Thalia’s Pov
I finally got myself together and exited the restroom. Because of the wet pink sweater I was wearing,
which was virtually pouring, I could sense eyes hovering over me. ‘Why wasn’t it f**king black in color?’
I cursed myself.
When I turned the corner, Josh and his sk*nk were chatting to their lawyer. They came to a halt and
peered at me as soon as they saw me.
“Oh, my G*d! Did she just pour water on herself?” Jessica the ska nk yelled, causing everyone around
to look at me.
Josh kept his palm on his mouth as if he was about to laugh, but restrained himself. A voice in my head
told me to get away, but as I tried to move, my feet went numb, compelling me to stare at the floor.
Josh said out loud, “Sweetheart, we don’t have time for this; remember, we have a wedding to plan.”
My heart sk*pped out of nowhere, and I was on the verge of passing out. For the sake of balance, I
moved near the wall.
I had no idea why he despised me so much, or why he relished the opportunity to see me cry. He Property © NôvelDrama.Org.
betrayed me even though I was a perfect. wife who gave him everything: my heart, my soul, and my
Heavy hands pressed against my back, forcing me to turn behind me, and I found my lawyer, who said,
“Thalia, you should go home.”/
As a tear streamed down my cheek, I ignored him and turned my attention towards Josh, who was
smirking. To spite me, he strolled over to his s*ank and grabbed her face, kissing her passionately.
Derick roared at him, “Have a soul,” and dragged me away.
“What happened, Thalia, and why are you wet?” He inquired.
I stammered, “It… it….was an accident.”
He suggested, “Oooh Thalia, come with us; you are welcome to stay at our house till you get up on
your feet.”
Before I could reply Melissa cradled me and exclaimed, “Ooooh my G*d, Thalia.” She handed me her
coat and said, “Here, take that.” I took it and thanked her without hesitation. They were nothing but kind
to me.
And I’d had enough of them; it wasn’t right for me to continue receiving charity from them. I wasn’t even
in contact with Melissa after graduating from high school, I hadn’t seen her in years. However, when
the Angel ran into me at the courts, I was in tears, as I always was.
I didn’t have a lawyer or any money, but she assured me that her husband would take my case on a
pro gratis basis.
“Are you with us, Thalia Thalia?” Melissa initiated the conversation.
“Thank you guys for everything you’ve done for me, but I’m afraid I won’t be able to go with you,” I
remarked quietly.
“No, no, where are you going?” Melissa said, “You’re coming with us.”
“Please, you people have already done so much for me,” I said as tears. streamed down my face. “I
have a penthouse up north, and I’m going to stay there for a while!” I lied.
Derick gave me a strange look, he was my lawyer and knew everything about the properties Josh and I
owned, or should I say Josh owned. I had signed everything over to him, like the m*ron that I was.
“It is my friends, she wants someone to look after the penthouse while she is out of the country,” I lied
once more, having transformed into a habitual liar in just days..
“That’s fantastic news,” Melissa said, turning to her husband and suggesting, “Derick, we can drop her
off,” but I denied their offer.
With their sympathy, the two were starting to irritate me. I knew they meant well but their generosity
was beginning to suffocate me.
I finally got them off my back after lying to their faces for what seemed like an eternity and boarded a
The taxi driver said, “Where to ma’am?”
“Just keep driving east,” I said as tears streamed down my face. He drove. for an hour before stopping
and saying, “Ma’am, you need to give me at least an address, I’ve been going in circles.”
“12 Street Avenue, Pineville,” I said, my voice mournful. After a few minutes, he came to a halt on the
street and inquired about the fare. I looked through my bag and couldn’t find a single cent.
I anxiously scanned my bag over and over again but there was nothing
there, not even a coin. I wanted to get away from Melissa and Derrick so badly that I forgot that I had
no coin to my name. The driver nodded as he looked in the rearview mirror.
“It’s all right, ma’am; the ride is on me,” he said.
“I’m so sorry, I thought I had some money on me,” I apologized as I went on with my embarrassing
search. ‘My life is so sad, I reflected.
He snarled at me, “I said I’d cover it, just get out of my cab.”
His yelling brought up memories of Josh’s verbal abuse, and tears began. to fall down my face, flowing
down my cheeks.
“Hey lady! I said the ride is free,” he stated in a low tone.
“I’m so sorry, I’m sorry, thank you,” I cried out and got out of the cab as he stared at me weirdly. I
practically ran to my house, Ooh sorry, I meant the house that belonged to my ex-husband.
I was sure he was not going to be using the house with his sk*nk.
I noticed a plastic bag by the door as I walked up to it, but I ignored it and tried to open the door, which
was locked. I twisted the k*ob repeatedly, but it remained stuck.
I took my keys from my bag and attempted to open it, but the keys did. not match. Then it occurred to
me that he had changed all the doorknobs and locks. He couldn’t possibly be so stup*d!! when he was
aware that I was stranded? At least he could have been human enough. and given me some days or
hours to pack out.
I turned hopelessly and held my head, I glanced inside the plastic bag and to my shock, it contained my
belongings. Like some animal, everything was packed in a disposable plastic bag.
My stomach flipped as I realized the level he had reduced me to, a homeless idiot, without a home,
money, or car. What did I ever do to him for him to hate me so much?.
He was most likely arranging their wedding as she was in his arms but I needed to talk to him even if it
meant begging like a fool.
I took out my phone and attempted to call him, hoping that if I pleaded hard enough, he would agree to
let me stay for several days until I found a job, but I was unable to do so, he blacklisted me.
I knelt again, but this time there were no tears; perhaps my tear duct had dried up or something. I could
hear my neighbors talking amongst
themselves, but I ignored them since I assumed they were laughing at
I’m not sure how much time passed, but I just sat there, despondent and alone, with no money, family,
or friends.
I stood up, picked up the plastic, and started walking, I had no destination. but I just told myself to keep
walking. I was fatigued, blank but I kept walking for hours and had no idea where I was going.
Some cars came to a halt and inquired if I needed a ride, but I declined and continued walking. My feet
were hurting, but I persisted in walking until the sun was over me. My existence had no significance for
me; I had nothing, and no one, to live for.
No one would notice if I died, and no one would mourn my death. That was the pitiful state of my
existence. The word pathetic kept repeating itself in my thoughts as I kept insulting myself.
I came to a halt and looked around, realizing that I was on a highway surrounded by pine trees. I simply
wanted animals to appear out of nowhere and eat the sh*t out of me without a trace.
Or a car to slam into me and put an end to my miserable existence. But to my disappointment, there
was no car in sight. I crossed over and heard water, implying that a river was nearby.
I followed the sound till I came across a bridge, which I dashed to. It was a bit of a climb, but I made it.
Yes, I had finally made up my mind of where I wanted to terminate my worthless life. What was there to
live for in the first place? I proceeded carefully along the bridge, my hands on the top rails.
It appeared to be old, and I could feel it swaying and rusty, but I needed to get to the middle of the
bridge because rivers were normally deep in the center, at least that was what I thought.
I didn’t want anyone to ever come upon my stup*d body. I wanted the river to carry it as far as it ran
and if I was lucky alligators would make a meal out of it.
I was so focused on the river below that when my fingertips brushed against what felt like human skin, I
shrieked and nearly fell over, but
strong arms caught me. The bridge rocked for a few minutes as I clutched my arms in terror.
It came to a halt, and I raised my eyes to see lovely grey eyes on a very handsome pale face with
extremely dry lips staring back at me. He
coughed and spat all over my face.