The billionaire’s true love


Part 35

“Trent, what are you doing?” I moaned as Trent cupped my breasts from under my shirt. Even though there were clothes separating us, Trent didn’t care, he did not let them be a barrier between us. I couldn’t help but feel as if I was naked. Bared for Trent.

“I need you, Amanda. I need you so much,” Trent murmured, placing kisses down my neck until he reached my cleavage. He stopped because my shirt was in the way, and glared at the flimsy cloth as if it was the world’s biggest criminal.

“Tell me you want this, too. If you don’t then…I’ll stop,” he said, now directing his gaze to me, removing his hand from under my shirt.

You say no, and I will hurt you. My heart threatened.

You say yes, and there is no going back. My mind warned.

Truth was, I did not want to go back, not anymore. This was it, I had given my heart to Trent and he said he loved me. There was nothing more that I wanted. Sure, he was not the most stable person, but I would change that. I would help him be a better man. If he did something I didn’t like, then I would tell him. But I would not run away from him. I was done running.

“Yes.” I nodded, my voice breathy, betraying my desire for the handsome man that was looking down at me. “I do want this.”

Relief flashed in his eyes for a millisecond before it was replaced with carnal promises that had my sex clenching in response. Trent looked at me with fire in his eyes before he lowered his head and took my lips with his.

Our lips moved in perfect rhythm before he parted my lips with his tongue. I tangled my fingers through his hair and pulled him closer as our tongues danced a tango. Trent was not trying to control me through the kiss; sure he was dominating, but as my tongue moved with his, I didn’t feel as if I was being controlled, suppressed.

As Trent fucked my mouth with his tongue, his fingers undid the buttons of my shirt and slipped the shirt off my arms, while never stopping his assault on my mouth. His fingers fell on my bra next, and he quickly removed that as well.

Trent pulled away, leaving us both panting. He gazed at me, naked, underneath him, a myriad of emotions shimmering in his dark eyes. God, he was beautiful. Would I ever get enough of him? Sure, he’d told me about his past, but I knew there was so much more I still needed to know. And since the truth was out now, it would be fairly easy.

I frowned when Trent clenched his eyes and threw his head back, as if in pain. “Fuck!”

“What’s wrong, Trent?” I asked. Did he think this was a mistake? Was he going to pull away from me and go back to being my asshole of a boss?

“I’m an asshole,” he stated.

Well no shit, Sherlock!

“What are you talking about?” Did he have an unstable thinking pattern? One minute he was kissing and loving me and the next he was calling himself an asshole. Did he think he was taking advantage of me? But no, he asked me before doing any of this.

“Yo-You are so beautiful. And I made you think that you weren’t. I made you believe that you weren’t perfect. God, I am asshole!” He replied. I could tell Trent was regretting his words. But the fact that he felt remorse was more than enough for me. At least he was sorry for what he did.

“You already apologized for that, Trent.” I told him.

“I know I have. But looking at you right now, naked, so beautiful, so perfect; I can’t believe I said you’re not perfect, when in fact, you are the reason why the word was coined in the first place,” he said, looking down at my bare front.

My body felt like it was on fire after hearing his words. Yet, I couldn’t help feeling proud of myself, my body. This man, who made me think I was stupid and not beautiful was eating his words right now. He was changing his statements, and said I was perfect. And now, because of Trent, even if no other man called me beautiful or perfect, I wouldn’t care. Because the man I loved called me beautiful; I was perfect for him. And that was all I wanted.

“You never saw me naked before,” I said, for the sake of conversation.

Trent caressed my breast. “This kind of beauty should not be shown to ordinary people. It should only be shown to a man who will appreciate it, and nothing else.”

“But you didn’t appreciate it until now,” I pointed out.

“I know. And what an unfortunate man I am. I do not deserve to see this, let alone touch you,” Trent responded.

Oh shit! Trent Benson just agreed with me.

“Trent, can you tone it down a little. I’m not used to taking compliments from you.” I told him. If he continued praising me like this, I would turn into a puddle.

