The Billionaire's Twins Play Matchmaker

Book Two: Chapter Thirty-Four

Book Two: Chapter Thirty-Four

“Here we are,” Silas offered his hand to help her out.

Ava smiled nervously as his hand slid naturally to the middle of her back escorting her inside. The

interior of the restaurant was warm and inviting. They were given a table in a quiet corner providing

some measure of privacy. Silas helped her sit before taking his own place next to her.

“Your menus,” the server said offering sparkling water.

Ava accepted hers with trepidation. This was the first time she had dined in a restaurant. For once she

was not the server but the one being served.

“Do you know what you want?” Silas asked seeing her brow furrow.

“I’m not quite sure. I’ve never been here. Do you have a recommendation?”

“Hmm. Are you partial to fish or shellfish?” he asked.


“Then how about we go with the Mesclun Salad, Sea Trout, followed by the Halibut. Strawberry yogurt

sound all right for desert?” Silas looked at her knowing she didn’t like overly sweet things.

“That sounds good.” Ava nodded.

“Very well. Any requests for wine?” the server took their menus.

“Surprise us,” Silas said feeling a little playful.

With a slight bow the server departed leaving them. Ava turned her attention to the other diners some

already enjoying their meals. Her gaze took in the lighted branches accompanying the bouquets in tall

vases doubling as space dividers while also offering soft touches to the room’s intimate lighting. She

turned as Silas took her hand kissing it.

Her gaze softened as she relaxed. With the kids’ help she had chosen a blue, silk blouse and black

skirt. Alexis tamed her hair in small braids secured in a ponytail in a contemporary half-up style.

Thankfully her outfit didn’t seem at all out of place.

“You look beautiful,” Silas said when he had her full attention.

She felt her face warm, “You always say that.”

“Because it’s always true.”

Her blush deepened making him chuckle. Squeezing her hand he kissed it again loving her reactions.

Unable to hold back he leaned forward kissing her temple.

“Silas, people can see us.”

“Good,” he whispered, “I want all of them to know you are mine and they better not touch.”

He didn’t release her hand until their server returned with their first course and a chilled bottle of wine.

Ava was grateful for the distraction but it was only temporary. Silas reached over to claim her hand and

kiss it periodically throughout their meal. His attention was almost overwhelming but it felt good too.

Was this normal for a first date?

* * *

“Hello Marilynn, fashionably late as always?”

“Sarcastic as always Anne?” Marilynn shot back as she took her seat at the table with two other young


They were dressed in evening gowns as was their usual custom for their dining escapades. Since they

were all single they like to flaunt their freedom and money to others. As they all had been in the same

class it was only natural to try and one-up each other as well so it wasn’t unusual to trade thinly veiled

insults and jabs.

“Hey we’re ready to order,” Anne snapped her fingers at a passing server. Though harried the server

answered the summons knowing it was dangerous to ignore them.

“So what’s this I hear about your sister?” Anne turned to Marilynn after the server left with their orders.

“I thought she was long gone.”

“Yeah,” their friend chimed, “she’s back now, or something? And engaged to Silas Prescott?”

“It’s a mistake,” Marilynn flipped her hair. “There is no way Silas Prescott would be interested in her.”

“You sure about that?” Anne asked.

“Absolutely. She’s nobody.”

Anne and the other shared a look before gesturing to a corner Marilynn hadn’t noticed when she

breezed in. Giving them a questioning look she turned. Her mouth dropped as her gaze fell on Silas

and Ava seated at a table. Kissing Ava’s hand Silas leaned in to kiss her whispering something that

brought a blush to her cheeks and a light laugh.

“Doesn’t look like a mistake to me,” Anne said. “They’ve been like that for the past twenty minutes. I

don’t think I’ve ever seen Silas smile so much, or at all.” This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

Marilynn’s face flushed red as she met her friends’ smirking expressions. They had been waiting to rub

this in her face. As angry as she was she couldn’t help but look at the loving couple as a server

delivered the dessert course signaling the end of the dinner though neither seemed inclined to rush

through it.

In fact they were attracting a bit of attention. Silas Prescott was a prominent figure wherever he went

and always attracted notice. He was a stern, uncompromising person in public so it was a surprise to

see him act so loving and attentive to the charming woman with him. For those who hadn’t heard the

rumors it was quite a shock and for those who had heard them it was also a shock. No one believed

such a thing was possible.

