The Cursed Human

Chapter 13

I breathed in deeply when I tried to open my heavy, substantial eye lids. My body was stiff and all my limbs were aching like I had been hit by a massive load carrier truck. Everything was hurting but what hurted most was my heart. I slightly opened my eyes and an involuntary groan left my lips. I never felt like this before! I slowly moved my hands to rub my sore eyes.

I looked around and found myself again in this dark and horrifying room.

And that was when I recalled everything that had happened. My hands went stright to my neck.

He tried to choke me!

Warm tears filled in my eyes. This time I didn’t stopped myself from crying. I brought my one hand to cover my mouth so I didn’t make any noise. The tears were running onto the pillow and my heart was breaking thinking of everything that has turned my life upside down. I brought other hand on my heart and squeezed it tight because my heart was also hurting.

I sobbed so long and I gave into my miseries and I gave into my fears.

What had I done to deserve this?

I never wished for this but guess what here we were. Held being captive by inhumane human. I wanted to go far from here and never look back. I wanted to run so far that he would never be able to come to me again.

But my world was shattered, it was broken. All I wanted to do right now was cry and scream and let it all out.

But I had ran out of tears.

I had ran out of life.



No one ever told me that restlessness felt so much like fear.

That it made you feel like someone was ripping your insides out.

Slowly yet painfully.

I was having that feeling when you didn’t even knew what the fuck you were feeling anymore.

I was tired.




I was exhausted of this never ending pain.

I fell so hard for that girl who could never be mine.

She was the best thing I never planned.

I wished I could explain what I felt about her. How I wished I could look into her eyes and could never get tired of their beauty. How I wished I could listen to her laugh and could get lost in her sweet voice.

The truth?

I loved her.


I didn’t had any answer for that but I guess it was just her laugh, her smile, her eyes. The way she moved, the way she talked, the way she gave me butterflies whenever she was around me was enough to explain my sentiments for her. She had become my everything in this little bit of time of few years. I have known her since we were in our diapers and I never realised that I would be dying to made her mine. I honestly couldn’t say there was an answer to that.


She could never be mine.

She was his.

She was his queen.

His to taint.

His to love.

He wouldn’t ever allow my love. He would kill before I could make her mine.

I could just wait here and watch what was coming my way.

I gulped down the remaining alcohol present in this pathetic excuse of glass. Why the fuck even I bothered drinking when I very well knew that I couldn’t get drunk!

Guess I was making this another one of those pathetic habits of those pathetic little mortals.

My thoughts were interrupted when I saw a figure coming towards me. I sighed.

I didn’t want to have another arguement. I inwardly prayed.


I looked towards the person standing few inches away from me.

“Now what.” I said trying to keep my voice even, trying to mask my annoyance. What was she doing here? I didn’t wanted to talk to her about anything!

I heard her sigh. And next moment she was sitting next to me.


“Did you tell her?” She wispered taking a sip from her glass. I didn’t knew why but I felt this sudden urge to punch her in the face. She should mind her own business! Why did she keep sticking her nose everywhere. She was fucking so irritating!

Annoying I must add.

“No.” I said nonchalantly.

We stayed quiet. None of us said anything.


I liked this silence somehow.

Silence calmed my soul, the turmoil of my emotions.

“You should have told her. She deserves the truth.” Oh god! Couldn’t she keep her mouth shut for few minutes!

“I know.” I said trying to hide irritation in my voice.

“Then what are you waiting for.” She asked again.

“The right time.” I said.

“And when will that right time come”. She mocked placing her manicured hands on table.


What was she trying to do. Making fun of me?

“I dont know.” I shrugged.

“Falcon, you are not making sense. It’s been two days since she has been here.”

I knew that for fucks sake! I was the one who kidnapped her! And it was all my fucking fault. If that fucking asshole would have stayed away from her then she would have been safe, away from all this!

She continued, “Everything is new for her I know, but she has to blend in. She has give up on her previous life. Her only future is with him. She has to understand that she is his. It will be more easier if she get that inside her mind as soon as possible.” Nothing but fucking fact.

“Shut up.” I gritted. I didn’t wanted to hear anything.

She was fucking getting on my nerves now. She had no right to say anything about Sarah. She had no idea what would happen to her if he would claim her. What he would do to her. He would most certainly destroy her for his own sick pleasure. And I would be the one to blame for her miseries. She deserved so much h better than any of this and here I was, dragging the love of my pathetic life in danger.

“What do you want me to tell her? Huh! That I’m the one who brought her in this hell! Or I’m the one who she should be afraid of! Cause I’m not fucking like her!” I screamed loudly slamming my hand on table. The glasses on table shook with the impact.

I gulped the remaining bitter liquid down my throat.

Distract your mind, Falcon!

Think of something else!




No Fucking way!

I heard her sigh loudly.

“You are being absurd. I’m only saying that because this is her fate whether she accepts it or not. It was already decided.”

“No! this is not her fate. She deserves so much better. You don’t know her like I do. I have been with her since we were kids. I have watch her grow. I have watch her suffer. I have seen her in her most vulnerable state but I think this time, I won’t be with her, when he will drain the life out of her and shape her into the women he want to rule with who would be as cruel and heartless as him.” I said with annoyance in my voice.

“She is too innocent for him. I can’t let him destroy her.” I whispered.

I stood up from the stool and made my way towards door. But halted in my steps when her next words shook me to dick.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“And what are you doing?! You yourself are equally responsible for this and what do you think that she will accept you when she will come to know that you are his brother, the brother of her captor.”

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