The Billionaire Who Saved Me

Spark Of Emotion 2

Elice had once reached a point where she didn’t dare dream of getting pregnant again. Trauma? Maybe not. But she wouldn’t deny that there was still some fear in her heart. Where the first pregnancy, which usually brought happiness to every woman on earth, ended in sorrow for her.

But that’s how fate worked in her life. Now she found something different that welcomed her pregnancy. No criticism, no rejection, not even mockery. There were only congratulations, expressions of gratitude, and various pieces of advice for her and her baby’s health.

It was every woman’s dream. A dream that Elice had never dared to hope for. But her surrender to fate brought an unexpected surprise.

And now Elice reminded herself. Not to overthink, not to stress, not to tire herself out. She didn’t want to lose her for the second time.

Elice stroked her still slim belly. In her heart she promised herself. That this time she would take care of it as best she could.NôvelDrama.Org © content.

It seemed like it would be easy. With Garrett by her side, Elice knew it would indeed be easy to get through.

“You shouldn’t have to accompany me to the hospital. You should be resting more than taking care of me,” Garrett said, reaching for Elice’s hand. He held it gently. “I don’t want anything to happen to either of you.”

Wasn’t that sweet? This time, Garrett wasn’t only thinking of Elice. Instead, the new life growing inside Elice would also be his priority.

Garrett brought Elice’s hand to his lips. He kissed it lovingly. Like every man on earth, Garrett was extremely happy about Elice’s pregnancy.

He didn’t want to dwell on the past. Nor did he intend to compare the two men who had been in her life. But Elice realized something now. That every woman would indeed become a queen for the right man.

“I love you, Elice.”

A man who loved and cared for her. A baby to carry. What else was missing for Elice?

Elice felt her eyes well up with emotion. She pulled Garrett close. She wanted to hug him.

On the man’s chest, tears of joy streamed down Elice’s cheeks. In an overflow she had never experienced before. Now she was truly happy.

“I love you too, Garrett.”

That day, Elice, who didn’t go to the office again, decided to rest. Although her pregnancy didn’t show many symptoms during the doctor’s examination. She didn’t vomit, her appetite was still there, and she didn’t feel any pain. But the slight fatigue she felt was enough to keep her from moving around too much.

Garrett was the same. He, who hadn’t returned to work yet, took advantage of the opportunity as best he could. Not moving from Elice’s side unless it was necessary.

Garrett left when Elice had fallen asleep after lunch. He was about to contact Amber in his office when he saw Daphne walking with Yocelyn. Their paths crossed.

“Garrett, are you busy?”

Garrett shook his head. “No. What’s up, Nana?”

“Good, then,” Daphne nodded. “In that case, you can join Yocelyn and I. We’ll see your child’s room.”

Garrett was lucky not to suffocate. But he was definitely in shock. Less than twenty-four hours since the news of Elice’s pregnancy had been announced, and now Daphne was already talking about her room?

“A room?” Garrett frowned, shifting his gaze between Daphne and Yocelyn. “Isn’t it too soon?”

Daphne waved her hand in front of her face and shook her head. “Not at all. There are many things that need to be prepared to welcome your son.” Daphne thought. She took a short breath. “I hope it’s a son. But even if your first child is a girl, it won’t be a problem.”

Daphne resumed her steps. Yocelyn followed her, and Garrett had no choice but to join them.

“Take care of this quickly. Especially the invitations and the hotel. I don’t want anything overlooked.”

Yocelyn nodded, not slowing her pace. “Very well, madam.”

It seemed that only Garrett didn’t understand. His mind questioned. Was Daphne going to throw a party for Elice’s pregnancy?

The answer was yes. That was indeed Daphne’s wish.

“This is good news we should announce, Garrett. It’s only right that Elice’s pregnancy is welcomed.”

Daphne said as they entered an empty room. Daphne surveyed the room. With a window facing east, it was hoped that the incoming sunlight would provide a warm and healthy atmosphere for the baby who would occupy it later.

Daphne smiled. “What about this room, Garrett? Are you okay with this being your baby’s room?”

Garrett hadn’t expected that Elice’s pregnancy would have such a dramatic effect. And he couldn’t refuse any of Daphne’s wishes. Even if it meant celebrating and preparing the baby’s room.

“Look at this, Garrett,” Daphne said later. “Do you like it, Elice?”

Daphne, who had taken the time to come into the couple’s room, displayed some baby supplies on a tablet. Cribs, strollers, and even clothes and toys.

“Nana,” Elice whispered softly. “Isn’t it too soon to be getting everything ready?”

Daphne didn’t lift her face from the tablet screen. Her fingers scrolled, this time showing several interior designs for the baby’s room.

“Nothing is too soon when it comes to a baby, Elice. I’m old enough to know that time flies. You may find yourself unprepared when the day of delivery approaches.”

Elice took a long breath. She glanced at Garrett, who also seemed overwhelmed by Daphne’s enthusiasm. Until at some point Norah said to them.

“Anyway, Nana’s still Nana. Any grandmother would do the same thing if she knew her grandchild was pregnant.”

What Norah said was true. And to be honest, the couple could understand Daphne’s good intentions. But something was different here.

Thanks to Elice and Garrett’s conversation the night before, and some facts that were open between them, a sense of anticipation inevitably arose. Some doubts about Daphne’s form of care surfaced and could not be dismissed. Was Daphne sincere? Or the opposite?

However, when Elice was resting that night, Daphne came back to her room. As she approached Elice, the expression on Daphne’s face looked truly loving.

“I hope you will take care of yourself and your baby as best you can, Elice. Whatever happens, you must be a strong woman. Not just for yourself. But for the child you’re carrying.”

Daphne’s eyes fell on Elice’s belly. Her look was so tender. And in that moment, Elice’s heart was truly touched.

“Of course, Nana,” Elice nodded. “I’ll take care of myself and the baby as best I can.”

Daphne smiled when she heard Elice’s words. She reached for Elice’s hand. She held it gently. And for this loving treatment, there was a corner of Elice’s heart that couldn’t doubt it. That there was a side of Daphne that truly cared for her.


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