The Charming Ex-Wife by Gwendolyn

chapter 619

The Charming Ex–Wife 

Chapter 619 His Thoughtfulness 



Lysander collected her thoughts, then took the initiative to approach Molly with a supportive proposal, “After one recovers from a severe illness, it’s absolutely vital to continue with cautious health management. I happen to know a colleague from the rehabilitation department at Central Hospital who’s quite an expert in this. Once we’re back, I’ll contact him to see if he can offer some tailored advice for you.” 

Molly’s face lit up with gratitude upon hearing Lysander’s considerate offer. Moved by her thoughtfulness, she expressed her appreciation. “Your concern means a great deal to me. With such support, I’m confident that I’ll make a swift recovery.” 

Her spirits visibly lifted by the conversation, Molly found herself enjoying her meal more than usual, consuming nearly half a plate more than she typically would. 

Howard, observing the deepening bond between his wife and Lysander, felt a profound happiness. Even Maverick, despite some lingering physical discomfort, couldn’t help but smile at the scene. 

It was a blessing that Lysander had reconnected with her biological parents. Maverick found solace in the thought that, should he no longer be around, she would still have a father figure in her life. 

Lysander caught Maverick’s eye for a moment, almost revealing the turmoil inside her. 

Josiah, seated across from Michelle and next to Susan, had been attentively observing Lysander. Noticing her emotional fluctuations, he swiftly rose to distract the others by offering to refill their beverage, thus diverting attention away from her, particularly Maverick’s. 

“The coffee here is quite exceptional; I recommend everyone try it,” he announced, drawing the group’s attention to the refreshment. 

Both Howard and Susan were initially surprised by his sudden attentiveness, but realizing that Lysander was present, they understood his actions were probably intended to support her, so they chose not to 


Susan, watching her son–who was usually quite snobbish–showing such care and attention, felt an immense sense of pride and satisfaction. 

However, only Lysander understood the true reason behind Josiah’s timely intervention. He was concerned that Maverick might notice the sadness she was struggling to conceal. 

In an attempt to further cover his intentions, Josiah made a point of carefully pouring hot coffee for everyone at the table, taking extra time when it came to Lysander’s cup. 

Lysander slightly tilted her cup toward him as he approached, whispering. “Thank you.” 

To the others, it appeared she was simply expressing gratitude for the beverage, but only the two of them. knew the deeper significance of her thanks. 

After the meal, Howard and Molly were the first to retire to their rooms for some rest. The others took a short break before beginning to organize a trip to the spa located at the back of the property. 

The spa at the resort was sourced directly from the earth, featuring separate outdoor sections for men and women, tailored to the different needs of the guests with individual partitions. 

Josiah shared a reassuring look with Lysander before joining Maverick at the men’s section, understanding 

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Chapter 619 His Thoughtfulness 


Despite her ongoing concerns for Maverick’s well–being, Lysander felt slightly reassured knowing he was in good company with Josiah, the only other person privy to Maverick’s health issues. 

It was Michelle’s inaugural visit to a spa. After her shower, she slipped into her bathrobe and began to enthusiastically explore the vicinity. Noticing Lysander standing still after changing, Michelle playfully waved her hand in front of her sister’s face. “What’s up with you?” 

Snapped out of her reverie, Lysander quickly regained her composure and asked, “It’s nothing. Are you done washing up? If so, I’ll head in then.” 

Given the limited number of showers, guests often had to wait in line. 

Upon hearing this. Michelle looked surprised, “But didn’t you just take a shower? You’ve even changed into your bathrobe.” 

Lysander glanced down at her attire and rubbed her forehead. “I was deep in thought, and got a bit too absorbed, I guess. By the way, where’s Mom! She’s never been to a place like this before; she might be lost.” 

Laura, always modest and frugal at home, preferred leisure activities in free public parks. Remembering the necessary preparations for a spa visit posed a bit of a challenge for her. 

Lysander regretted being so preoccupied with Maverick’s illness that she had neglected to consider Laura might need assistance as well. She felt a sudden urgency to locate her. 

Michelle quickly reassured her, “Don’t worry about Mom. I saw Madam Susan with her. They were both chatting and laughing, even talking about how to style their hair nicely.” 

This turn of events was rather unexpected. 

Relieved, she reassured herself, “I almost forgot, they are about the same age, and they both have lovely temperaments. They should get along just fine.” 

Observing her sister’s unusual demeanor that day, Michelle, driven by curiosity, ventured, “Are you still troubled by the past issues with Josiah and Dad’s attitude?” 

Lysander looked at Michelle, her face radiating joy. From the depths of her heart, she wished her little sister’s happiness could endure. Raising her hand to lightly pinch her, Lysander adopted a playful tone, “Are you asking all this because you’re planning to spout nonsense again?” 

“Not at all!” Michelle quickly clarified, “I just think my former brother–in–law has changed quite a bit. He might have genuinely turned over a new leaf.” 

At the opportune moment, Lysander released her hand and shifted the conversation. “Michelle, do you think… if I agreed to get back together with Josiah, would Dad be a bit happier?” 

Michelle pondered thoughtfully. “If he to treat you as well as he does now, Dad would definitely be happy. After all, there’s still plenty of time. Why not observe a little longer?” 

“Yes, there’s still plenty of time,” Lysander murmured again, feeling as if her heart was being twisted by a knife. She had a long life ahead of her, but Maverick’s days were numbered. Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

Michelle sensed her sister was as perplexed as their father had been. Just as she was about to delve deeper out of curiosity, Laura, freshly showered, approached with Susan. 

Seeing the two sisters together, Laura cheerfully suggested, “Let’s go enjoy the spa as well. I’ve only ever 


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Chapter 619 His Thoughtfulness 

seen such places in TV dramas before. I never thought I’d get to experience it myself one day. I just wonder if the outdoor hot springs are cold or not.” 



When Susan was on vacation abroad, she had already visited all the major tourist spots around the world, so she was quite familiar with them. She appeared calm and collected, but when she spoke, it was with an effortless charm. She said with a beaming smile, “I’d like to give it a try too. Let’s go in. Mich, make sure not to get your hair wet.” 


Women who soaked in the spa typically tied up their hair. This was done first to prevent polluting the pool, and secondly, because the significant temperature difference between the water and the open could easily lead to catching a cold if their hair got wet and then left the warmth. 

Laura and Michelle, being newcomers, were naturally unaware of these customs. 

Michelle, always eager to follow advice, quickly headed to the hairdryer. After her bath, she dried her damp hair and tied it up neatly. 

Worried that she might mess up due to her inexperience, Laura also approached to help her. 

Seizing the moment, Lysander expressed her appreciation to Susan. “Madam Susan, I’ve been a bit too worn out recently, always absent–minded and forgetting to take care of my mom and sister. I’m grateful for your help. 

Susan, not wanting her to feel burdened, quickly waved her hand dismissively. “You’re such a wonderful child, but you’re just too polite. Your mother and I hit it off right away; we’re already friends. When you’re out with friends, why worry about such things? It’s just a minor matter.” 

Lysander nodded, her feelings of gratitude deepening. 

The smallest gestures often illuminate the most profound insights into a person’s character. This was exemplified in the way Susan attended to Laura’s emotional well–being with a meticulousness that went beyond mere kindness. It was clear that her concern for her former daughter–in–law stemmed from a deep and genuine place. 

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