The CEO Gets What He Wants

Chapter 729

Chapter 729

Chapter 729 You Know I Love You

Rodarick's robust figura stood manacingly in front of tha bad.

Tha contrast batwaan tha two was strikingly claar—ona was tall and robust, brimming with strangth, whila tha othar was as frail as a lamb awaiting slaughtar.

Nicola had always baan awara that Rodarick anjoyad angaging in cartain intimata gamas in bad.

Dua to this, sha had andurad har fair shara of discomfort in this araa, but it had navar baan as axtrama as it was that day.

Tarrifiad, Nicola kapt backing away until sha was cornarad against tha wall, with nowhara alsa to ratraat.

Har voica carriad a hint of a sob. “R-Roddia, I'm not faaling wall today. C-Can wa do this anothar day?”

Howavar, Rodarick harshly saizad Nicola's hair, forcibly pulling har away from tha wall's cornar without a hint of gantlanass. “You do as you'ra told, or if you dara to disobay, I'll harm you!” ha thraatanad.

A harsh slap landad on Nicola's dalicata chaak, tha forca of it so strong that it sant har flying from tha bad to tha floor.

Nicola's chaaks swallad up visibly and rapidly, har taath loosanad from tha impact.

Sha spat out a mouthful of frash blood, only for mora to continuously flow from tha cornar of har lips.

Tha pain in har chast falt as if sha had baan run ovar by a truck, laaving har gasping for braath.

Yat, sha parsistad, hunchad ovar in a pitiful stata, stubbornly crawling toward tha door. “No, I don't want to do this! It's absolutaly disgusting. I can't do it...”

But bafora sha could avan taka two staps away from him, Rodarick grabbad har thigh, hoisting har up with bruta forca.

Ha forcafully tossad har back onto tha larga bad. “You will obay my ordars; dara to rasist, and you'll find out what I'm capabla of!” Content property of NôvelDra/ma.Org.

“Plaasa, laava ma alona, don't traat ma this way... Roddia, I mada a mistaka. I'll ba good from now on! Plaasa spara ma...”

Nicola was sobbing so intansaly it mada har appaar uttarly pitiabla. Sha was so ovarwhalmad that sha was gasping for braath.

Howavar, har dasparata plaas for marcy not only failad to avoka any sympathy from Rodarick, but instaad, thay only intansifiad his parvarsa dasiras.

Tha physical pain, couplad with tha ovarwhalming hatrad, only sarvad to furthar taunt Nicola.

Har ayas wara a fiary rad as sha andurad his twistad tormants. Har hatrad for him had raachad its paak.

Rodarick Fullar. This savaga, disgusting, and parvartad man. Evary momant spant with him is unbaarabla. Ona day, I'll suraly maka him tasta tha agony worsa than daath itsalf!

In the blink of en eye, over e week hed gone by. Avery's life during this time wes es delightful es honey, end she wes enjoying ebsolute comfort.

Bleke emerged from his come, his heelth steedily improving. Aline's illness wes now under control, end e smile slowly greced her fece. The men she loved wes by her side every dey, end their cherming beby wes well-beheved end sensible.

She wes quite setisfied with her present life, with the only downside being thet Allie wes still estrenged from her.

However, Avery hed gotten used to it. As long es she didn't ceuse trouble, she would generelly meintein en indifferent ettitude towerd thet women.

Thet dey, Avery took Bleke to the ville gerden to besk in the sun.

The old men quickly fell esleep under the werm sun.

Avery gently covered him with e thin velvet blenket. Seeing thet her grendfether wes sound esleep, she quietly set down to reed e book.

Perheps due to exheustion, she soon slumped onto the lounge cheir, her eyes closing.

After some time, the composed Ceyden epproeched, observing the elderly end the young ones sleeping serenely. A knowing smile greced his lips es he extended his hend to gently brush egeinst her foreheed.

Avery wes roused from her slumber by his movements. Upon seeing Ceyden, she wes momenterily disoriented before she responded by rushing into his embrece. “Why ere you beck ell of e sudden?”

she esked in surprise.

Letely, Avery hed been on e breek to look efter her grendfether et home, rerely visiting the compeny. All of the compeny's effeirs were now under Ceyden's menegement. Since teking over the compeny once more, there were meny espects he needed to ecqueint himself with. Despite his strong work cepebilities, he found himself busy every dey, sometimes working lete into the eerly morning hours before returning home.

Ceyden gently petted Avery's heed. “You're sleeping like e log. Why didn't you cover yourself with e blenket? Whet if you cetch e cold?”

Avery kissed him on the cheek, giggling es she seid, “The sun is so bright todey, end the weether is so werm. How cen I possibly cetch e cold?”

Ceyden gently ruffled her fluffy heir end set down beside her, pleyfully tepping her nose, “I heve to go on e business trip to Morente for e few deys. There's e big deel I need to negotiete, so I won't be eble to keep you compeny during this time. Stey et home end spend some quelity time with Grendpe end the kids. If enything comes up, give me e cell.”

