The Black Alder Series (Books 1-3)

Already Lost

Elena Pov (After she transported herself to the packhouse.) “They are coming to get you,” Serene says.

“Fuck,” I said. “Okay, Serene, I’m going back,” I told her. “And if anything happens to my kids, you tell them I love them. Tell them every day.” She nods.

I leaned down and kissed their heads. They coo at me.

“My boys, my beautiful boys, Be good to your aunt Serene for me. She is like a sister to me, and you need to make sure she is okay. I will do everything I can to come back for you, my treasures, with your daddy, but if we don’t make it, I love you, my babies, and though your daddy doesn’t know about you yet, I know your daddy loves you too.” I kissed their heads again and hugged Serene.

“Come back, sister,” she says, teary-eyed, as she hugs me badly.


Let’s go kill those fuckers. I travel back to the cave, ready to kill.

“Oh, look, she’s back,” Aya says. I rush to her, but she dodges my attack, throwing a fireball at me, but I’m too fast. She misses by yards. I take my knife from my boot and toss it at Diane. She moved at the last minute, but it still took a piece of her arm. She held her arm, cursing. I dodge Aya, clawing out. Snow and I are one. She rushes to me with a sword she conjured out of the air and tries to slice me, but I slide under her legs and kick her in the back. I kicked Diane in the stomach, sending her flying across the cave.

“Mother:” Aya cries out and lunges at me. My attention was so focused on her, I forgot all about Marcus chained and dying, so when he coughed, it caught me off guard, and I looked at him. Aya used the moment to use a spell and bound my feet with spiritual energy.

“How do you like that, Elena? she taunts. Bound by the same energy you possess. It should be enough to hold you while I complete the spell. Now be a good girl and stay still,” she says, and she pats me on the head, causing me to snap at her.

“Marcus, stay with me.” I looked at him. I’m bound right in front of him. Close enough to touch his face. I grab the silver off him and try to break his chains, but the spell I’m under is sapping my energy.”

“Luna,” Marcus moans. I gripped his face and held it to my eyes. He is fading fast.

“Marcus, stay with me; stay here,” I pleaded. I see him smile.

“You do… love… me,” he says, panting.

“Yes, Marcus, please stay with me; don’t leave me. I love you. Stay with me. Look in my eyes,” I told him, trying to keep him awake.

Meanwhile, behind me, Aya is treating her mother’s wounds.

Marcus looks at me with his blue eyes.

“You know, I used to joke with your sister about your blue eyes. I would tell her they were like the skies coming down and pouring essence into your eyes.” I joked, and he laughed, then started coughing, blood coming out of his mouth.

“I knew. You had a crush on me, he says, panting, and I smile.

“Ever since I was little, I always knew your destiny was tied to mine. I didn’t know how, but I knew you would save me. Lynx told me you’re the one who got me out of the dungeon. He told me you investigated my dad’s death, even after everyone gave up on me. You never gave up on me. Don’t give up on me now, Marcus.” I pleaded.

He opens his eyes again, smiles through his pain, and coughs more blood.

“Stay with me. I love you. Stay with me,” I pleaded.

I feel a tug on my mind. Someone is trying to link me; I let it through.


That’s Roland’s voice.

“Roland,” I link him back.

“Yes, baby, I’m here, and I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I’m here to rescue you,” he cried.

“Roland, she is draining my power. You have to run. Roland, get back to the packhouse. I left them with Serene. Tell them I love them.”.

“Tell who,” he links back.

Just when I’m about to tell him…

“We have visitors,” Aya says, and the rocks explode. I see Roland, Cole, and Mia, followed by Lynx, Shawn, Marlon, and Raine. Others come up behind them for backup.

They all advance.

“Take one more step, or I will end your Luna,” Aya says. They stop walking.

“Stay with me. Marcus, stay with me. Help is here,” I told him.

He nods. I can feel Roland’s gaze on me, but I don’t care. I’m trying to keep Marcus alive. Because if he dies…

If he dies…

I shake my head at them, though.

“Raven, please, you don’t have to do this.” Roland says, “Let them go.”

“My name is Aya, and you and she have been taking everything from me since the beginning of time. All species despise me as much as I despise them. I have nothing to live for now and everything to gain,” Aya says.© NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

“I know what happened in the past, and I am sorry for what my ancestors did to you. Please. Don’t do this,” Roland’s voice said softly, walking up to her slowly until he was close enough to touch her face. He held his hand out and stroked her cheek. She leans into his touch.

“Roli,” she purrs.

“Ravenia,” he says.

Her face seemed to soften up.

“Remember why you hear,” Diane says, coming close to “what he did to you.” “He will choose her, always over you.” Look into his mind.

Aya put both of her hands on Roland’s head before he could react, and her angry expression came back. She slaps him in the face, and he lands on rocks.

“Roland,” I called out, trying to get free. The shacks just seemed to get tighter.

Roland stood up, wiping the blood off his face.

“You know, Roland, you almost had me there for a second. Just a second, but I see Elena in your future.” She sneers. Roland races to her, but she freezes him midway, so he can’t move. The wolves are growling.

“Make a move,” I dare you. Aya says this to Cole, Nate, and Mia. I should have killed you guys’ last time you were here, but I guess I had a soft spot for you,” Aya said.

“That was your biggest mistake,” Nate growled.

“Maybe,” Aya said, laughing.

She goes back to her cauldron and finishes the spell, with mist circling her. I felt my powers draining, and Marcus was fading out.

“I think it’s time for some payback for killing my man,” Diane spits out. I ignore her.

“Stay with me.” I tapped his face, and he opened his eyes, looking into mine.

“My love,” he smiled. My Lu……

Everything seemed to slow down. One moment, Marcus was looking into my eyes and talking. The next, Diane comes behind Marcus and tears out his heart, his eyes going wide and staring at mine before he falls forward in my hands.


“Marcusssssssssss,” I screamed, and it echoed throughout the whole cave.


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