“Well get used to it, shady, because I will tell you everyday how beautiful you really are. I know I hurt you, and now I will make up for it. I refuse to see you upset,” Trent stated, kissing my lips.

“I can’t believe you are the same man who called me stupid and said I did not deserve to be in your magazines,” I blurted out.

“Lies, sleeping beauty, all lies. I thought if I would shatter your self-esteem then you will be docile and more accepting of my demands. But now, I like how strong and fiery you are; these traits only add to your beauty. I can’t believe I tried to eliminate them,” he replied.

“Okay, you need to stop. I can’t take it anymore,” I ordered.

Trent chuckled before pulling the duvet over my naked body, causing my brows to furrow in confusion. What the hell?! I thought we were going to have sex. Damn him!

“I need to cover you up before I lose the tiny thread of control I still possess and fuck your brains out,” he uttered.

“Why do you change your mind so quickly? Why did you take my clothes off and kissed me if you only wanted to cover me afterwards?”

“You don’t want me to cover you?” The arch of his eyebrow and the smirk plastered on his face told me all about his intentions.

“Well not anymore. I’m not in the mood for your kisses anymore,” I snapped, pulling the duvet tighter around myself.

“You sure? I can always change your mind.”

The arrogant asshole.

“Shut up, Trent,” I retorted.

With a chuckle, Trent shifted to lie beside me. He propped his head on his elbow, which had him looking down at me.

“So tell me, what do you want?” He enquired.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, what do you want? Tell me and I will give it to you,” he clarified.

I shrugged. “I don’t know. I want nothing from you.”

“There must be something that you desire. Cars? Jewelry? Clothes? Tell me and I will give it to you,” he uttered.

“Why are you asking me this? Are you my new personal genie?” I looked at him, searching for his motive.

“You can say that, I guess. But I want you to come to me if and when you want something. I don’t care how expensive it is, I’ll get it for you,” he stated.

“Well, you don’t have to worry, because I don’t want anything from you. I just wanted you to feel bad about hurting me and you’ve already apologized for it. So there is nothing more that I want from you,” I replied.

Liar! You want his dick, admit it.

Shutting up my subconscious, I smiled at Trent. “But I’m not satisfied. I want you to tell me at least one thing that you want from me. Other than me being nice to you. Tell me what you want.”

I sighed. “You’re not going to stop until I ask for something, are you?”

“No.” I rolled my eyes. He might not be an ass anymore, but he was still annoying.

“Fine, then let me think,” I stated before closing my eyes. What did I want? I had everything I could possibly need. I had enough clothes for five walk-in closets, enough shoes and accessories to open my own shop. So nothing materialistic.

But then, just as I was about to give up and open my eyes, a face flashed in my mind; and with it came a wave of fury that nearly drowned me in its fiery depths. Yes, I knew exactly what I wanted from Trent. And he was the only one who could fulfill that wish of mine.

“Alright. I know what I want from you,” I said, opening my eyes.

“Name it and it’s yours,” he replied.

“Don’t be so quick to make promises you might not be able to keep,” I warned.

“There is no promise that I will make to you that I will not keep. Trust me, bumblebee,” he said.

“Well then, are you ready to hear my demand?” I asked.

“Yes, tell me what is it that you desire?”

Taking a deep breath, I prepared to voice out my demand. I hoped he wouldn’t reject it. “I want you to fire Tamara.”

Silence descended like a thick cloak after my words. I bit my lip as I looked at Trent, trying to figure out what he was thinking. And when silence continued to reign, my heart began to sink. He was not going to fire her, she was too valuable to him.

“You really hate that woman, don’t you?” Trent finally said.

“Yes! She ruined my life, nearly ended my career, I will always hate her!” I cried.

“Calm down, don’t torture yourself by getting angry over her, she is not worth it,” he stated.

Did he just say what I thought he just said? Did he just say Tamara is not worth it? Oh my God, I think I fell a little more for Trent just now. How stupid I’d been to avoid him and yell at him.

