painting of woman. She had beautiful raven hairs falling onto her hips, making them look like waterfall. She was wearing a white wedding gown, that was flowing around her. She was looking serene. And oh gosh!! Her eyes!!! They were golden. Beautiful. They were golden like an antique jewellery. She was beautiful but still her eyes caught my attention the strongest. I could feel myself drawn to her.

Who was she??

I blinked as I felt myself connect with her just looking at her eyes. My heart was pounding as loud as drums.

“What are you doing here!!”

I jumped as I loud voice echoed through the hallway. My eyes bulged as I turned around.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“I… I was—”

Before I could say anything, I felt myself being slammed against the wall. My soul shivered with fright.

“Let’s try again, what are you doing here, ALONE!!” He gritted.

He wasn’t pleased with me. His jaw clenched as rage took over his body.

“I w.. was st.. strolling” A whimper passed my lips as he tighten his hold on my neck.

“You are not allowed to wonder here!” He Ordered in dominanting tone.

“Yes” I frantically nodded, wanting to free myself from him as soon as possible.

His jaw twitches as he looked behind me.

The painting.

He leaned down and whispered.


I trembled as his hands traveled down my dress. My breathing shortened as his fingers trace my inner thighs running along the hem of? my panties.

“No… Please!!” I struggled to get out of his grip.

He didnt say anything, instead he pushed his fingers inside my panties, making me gasp.

My breathing quickened as he parted my quivering legs. He pushed his thumb against the bundle of nerves at apex and rubbed around in slowly circles.

Before I could say anything he slammed his lips against mine, taking my breath away. I struggled, trembled but nothing seems to work. He is way more strong her than me.

He sucked my bottom lip aggressively as he pushed his finger in my tight canal. Every whimper and cry of protest was swallowing by his mouth.

“You are mine!!” His aggressive, rough tone just made it worse as he pushed another finger inside, making my insides shiver. He pumped harshly as his lips played with mine.

This is not what I wanted.

This is humiliation.

He is assaulting me in middle of hallway.

“Luci—, Fuck!!”

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