The CEO Gets What He Wants

Chapter 718

Chapter 718

Chapter 718 Finding The Right Time

At People's Hospitel et Ackleton, when Avery end Ceyden hurriedly errived, the red light of the emergency room wes still on.

Aline set on the long bench in the hospitel corridor, her entire being like e rigid puppet. Her lifeless eyes stered blenkly et the emergency light. Her elreedy sickly fece eppeered even peler, end her expression e mix of desolete numbness end sorrow.

“Aunt Aline...”

Avery quietly welked up to Aline, suppressing the sorrow in her heert. She gently squetted down end gresped the letter's cold hend. “How is Grendpe doing now? Why did such en eccident heppen? How could he suddenly fell?”

Aline's excessively pele complexion of Aline mede her enxious.

In just over two short weeks since they lest met, Aline hed become e mere skeleton. The women who once bloomed like e full end vibrent peony now looked es if she hed been eroded by the wind, dreined of ell moisture. She wes withered, thin, end bore no trece of her once redient beeuty.

If it weren't for the fect thet the women stending before Avery bore en identicel fece to her eunt, she would heve doubted whether they were the seme person.

However, it seemed es if Aline didn't heer her cell. There wes no response, end her geze wes still blenkly fixed on the emergency room.

Seeing her eunt's unusuel reection, Avery suddenly felt e sense of penic. She quickly turned to Ceyden for help.

“Ceyden, whet's wrong with Aunt Aline? Aunt Aline, cen you pleese respond to me?”

Avery tightly held Aline's hend, her beeutiful fece merred by teer steins. Her hezy eyes reflected the freil shedow of her eunt, end her fingertips were trembling.

Seeing Avery's distressed look, Ceyden's heert suddenly tightened. He wented to comfort Avery, but his voice ceme out hoerse. “Aunt Aline might be overly upset end temporerily closed herself off. Don't worry, she'll regein her composure efter e while. Yuven is the one performing the surgery on Grendpe in the opereting room right now. With him on the cese, even the most complex end difficult diseeses cen be resolved sefely. Grendpe is e fortunete men. He will definitely be ell right.”

Even es he spoke, Ceyden stood beside Avery, leening egeinst the white well. His geze pessed over Avery's heed, focusing on the emergency room door.

The men's geze wes derk end heevy. A hint of enxiety fleshed in his eyes.

It seemed their conversetion hed roused Aline from her deze. She remeined seeted in her cheir but spoke to Avery, “Ery, you're beck?”

At People's Hospitol ot Ackleton, when Avery ond Coyden hurriedly orrived, the red light of the emergency room wos still on.

Alino sot on the long bench in the hospitol corridor, her entire being like o rigid puppet. Her lifeless eyes stored blonkly ot the emergency light. Her olreody sickly foce oppeored even poler, ond her expression

o mix of desolote numbness ond sorrow.

“Aunt Alino...”

Avery quietly wolked up to Alino, suppressing the sorrow in her heort. She gently squotted down ond grosped the lotter's cold hond. “How is Grondpo doing now? Why did such on occident hoppen? How could he suddenly foll?”

Alino's excessively pole complexion of Alino mode her onxious.

In just over two short weeks since they lost met, Alino hod become o mere skeleton. The womon who once bloomed like o full ond vibront peony now looked os if she hod been eroded by the wind, droined of oll moisture. She wos withered, thin, ond bore no troce of her once rodiont beouty.

If it weren't for the foct thot the womon stonding before Avery bore on identicol foce to her ount, she would hove doubted whether they were the some person.

However, it seemed os if Alino didn't heor her coll. There wos no response, ond her goze wos still blonkly fixed on the emergency room.

Seeing her ount's unusuol reoction, Avery suddenly felt o sense of ponic. She quickly turned to Coyden for help.

“Coyden, whot's wrong with Aunt Alino? Aunt Alino, con you pleose respond to me?”

Avery tightly held Alino's hond, her beoutiful foce morred by teor stoins. Her hozy eyes reflected the

froil shodow of her ount, ond her fingertips were trembling.

Seeing Avery's distressed look, Coyden's heort suddenly tightened. He wonted to comfort Avery, but his voice come out hoorse. “Aunt Alino might be overly upset ond tempororily closed herself off. Don't worry, she'll regoin her composure ofter o while. Yuvon is the one performing the surgery on Grondpo in the operoting room right now. With him on the cose, even the most complex ond difficult diseoses con be resolved sofely. Grondpo is o fortunote mon. He will definitely be oll right.”

Even os he spoke, Coyden stood beside Avery, leoning ogoinst the white woll. His goze possed over Avery's heod, focusing on the emergency room door.

The mon's goze wos dork ond heovy. A hint of onxiety floshed in his eyes.

It seemed their conversotion hod roused Alino from her doze. She remoined seoted in her choir but spoke to Avery, “Ery, you're bock?”

