The Billionaire’s Pretend Fiancée


Sofie’s POV

“Oh, fuck.” I groaned, feeling the foreign sharp pangs of ache seize my abdomen for the umpteenth time that morning.

Earlier that day, I had woken up healthy and sated from the passionate events of the night before, so I had no idea what could have triggered the pain.

It felt like something with elongated fangs was chewing on my belly, like it was a gummy worm.

I had taken some drugs to relieve the pain but it seemed to be worsening as time went by, and fear was gradually starting to get a hold of me as I thought about my baby.

Roman had left for work about an hour ago, so I could easily go to the obstetrician’s without needing to form a lie.

“Please be okay, baby. Please.” I muttered to myself as I caressed the gentle slope of my belly.

To me, it seemed like my belly was gradually starting to soften and widen but for some reason, Roman didn’t seem to notice which was advantageous to me.

I could keep up with my facade easily before I dipped out of his life.

“Madam Sofie, won’t you have some breakfast before leaving?” One of the maids asked, on sighting me at the foot of the stairs.

Amidst the torturous agony I was in, I managed to feign a smile and shake my head in negation, “I’m good. I’ll do brunch later, I have a really important class right now.” I easily lied.

She nodded, unsuspecting, “Very well, madam.”

I mirrored her nod before trekking out of the dining room to the sitting room where Antonio was instructing one of the main servants to clean a vase.

He was preoccupied which was perfect for my plan. I wanted to go unseen and unquestioned by the man.

Surprisingly, my plan was a success as I was able to easily sneak past him.

I felt the pain again as soon as I flagged down a taxi, but this time it was worse and crippling, it felt like my insides were about to force their way out of my belly.

I could only stifle my pain as I sluggishly got into the car and told the driver to take me to the hospital.

Inside the car, the pain continued to intensify, and I thought I was doing a good job hiding the inexplicable agony I was in at that moment until the driver’s eyes met with mine through the rearview mirror.

“Are you okay, madam? You’ve been groaning and sobbing ever since you got into the cab.” He stated, to which I nodded through clenched teeth.

“I-I’m fine, thanks for your concern.” I gritted out, turning my gaze away from his before he could interrogate me further.

Thankfully he didn’t utter a word again.

Soon, we got to the hospital and I swiftly settled the driver before painstakingly climbing out of the car, ignoring the driver’s offer to help me out.

I trekked into the hospital and went straight to my obstetrician’s office with my hands clasped around my abdomen.

I knocked and before she could answer, I trudged in with a tired huff.

She stood up from her chair with a shocked countenance mauling her face, “Miss Diaz. Good day, I definitely wasn’t expecting to see you today. Y-” She cut herself short after giving me a once over and realizing something was wrong.

“Oh my goodness, you look pale. What happened to you?” She gasped as she quickly rushed to my side and helped me on the examination bed.

I groaned as she freed my feet out of my shoes and hooked a sphygmomanometer around my arm.

“Your blood pressure seems to be okay.” She stated, sliding the equipment down my arm before going around to peek in between my legs as she put on her gloves.

“There doesn’t seem to be a tear or bleeding here either.” She mumbled, moving around once more to sit on a chair beside me.

“What happened to you, Miss Diaz?” The doctor reiterated, to which I groaned again.

“I-I have no idea, doc. I woke up hale and hearty this morning only for me to suddenly get attacked by stomach cramps.” I sobbed before something flashed through my mind.

I grabbed the doctor’s hand, “Will my baby be okay? You said I’m not bleeding or anything, right? So they should be okay, yeah?”

She nodded, “Yeah, they’re okay. We can run a scan right now to reassure you.”

I nodded eagerly, “Please, that will be great.”

She darted me a smile before raising my shirt up. Afterward, she splattered the cold gel on my belly and moved the probe over my stomach.

Within seconds, strong heartbeat began reverberating across the room and I heaved a deep sigh of relief.

“See? Baby is doing great but we still have to run some tests on you to make sure you’re also alright.” She said, handing me a tissue to wipe the gel off.

“But the pain-” I trailed off and she nodded.

“I’ll give you some pain relief now.” She uttered, uncapping some tubes and injecting them into an iv pack before cannulating my hand and attaching the medication to it.

To my utter respite, the pain alleviated almost immediately.

Then, she drew up some blood from my other arm and exited the room after assuring me that she’d be back in thirty minutes with the test results.

I had almost dozed off when she returned with the test results in her hand and a solemn expression on her face.

I shot up from the bed with fear heavy in my heart as she stared sympathetically at me.

“The results are here.” I stated the obvious, in a weak attempt to begin a conversation.

“Yes, Miss Diaz. They are here.” She nodded, retrieving the results from the envelope.

My heart slammed against my ribs in trepidation as she gazed up from the paper to me.

“So? Did something bad happen to me?” I blurted out without thinking.

“I’m sorry to break this to you, miss Sofie but I have to.” She began and I heaved a deep inhale.

“Go on.” I urged.

“The stomach cramping was caused by stress. You’re stressing yourself and the baby too much and no, I don’t mean physically. You’re psychologically stressed and somehow that has led to you being diagnosed with placenta previa. If you don’t treat it properly, I’m afraid something worse than stomach cramps could happen.” The doctor calmly explained and I felt a tear slide down my cheek.

“What is that? Placenta previa, what is that?” I forced out, amidst tears.

“So the placenta has covered the opening to your cervix which means you can’t give birth normally anymore. You can only deliver your baby through a cesarean section.” She dropped the bomb, to which I nodded as I wiped my tears off.

Great. Just great.

Could my miserable life get any better?

I was about to say something when someone suddenly entered the room loudly.

I wiped my tears off properly before gazing up to dart the rude intruder a glare when my eyes met with Damien’s surprised ones.

Fuck. There was really no way out of this anymore.

I was doomed.

Damien would surely tell Roman that he had seen me in an obstetrician’s office and everything would be ruined earlier than I thought.

“Damien, what the hell are you doing barging into my office like that? Do you want to scare my patients?” The doctor snapped at him, and he grinned sheepishly at her.

“I’m sorry, Kylie. I came to pick up my phone, my careless self forgot it here this morning.” He muttered, and I almost thought he didn’t see me until he averted his concentration.

“Sofie, what are you doing here?” He asked and my heart skipped a beat.

I had no idea what to say.

“What else could a woman be doing in an obstetrician’s office? Wait, you know each other?” The doctor asked, looking from me to Damien.

I nodded, “Yeah.”

“Wow, the world is indeed small. I had no idea you knew my idiot elder brother.

Damien was her elder brother?

As if things couldn’t get anymore complicated, he had to be my obstetrician’s brother.

“I need to grab your medication, I’ll be right back.” The doctor said and left the room.

Leaving me and Damien in the awkward silence. With how fast my heartbeat was, I feared my heart was about to rip itself out of my chest.All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

“I’m sorry for barging in like that.” Damien started.

“It’s fine. I’m not offended.” I replied with a shaky smile.

By the way, what is going on, Sofie? Is what my sister said the truth?” He calmly asked and I swallowed as I exhaled heavily.

“Yes, Damien, she’s right. I’m pregnant.” I nodded, and watched as his jaw slacked in shock.

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