“You think she’s not worth it?” I enquired, just to be sure that I wasn’t hearing things that weren’t true.

“No, shady, she is not. So don’t worry about her,” he replied.

“How can I not worry about her when she is working in your studio? Everytime I see her I want to claw her eyes out. I know you don’t believe me when I say that she spiked my drink, but it’s the truth and I will never forgive her for that.” I told him.

“I believe you, bumblebee,” Trent said.

My jaw fell as my eyes widened. He just continued to surprise me. First he said that Tamara was not worth it and now he was saying that he believed me. Was he the same Trent Benson who wanted to kill me after that little party? Maybe he was an alien specie, but whatever he was, I was happy.

“You do?”

Trent nodded. “Yes, I believe you. I saw the CCTV footage of that day after you told me that Tamara spiked your drink, and you are right.”

“The hell?! You knew all along and yet you never told me! You made me want to kill myself, all the while you knew I was telling the truth all along. And worst of all, you have her transfer to your studio! God, I want to kill you right now!” I yelled.

“Shady, relax,” Trent cooed, as if talking to a little child.

“Relax?! How the fuck do you expect me to relax when you drop a bomb on me like this?!” I swear if I wasn’t naked right now, I would’ve pummeled him to death.

“Like I said, it’ll take time for me to change,” he replied.Copyright by Nôv/elDrama.Org.

“That’s-That’s not-” Goddammit! Why did he have to play that card? Why couldn’t he let me accuse him of being an asshole?

He was an asshole then. He is changing now. Give him time.

“I told you I will be a better man for you, bumblebee. So I have to start by telling you the truth. I know you will not be happy over some of the things that I will tell you, but you need to cut me some slack. I want you to know me, so just…” He trailed off, looking unsure.

I sighed. “You’re right, but it still makes me angry.”

“I know it does, and you should be angry, but don’t be too angry that you’ll want to leave me. I…I might not be able to handle it,” Trent said.

“I will not leave you, Trent. But I should be allowed to get angry and even punch you once in a while, you can’t take that away from me.” I told him.

“Alright, you can get angry as long as you don’t leave me,” he agreed.

I grinned at him. “You got yourself a deal.”

“Good.” He kissed my forehead. “Now, if you don’t have any more demands, I will go and shower. You are welcome to join me.”

“Thanks but I’ll pass this time. And what about my demand, are you going to fulfill it?” I questioned, watching him get out of bed.

“You will know soon.” With a wink and a sexy smile, Trent sauntered in the bathroom, leaving me confused and fuming in his bed.

Not knowing what else to do, I sat up and quickly donned on my clothes which Trent had carelessly thrown across the room. Once I was clothed, I decided to get some food from the kitchen since I didn’t have breakfast.

As soon as I entered the kitchen, the door bell rang; which had me wondering who in the world could it be, since the house was on the beach and there was hardly anyone present. But curiosity had me forgetting the thought of consuming something and instead had me walking towards the front door.

I was about to turn the knob when a sudden thought struck me and I looked through the peep hole to see who it was. Strange, nobody was standing outside. Maybe some kids were playing pranks. But I still opened the door, only to look down and see a rolled up newspaper. Of course, it was the newspaper guy. Shaking my head at myself, I picked up the newspaper and closed the door.

“Who is it, shady?” Trent asked from above.

“Just the newspaper!” I hollered back.

Quickly unrolling the paper, I begun reading only to stop at the headlines. No, no, this was not true. It was not possible. Trent wouldn’t do this to me. He said he loved me. No, there had to be logical explanation for this. Trent would never do something like this.

“Bumblebee, what’s wrong?” I was surprised to hear Trent behind me.

“Trent.” I tried my best to keep my voice low. I didn’t want to lose my temper. “When I said I want you to fire Tamara, I did not mean that you should get engaged to her.”

Turning around to face him, I showed him the front page of the newspaper.

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