The Carrero Effect - Falling for the Boss (Billionaire CEO)

Chapter 149

Chapter 149

It’s starting to rain, nothing heavy just gentle rivulets of water running down the vast windows and it’s almost mesmerizing highlight the fact I’m tired. Last night it was hard enough to fall asleep but waking with my nightmare and then waking early has taken its toll on me. Lately I have been feeling the effects of living with someone who rarely sleeps. He’s up early and waking me with him or keeping me awake late into the night with sex or talking. I need to start being firmer with him, this fatigue that’s almost daily right now is a little annoying and making me more emotional.

There’s a soft knock on the door and Rosalie comes in as I turn to face her, still tucked up in Jake’s oversized chair.

“That’s me heading off, Emma, I’ve a doctor’s appointment, Margo said I could leave early.” She smiles widely at me, hovering by the door.

“Okay, Rosalie, thank you … Just go, I’ll probably head off soon.” I reply before using the desk to push my chair back around to the skyline, the sky is darkening over, threatening a proper rainstorm and I hope it doesn’t affect Jake’s flight coming back. The clouds are rolling and turning in the sky and it’s almost mystical to watch. I slide down, getting comfy. I always loved watching a good storm from the safe inner-warmth of a building. I hear Rosalie depart with the soft click of the door and settle down.

I’ll relax for a bit before calling for Jefferson to come get me, just enjoy the peace of Jake’s office and this amazing view.

* * *

I jump awake to a warm touch on my face and almost launch myself at my attacker violently, my heart lurching in fear, stuck in a memory of an unwanted man. Vicious me reacting to defend herself.

“Woah, hey … It’s me! It’s Jake!” Jake grabs my arms in alarm holding back my fists and lifting them over my head as I scramble to throw him off. It’s dark outside and I’m completely disorientated, panting,

eyes darting around as I come to my senses, heaving breath as I realize it really is him.

I’m still in the office and it’s lit with low lights only used when the floor gets put into sleep mode, his face close to mine, stopping my struggle and let out a long low breath in relief. His grip loosens and he slides my arms back down slowly, eyes watching to make sure I’m fully awake.

What the hell is Jake doing here already? Where is everyone and why is it so dark in here?

“Where? How …?” I’m still half asleep, relaxing my tight muscles as he pulls me forward slowly and cautiously, pulling my face up to kiss me softly, calming my panic.

“I didn’t mean to give you a fright, baby.” He lifts me up with a tight grip around my waist so I’m nose to nose with him and sinks a proper kiss on me, finding no resistance, he deepens it passionately, taking my breath away before putting me on my own feet and leaning back to look at me with a much more relaxed expression. I think my little violent outburst shocked him.

“What time is it?” I ask weakly. He sighs and smiles at me shaking his head.

“It’s almost 1.00 a.m., I got off my flight and Jefferson told me you never called him again … I tried calling you a thousand times, bambino.” A look passes over his face fleetingly, relief with a tinge of apprehension. “I came looking, wondering if I’d missed something … Like a fight we never had.” He smiles with that panty-melting, megawatt grin, chasing away the look in his eye and pulls my arms around his neck. He smells amazing, he feels even better.

God, I missed you so badly.

I rest my head against his throat and apologize with small kisses to his exposed neck, between the open, top buttons at his throat, he tastes divine. I ached to be back like this, and it feels like heaven.

“I fell asleep, I think … Last thing I remember was the rain starting to fall when Rosalie left work.” I sigh against him, closing my eyes to hear his heartbeat below my cheek, he kisses the top of my head.

“What happened to staying home?” He bends and scoops my legs up over his arm, lifting me in a bride to be hold, snuggling me close and adjusting until I’m molded against him, my arms comfortable around his neck. Our faces close enough to kiss.

“I got bored … I came here mid-afternoon to try to do my job … I failed badly.” I laugh pointing toward my shoes on the floor. He nods, and Jefferson appears from the shadows picking them up with my bag, and jacket and turns to walk with them to the elevator. Jake follows him, carrying me.

“I can walk, you know?” I point out, enjoying being back in his arms, my nose against his neck, breathing him in. I’ve missed him so much and merely being here has my insides singing and fluttering like crazy.

“I know.” He smiles down at me, walking effortlessly with my weight into the open elevator and just throws Jefferson another nod, indicating we’re ready. He presses the ground floor button and faces forward keeping his eyes on the doors and not on us.

“Am I to be carried to the car then?” I poke fun at him as his mouth comes to my forehead, lips grazing softly for a moment as he inhales me before planting a soft kiss.

“And then some,” he answers, his arms tighten around me, lifting me up a little higher, he plants a kiss on my mouth then lowers me back to previous height. “I’m taking you home where I expected to find you waiting naked for me in bed.” He grins; I flush and glance at Jefferson nervously. The man doesn’t react or move, professionally ignorant of our conversation or at least pretending to be.

“I intended to be there,” I whisper with a quiet smile just as a thought hits me. “Shit. I left my phone in your office, Jake.” I yelp and attempt a wriggle to be let down, he just pulls me in and smiles.

“Jefferson has it … It’s first thing he picked up when I found you, he told me it was switched off and charging.” He looks at me closely. “While I was waking my sleeping beauty up and instead finding karate kid.” That smirk has me shaking my head.

“I’m sorry … I intended being curled up in bed for you coming home … I just got soooo …” I sigh “I can never focus on work anymore and your nocturnal habits are taking their toll on me.” I admit in defeat

“That makes two of us, bella.” He nudges me softly and I catch truth in his eye, he’s been struggling as much as me. It makes me feel better though, he’s a born CEO and if he’s having a hard time getting on top of things then maybe I’m not doing as badly as I thought. “I’m way too focused on the nocturnal stuff to actually work right now.” He winks at me and I flush, once again checking to see if Jefferson is listening. Jake has no cares about this sort of thing, I cannot think of a moment I have ever seen him embarrassed. Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

“I blame you.” I sigh. “I can’t seem to get back into PA mode, no matter how hard I try, she evades me.”

“I broke you.” He grins. “As much as I love PA Emma, I think I prefer this version of you, bambino … PA Emma can retire if she likes.”

“Not likely … But maybe a little break for now. Which version would I be now?” I giggle at him, my fingers tracing his open collar and stopping on the top button to play with it, his chin against my forehead as we talk.

“You sort of morphed into drunk Emma, kicking back Emma, PA Emma and this new sexy Emma, all in one … Girlfriend Emma I’m calling her.” He kisses me on the cheek with a grin.

“I see … You don’t think I should be concerned having these multiple personalities all collide into one?” I glance up at him adoringly, a surge of happiness at just how beautiful Jake is in the dim elevator light hits me.

“Nope … You seem perfect to me.” He shrugs, this time dropping my feet onto the floor gently, so he can wrap his arms around my waist and pull me up to his height again. I slide my arms tighter around his neck as he swoops in for a killer kiss, this time getting a little more heated than I think he intended. Time apart bringing out instant fire and longing. I’m more than aware that Jefferson is so close and try to pull back, that tighten of muscle behind me as he pulls me in, so my mouth comes straight back to what he’s doing.

Seems I’m not getting out of it that easily.

Jake doesn’t seem to care at all. A lifetime of being surrounded by staff and personnel makes him immune to their hovering presence. He stays close, holding me tightly until he finally releases me from the toe-curling kiss.

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