The CEO Is Obsessed With Me

Chapter Twenty-Seven; Shellshocked


As the car pulled up in front of my apartment building, I let out a soft sigh, a wave of relief washing over me. I gazed out the window, avoiding the lingering stare of the man sitting beside me.

I had maintained this position throughout the ride, unable to meet his gaze after what happened at the boutique. Heat crawled up my cheeks at the mere thought of it. I still can’t believe we did that in public, ultimately crossing off one of the things on my bucket list.

Intense PDA. Check.

“We’re here,” the CEO called, successfully getting my attention as I finally turned to face him. He looked completely unfazed, which made me a little frustrated, but then again, I didn’t expect anything more.

I wanted to thank him for today, but the words wouldn’t come out. “Oh,” I managed to mutter but made no move to leave. I looked down at my feet, to the dozens of shopping bags, and chewed on my bottom lip.

Gosh, why was this so awkward?

I stiffened as I felt the CEO draw near, raising my gaze to find him barely inches away from my face. I unconsciously held my breath as his eyes trailed to my lips, lingering there. My heart sped up, and the color in my cheeks deepened.

Was he going to kiss me goodbye? Why did the prospect of that make me happy?

My eyes instinctively fluttered closed, but a few seconds passed, and nothing happened.

“Here,” I heard him say, feeling something drop on my lap. I opened my eyes, embarrassment slapping me hard as he straightened in his seat, gesturing to the file he’d placed on my lap.

Of course, he wasn’t going to kiss me. To think I got my hopes up for nothing.

I cleared my throat, sheepishly rubbing the back of my neck as I examined the file. Just act normal, Aurelia. Ignore the sting in your chest. “What’s this?”

Luke crossed his arms over his chest, holding a neutral expression. “That contains the contract with the terms regarding our relationship.” His tone was neither playful nor teasing. I straightened up as well, composing myself. The man I faced now was different from the one who kissed me so passionately moments before. No, this man embodied a professionalism that I knew all too well.

In an instant, he’d drawn a line between us. No more games. It was all business.

“Go through it and see me in my office tomorrow to complete the signing,” he concluded, and I offered a stiff nod in response, keeping my gaze trained on the envelope. A contract, huh? That makes sense; he was a businessman, after all.

I had half expected it, but receiving it made everything seem so real. I was doing this with my boss; it wasn’t just a crazy dream I would soon wake up from. The realization was as scary as it was exciting.NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

“Yes, sir,” I addressed him formally, and his lips twitched. The CEO turned away from me, facing the window as he signaled for his driver to open the door for me to leave. His sudden coldness put me off. In the short time I’ve spent with him, I came to know that he was an unpredictable man, so I could never tell what he would do next, but I tried not to think much of it.

I was about to step out of the car when I suddenly remembered something. I settled back in my seat, and Luke glanced at me, his brows arched in question.

“Is anything the matter?” he asked, and I hesitated before speaking.

“Th-thank you for today.” I tried to keep my voice steady as I plastered a small smile on my face, hoping it would hide my internal panic. “I…had fun.”

The CEO stared at me in silence, like I had suddenly sprouted a second head. I blinked, my smile tightening as I began to rethink my life choices. Had I said something wrong? Should I not have thanked him?

But I still had something I wanted to ask him. I took a deep breath, feeling my heart drum in my ears as I braced myself for what I was about to say next.

“Uhmm…Can I have your number?” The words came out of my mouth before I could stop them.

There, I said it.

I averted my gaze from him, fumbling with my purse to bring out my phone. I cursed under my breath as my hands trembled. Even as I offered him the phone, they still shook.

I looked up at him expectantly, waiting. The CEO’s gaze flickered from my face to the phone, then he shook his head. He pushed my hand back, and I mentally prepared for the impending rejection.

“There’ll be no need for that,” he said simply. It stung, it really did, even when I expected it. I just keep embarrassing myself in front of him.

“Oh, okay.” I shrunk into myself, my head hung low as I returned my gaze to my feet.

“Will that be all?” he asked, and I shivered, literally shivered. He was so cold. I shook my head in response and got up, ready to bolt out of the car and maybe hide in a hole too. But then he called me back.


I turned. “Yes”

My eyes widened as the CEO’s lips met mine. Time seemed to slow, and my heart lurched in my chest, but before I could comprehend what was happening, he pulled back, a satisfied smirk playing on his lips as he took in my dumbfounded expression.

“I had fun too,” he whispered, his hot breath fanning against my face as his eyes gleamed with amusement. “And you already have my number.”


Now I stood in front of my apartment, staring absentmindedly at the wooden structure as I replayed the CEO’s words in my head over and over again.

I already had his number? When? I don’t remember him giving it to me, and since we only met today, it couldn’t have been before, right?

I heaved a sigh, tired of overanalyzing his statement. For all I knew, he could be pulling my leg. But then again, he didn’t seem like the type to say things without a clear reason.

And that kiss. My cheeks felt hot, butterflies poking at my stomach as the image of his playful smile flashed in my mind. We did a lot of things today, but it was these simple glimpses of his unexpected side that always got me reeling.

I was about to unlock the door when a sudden realization hit me, making me freeze in my spot. The stalker. He couldn’t have made it to my home, right? Right?

I hesitated, stuck between entering or heading to a hotel until the coast was clear. It was for this reason I got clothes to change from a department store for my date with Caspian, afraid of what I would meet at home.

A soft meow snapped me back to reality, the sound coming from the other side of the door. Chelsea. I gasped, opening the door without a second thought.

“Chelsea!” I rushed into my apartment, panic settling within me. But then I found her lounging on the couch, totally unperturbed.

My hands flew to my chest as I heaved a sigh of relief.

I held out my arms to her, and she obliged, hopping down to greet me. Snuggling into her lustrous fur, I glanced around the place. My apartment looked the same, just as I’d left it the day before. Nothing was out of place. I was glad.

But my relief was short-lived as my phone buzzed. I was beginning to get tired of that, and each time, my heart skipped a beat. I couldn’t push away the fear that gripped me.

Speak of the devil, and he appears. It was none other than the damned stalker.

MASTER; You looked stunning in that green lingerie. It took everything in me not to strip you naked and fuck you against the mirror. Goodnight, darling. See you tomorrow.

I read the message for the fifth time, trying to make sense of his words.

I was quick to connect the dots.

No freaking way.

My jaw hit the floor as realization dawned upon me, shaking me to my bones.

The CEO…is the stalker?!

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