The Billionaire’s Pretend Fiancée

The greedy parents

Sofie’s POV

What exactly could he want to see them for? I wondered within myself as the car steered to a half in front of my parents’ shabby place of abode.

Roman darted me a stare, “Shall we?”

I nodded, “Yes.”

It wasn’t as if he cared about my opinion anyway. I thought to myself as we trekked into the house together.

Walking inside me anxious as the memories from that day with Mr Alexander Guilon floated into my mind.

Roman is here now. I have him to protect me for a while. He won’t let them harm me. I reassured myself.

As usual, my parents were lazily splayed on the couch together watching a rerun of a Mexican telenovela that Mum was particularly obsessed with.

They must have sensed our silhouettes hovering over the entranceway as they both turned their heads around to glare at me in particular, paying no attention to Roman.

Mum shot up from the chair, triggered, “You stupid slut. I regret ever giving birth to you. I should have gotten rid of you immediately when I found out about you. You are so useless and you are nothing but a fucking disgrace to us. Where the hell are you coming from?” She spat, poking my chest with her forefinger.

I squeezed my eyes shut to control the rage simmering within me as I felt shame wash through me.

Usually, I never felt any form of embarrassment whenever my parents insulted me because I had developed thick skin to all of their biting remarks, but the realization that Roman was there to see the ugly sight play out made something heavy settle at the pit of my belly.

“Veronica. I never pictured you to be so mannerless and uncouth in the presence of a visitor.” Roman said coolly, and I temporarily forgot about my worries and gazed up at him, befuddled.

How did he know my mum’s name?

Had he been digging up information about me?

“And who the fuck do you think you are, to talk to my wife in such an insolent manner?” Dad stepped in between Mum and Roman, clutching his hands into fists as he glared up at Roman.

Roman just chuckled and shook his head, “The both of you are pathetic. You are the worst type of parents a person could have. You wanted to force your own daughter to get married to a man old enough to be her fucking grandfather, why?”

I froze, “H-how did you know that?”

Without turning toward me, he said, “I told you before, petal. I know everything I should know about you.”

“Are you one of the various men this harlot whores herself around with? Has she also brainwashed you with her lies to take her side?” Dad scoffed, and tears brimmed in my eyes.

The sort of immense disgrace I felt at that moment could not be described.

“Let me advise you, young man. Sofie may look innocent and tender to you but that is all a lie. She is a fucking whore with various STDs. You should go check up on yourself to see if you haven’t contracted any from her, if you have had sex with her.” My mum fibbed, added salt to my injury.

“You are not even trying to hide your tawdry lifestyle anymore. Look how scantily dressed you are like an escort. Such a fucking shame to have you as my daughter. It’d have been-” The rest of dad’s words were interrupted by a heavy blow delivered to his face by Roman.

“What the hell is wrong with this darn man?” Mum shrieked as she tended to her fallen husband.

I remained transfixed to the spot as I stared at Roman.

He calmly wrang his wrist, “That is for calling my fiancée a whore and if you don’t stop talking like that, I’d beat the living shit out of you, fucking son of a bitch.” Roman spat on Dad who remained helpless on the floor, nursing his swollen jaw and bleeding nose.

“Let’s go, baby. This environment is not good for you.” Roman muttered, placing his hand on the small of my back.

I had to admit that it felt nice to have someone defend me from my parents’ cruelty for once in my life but something wasn’t quite clear; why was Roman doing all of these?

He’d even gone as far as proclaiming that he was my fiance.

I nodded dazedly and followed him out, ignoring mum who was still spitting profanities at us.

“Thank you.” I whispered, later when Roman and I were seated in the car as we journeyed back home.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“You’re welcome. Though, it’s nothing. It was the right thing to do.” He replied, flashing me a tiny smile before looking away.

I bit my lip to suppress the smile threatening to widen my lips as I looked out of the window.

“By the way, how did you get the cut on your finger?” He asked, and I stared down at the tiny red injury on my ring finger.

“I accidentally cut myself with a knife yesterday when I was dicing up some carrots. I wanted to make some coleslaw.” I divulged, patting the cut.

“Shouldn’t we head to the hospital right now? You don’t want it to get infected, do you?” He asked.

I shook my head, touched at his cold compassion. “We don’t need to go to the hospital. It’s just a minor injury.”

In response, he just hummed, and looked away.

“It’s the first time, you know.” I mumbled underneath my breath but Roman heard it.

“It’s the first time what happened?”

I fiddled with the hem of the coat, “The first time someone stood up for me against them. When I was younger, most people, especially adults used to defend them and paint me as the bad child whenever stuff escalated between me and them. I’m not saying this to get your pity or anything, I’m just saying it because I want to.”

I had no idea why I thought the last part of my sentence was necessary.

Roman just stared at me with an expression I couldn’t even pinpoint, “Nathan will bring the ring over to the house. I have to meet a friend after dropping you off at home.”

And just like that, Roman reminded me of my worth in his life.

I was nothing more than his sham fiancée.

I tried to mask my hurt with a smile as I climbed down the car, “Alright.”

It didn’t help matters that immediately I slammed the door shut, the car sped away and Roman didn’t pay further attention to me.

I blinked the tears that welled up in my eyes away, as I walked through the foyer and the butler bowed to me.

I just nodded at him as I couldn’t bring myself to utter a reply to him, lest I burst into tears.

As I trudged up the stairs, the bitter reminder that I was nothing to Roman sounded within me.

I could only hope Nana took back her words, so I wouldn’t have to travel to Greece with him.

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