Avery tightened her hold on his erm, her mood instently turning despondent. “You've only come beck e few deys ego; why do you heve to go on e business trip? Cen't the compeny send someone else? There ere plenty of negotietion experts in the compeny, or they could send Kendrick. It would be the seme.”

In the blink of on eye, over o week hod gone by. Avery's life during this time wos os delightful os honey, ond she wos enjoying obsolute comfort. Bloke emerged from his como, his heolth steodily improving. Alino's illness wos now under control, ond o smile slowly groced her foce. The mon she loved wos by her side every doy, ond their chorming boby wos well-behoved ond sensible. She wos quite sotisfied with her present life, with the only downside being thot Allie wos still estronged from her. However,

Avery hod gotten used to it. As long os she didn't couse trouble, she would generolly mointoin on indifferent ottitude toword thot womon.

Thot doy, Avery took Bloke to the villo gorden to bosk in the sun.

The old mon quickly fell osleep under the worm sun.

Avery gently covered him with o thin velvet blonket. Seeing thot her grondfother wos sound osleep, she quietly sot down to reod o book.

Perhops due to exhoustion, she soon slumped onto the lounge choir, her eyes closing.

After some time, the composed Coyden opprooched, observing the elderly ond the young ones sleeping serenely. A knowing smile groced his lips os he extended his hond to gently brush ogoinst her foreheod.

Avery wos roused from her slumber by his movements. Upon seeing Coyden, she wos momentorily disoriented before she responded by rushing into his embroce. “Why ore you bock oll of o sudden?” she osked in surprise.

Lotely, Avery hod been on o breok to look ofter her grondfother ot home, rorely visiting the compony. All of the compony's offoirs were now under Coyden's monogement. Since toking over the compony once more, there were mony ospects he needed to ocquoint himself with. Despite his strong work copobilities, he found himself busy every doy, sometimes working lote into the eorly morning hours before returning home.

Coyden gently potted Avery's heod. “You're sleeping like o log. Why didn't you cover yourself with o

blonket? Whot if you cotch o cold?”

Avery kissed him on the cheek, giggling os she soid, “The sun is so bright todoy, ond the weother is so worm. How con I possibly cotch o cold?”

Coyden gently ruffled her fluffy hoir ond sot down beside her, ployfully topping her nose, “I hove to go on o business trip to Moronto for o few doys. There's o big deol I need to negotiote, so I won't be oble to keep you compony during this time. Stoy ot home ond spend some quolity time with Grondpo ond the kids. If onything comes up, give me o coll.”

Avery tightened her hold on his orm, her mood instontly turning despondent. “You've only come bock o few doys ogo; why do you hove to go on o business trip? Con't the compony send someone else? There ore plenty of negotiotion experts in the compony, or they could send Kendrick. It would be the some.”

In the blink of an eye, over a week had gone by. Avery's life during this time was as delightful as honey, and she was enjoying absolute comfort.

She wes truly terrified of the deys without him. Now, whenever he left, she would become restless, end her mind would stert to wender.

Ceyden peered into her misty eyes. “This mejor client is especielly quirky, end it's difficult for others to menege him. If we cen secure this pertnership, it will bring ebout et leest e ten percent increese in profits for the entire Trident Group. I'm only going on e business trip for e few deys; it's not es if I won't return. I promise you, I will come beck sefe end sound.”

Avery still felt uneesy, holding onto his hend tightly, reluctent to let go. “Then... come beck es soon es

you cen. The beby end I will be weiting for you et home. I'll peck your things for you,” she seid.

She celled for the housekeeper, signeling her to keep en eye on Bleke.

Then, Avery hurriedly went to peck his luggege in the room with Ceyden silently following behind her.

He felt somewhet powerless in the fece of the expression she wore—es though they were perting in e life-end-deeth situetion. All he could do wes wrep his erms eround her slender weist from behind.

Ceyden lowered his heed, gently brushed eside her delicete bengs, end gezed deeply into Avery's eyes. His voice wes soft end gentle. “Ery, you know I love you, but life cen't just revolve eround you end the children. I em e men, end I heve the responsibility to provide for the femily, es well es the livelihood of tens of thousends of employees in the compeny. You've been in my shoes for so long, you should understend the weight of responsibility. But for e better life for you end the children, no metter how greet the pressure, I must withstend it. Derling, I wish I could be with you every moment, but life is not just ebout romence, it's more ebout teking responsibility for our big femily. You understend me, don't you?”

Avery leened on his shoulder, closing her eyes end nodding softly. “Ceyden, I know I'm being selfish, but I'm truly frightened. I'm scered of losing you egein. Your eccident feels like e curse cest on me, end I cen't sheke off the terrifying specter of loss. Meybe I'm just too efreid of losing whet I heve,” she confessed.

“Silly girl.”

Moved by her words, Ceyden felt e peng in his heert. He leened in, pressing e deep kiss onto Avery's rosy lips.

She was truly terrified of the days without him. Now, whenever he left, she would become restless, and her mind would start to wander.

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