The Billionaire’s Nanny

Chapter 8

Benson kept a close eye on Alita as she walked away. He promised to keep his thoughts pure, but as he silently promised himself, his thoughts were too quick, and his infatuation had grown from a smolder to full-fledged sexual fantasies.

In his mind’s eye, he had her in his arms and he was taking gentle nibbles at her neck. He’d do anything at that moment to satisfy his desires. Damn Ben, get out of your head, he told himself as he turned his face away from the door and closed his eyes tightly so that all he could see was a black space in his mind, but his thoughts were stronger than him, not that he wanted to fight it. His thoughts went on more vividly. It felt too real to be a fantasy.

As his mind let him see, she returned and jumped him, wrapping her legs around him and kissing him passionately, and he is completely taken aback. He pressed his hands against her waist and wrapped his arms around her waist. He moaned as the warmth from her body sent chills down his spine. He set her down and ripped her top open from top to bottom, and he was greeted by the sight of her perfectly shaped and sized boobs. He couldn’t wait to see her she nips. He’d thought about how look like and what they’d feel like in his mouth once or twice before. He hurriedly unbuckled her bra from behind, allowing it to fall freely down the curves of her tiny waist and stop at her hips. He was just about to knead them when he heard a knock on the door and was jolted back to reality.

He opened his eyes and inquired as to who was standing by the door. Sarah responded, and he asked for her to come in.

“Are you okay, sir?” Sarah inquired, her face filled with concern. He had a tired, dreamy expression on his face as a result of closing his eyes for too long and thinking what he was thinking. “How do you look…”

His heart stopped beating. He had no idea what he looked like and hoped it wasn’t obvious what he had allowed himself to do. You get a certain look after fantasizing about ravishing someone. “What? “I-I, what do you see?”

“I don’t know… tired and sleepy,” Sarah said as she approached him closer. “Are you sick or something?” she inquired. He could tell she was concerned by the tone of her voice. That was something he always admired about Sarah. She genuinely concerned herself with his well-being.

“I’m not cut out for this Sarah,” he admitted, sighing. He was relieved he didn’t get the answer he dreaded. “It’s difficult to balance work and being a nanny. True, I am stressed and tired. Don’t misunderstand me. I’m starting to like her, and I’ve decided on a name for her, but I just can’t do it. Any longer than right now. Thank goodness she starts tomorrow. It’s better for me than it is for her, believe me.”

“Obviously,” Sarah said as she placed a file on his table. “This is from Human Resources. You must sign them.” She said this while spreading the papers out on his desk for him to sign. He drew himself closer to his desk with caution.

His words about picking a name for the baby rang in Sarah’s head incessantly, and she couldn’t help but wonder. “Have you decided on a name? That is to say…” She did the math in her head, and her eyes grew larger. decided the decision to keep her,” She asked, waving her hands in front of her. He hummed and nodded.

“Yep, I’m keeping Julie,” he says. He gave the baby a tender look. “We’re going to become a family.” “I’m going to adopt her.”

“Awn, that’s just amazing,” Sarah said, fighting back the flood of tears that threatened to fall down her cheeks. “What a lovely name. She is extremely fortunate to have you.”

“I’m not sure about her being lucky because I’m such a shamble. I can’t even do the simplest things to keep her alive.” He smiled and returned his gaze to her. He messed around with a strand of her blonde hair. “She will grow up and make that decision for herself.”

Sarah exaggerated her smile. She’d be drenched in tears if she didn’t.

She had feared what he would do with the baby since the search for her mother had been fruitless, and she didn’t want the girl’s mother discovered because she might just dump her somewhere else, and who knows where this time.

“It’s only fair after being abandoned by her irresponsible mother,” he muttered. “I’d be irresponsible if I didn’t. I couldn’t live with myself if something bad happened to her as a result of my actions.”

Benson had spent the night before thinking about her. That’s when he decided on a name for her.

Despite the fact that he is unable to have children due to a heinous car accident that occurred when he was still married -his ability to reproduce was harmed as a result of the incident, Benson has always wanted children, but he has never been able to fulfill his dream of becoming a father.

He decided to adopt the child because he was forty years old and could never father children.

He imagined how lonely his old age would be if he was alone. He didn’t want to be alone as he grew older and frailer. After all, who would he leave his fortune to when the time comes? Who better than the child he had raised?

She was named after his grandmother. He and she were very close, and she was the source of most of his life philosophies. His mother did an excellent job, but his grandmother went above and beyond. She taught him how to fight through life, to overcome the raging waves of adversity and misfortune, and to emerge stronger rather than be a slave to circumstance and never achieve his dreams. Her words shaped him into the man he had become.

As a result, naming the baby Julie was more than just a name for him. From now on, she would be his sole focus. He promised himself that he would do everything in his power to ensure that she grew happy and had everything she required. She would never have to go through what he did as a child. On his watch, no way.

He had even discovered that Julie enjoys the same type of music that he does. He was playing one of his favorite songs when she burst out laughing. They danced together, well, he did the majority of the dancing and enjoyed the fact that he was funny to her the entire time. That particularly softened his feelings for her.

He thought he could love her, so he decided to try his hand at fatherhood.


Alita arrived home in the best mood she’d felt in a long time. She thought about when her money would start piling up and went straight to creating a budget for how she planned to spend it. Sarah was to thank for her getting the job.

Grumpy face did her a favor by deciding to pay her that much. She could even do twice as much work for half the pay and be content.

She threw her clothes off and dashed to the bathroom to take a shower. She hummed a tune as she walked.

She reflected on the experience from earlier as she let the shower water run freely down her skin, savoring the warmth as she traveled down the early hours of the day. She thought about it backward, from when she left Benson’s office, jumping down the stairs like a little girl with candy in her hand, to when she entered his office.

She recalled the elegant scent that greeted her as she opened the door. She smiled, thinking his choice was excellent. As expected, the air in his office smelled expensive.

She enjoys his voice. When he spoke, it had a certain depth to it that made her insides vibrate. To be honest, she was barely paying attention when he spoke, trying not to freak out and jump him. The way he pronounced his words, the words he chose. It was all for her entertainment.

She couldn’t stop thinking about his diamond face and bright pink lips. If she wasn’t so close, she’d swear he was wearing lipstick.

He was perfectly proportioned. She imagined what it would be like if he grabbed her waist with his strong hands.

Her hands moved down her belly button as she recalled the various times she had fantasized about kissing him and doing more than her mind had shown her the night before. Her hands found her clit, and she moaned on first contact. She continued to moan and touch herself. She slid a finger into herself, imagining it was him going into her. She moaned his initials. She’d never addressed him in that way before. She liked the sound of it, but she could never call him that.

She slid in and out slowly, trembling over her finger. She quickly slid another finger and accelerated her thrust, squeezing her tits with her other hand. She walked up to the wall and leaned back. She moved her hands faster and faster until she was out of breath and blinded. She let out a loud ecstatic moan. When she realized what she had done, she scolded herself. She finished washing and left the bathroom, giggling and feeling silly.Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

She knew she could never stay in a house alone with him after that. She swore she would never spend more than a minute with him in his home else… She had to stop herself from thinking along those lines.

Sarah returned and found Alita deep in thought. She was certain she had seen the same expression earlier in the day, but she could be mistaken. She was too tired to consider it. So she just let it be.

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