The Billionaire’s Pretend Fiancée

Finally reunited in more agony

Roman’s POV

“We can’t just cancel the meeting with the Lazarda’s last minute, sir.” Nathan said over the phone, and I huffed.

It was now the day I was to go to Lana’s hideout to rescue Sofie. I had repeatedly gone over the plan the private investigators had made, and everything was now set.

The thought of being reunited with Sofie and our baby after a long, torturous week made me somewhat nervous because we hadn’t exactly parted on the best of terms.

And I still didn’t know the sort of devilish plan Lana had up her sleeve.

“Did you hear me say anything about cancelling the meeting?” I asked, blankly staring at the mirror.

“No, sir. But you said you are not coming in today, and I can’t possibly go on your behalf.” He replied.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“You will go to that meeting on my behalf, Nathan. You don’t have to do anything other than to sign the documents. The company’s attorney will go with you to guide you through the process of signing it, good day.” I explained, and hung up.

Next, I stared at my disheveled reflection through the mirror and inwardly chided myself for looking so unkempt.

Since I didn’t have the time to focus on my appearance lately, my beards were gradually starting to encroach on my face.

I knew I couldn’t meet Sofie looking so tattered, so I quickly shaved before taking a shower, and donning on the cloth I had planned for my deadly mission that day.

It was a pair of black slacks with a black button up, long sleeve shirt.

Thereafter, I retrieved my gun from inside the vault in the closet, rechecked the bullets in it before sliding it into my pocket.

I smiled satisfactorily at my reflection as I grabbed my car keys and stepped out of the bedroom.

Darting the room a wistful look while inwardly hoping to come back to it with Sofie, I closed the door and headed straight to the car garage.

On the way, I met Antonio standing on the threshold of the living room.

“Good morning, young master. I hope you had a lovely night rest.” He said.

“Yeah, I did. Thanks.” I said hastily, and made to exit the living room before he asked me a question and further delay me.

“Young master, are you not having breakfast before you leave for work?” He asked, and I inhaled deeply to suppress my impatience.

“Yes, Antonio. I’m not. If you’ll excuse me, I have somewhere important to be.” I answered before quickly leaving.

Antonio was the only one among my helpers that suspected Sofie wasn’t on a school trip like I had told them when Melissa asked for her whereabouts some days ago. I didn’t think he would though, but I wasn’t ready to tell him about her kidnap.

I had known the man since I was born and I knew he told my grandmother about everything happening in the mansion, even if I specifically told him not to.

I got into my range rover evoque, turned on the ignition and set out for the address Lana had sent to me.

While on the way, various gruesome thoughts floated into my head with the most prominent one being the thought that Lana had already killed Sofie and wanted me to see her corpse, to torture me mentally.

I brushed the thought off just as it appeared and willed my mind away from horrible thoughts like that.

Soon I got to the place, and I got down from my car.

A chilly, unsettling feeling gripped me when I saw two huge masked men guiding the entrance.

The men made way for me without glancing in my direction as I walked into the secluded bunker.

“Hi, baby.” Anger surged through my veins as I heard the familiar, high-pitched, taunting voice.

“Where is Sofie? I don’t see her anywhere.” I inquired from Lana.

In response, she bit her lips as she darted me a lustful stare. “You look sexy in black, Roman. But then again, when are you ever not sexy?”

I just ignored her as I walked further into the bunker, yelling. “Sofie, if you can hear me, please scream back.”

What met my ears was the echo of my voice and the infuriating sound of Lana’s laughter.

“You’re so funny, Roman.” She giggled. “Did you really think I was going to give you that bitch and the bastard inside her without getting something in return?”

I played dumb. “What do you mean? We had an agreement, Lana!”

She seemed to believe I was ignorant as she shrugged. “I never signed any agreement with you, my love.”

“Romano Giovanni.” I heard someone call from behind me, so I turned around to see whoever it was.

I scoffed in disbelief on seeing Alexander Guilon standing right in front of me with an accomplished grin plastered to his face.

“You also planned this with her? How low can you fucking stoop?” I spat at him.

He shook his head. “No, no, no. That’s not it. I never planned this with her. All these were planned by my daughter.”

“Your daughter? Since whe-” I swallowed the rest of my statement as I put two and two together, and finally realized what he meant.

“Lana is your daughter?” I gasped.

“Flesh and blood.” Lana replied with a smile as Alexander wrapped an arm around her.

I scoffed incredulously as I looked from the old man to Lana before something registered in my mind.

“So the documents you brought to my office were part of her plans?”

“No. Daddy did that for me, isn’t he just the best dad in the world?” Lana giggled, planting a peck to Alexander’s cheek.

“You are both psychopaths. The both of you are deranged retards that need serious mental help.” I spat.

“That bitch must be rubbing off on you since she also said the same thing.” Lana scoffed, and rolled her eyes.

Her eyes lit up as the bunker slid open and two unmasked men but heavily armed men walked inside.

“Speak of the bitch, and the bitch will appear.” Lana said as three more men walked in carrying Sofie.

I opened my mouth but nothing came out when our eyes met.

I gasped as I saw how frazzled and emaciated she looked. Her cheerful, coffee eyes had lost their cheer as she stared blankly at me.

A blood-soiled bandage was also scantily plastered to her forehead, with some dried up blood clinging to her cheeks.

“Sofie.” I whispered, and she darted me a weak smile.

“You really came. I thought you wouldn’t.” She said.

“Why are you being so lethargic? Tie her up this instant!” Lana yelled to the men.

I watched helplessly as they dragged Sofie to a metallic pole in the middle of the bunker, and tied her up against it.

“Don’t worry about him. He can’t do anything.” She said to the men when they made to approach me.

Stealthily, I felt my pocket for my gun to reassure myself that I could do it.

“So, should we start with cutting the bastard out of her stomach? Or should I put a bullet to her head first?” Lana asked, as her men handed her a knife.

“Don’t you dare do it!” I spat, and made to jump her but her men held me down to the floor.

“Watch me.” She giggled, and I watched Sofie whimper tearfully as Lana slowly brought the knife to her belly.

I could only hope the cops were already on their way.

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