Marilynn gulped down her wine as soon as it arrived ignoring her plate as she stared at her sister

leaning into Silas’s touch as he played with her hair. There was nothing special about Ava’s clothing. In

fact her outfit was rather plain. Why then did Silas seem so infatuated with her? So long as Ava was

around no one was looking at Marilynn which was the greater issue.

* * *

Silas sighed as the server returned his credit card. Though he was grateful for the prompt service he

didn’t appreciate the interruption. Even so it was probably best the meal was over. It was getting harder

to keep his distance from Ava whose subtle perfume was intoxicating and light laughter musical.

“Shall we?” Silas asked kissing her hand a final time before standing.

He helped her out of her seat immediately pulling her close. Ava didn’t flinch at his close proximity

leaning into him as they headed for the exit. She didn’t even mind the stares that followed them.

Though she had been apprehensive at the start being with Silas gave her confidence and she felt safe

enough to relax in his presence. It was like a protective bubble no one dared break.

To her surprise Thomas was already at the curb with the limo. She wasn’t sure how it was coordinated

but she appreciated it as a chill had settled in the air threatening more snowfall. Silas quickly ushered

her into the limo’s warmth. With the door closed and they were finally out of the public eye Silas took

her into his embrace holding her close and breathing deep the honey smell of her hair. He had thought

it was perfume but it seemed to be her shampoo. It smelled as sweet as her.

Ava snuggled against him. He reveled in her close proximity. It wasn’t long ago she flinched wherever

he came near but now she welcomed his touch. It was a lot of progress in a short time and made his

heart hammer in his chest.

“So how was your first date?” Silas whispered.

“It was just like I dreamed it would be,” Ava smiled looking up at him with green eyes shining with joy.

“Thank you.”

“No…thank you.” Silas chuckled kissing her forehead. “I want all your dreams to come true so don’t

hesitate to tell me what they are.”

Ava nodded unable to speak. He always made her feel this way. Sometimes it was overwhelming but

she no longer questioned his sincerity. Silas had shown her too much care and attention for her to

doubt his intensions. He wanted her to be happy and to know she was special and deserving of love. It

felt nice.

“…So straight home or do you have another destination?” Thomas’s voice interrupted over the


Silas glanced at the dark partition between them and their driver. With it in place they were isolated and

could only communicate over the intercom though it was a mystery how Thomas always succeeded at

the worst timing. Silas sighed and Ava giggled.

“Well my love. Do you want to go home? Or shall we take a couple turns around the park?”

“A couple turns around the park sounds nice.”

“All right.” Silas smiled leaning over to the intercom controls. “Take a couple turns and the park. And

Thomas, no interruptions unless it’s important.”

“Yes sir.”

Silas could almost hear Thomas’s stifled laughter but chose to ignore it. He had more important

concerns…namely the beautiful woman in his arms. Ava leaned into his caress and enjoyed his touch.

She wished the moment would last forever.

* * *

“Here we are, luv,” Silas carried Ava into the brownstone.

Thomas chuckled holding the door. Once they were inside he departed not wanting to risk Silas’s


Ava clung to him as he set her on her feet. Silas held her close supporting her. He wasn’t sure if it was

the wine or their lingering night that made her sleepy but he didn’t mind. She would always be safe with

him. He would always take care of her.

“One moment, sweetie,” Silas said gently removing her coat leaving it on a small bench beside the

door. Duncan would put it away in the morning and he didn’t want to let her go less she stumble and


Holding her close he looked to see the Christmas decorations and smiled with satisfaction. It had been

years since he bothered celebrating the holidays. There hadn’t been a point since he had no one to

share it with. It was amazing how quickly things changed. He was actually looking forward to it.

“Silas?” Ava stirred. Her gaze swept over the decorations she and the kids had done. “Do you like it?”

“I love it.” He kissed her temple. “You’ll have to tell me what you want for Christmas.”

“What I want? Everything I wished for already came true,” Ava leaned against him. “What more could I

possibly want?”

“There’s time. Think about it,” Silas said before sweeping her up into his arms. “But right now…it’s


Ava chuckled clinging to him as he carried her. It seemed they were setting precedents for returning

from outings. She hoped he didn’t mind. At the very least he didn’t seem to.

Reaching their bedroom he set her down on the bed and knelt to remove her shoes. Though they were

sensible flats he gently rubbed her feet looking up at her. His gaze was tender but sharp causing her to

shiver. She knew what he wanted.