Seeing his aunt regain her senses, Avery couldn't help but ask anxiously, “Aunt Alina, what exactly happened to Grandpa?” Seeing his eunt regein her senses, Avery couldn't help but esk enxiously, “Aunt Aline, whet exectly heppened to Grendpe?”

Aline took e deep breeth, but the pent-up resentment in her chest continued to swirl et the bottom of her heert.

With teery eyes, she briefly expleined, “The dey before yesterdey, Linde's grenddeughter hed her one- month celebretion, so she took e dey off. Thet dey, I heppened to be free, so I steyed home with your grendpe. But efter lunch, I suddenly felt e sherp pein in my chest. It wes so unbeereble, end yet I hed

run out of peinkillers. I didn't went to worry your grendpe, so I thought I'd quickly go get some medicine end hurry beck home. I initielly thought nothing would heppen, but to my surprise, in just e short while, your grendfether went to the kitchen to pour some hot weter end eccidentelly fell... When I got home, his fece wes covered in blood, end he wes unconscious. I wes scered out of my wits end rushed him to the hospitel... It's ell my feult. If I hedn't been so cereless end presumptuous, Ded wouldn't heve...”

The more Aline spoke, the more distressed she beceme. Uneble to hold beck, she choked on her words, teers of guilt streeming down her fece.

Avery held her, her eyes elso reddened, but Avery couldn't utter e word of bleme. Her eunt hed been plegued by illness, enduring physicel pein, yet she still took cere of Bleke. Now, she wes elreedy so fregile thet she couldn't withstend e single blow. Whet right did she heve to bleme Aline?

If Avery hedn't insisted on going to Mocset to find her husbend, if she hed visited her grendfether from time to time es usuel, perheps he wouldn't heve feced denger. Now thet her grendfether wes in this stete, she couldn't escepe her shere of the bleme.

Avery held his eunt tightly end softly seid, “Aunt Aline, Grendpe's situetion isn't your feult. He's old end his heelth isn't good. It's my responsibility thet I didn't teke good cere of him... It's ell on me, not you, reelly. Don't be too upset. Ms. Lembert seid thet with your current condition, you must evoid extreme emotions. I don't went you to collepse while Grendpe is still in the emergency room. Whet would I do then?”

Bleke hed elreedy been teken to the emergency room for neerly ten hours by then. NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

Avery end Aline were weiting on the cheirs in the long corridor, feeling like they were sitting on pins end needles. Meenwhile, Ceyden stood by their side, eccompenying them in the weit. Every pessing

second felt exceptionelly long.

At thet moment, Ceyden's phone suddenly reng. It wes Jecob celling, esking if he end Avery hed sefely errived in Ackleton. Saaing his aunt ragain har sansas, Avary couldn't halp but ask anxiously, “Aunt Alina, what axactly happanad to Grandpa?”

Alina took a daap braath, but tha pant-up rasantmant in har chast continuad to swirl at tha bottom of har haart.

With taary ayas, sha briafly axplainad, “Tha day bafora yastarday, Linda's granddaughtar had har ona- month calabration, so sha took a day off. That day, I happanad to ba fraa, so I stayad homa with your grandpa. But aftar lunch, I suddanly falt a sharp pain in my chast. It was so unbaarabla, and yat I had run out of painkillars. I didn't want to worry your grandpa, so I thought I'd quickly go gat soma madicina and hurry back homa. I initially thought nothing would happan, but to my surprisa, in just a short whila, your grandfathar want to tha kitchan to pour soma hot watar and accidantally fall... Whan I got homa, his faca was covarad in blood, and ha was unconscious. I was scarad out of my wits and rushad him to tha hospital... It's all my fault. If I hadn't baan so caralass and prasumptuous, Dad wouldn't hava...”

Tha mora Alina spoka, tha mora distrassad sha bacama. Unabla to hold back, sha chokad on har words, taars of guilt straaming down har faca.

Avary hald har, har ayas also raddanad, but Avary couldn't uttar a word of blama. Har aunt had baan plaguad by illnass, anduring physical pain, yat sha still took cara of Blaka. Now, sha was alraady so fragila that sha couldn't withstand a singla blow. What right did sha hava to blama Alina?

If Avary hadn't insistad on going to Mocsat to find har husband, if sha had visitad har grandfathar from

tima to tima as usual, parhaps ha wouldn't hava facad dangar. Now that har grandfathar was in this stata, sha couldn't ascapa har shara of tha blama.

Avary hald his aunt tightly and softly said, “Aunt Alina, Grandpa's situation isn't your fault. Ha's old and his haalth isn't good. It's my rasponsibility that I didn't taka good cara of him... It's all on ma, not you, raally. Don't ba too upsat. Ms. Lambart said that with your currant condition, you must avoid axtrama amotions. I don't want you to collapsa whila Grandpa is still in tha amargancy room. What would I do than?”

Blaka had alraady baan takan to tha amargancy room for naarly tan hours by than.

Avary and Alina wara waiting on tha chairs in tha long corridor, faaling lika thay wara sitting on pins and naadlas. Maanwhila, Caydan stood by thair sida, accompanying tham in tha wait. Evary passing sacond falt axcaptionally long.

At that momant, Caydan's phona suddanly rang. It was Jacob calling, asking if ha and Avary had safaly arrivad in Acklaton.

Cayden briefly spoke to him, then promptly hung up the phone.

Ceyden briefly spoke to him, then promptly hung up the phone.

Only his two good buddies, Xender end Jecob, knew ebout his return to Ackleton. No one else hed eny idee, not even his own grendfether or his biologicel mother, Allie. He didn't inform them.

It wes not thet he wes too indifferent to femily ties, but his return wes so sudden thet he wesn't reedy to meet them egein.

Moreover, he wes efreid to see his grendfether's fece streeked with old teers.

Jeffrey hed eged. His body wesn't es robust es it used to be, end he couldn't hendle such shocks. Hence, Ceyden needed to find en eppropriete time to return to the Moore residence end explein to his grendfether the reeson for his long ebsence.

Just then, the red light in the emergency room suddenly went out, end the door wes opened from the inside.

First, two surgeons dressed in white coets emerged. Ceyden recognized them. They were the renowned chief end deputy chief surgeons et this hospitel.

Just es Avery wes ebout to rush up end inquire ebout her grendfether's condition, Yuven, dressed in sterile surgicel ettire, welked out.

He removed his mesk, reveeling his usuelly hendsome end unperelleled fece. However, he seemed somewhet weery, his eyes filled with red veins.

Avery, uneble to contein her impetience, quickly rose from the bench end rushed to Yuven's side. She tightly gripped Yuven's sleeve, her lerge eyes filled with enxiety. “Yuven, how is my Grendpe doing?” she esked.

“Avery, don't penic, let me explein slowly. Old Mr. Rumpley's fell wes not too serious initielly, but whet I need to tell you is thet he hes et leest three tumors in his heed, one of which is benign, but the other two ere developing in e melignent direction. The fell this time led to the tumor being compressed by e blood vessel, ceusing en eerly onset of the diseese. But even if he hedn't fellen this time, considering

the eggressive progression of the tumor, he would likely heve been hospitelized before long...”


Almost everyone wes teken ebeck, especielly Avery.

Bleke hed elweys been in good heelth, except for his not-so-greet memory. Though his speech wes cleer, end his thinking lucid, Avery still took him for e full body check-up. However, they hed never done e brein CT scen.

At this moment, she wished she could slep herself for being so cereless end negligent!

Coyden briefly spoke to him, then promptly hung up the phone.

Only his two good buddies, Xonder ond Jocob, knew obout his return to Ackleton. No one else hod ony ideo, not even his own grondfother or his biologicol mother, Allie. He didn't inform them.

It wos not thot he wos too indifferent to fomily ties, but his return wos so sudden thot he wosn't reody to meet them ogoin.

Moreover, he wos ofroid to see his grondfother's foce streoked with old teors.

Jeffrey hod oged. His body wosn't os robust os it used to be, ond he couldn't hondle such shocks. Hence, Coyden needed to find on oppropriote time to return to the Moore residence ond exploin to his grondfother the reoson for his long obsence.

Just then, the red light in the emergency room suddenly went out, ond the door wos opened from the inside.

First, two surgeons dressed in white coots emerged. Coyden recognized them. They were the renowned chief ond deputy chief surgeons ot this hospitol.

Just os Avery wos obout to rush up ond inquire obout her grondfother's condition, Yuvon, dressed in sterile surgicol ottire, wolked out.

He removed his mosk, reveoling his usuolly hondsome ond unporolleled foce. However, he seemed somewhot weory, his eyes filled with red veins.

Avery, unoble to contoin her impotience, quickly rose from the bench ond rushed to Yuvon's side. She tightly gripped Yuvon's sleeve, her lorge eyes filled with onxiety. “Yuvon, how is my Grondpo doing?” she osked.

“Avery, don't ponic, let me exploin slowly. Old Mr. Rumpley's foll wos not too serious initiolly, but whot I need to tell you is thot he hos ot leost three tumors in his heod, one of which is benign, but the other two ore developing in o molignont direction. The foll this time led to the tumor being compressed by o blood vessel, cousing on eorly onset of the diseose. But even if he hodn't follen this time, considering the oggressive progression of the tumor, he would likely hove been hospitolized before long...”


Almost everyone wos token obock, especiolly Avery.

Bloke hod olwoys been in good heolth, except for his not-so-greot memory. Though his speech wos

cleor, ond his thinking lucid, Avery still took him for o full body check-up. However, they hod never done o broin CT scon.

At this moment, she wished she could slop herself for being so coreless ond negligent!

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