Standing he leaned over her kissing her deeply. Ava answered his hungry query. Their tongues danced

as they probed each others’ mouths tasting the lingering flavors of their meal. Silas rocked backward

pulling her up with him and picked her up not breaking their kiss. Ava’s legs naturally wound

themselves around his waist to maintain her position. He stumbled forward leaning over the bed and

lying down with her warm body under him.

His hand slid under her shirt caressing her. Goosebumps erupted across her skin at his touch. She

moaned as her fingers fumbled with the buttons of his shirt before helping him toss it aside. He peeled

away the layers separating them ravaging her body with hungry kisses. Ava wiggled under him

moaning at his lustful advances.

“You taste so good, Ava,” Silas nibbled at his ear. “Tell me what you want, Ava. Fast? Slow?”

“What I want…” Ava moaned. She wanted to taste him and drive him as wild as he did to her.

Placing her hands on his shoulders she pushed him away. A questioning look came across his face as

she sat up before she forced him to lie down. Once he was on his back she straddled him leaning over

to kiss him. Silas’s concerned gave way to anticipation. His hands caressed her curves but he was

content to let her dictate their pace.

Her hands roamed his body tracing the contours of his pecs and abs causing his skin to burn. She

kissed his jaw running her tongue along his Adam’s apple making him groan. It didn’t seem possible

such gestures would be erotic but his body wasn’t used to being touched so it reacted to the slightest

stimulation. Her nimble fingers slid down the length of his already stiff member.

Silas moaned as she gripped him stroking it, gently tugging on it. Though she was still unpracticed she

had gained confidence from their last night together. He breathed deep wanting to bury himself in her

but he was determined to let her have her way with him.

She moved over him stroking her moist entrance across his engorged member before taking it inside of

her. Silas sighed as he slid inside her. He gripped her thighs as she moved her hips against his. His

stiff shaft stroked her sensitive folds. She moaned finding her rhythm as her back arched and her pace

quickened. Silas clenched his jaw watching her pleasure herself as her body tightened with her orgasm

squeezing him and drawing out a deep groan. Gripping her hips he thrust upward with her motion

driving her to her next peak.

She moaned. Her pale skin seemed to glow as if she were a mythical fairy her dark mane of hair

cascading around her. Silas blinked but the vision remained. It wasn’t a dream. Her body tightened its

hold on him milking his essence as he succumbed to the erotic fantasy consuming him. He filled her

with every last drop of himself as she leaned over him her green eyes shining with pure bliss.

His arms enveloped her tucking her close as he pulled the blanket over them. Her skin glistened with a

thin layer of sweat and he wouldn’t risk her catching a chill even while his own body seemed on fire.

Ava snuggled into his chest satisfied and exhausted.

“Was it bad?” she whispered fighting sleep.

“Not at all. You can be on top anytime, luv,” Silas said. “I love watching you. Take me whenever you


He gently ran his fingers down her back enjoying her shudders of pleasure. Silas suddenly froze his

fingers tracing the faint puckered skin of an old scar on her shoulder. Had he been so enthralled by

their nights of lovemaking he hadn’t noticed before?

“Ava what happened here?” Silas asked.

“…Oh…When I was ten I was riding and my horse spooked. It dumped me into a fence.”

“Your horse spooked?” Silas repeated recalling his conversation with Emerson.

“…Yes. Marilynn told me later she threw a rock at it hoping I would break my neck when I fell,” Ava

hesitated and felt him tense.

“She tried to kill you. Ava…did she…was that the only time?” He knew better but it might be his only

opportunity to hear it from her himself but he also didn’t want to pressure her.

Ava bit her lip trying to push away but he held her firmly, gentle but firm. She had said too much. This

was why she was afraid to tell him.


“No. She tried several times.”

“Why didn’t you tell me before?”

“Because I knew it would make you mad. I don’t want to think about the past. My future is with you. I’d

rather think about that.”

Silas held her close his hands caressing her soothingly. So it wasn’t that she didn’t trust him. That gave

him comfort though he was still angry she lived with the pain alone. Aloud he said, “All right. For you I’ll

let it go. As long as she doesn’t try anything new.”

She snuggled into him, “Thank you.”

“I love you, Ava. Now and forever.”

“I love you, Silas. Always.”

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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